Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

YO, I'm back again.

As I have said before I don't own CCS if I did I would be a whole lot happier.


Sakura was standing on her balcony. It had been 2 weeks and nothing had really changed. Her lovely husband-to-be had arrived and the commotion for a big wedding had started up, Kero continued to steal food, and she had met the cold and indifferent Yue.

Sakura growled in frustration when she heard a serving girl cheerfully say " Miss, you shouldn't be outside it's quite cold and against your fathers orders." Sakura suddenly turned to glare at the cheerful girl " I wouldn't be out here if the room wasn't so hot and besides I like sitting out here to see the stars, Tomoyo." Sakura said slightly irritated yet she forced as much sweetness as she could into it.

Tomoyo smiled and nodded. She could tell that Sakura wanted to be left alone for the evening and she would grant her that. " Miss, if there is anything you need please call me, I will keep the others away to give you your privacy." Sakura nodded her consent as the girl left

Oblivious to Sakura was the fact that she was being watched. A little off to the side out of sight was a demon Refrio, he was a spy for the demon king. He was sent there to get intelligence. Refrio stayed a little longer watching Sakura before quickly stowing into the night.

As Refrio entered the underground cavern was he met the undeniable felling of dread. " Milord I have some intelligence for you." Refrio said as he bowed before Li. Li sat upon a glass like throne, his leg was thrown over one arm as his back rested on the other. Li didn't seemed pleased (though with the way he looks how could you tell)

"Refrio, tell me when did I give you permission to go directly to the king's castle?" Li coldly said. " Never. I did get intelligence sire." Replied Refrio. Li glared angrily at him. " It seems that the princess is now the heir and is to be wed within the next 4 months." Li glared even more " Every one knows that jackass"

Refrio was now fearing for his life quickly replied " to prince Eriol Higwanzs." Suddenly Li smiled, not a sweet smile but a chill to the bone smile. Li snapped his fingers. All that was left of Refrio was the echo of his screaming.

Finally another chapter finished.

~Does a little dance~

I thought this would take forever.

Please review the more reviews I get the faster I will update.

Also, please give me suggestions I am not really sure where I want this story to go or whatnot and all forms of criticism are welcomed.
