Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Capture the Moon Cards ❯ Resting and Remembering... ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Card Captor Sakura

Mission to Capture The Moon Cards

Part 6

By: Kat Lee

"Moonlight Star!" Sakura called out

Sakura looked around to find a new friend she was acquainted with a few days ago. Her and Moonlight have been meeting each other in the 'Sorcerer World' everyday, before going to bed. Moonlight has been teaching Sakura some new techniques of Magic and spells, and Sakura learns quickly as what Moonlight says. Sakura has yet to find the last two new cards, and Syaoran already has three new cards he captured. 'Now let's see… he just got Strength, Add and the Water Card.' Thought Sakura remembering all those battles.

Syaoran jumped away from the powerful attack of Strength. As what he heard, Strength is like the combined powers of the Power and Fight Card. Strength had a figure, like all other statues cards. It was of a man, wearing red robes, and everything else on him was red-ish but his golden eyes. Syaoran groaned in pain. He landed in the branches of the trees. Sakura stepped up to the stand and summoned her Angel Card to help fight. The Strength grabbed hold of Angel's arm. Sakura yelled out to warn her, but Strength threw her and was turned back into a card. Sakura saw Syaoran jumped out of the tree. She faced him, "What now? The Moon Cards get stronger and stronger." She told him.

Syaoran faced her with his umber eyes. "I don't know. Dia said the Strength Card was the combined powers of Fight and Power Card."

Sakura looked down. "Maybe, you can…use the Time Card!"

He looked down at his own card. He saw that Strength was heading their way with one of his powers. "It's worth a try." He held on his card, and pushed away Sakura. "Hey!"

He jumped into the air as the Strength followed his moves. Syaoran caught his attention by yelling out at him. Sakura thought for a while. Then she decided to use the Earthy Card. She took out her slender pink card and threw it into the air. "Earthy Card, Release!"

He Earthy powers crashed into Strength. The card rolled, as the earthy started to attack again. Strength saw Earthy, and it was a few inches away. Strength narrowed its eyes and swung its arm through the card. Sakura got shocked. Her card returned to her. "Syaoran!" she yelled out to him.

Syaoran saw that strength was heading towards Sakura. He twirled his sword and rushed towards the card. He pulled back his sword then struck forward. Strength was knocked down to the floor. Syaoran took out his green slender card, Time. He was about to call out, but the Card knocked him down and Syaoran lost his card. "Ah!"

Sakura ran towards to his card to give it to him, but Strength punched her away. She hit the tree hard and couldn't breathe. As she hit the ground, she was coughing out for air. Sakura opened her eyes to see spray of blood on the ground. She could taste the blood in her mouth, and wiped off the drip on the side of her mouth. Strength came running towards her, and she cried out. Syaoran kicked him away, and did an uppercut with his sword. He ran to his beloved side. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah." Nodded Sakura. "Look you have to use the Time card right away, and weaken him. I think I have a plan." She stood up with the help of Syaoran. They saw Strength struggling to get up. "Look he is down, hurry and go get Time. When he is up, I'll distract him. You go and use the card and struck him a few more times."

Syaoran wanted to refuse to do this plan, but there was no other choice. "Just be careful Sakura."

Sakura nodded. She pointed to the card on the floor, "Hurry, run and get it!"

Strength got up and saw Syaoran run towards his card. He was going to run after it, but Sakura threw a rock on its head. It growled and got annoyed. Sakura smiled nervously and waved. "Hee, hee. Come and get me!" she stuck out her tongue and ran away from Syaoran. A sweat drop appeared from the card and Sakura's head. 'I can't believe this was my plan.' She thought. The card got annoyed and ran after her with super speed.

Syaoran grabbed the card and saw how Sakura stuck out her tongue and ran away. Syaoran sweat dropped at her. "That's her plan on distracting him?" he asked to no one. Syaoran clenched his sword, held tightly on the card and ran after the two.

Sakura ran into a dead end and she quickly turned to face the raged Card. "Uh-oh!" She looked around. "Um…"

The card stopped and saw how Sakura shake in fright. He laughed in mockery. Sakura pouted in anger, "What's so funny!" she spat out.

Strength threw back its arm and plunged forward. Sakura closed her eyes to feel the pain. "Time Card, Release!"

Sakura didn't feel anything and heard Syaoran yell out those words. She slowly opened her eyes. Then right in front of her was the fist. She looked at it in fright and surprise, with wide eyes. She then fainted at the closeness.

Syaoran sweat dropped. Then his face turned back to serious mode. He held on to his sword and swung it at the card. Strength got thrown into the air, and got kicked against the wall. The card was unfrozen and clenched on to his stomach. Syaoran walked up to the card, "Give up, Strength."

The card looked up, and saw the Umber eyes of the young Card Master. It sat up and smirked, "You're strong, but not that strong compared to the evil that will come."

Syaoran raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he asked coldly.

"You'll be needing me, so I'll join you." It stood up and bowed down to Syaoran.

He looked down at him in surprise. He closed his eyes and chanted the spell in capturing his card. Two lights shot up into the night sky. Strength enters its master and the light blinded the scene. Syaoran opened his eyes and found his new card in his hands. "Strength. This card is too much to handle…" he muttered.

He turned his head, as he heard a soft moan. He almost forgot about Sakura. He ran to her side, and put his face too close to hers. Sakura moaned again then opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, and saw a figure in front of him. She fixed her vision and saw a face too close to hers. She screamed and bumped her head into the person in front of her. Syaoran quickly put his hands on his nose and felt the pain rush to his nose. Sakura rubbed her head, and saw Syaoran in pain. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Syaoran! I'm soooooooooooooo sorry!" she put her hands on to his. "Dose it hurt that bad?"

Syaoran glared, "You think?"

Sakura frowned in worry. "I'm sorry…"

His face softened. "It's not your fault."

He wanted to hug her, but he already felt the blood coming out of his nostrils. Sakura smiled at him, and took out a cloth from her pocket. (Hmmm… I wonder where she got that? I don't think she holds any cloth in her pocket.) "Here use this. It doesn't matter if it has blood on it."

Syaoran placed the cloth on his nose. "C'mon I'll help you with that, when we get to your place"

The two got up and walked away. Kero is gonna have a laugh at his face when he sees Syaoran. He sighed at that thought.

Sakura smiled at that past. She looked around some more. I mean she would be here; it's just one blossomed Sakura tree. "Moonlight! C'mon where are you. I need to tell you something." Sakura looked above her, but only saw the blossoms of Sakuras. She sighed, "I guess I'm early." She said to her self. She sat down near the roots of the tree, and just listened to the winds gently blow through the tree.

Sakura closed her eyes under the tree. 'Maybe one day, I'll invite Syaoran over here.' She waved her hand and a colorful and magical butterfly fluttered around her. She giggled as it kissed her cheek. Moonlight had taught her this spell. It was just for fun, and Sakura enjoys this spell. The butterfly disappears and Sakura closes her eyes again.

The power of a wave of water passed by Sakura almost caught her head in it. Yue flew up into the sky, holding on to his mistress. Sakura looked at the card. It was a dark blue blob of water glowing in its color. Like all other elemental Moon Cards, it had no form. Yue looked down at Sakura, "Are you ok?"

Sakura nodded. They flew back down and he let go of her. Syaoran moved swiftly, dodging the water blasts. Sakura ran into the battle, and called out her card. "Star Card, Release!"

Syaoran ran past Sakura. The Water Card threw another blast, but the Star card came out right on time shielding the attack. Sakura looked behind her. Syaoran fell on the floor and he was breathing out hard. He looked up at her and nodded his thanks. Sakura looked forward at her little star. "Star card, use your water attack to push Water away!" She commanded.

The card looked back and nodded. With one of its hands, a blast of water pushed forward at the attacking card. The blue water blob used its spray of water, pushing back the other water attack. It was struggling to not lose this fight. The Star pushed as hard as it can. "Hold it up more, you can do it!" called Sakura, encouraging her card.

"Sakura, use a thunder card. Water is weak against thunder. Just like what we learned in class." Shouted Syaoran.

Sakura nodded and took out her thunder card. She threw the card into the air, and waved her staff, "Thunder Card. Release!"

Bolts of lighting surged through the water attack and shocked the big water blob. It fell down to the ground. Syaoran ran over to it, "Watch out Syaoran. It's not weak yet!" warned his guardian.

The water floated back up and grew bigger in rage. It saw Syaoran, and threw a ball of powerful water attack. Syaoran dodged it quickly by a hair. 'That was close.' He told himself. He used his sword to get back up. He breathed tiredly.

Keroberus noticed this action. "He's getting tired easily."

Dia looked at her master, "Almost half of the Moon cards a in his possession. The moon cards are already his, so they use his energy. The water is a stubborn card. So it wants to use as many energy it wants. It doesn't want to lose easily."

Sakura had to do something. Syaoran was getting weaker and slow. She took out her thunder card again. "Thunder Card, Release!"

The bolts nearly hit the water, but it dodged the attack. It grew bigger, and Syaoran dropped to the ground. Sakura ran over to him, but the water turned into a water tornado and swept Syaoran in it. "Syaoran!" Sakura was going to grab his hand, but couldn't.

Syaoran couldn't breath. He slowly opened his eyes, and only saw blue everywhere. 'Am I in…water?' He heard voices, but could only hear the swirl of water and bubbles. He looked around, and saw Sakura and the others looking up at him. He chocked out: he needed air. 'Please stop!' he yelled through his mind.

'You have humiliated me. I am the strongest! Now I want to destroy you and that girl. But…I'll kill you first.' The card said through his mind.

Syaoran opened his mouth and yelled out in the water. "Noooooooooo!!!!"

The water tornado got slender and slender, trying to stretch out Syaoran into billion of pieces. Sakura ran up to the water, "No! Don't! Stop it! He's your master!" tears welded up in her eyes. She ran towards the tornado to join Syaoran, but was stopped by Yue. She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "Yue?"

"He will make it out. Just like you did." He said in his monotonous voice.

Sakura wiped her tears and looked up to watch poor Syaoran drown.

Syaoran fell unconscious after that last breath of air he yelled out. The water continued to do what it desires. Then out of nowhere something happened. Water stopped and couldn't move. It was surrounded with a green aura. It looked down at Syaoran, glowing in Green too. 'What's happening?' the card asked to its self.

The people below watched in awe. "What's going on…?" Sakura asks.

Dia shook her head, "I don't know…"

He heard voices, it was talking to him, but he didn't understand. Water stood frozen, then it saw on Syaoran's head a green gem glowing on his head. 'His powers is tremendous.' It told its self. The water tornado broke apart, and shrunk back to its true form. A raindrop, the size likes all other elements. It floated in the air, the same length as Syaoran. He was still surrounded in a green aura, and the green gem was still there.

Dia's gem on her head sparked with Syaoran's. Sakura looked at them both. "Huh?"

"Ryouka…she knew that Syaoran would be the master…so she changed the Ryouka Cards to Moon cards." Dia said in surprise. "I didn't know why she did it, but now I do. Ryouka knew she would die, and saw that someone will own the Cards. She released all her powers, and it was send to someone. And that is Syaoran. He has her powers, and that makes him the descendent of Ryouka."

"Whoa! Syaoran is the descendent of two powerful sorcerers. He must be really strong." Commented Keroberus.

Sakura turned her head towards Syaoran. He was still floating, closing his eyes. The raindrop looked at its master. "My master, I choose to go with you. I want to fight with someone as powerful as my former mistress."

Syaoran opened his eyes; it was no longer the umber color. It was jade green, looking down at the Water Card. The card gasped, "Ryouka…"

Syaoran let out his hand, and the raindrop floated on top. The raindrop changed into a card, and he held it. Syaoran smiled. He closed his eyes and his aura faded. He then fell from the air. Yue saw him, and quickly caught the boy. He put him down, and Sakura held him closely. "Syaoran… I though I lost you." She whispered, and hugged him tightly.

Sakura hugged herself. The wind gently played with her soft brown hair. The Star and Angel Card flew out of her pile and appeared standing on the fields. 'The add card was no problem. All it did was multiplied everything into millions of copies. Dia said that Add, was like the Twin and Mirror Cards.' Sakura looked up a head of her. She saw her two powerful card look down at her, smiling sweetly. 'Syaoran used the Ice card to stop the Add Card. I don't know what happened but he just let out his hand, and the Add just turned back into a card.'

The Add card was a little malicious girl. She was wearing like revealing clothes, like a belly dancer in Arabia. She was in all shades of pink.

Sakura stood up and smiled at her cards. They gave her a welcoming hand. She was going to reach them, but they ran from her. Sakura laughed and chased after Star. Sakura has been enjoying her new cards. They were playful and useful. Moonlight told her, that these cards are different. They can somehow talk out loud, like the Moon Cards. Sakura laughed, as the cards did too. She tapped on Angel, and ran away, as the card chased after either one.

Moonlight sat on the branch, watching the Card mistress play with her cards. She smiled at that scene. "She is always full of energy. That's what Kero told me. It's too bad she had to die when I was…7" she whispered. Moonlight continues to watch her play around. The sound of the musical laughter played all around the only Cheery Blossom. Sakura smiled widely. 'I know I have the powers to watch over those whom I love the most.'

To Be Continued…


Kat: How was that? Is it ok? I didn't expect that much people to read my stories. I'm so grateful, especially on this fic. Thanks guys for reviewing. I'll go finish my other fics, and maybe scan some more fan art for these fics. Plz keep on Reviewing!

Disclaimers: Don't own anything on this anime, except for Dia and the story line.