Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ WHAT!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yo, I am back to take another shoot at this story.

Disclaimer: no I still do not own CCS but if you are filthy rich and would like to give me a present I would love it *_*

It may be awhile before I can update the next chapter since I now have two full time jobs and a part-time I don't have a lot of time during the day and I am very tired at night (god damn minimum wage) if you want me to email you when I update please leave your e-mail in the review or send it to me


Oh just so you know the time lapse between when Li sends his minions and Sakura in the park is about a two weeks and yes I know she was going to get married with in two weeks but that seemed a little to fast for me to try and write so I changed it you'll just have to read and find out how I did.

Now on with the show

Demons were not supposed to be out during the day. It was common knowledge that all except the dark lord (Li) himself couldn't walk out during the day or they would die. Both Kero and Yue silently prepared for battle. They were both paying so much attention to getting ready to fight that they didn't see Sakura slip away.

Thank god for stink bombs or in these case demon bombs. Those too really need to learn to lighten up or they'll have a heart attack before the year is up.

Sakura thought to her self silently as she quickly and oh so quietly slipped away from her two guardians. She had been planning her escape from the day that she had gotten back and then had the so-called wedding postponed for another month. She snickered slightly as she remembered the excuse she gave to have it postponed- I want every thing perfect, and I want a huge wedding with all the royal families attending including great Britain I want them jealous with envy. - That was all she had to say and her father was off and running with plans to redo every thing.

It was a good thing that Sakura kept up with the local and daily trends of today's youth or she would stick out like a sore thumb. She wore a pair of lose jeans, a baggy shirt, a hat to conceal her long hair, and a pair of Nikes. All and all she looked like a boy, which was just the look, she was going for at the moment.

Unknown to Sakura was the fact that part of her plan had gone wrong. The demons that Li had sent were now following her. They had found the bombs and had destroyed them then they sent forth a lowly dumb-ass to engage battle with her two guardians.

They knew that Sakura had been planning an escape and they were ordered to get her away from her guardians and off the grounds so that they could take easily take her. They had helped her escaped so now all they had to do was put the second part of the plan into action and they would have her.

The fight took only about 10 minuets but it was what waited after the fight that was worst, Sakura was no longer with them. They searched the area a few minuets before finally catching a whiff of her scent and realizing that she had run away. As both Yue

And Kero were both wondering how they were going to tell her father that his daughter was missing, Eriol decided to make an appearance. " Ah there you are, where is my lovely bride-to-be?" Eriol asked in a steady, happy voice as he walked up to both of the pondering guardians, with a very a beautiful and equally annoying girl following him. Suddenly both the guardians became very nervous.

Finally Kero replied " uh… well you see … uh …the…uh thing is…uh" "Sakura is missing she ran off while we were fighting off an attacker." Yue quickly interjected. Eriol's face suddenly fell as the girls right beside him had a look of forced concerned on her face. " So you mean she was kidnapped?" she sad with every once of concern she could muster. KERO shook his as Yue replied to her question " no lady meiling it would seem that she ran away on her own. I just hope we can find her before any of those filthy demons do." Meiling had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't reply to the last comment.

Eriol had finally recovered from his shock though he was still deathly pale " So why in hell are you two still standing here chatting with us when she could be getting in only god knows what?" Eriol asked slightly peeved at the situation. He already knew that Li had sent two of his best to watch Sakura and he could only imagine what Li was planning.

Once the words had left his mouth both of the guardians quickly excused them selves as they ran of towards the king's office. Once they were gone Eriol turned to meiling who was now wearing her usual evil stonic face. " What is he planning?" there was no need to elaborate on who `he' was. Meiling smiled slightly before replying " a bargaining her for the kingdom of course. You know he's been planning this for quite a long time."

Her voice dripped with venom as she remembered how the last few years had been plague with the planning of the kidnapping of Sakura. Also how Li reacted when he saw the most recent picture of her.

"I know that you dumb bitch that is why I am here." Eriol coldly hissed at her. Meiling narrowed her eyes at him no one got away with calling her a dumb bitch except Li him self. " How dare you, if you had checked in a lot more then I wouldn't be standing here babysitting your pitiful little ass." And with that she lunged at Eriol in an attempted to harm him.

Eriol moved with such speed and grace that only an old demon could have. Meiling didn't even see it coming in till she was pinned against the ground. " How dare you attack me, if it wasn't that Li has a fondness for you at the moment and reserved the right to kill you, you would be dead for what you just attempted to do." Eriol hissed at her before letting her go and quickly disappearing.

Meiling sat up and rubbed her neck as she chastised her self for being so stupid. God damn it. I should have been more careful he is a superior in age and in strength. He could have killed me. Next time I will learn to be more careful. Meiling was still silently brooding when she disappeared.

Tomoyo had seen it all. She had seen when the woman attacked the man and the man quickly counter it she even saw the man disappear just like the woman had done. Tomoyo had just arrived; she was here to help plan the wedding. Well it was more like make the dresses that the bride's maid were going to wear along with the bride's gown.

She was so happy that they had asked her to help with Sakura's wedding that she had asked them not to tell her that she was coming so that she could surprise her. Tomoyo knew that Sakura never liked the idea of arranged marriages, so she was betting that Sakura was doing all that she could to hold off on the marriage, but she would have never guessed that she would run away.

Sakura had been sent to live with Tomoyo and her mother when they were only four. (A/n the girl's were four years old not Tomoyo's mother, too o_O) Tomoyo had noticed that Sakura was a very bubbly (happy) girl, but after years of miss Lovely's academy for girl's, she changed Sakura was only that way when she was in the private company of her close friends- Tomoyo and Kero- to the public she remained properly unemotional and detached from any thing.

YEAH BABY! I finally got another chapter done

~ Does a little dance around the room before sitting down again~

I have finally come to a decision I do not care if you R&R as long as there are 3 visits per chapter I will continue writing. I will thank all those that have R&R my story you guys are the best I thank you greatly
~slings confetti around with a sign over head saying THANK YOU~

Any way if you do have a chance please R&R and also if you want me to e-mail you with the updates please send me your e-mail addy or leave it in a review.

My email address is

And if you have any questions for me please don't hesitate to ask.

Ciao for now…


When you have the time check out some of my other stories

Poems- just some poetry I wrote and decided to put up

When is it…- post apocalyptic years ago four beings were created to help set the troubled and forgotten youth of tomorrow free but something went wrong and they were lost. Now it is up to one person to locate and bring back alive the only problem is that they have their own demons to face.

Here we are- ever wonder how vampires came to be?

This story takes place in about 20,000 B.C in the time of the pharos of Egypt and of Greece. Two siblings have to fight to keep their humanity alive and they're past a secret, but as one begins to lose what they hold dear, the other must make a life altering decision.