Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here is the ever latest installment. I hope you enjoy. As always R&R. and if you have any suggestions please email me.

And I'm sorry but to those who wanted to know what was the potion you will just have to read and find out

as always I don't own which is a pity cause it would make my life a hellofva alot easyier.

Now on to the reading.............................................................

Li decided to go out tonight. His mate, Sakura would be asleep for awhile and that left him time to get important business done. He wore a tight fitting see-through wife beater, loose cargo pants, and a trench. All of which were black. He had his hands shoved in his pockets as he walked down the street.

He stopped at a club called, Les miserabli'. He could feel the loud music from the outside. It was a demon's club. The smell of booz and blood mixxed with heated arousal poured out on to the streets. He entered it the bouncer not daring to even look his way. Li made his way to the bar and ordered a bottle of red liquor'.

He then made his way to the the stairs. He slowly climb them. Apath being made by the demons and humans that stood on it. The dark lord soon came to the qwners office and entered it not bothering to knock. In side the office a human, A crtous demon and Sakura's personal gaurdians sat chatting some mindless chatter. The chatter as soon as Li entered the door way. All stood up showing some respect for him.

Once the Demon King had seated himself behind the desk did Ceroberus speak up. "Where is she, Li?" he demanded.Li smirked. The action caused a chill to go through out the room. Li kicked his feet up on the huge wooden desk and leaned back threading his fingers in his lap. "In my bed. Asleep."

It took all of Cero's disapline not to throttel the man in front of him. "You forced her?" Yue asked in his cold stotic way. Li remained quiet still smirking. The room knew what the silent meant-yes. Cero growled, "And the ransome?" the question made Li laugh. "Non. She belongs to me. The kingdom is hers and she is mine." His voice was devided of any emotion. His words stung at the two gaurdians.

Both gaurdians realised what this meant. He would own Avalon as well as the darkness. He ruled both the day and the night....unless. "For Sakura to fully take the throne she must have an heir." Stated Cero. Yue almost smirked at this technicality. Akmost. It was quickly squaltered when he heard Li's next reply.

"And she will in about two months time." He kept a straight face on even though he wanted to smirk at ruining there only way out. Cero blanched, while Yue gripped the arm handles very tightly. "You fucking bastard." roared a angry Cero. He stayed in his seat. That didn't stop him from calling the Dark lord every name, in every langauge he could think of.

Soon Syroan grew tired of listening to the angry Over grown cat. "THATS ENOUGH.!!!" He yelled as he stood up slamming his hands on the desk causing it to crumble.The action rattled all that were in the room besides Li him-self. Cero instantly became quiet as he felt the Demon's cold gaze settle on him.

"Why have you called me here?" He demanded. Yue sat back calmly and replied, "Because we want back our princess and her friend." He stated it so bluntly. The dark lord looked confused for a moment then sneered. "Is that all?" He asked, "Neither shall ever return to the light unless I wish them too." He looked at the two," Is that all?"

Cero thought silently as Yue said nothing. Li was just about to leave when he spoke up, "Yes. Love her." A simple request. The dark lord said nothing as he left followed closely by the rest of the room.

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Eriol and Tomoyo sat in bed laughing for a good while. When out of nowhere Eriol pulled Tomoyo close to him and kissed her. When she made no move to pull away, Eriol depende the kiss, entertwining their tongues in an winnerless battle of dominace.He heard a moan that was lost in his mouth and couldn't help but smirk slightly.

He felt her hands began to roam and decided that he should get the pleasure of doing such too. He pulled away When he remember that she would need air soon. He watched her pant through nicly bruised lips that were slightly swollen too. Once he was sure that She had time to catch her breath, he pulled her back for more. This continued for A good while. Soon however someone came to fetch Eriol.

He was taking his time getting dressed. Though it didn't help that that Tomoyo was trying to help him. She was laughing hard when He finally pulled his shirt over his head. "Are you sure you are not going to be deverly punished for taking your time?" Tomoyo asked with worry. Eriol gave her a small smile and chuckled lowly, pulling her close.

Their faces mere centimeters apart. He whispered, "No had it truely been one of great importantce, I would have been taking immeditaly." He stated just before He kissed her. She was still dazed when he left the room. She came out of her confused state of mind, she plopped down in a elongated chair. She sighed as she touched her bruised lips.

How much her life had changed in such a small time. Then a thought crossed her mind, Maybe, just maybe, she could find Sakura. She was just about to get up When a short,small maid scrurried in. "'ello, Miss. I'm 'ere ta 'elp ye in ye gettin' ta be ready for ye lord." Tomoyo looked confused for a second. The maid seemed to notice this and smiled while she elaborated.

"Ye've been requested by de Dark lord, ta be ready. soo.." She shooied.Tomoyo toward the finely furnished bathroom. The inset tub was filled with warm water. The steam allowed the perfumed liquid to fill the room with a soft sweet yet spice smell. Tomoyo quickly striped from the robe that she had donned on.

The maid noticed the extrem thinness and still slight pale tone that her skin held. What caought her attention the most was the thin, and varying scars that marred the her upper arms and lower abdomen. she busied herself while tomoyo sunk into the water. She heard the sigh that excaped her lips and turned around in time to see Tomoyo's eyes become slightly ladden.

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Sakura was in a forest at night. She was dressed in an all sheer white gown made out of a light weight material. The light drizzle had caused the gown to become like a second skin on her body. She didn't know where she was going, but her feet seemed to know. She head toward the only place that seemed to have dome light. The light was black yet white at the very same time. Every thing around her was opaque compared to the lighted place.

She moved with trained graced. No creature made a sound as she moved through the sleeping forest with deathly silence. Soon she came to the lighted area. The ground was untouched by the rain. The light came from nowhere and every where. In the middle of the clearing stood a marble alter. Three monks came forth as she ebter the clearing.

They each Placed their hands together in the silent greeting of the mages. "Welcome." One said to her. The voice was odd. It was as though It had many voices yet at the same time be void of almost anything at all. The very sound of it caused her to shiver in freight, and sheer anticipation. The three moved to surround her with a god achingly pace.

Soon they were all in place. A strange chant filled the air about her. A dark blue-black enery started to surround her. Filled her with terror and glee.Her head began to spin at the many contridictions and the power rush. She must have been falling. though she couldn't be quite sure. All she felt was something pick her up and lay her on the table.

She heard words being spoken. She didn't comprehend what was being said to her. SHe realized that they waited for an answer. She open her mouth to find it horribly dry. She took in a ragged breath and hoarsly said yes. Suddenly she tasted a warm liquid that passed her lips. She quickly cluched what ever held the liquid to her lips and drank greedily.

Sakura couldn't get enough of the warm concation. The more she drank the more a warm tingleling feeling spread thru her. Her sences seemed to become even more hieghtened as she drank. Then the Courier pulled away. The Liquid stopped flowing. She reached to grab the courier to drank once more. A low Cooing sound could be heard. Her eyes seemed to be weighted closed. They were heavy as sleep began to set in.

she was aware of what was happining around her even though her body was not. She saw the monks move closer to her body. She could see a light pink aura that surrounded her body. Then she noticed that it was begining to fade. The aura it self changed to a green, blue and black. No longer was a warm welcoming feeling about her. Instead was a cold, distant feeling that made even the coldest places seem warm.

SHe noticed that the sun began to rise. The area in which her body laid remained untouched by the sun rays. Soon the every thing began to fade. Leaving her in a grey abyss. She felt as though she was being torn in two. She thought her insides were being ripped out. She tried to scream but no words came out. Pain blinded her vision. muddled her sence of time.

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The city became alive. It seemed as though all the creatures of the night were celebrating. Howling, hooting, and other odd noices could be heard all over the place. Li stood on a tall building. It over looked the city. A cruel smile seemed to be smeared across his lips. The creatures of the night had a reason to celebrate, soon their queen would arise.

He howled along with the various chorus. He could barely wait for his mates awakening. Soon, very soon, the second creature that evil had claimed would soon open her eyes and gaze upon a world new. The thought crossed his mind and he made a gleeful sound. He took off with a speed unmatched by any creature. He wanted to beside his lovely when she awoke to meet a new day.

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Eriol came stamping through his door. Tomoyo had been dressing when Eriol came in angry. He slammed every door he passed through She had only been in her undercoats, which consisted of A camus skirt, corsett tightly drawn to keep a skinny waist and up her cleavage. When she heard the slamming of doors she wondered out to see what was wrong.

Eriol himself was furious. He could not believe what Li had done. Well, that and Li had postponed what ever he planned with Tomoyo till his' Queen' was awkake. He sat down in a huge oak chair behind an equally extravagant desk. He poured himself a drink of brandy. Lookinh up when Tomoyo walked in.

Eriol's Breath hitched at the sight of his angel dressed in her underware that left nothing to the imagenation. He watched as she slowly made her way toward him. He allowed a small smile to grace his lips as he heard her melidious voice ask him, "Is every thing alright, Eriol."

Tomoyo Walked thru the huge oak doors to find Eriol sitting in his study with a glass of brandy in his hand. she moved toward him with ages grace. She saw anger written across his features that only soften when he took notice of her. She walked so that she stood beside him. She had asked him if there was anything was wrong.

When he mearly watched her, she bent down so that she was just below his gaze. He smiled at this. She heard him mumble something incoherant to her ears. Before He fell out of his chair. shoving the chair away from him so that he could stand infront of her on his knees. He pulled her close, breathing in her scent.

Tomoyo's dark taresses fell over his shoulder as her head fell to rest on his. His hands began to travel down her back Eriol slowly began to lay soft featherlight kisses on her hair. He felt her surpress a giggle when his hands rubbed over a ticklish spots. "You are so beautiful, Luv."

Tomoyo's head snapped up when she heard what he had said to her. She saw mirth, happiness, lust and something else that made her heart skip a beat. She leaned in closer smiling a coy smile," Not as you are." This made Eriol smile a bigger leachers grin. Then she felt her lips crushed against his. The acyion took her and his breath away.

She pulled away reluntanly, gasping for breath. Her eyes were glazed over. Eriol thoght this look did quite nicely on her. His instinces wanted to claim her right here and tight now, but he wouldn't allow such horror to happen to something demeaned precious. He reclaimed her lips. His arms encircling her waist. He stood up pulling her along with him.

She hungrily kissed him, allowing him to move them to where ever. She entwined her arms around his neck, oulling him ever so closer. Both felt the need to be closer. The clothes soon disappeared as He lead them toward the room. Their hands roamed about the others bodies.

Tomoyo felt the back of her knees hit the bed. She instantly bent her knees causing both of them to fall. A low umph was heard before She started to giggle. Eriol sat up off of her. An eyebrow lifted at her unprecedented laughter. "Do I amuse you?" She shook her head, "No..." She was absolutly breathless. He leaned down smiling cruely he liked her neck. "I think I will fix that." He mumbled as he nibbled on her neck.

She gasped at the nice pleasure that she felt. She moaned. He smiled against her heck as She continued his downward asault. He teased her for a little while longer. Finally when he thought She was ready he took her. They moved slowly at first but as the need to reach fulfillment increase so did the pace. Soon both reached their climaxes. Eriol sunk his teeth into her lovely tender neck.

As Tomoyo came down from heaven, she felt Eriol lightly sucking on the wound in her neck. She whimmpered when She felt his tongue brush over the wound healing it. He lifted Himself off of her. "Did I hurt you?" Tomoyo smiled," If you did...I never noticed." She pulled him close and kissed him. Eriol rolled over to his back pulling her with him. Tomoyo laid her head on his chest. Her fingers lazly traced shapes on his chest.

Eriol wrapped his arm around her waist. He rubbed his fingers lightly around in circles. He felt sllep tug at he ever so persistanly. He looked over at the doors and willed them closed before pulling the blankets over them and following his mate in to a very blissful sleep.

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Here is chapter 13 sry about the wait. I had most of it written but I never got to finish it all.

So please I hope you have enjoyed. and don't forget to review.