Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ kingdom ❯ encounters ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I am back sorry for the wait, but I have been working over time so I can get some money O_o. Any way if you want to know when I update please leave it in a review or e-mail me at and I'll let you know. Also I would love ideas of where you would like to see this story go and how I can improve it.

Disclaimer: I DO Not OWN `EM!!! If I did I wouldn't be working over time for a shitty, sexist boss who has absolutely no appreciation for those who work tirelessly for the asshole.

Sorry, on with chapter six!


Sakura was defiantly not used to the "big city", but she had already decided that she was defiantly not going to turn around and go back to her hell. Instead she turned on her cd player and listened to her Linkin Park cd (METEORA ^_^) as she got on the train.

Talya and Maria stayed as close as possible. Poor Sakura, she had absolutely no idea what was waiting for her. Sakura was just vaguely aware of the people that were getting on and off the train. She had bought a ticket to LA. She had decided before she runaway that if she was going to do it she was going to go some place warm.

The train had just stopped to let on more passengers and luggage. Sakura was so engross in her own world that she didn't notice the man standing beside her until he tapped her on her shoulder. Sakura nearly jumped out of her skin.

She smiled as she placed a hand over her racing heart and took off her headphones. The man smiled back, but the smile wasn't kind it was slightly cold.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that I was only asking if this seat was taken." The man had chocolate/ cinnamon brown hair, amber eyes, one hell of a body (you know what I'm talking about `the works'), and he spoke with a New Yorker accent. " Oh no you can sit here if you wish." She said as she moved to pick up her stuff.

Once he was sitting, she turned to him and said " I'm Ying Fa (I think that's how it's spelled). Where you going?" The man turned to her, his stare felt as though it was looking in to the depths of her soul. " Xiao Lang, LA. You?" Was his reply. Sakura smiled " Cool, I'm going there myself." The man raised an eyebrow before saying "Oh, is that so. What is a beautiful lady such as your self traveling all the way to LA?"

Sakura blushed at the compliment given to her. She remained quite for a short while as she racked her brain to figure out a good answer to his question. The man could see her obvious discomfort and if she had looked up at that moment, she would have seen the he was enjoying her discomfort. " Well, I decided that I needed a change. So I decided a change in pace and in climate would be good. And you, why are you going?"

Li looked at Sakura. He was surprised at how talkative she was. However, he was more surprised at how beautiful she was. He had seen a picture of her but it did little justice to the true thing.

" No I don't mind … Ying Fa." Li paused slightly reading her thoughts before he continued, " I'm going there because there is some pertinent business that requires my personal attention." Behind Li and Sakura sat Talya and Maria. They were slight shell shocked from seeing, their master, Li sit beside Sakura and act relatively humane.

As they both sat quietly behind them, they could hear all of their conversation. They heard the hidden meaning to his reason why he was going to LA. They heard him tell them to meet him in the luggage car to discuss business, later that evening.

After an hour or two talking Sakura finally decided to take a nap for a while. That was when Li decided it would be good to take a walk. Just as he left the car did he take note of the time, 6:00. Once he was in the luggage car did he call upon his two followers. "Well?" his voice was so cold that it was ice it self. Talya and Maria both came out and bowed slightly. Maria was the first to speak " I thought you wanted us to take her?" Maria's voice was slightly unsure of what to say.

Li sneered at the uncertainty in her voice, " I thought it would be best if I handle this personally, besides its been a while since I've gotten one to play with." The last part of the sentence sent chills down their backs, not just because of the way, he said it but also the way he looked. The cold look in his eyes and the cruel smile that was playing on his lips, gave him the look of a true killer. Then there was a different glint in his cold amber eyes, a look that look somewhat like lust.

"Maria Return and tell Meiling that I want Eriol and her back within the next 8 days. Now leave." Li had not taken his eyes off Talya who was unusually quite during the whole exchange. Maria was about to say something when she noticed that Li had taken a step towards Talya, who had not moved at spoken at all.

Once, Maria had left did Li attempt to appease his desire… his lust. It was one of the most violent encounters he had ever had. Within 10 minuets, he had killed her (feisty little bastard ain't he o_O) and with the quick wave of his hand, her body was gone but his desire wasn't. Suddenly he felt the urge to return to his seat, he knew that Sakura was about to wake up.

Just as he sat down did her eyes flutter open. He felt a sudden pulled at his heart when he saw her flashed a smile at him. " You didn't sit there the whole time, did you, Xiao?" "No, I got up to grab something to eat. Now that I mentioned that here." He threw her a roll that he pulled from a bag.

Her eyes widen at the sight of it. " Tha … thank you, Xiao. How did you know?" Li smiled slightly before replying, " your stomach was growling so loud that I could barely thing, and from the looks of it you bought the bare minimum for the ticket which doesn't include food or sleeping accommodations, am I right. Which probably means that this was an impromptu trip." Sakura Looked shocked at what he had said, not only was he correct but also how could he known that.

Li looked quite pleased with the fact that her heart was starting to race and the look of fear starting to appear across her face. Then he started to feel slightly guilty for scaring her. He pushed a side that feeling with disgust, he was Xiao Lang (Syaoran) Li Demon king; he was the very thing that defined evil.

"Well I was thinking since you decided for a little change that I could help you…." Li's voice suddenly grew colder as he talked to her. It was then that she noticed that there were no other passengers in this particular train car. " I'm willing to bet that your family would pay a very nice ransom for you." Li leaned in slightly as he took her chin his hand.

Suddenly Sakura got back her backbone when he touched her and pulled away from him as she slapped him hard. The slap didn't hurt, it tingled slightly but that was all. Li's face suddenly harden as he stood up and yanked Sakura from her seat, making her stuff clatter to the ground.

He pulled her taunt against his body before he said, " I would not do that again if I were you. I've slaughtered for a lot less." His voice was colder than ice and harder than steel. From the look in his eyes, he was also enjoying the fact that she was scared. Sakura tried to tear her eyes from his cold amber ones but it seemed as though she could not.

"Why me, jackass? I mean you could've have taken any one, asshole, but you choose me." Sakura sudden outburst forced Li to let go of her while she went on with her rampage. Li didn't have to worry about Sakura trying to escape he had already sealed the doors. Sakura had turned to him waiting for to answer her when she notices two things, one he wasn't holding her, and two there was a strange look in his eyes.

Li stood there watching her with amusement obvious on his face. Yet, as he stood there he had a longing to hold her in his arms as he had done only moments before. He could tell his body missed her warmth and it was starting to drive him nuts. He had never felt anything this strong before even before evil had claimed him, he had never desire anything as what he was now.

Li saw that she was waiting for an answer from him and that her fear of him was steadily growing again and for so reason just that alone made him ache. He suddenly started to circle her as if she was prey. " You want to know why, koi?" he whispered in her ear from behind her as his arm snaked its way around her waist.

Sakura felt funny since this all began. When Li had pulled her against her, she felt hot, as if she had fire running through her veins. Now she felt the same way, only now were ever he touched her there were small fires erupting there. She could feel Li's lips against her ear and his warm breath down her throat.

Li didn't even bother waiting for her answer when he started to kiss her, hell he wasn't even thinking when his lips started brushing over her pulse point. He knew it was a mistake to touch her but now it was to late. He continued down her throat to her shoulders when she made no protest he turned her around to catch her lips in a soul-searing kiss.

Sakura was surprised when she first felt Li's lips brush against her throat. Yet, for some reason it felt so good to have him kiss her. She wanted more when he suddenly turned her around and claimed her lips. Her gasp gave him the ability to deepen the kiss.

Sakura felt her head spinning from the lack of oxygen when Li started kissing her jaw line moving to her ear. Both their hands started doing some exploring of their own. Sakura started to kiss Li when he began to nibble at her throat. Li felt like he was drunk. He couldn't get enough of her. His mind had long since given up trying to tell him to stop that what he was doing wasn't right.

His instincts had taken over. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to, not that her moans were helping any. He could feel her rubbing against him in perfect agonizing pleasure. " Sakura… do you want me?" Li huskily whispered in her ear.

Sakura was running her hands over his back when she notices a distinct hardness press into her. Every time she press her hips into his she felt shocks of electricity shoot through every time she did it, and from the groans he was giving she could tell that he did too. It took her moment to figure out what Li had asked her. She could only nod when she did because she didn't trust her voice. She could feel him smirking against her neck when she answered him. "Good".

Suddenly he was kissing/sucking her lips. She could barely register the fact that the scenery had long since changed from the train to a huge room. Li laid Sakura on the silk covered bed that was in the middle of the room. He only broke the kiss when he pulled of her shirt and bra.

He saw her shiver. He didn't know if it was from the slight chill to the room or from his gaze. Sakura tried to cover her self when she felt a chilled wind brush across her now bare chest. "Don't" said Li as he pulled her arms away. Sakura looked up at him with untried innocence " Don't what?" he moved forward to kiss her as a hand started to touch her breast.

" Don't hide your self from me. Your so beautiful, Koi." He said as he nuzzled her neck, before moving down to her chest. Sakura's hands started to pull at his shirt wanting more contact than what she was getting. Once his shirt was gone, she flatten her palms over his well-toned chest. From the little light that was in the room, she could tell that he had the perfect body.

She started to pant as Li suckled her breast. She could feel his hand brushing against her secret place. She was so wet when he brushed against her. She would feel him probing her. She had tangled her fingers in his hair as he started thrusting his fingers in and out of her. Soon it became too much for her to handle and suddenly she snapped.

Her scream sounded like a broken up version of his name. Li started kissing downward when she came, smirking the whole time. Sakura tried to catch her breath when she felt him kissing her abdomen. He was griping her thighs tightly as he spread them for better access.

He looked down at her, she was soaking wet with her juices. Her eyes were screwed shut as she tried to regain control of her breathing. " Look at me, Sakura." Sakura eyes flew open to look at him. She watched as he lowered his mouth to her nether lips. She wanted to look away but couldn't, it was as if his cold heated gaze had entranced her.

His eyes never left hers as he ate her. She tasted so sweet and all he wanted was more. He felt her insides trying to grip his tongue as he licked her. `More' was all he could thing during this. He was quite pleased with himself he felt her shake and a second helping of her wonderful juices came out.

Once he had licked her clean did he kiss his way back to her lips. Sakura could taste her self on his lips and in his mouth when she shoved her tongue past to duel the unyielding battle. She could feel the material of his pants nipping at her and she wanted them gone. She slightly growled in frustration and because she was the only one not dressed.

Li chuckled when he heard her growl and lift her hips to his. He felt her tiny little hands try to unbutton his pants. He leaned to her ear " Having problems?" his voiced sounded amused at the fact that she was having problems. Suddenly Li found himself looking up at the ceiling with her straddling him.

At first she was kissing/licking/nipping at his chest but the need burn inside her grew too much for her to handle. So, she began to move down to where she felt the hardness. She may have been a virgin but she knew what it was. When she finally got off his pants and boxers did she notice that he was very well endowed.

Li watched her during her whole exploration. The little light that was in the room made her look unearthly. Her pale skin glowed along with her emerald green eyes. He was so engrossed in his thoughts of her that he didn't notice he was completely nude until he felt her take his rock hard member in her mouth.

It was a tight fit but she gotten him all in her mouth. When she first felt him thrust up she almost had gagged. Soon they had a set rhythm. He entwined his fingers in her hair when he felt her sucking him. He looked at the back of her head as it bobbed up and down.

He felt his climax fast approaching and tried to pull her off while saying " Sakura…oh… you have to…um…keep going…no… stop…Sakura" Sakura smiled slightly she loved the power she had over him. She almost gagged when he came in her mouth.

A little of it dribbled out on her chin and he thought she looked wonderfully erotic. He suddenly pulled her up to kiss her, flipping her over in the process. He skillfully balanced his weight on his arms as he positioned himself at her entrance.

He pulled away from the kissed to look at her. "sorry" was the only thing he said before reclaiming her lips and thrusting himself all the way to the hilt. Her scream was lost it his mouth when he broke her barrier. She felt he still and whisper sweet nothings in her ear trying to ease the pain she felt.

When she was ready, she raised her hips to rub against his. He looked at her while he slowly started to thrust into making she was okay. Soon the pain gave away to an unbelievable pleasure. Soon she was raising her hips to meet his.

At first he had to rest his head against her shoulder, she was so tight that it was difficult to maintain his self-control. When he felt her rub against him he gathered all the control he could muster. She hoarsely chocked out for him to go faster which he happily did. She knew that he was holding back on her and she wanted him to lose control.

"please…harder…um…faster" was all that Sakura said before he lost control. He was pounding it to her so fast and hard that she was pushed over the edge. Li felt his control slip and felt and heard her climax. Her rippling muscles triggered his own climax. She moaned when she felt something to warm enter her. Just before he pulled out of her,

she felt him bite her, " Mine."

Sakura jolted awake from the position she was in, which was her head leaning on the window next to her. She noticed that Li had just sat down beside her and looked slightly worried " you okay?"b

YEAH BABY! I finally have another one out. Sorry for the long wait but work, babysitting, and other stuff I just haven't had the time to update. Any who… thank you all for those who have reviewed I love you all and for those who just read it then leave `glares at audience' please review I don't mind flames and what not.

I didn't originally mean for this chapter to have a lemon in it but I started writing and thought that it would fit in with the way things are going. Any way you'll just have to wait until next time to see what happens,

P.s I know there is some OCness but it will be explained in all do time.