Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am rewriting kingdom because others and myself thought it sucked. This is a S+S and E+T.

I do not own CC so please don't sue me. I am broke I don't even have lint to give you. This is an AU.

As night approached things seemed to change. Demons and other creatures how ruled the night, were all ready out. Li Syaoran walked among them. He was the known as the King of Darkness. He was feared by ever one. Mortals called him Satan/devil. Demons called him master/ evil.

Li wasn't of demon birth. He was born a prince of Avalon and heir of the Li clan. Li had been force in to vigorous train to become the strongest in the land and all the world. He had become cold hearted from all of the training. On the night before twentieth birthday was when it all went south. He was attacked by a demon.

The demon had left him barely alive. His sister would find him the following morning lying unconsciously on the palace steps in a small pool of blood. He had become bed ridden with illnesses that had followed shortly after the attack. His mother queen Yelen had tried to heal him with magic but his illness just seemed to grow worst.

He had been near death when the demon reproached him.

"You're dieing." Li used the little strength he had to sit up. "Who are you and what the fuck you doing in my room?" Li demanded. The demon seemed to cackle, " I am Draco. I am here to offer you a second chance at life." The demon walked to the edge of the bed. " How can you give what others couldn't? Li spat out with as much harshness as he could muster.

" I am a demon. It is within my power to give life as well as to take it away. I have chosen to give you a life with out limitations, pain, and death. I can give you a world were beauty is at every corner and you can taste the very essence of life with out fear of reparations." Li looked at the demon with uncertainty " Wha….What do you want?" the demon smiled wickedly. "Oh nothing really just a traveling companion. And possibly a lover." The demon seemed to watch Li's every move.

Li knew he didn't want to die and he was to sick to really think of what the demon was asking and to what degree would the consequences would be. His mind was repeating one thing - a second chance at life - Li had made his a decision. " Please, give me" Li had used the little strength he had up and fell to the bed unconscious.

The demon moved with lighting speed and caught Li before he hit the bed. The demon carried him outside towards the forest. When the demon stop he was in a clearing far away from the palace. In the clearing stood a marble alter with three people clocked in monks clothing stood. " He is willing." The demon stated. The monks nodded " does he know the extent in which….." "NO" the demon swiftly moved towards the alter and laid Li down on it. The monks went to work.

The ceremony went until dawn. As the sun rose higher the rays touched every thing except the clearing in which Li was still sleeping on the alter. He was no longer ill and would never be again. The ceremony had granted him immortality at the small price of his soul.

Li slept all day and awoke as the sun set. As the day turned to night it seemed to be beckoning it's new master. The demon stood beside the alter as Li awoke. " you have awaken." The demon said with a slight hint of joy in his voice. Li eyes held no emotion in them except a cold fire in them. He had gotten what he wanted, life.

The ceremony had done a lot more than give him immortality. It had given him unlimited powers. It had also claimed him as the new king of the night. Evil had claimed him as its own and had replaced the fire in him with a cold fire.

Li looked at the clothes he was wearing black silk clothes. And at his side a sword. The demon looked satisfied with how things turned out. " You should leave, demon." Li stated coldly. The demon looked shocked had Li forgotten their agreement. "Li we agreed that you would be my companion." The demon said. " Humph, Please why would I want a weakling as yourself to be my companion" Li had gotten off the alter and was slowly advancing towards the demon, who was backing away from him.


Li had killed the demon that had made him that day and never did he regret it. He was 40,000 years old and the oldest of his kind. He had mastered all forms of fighting and was considered one of the most dangerous demons of all time. He lived true to his nature; he took what he wanted when he wanted it. He had no problem with killing people he was a natural.

Li was rarely seen during the day but on an occasion he would walk the streets of modern America. He wasn't limited to the dark as most demons were. He was given an unlimited amount of power and abilities as the vessel of pure evil.

This is where I am going to leave you. If you have any questions put it in the reviews and I will try an answer it.

I would like your suggestions.

How do you think they should meet?