Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yo, I'm back.

I thank those that have reviewed though I am a little disappointed that with so many visits there are so little reviews ~starts crying eyes out~ oh well better luck this time.

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS if I did I wouldn't be sleeping on my boyfriends couch because minimum wage doesn't even pay for the basic stuff like RENT, FOOD, AND HOT WATER!!!!

On ward hooooooo.


Chapter 3

Li was quite pleased with what the dead spy had told him. He hadn't heard from "prince" Eriol in quite some time, but it would seem that the plan was going quite nicely. It was time for him to make an appearance to the young demon and to have a little fun.

"Talya, Maria!!!" Two figures appeared before Li. One was dressed in skintight leather pants and a leather top that that criss-crossed in the back. The other was dressed in knee-high boots, very short skirt, and a black bra with a biker's jacket over it.

"Yes master" they said in unison. Li sneered at them " I want to know more about this Sakura" he said the name as though it was poison on his tongue " I will give you the ability to walk during the day. You will have to return here every night with information or you shall never see the day again. Now leave." Li waved his hand and the to figures immediately left.

Li walked to his room once the two girls had left. In the middle of the room was a king size bed with blackish-red silk sheets. Just as he neared the bed did something start to move underneath the sheets. "Meiling, get dressed I have a job for you." Li's voice was eerily calm yet it still resounded of the wall.

The person he was talking to sat strait up at the sound of his voice allowing the blankets to fall reveling her naked body underneath. " Li… a mission what kind?" she asked in a slightly perturbed voice. All Li could do was sneer he could hear the racing of her heartbeat and he could smell that she was becoming aroused along with her fear.

" You will be retrieving Eriol, it would seem that he hasn't been a good boy and that he needs punishment." Li's voice was so cold that it sent chills up and down Meiling's spine. The coldness also told her that he wasn't in the mood for her.

" as you wish my lord I shall get dressed and make myself known to him." Was all that she said as she quickly got dressed and disappeared .

Sakura sat on a bench in one of the palaces gardens.(a/n the `palace' is more like a really huge mansion that is also like an embassy.) Yue and Kero stood close by. It was beginning to annoy her that she had no alone time, everywhere she went one of her guardians were standing right there.

She had tried to find out more about her soon-to-be-husband but that proved to be very unsuccessful. Eriol was rarely seen out side during the day and though he was alwas seen at night. She had thought it was quite weird that he would only go outside at night, especially since demons owned the night. Also that he spent most of his day in the library, study, or his room.

"Kero." Sakura's voice held little emotion, and at the moment it sounded slightly annoyed. Kero flew to her side. (he's in his small form) "yes, Sakura?" Sakura didn't even turn her head in his direction, " What do you know of Eriol?" Kero quickly recovered from the shock. " not a lot, just that he has real strong magic aura and that he has no known past. Other than that nothing not even Yue has been able to find anything on him."

Kero sounded proud " you knew I was going to check Sakura. I can't just let any one marry you and then take you away." Sakura had to smile at that. She knew Kero really cared for her and would never let anything purposely bad happen to her.

Behind Sakura stood a slightly shocked Yue. He had seen Sakura smile. It had been the first true smile on her face since he had started. Yue silently cursed himself for being so stupid in the first place.

He had found out since she had started protecting her that underneath her cold demeanor was a very warm and kind person. He had found that out from the calming effect her aura had on him and on other people around her. He had tried to find out from Kero why she was like that, but not even Kero new.

Suddenly both Yue and Kero caught the scent of the one thing that was rarely seen during the day- demons-

I am soo cruel I know. Thank you for all those that have reviewed.

I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up but since school is finally out, YEA

I will have more time to write and do more updates. I'm also sorry if I offended any one in the author's notes chapter, I see that there are a lot of readers and only a hand full of reviews.

So any way please review you'll make me happy and you'll help me boost my extremely small ego.

Ciao for now.