Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Capture the Moon Cards ❯ Time Goes by Fast... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kat: There is a mushy part of ExT. But the story line still goes on. Also there are SxS and KxOC

"…" Talking

'…' Thinking


Card Captor Sakura

Mission to Capture The Moon Cards

Part 5


Kero's little cub ear flickered. He turned his head to see his mistress in distress. He turned off his game and flew onto her shoulder. He brushed some hair from her face, "What's wrong Sakura?"

Sakura didn't even move. "I've been… I've been having these dreams lately, and I don't understand them." She answered in her not so cheery mood.

Kero tilted his head a little, "What kind of dreams?"

Sakura closed her eyes, remembering all those pieces of her dreams, "You see, this girl is always appearing in every dream I have. She said hat she might be from the future, but I'm not sure. It seems like she is. She said that, near the judgment of Syaoran's she will appear? And that she is there to help. I think she said, that after judgment a greater evil is to come, and that she is there to prevent what will happen to her time. But I'm not sure what to say."

Kero was a little surprised. "Have you told Li about it?"

Sakura shook her head.

"Oh." Kero looked down. "Well, you have to watch out for her. I think you can trust this girl."

Sakura sighed again, more thoughts ran through her head. "Kero?"

He turned his head towards his mistress, "Hm?"

"What part do I play in this Moon Card business?" she asked out of the blue.

Kero got a bit surprise, "You're there to help Li, fight by his side, of course!"

Sakura frowned, "But how can I? My cards can't work against them."

"There is a way, but I'm not sure how." He bit his lip.

Sakura sighed, "I'm tired, I'll go to bed early now."

Kero got off her shoulder, and watch as she entered her comfy bed, and covered her self with those warm blankets. "Good night Kero." She said through her sheets.

"Good night."

She was in the dark again. Sakura sighed out, ~Again? ~ She started to walk a bit. ~Why do I have to have these dream!? Why do you call me here!? Why!? ~ Sakura felt a mix emotion of anger, sadness and confusion. ~It's because your part as a Card mistress isn't over. You need to gain more power to be able to fight with the one you mostly love. You are stronger then what you are. You just need to release that power to match up to Syaoran. You need to believe! ~ The voice told her. Sakura looked up to see that girl, her features where hidden, but Sakura could tell she was smiling at her. ~My part as a Card Mistress? ~ Sakura asked. The girl nodded softly. ~As I said, a terrible monster has destroyed my home, and it can destroy your too. Some time around, I will come and prevent that to happen. ~ She paused for a while. Suddenly the dark scene changed into the place where Sakura saw a 'Sakura' in the middle of the field. ~The dreams you have are just part of times that will happen. It's just telling to beware of what might happen. ~ She told Sakura. She looked up at her, ~Am I really that strong enough to help Syaoran? ~ She asked. The girl shook her head. ~Use your star to call for the 4 powerful cards. They will come, and help you. Trust me. ~ The girl faded. Sakura just looked at the vast scene. ~Use my star… ~ she whispered out.

"So what do you think?" asked Tomoyo, looking at Sakura wearing one of her latest designs.

Sakura sweat dropped. "It' nice but… don't you think it's too revealing?"

Tomoyo looked around her, adjusting a few things on her. "Nah. It's the thing now a days."

Sakura sweat dropped.

"Well, you better change back now, I invited Syaoran and Eriol over for dinner." Tomoyo smiled.

Sakura took her clothes from the couch and headed to the restroom. Tomoyo walked out the room, "I'll be downstairs setting up things, ok?"

"Ok!" shouted out Sakura.

Tomoyo smiled and walked downstairs.

Sakura already took off the costume, and put on her casual clothing. She neatly folded the costume and looked at herself in the mirror. She was just looking endlessly. All of a sudden her star key glowed. "Huh?"

She held her star key and watched it glow. "What's happening?" she whispered.

Suddenly she couldn't see the bathroom, but the scene she left off in her dream.

"Huh? Am I… asleep?" she asked herself.

Sakura heard some giggling up in the trees. She looked up and saw a girl with a blue mask. She wore a blue, purple, black type of costume. She had her hair up in pigtails, with blue ribbons tying it up. She had messy bangs that her eyes were hard to tell what color it is. Sakura thought it was a blend of umber and green color of her eyes but she didn't know for sure, cause of that mask. "Who are you?"

The girl giggled, just like Sakura does. "Just call me… Moonlight Star." She smiled proudly at that name.

Sakura knitted her eyebrows, "Um… nice to meet you … Moonlight Star." Sakura looked around the place. "Can you tell me, where am I?" she asked.

The girl jumped off the tree, and landed gracefully on the ground. She dusted off her knees, straightened her clothes and pulled down her skirt. She looked up with a smile. "Well, for one thing you're not asleep. This is a place were magic flows all around. Only people with powers can enter here. You can say it's like… a fantasy land or close to a dream."

Sakura scratched her head, "I… don't get it."

Moonlight sighed, "Ok, ok. It's a place were only people with magic can enter. Like it's a… different dimension. Only the ones with good hearts can enter, it's like a safe place for sorcerers. They can get healed easily here if ever they were hurt."

"So you have magic too?" Sakura asked.

The girl smiled widely, "Well duh! I wouldn't be here if I don't have magic!" She did this weird pose, "All Sorcerers know of this place!"

"I haven't. Neither Kero nor Eriol told me about this place. Same goes to Syaoran." Sakura frowned.

The girl blinked, "Oh. Oh yeah! You guys don't know until…" The girl shut her mouth quickly, and blushed for her mistake.

"Hoe…?" Sakura blinked.

"Never mind." The girl hit her head for almost telling about something secrete. 'Kero and Dia is going to kill me for that!' the girl thought.

"Oh yeah!" shouted out the girl in surprise. "Here." She handed her two cards.

Sakura looked at it, "What's this? Are they new Star Cards?"

The girl nodded. "You bet!"

Sakura looked through them, "The Angel and The Star?"

The girl looked over her shoulder, "They are powerful cards, with the combined powers of 4 of your other cards. The Angel is consisted with the power of Fly, Light, Windy and Arrow. The Star is combined with the Shield, Water, Float and Glow."

Sakura was shocked couldn't utter a word. The Angel was a picture of an angelic girl with soft looking wings and held an arrow as the picture swirled that it was like a gust of soft wind blew against this figure. The star was a small child. It wore what looks like a wizard

The girl moved away from Sakura and laid her back on the tree and closed her eyes, "All you need to get is the Warrior and the Moon." She told her.

Sakura turned around and faced the girl. "How do I get those cards?"

The girl smirked and looked at her. She turned around and climbed up the tree, sitting on a branch. "In due time you will find out. But be careful, and please watch out for the little wolf." She whispered the last sentence.

Sakura felt dazed and closed her eyes. She heard someone calling out her name, but she didn't respond. Then her name was called again, she slowly opened her eyes, and realized she was in the bathroom.

"Sakura!" yelled a voice behind the door. Then banging was heard, someone was hitting the door.

"Yes?" she quickly replied.

"What happened!? Why didn't you answer? You scared us!" yelled the muffled voice.

Sakura turned around a quickly put on her clothes, "I'm sorry…" she sweat dropped, "I think I fell… asleep…" she replied.

She heard the voice sighed out. "Well hurry down stairs." Said a female voice.

"All right Tomoyo!" shouted Sakura.

Sakura looked at the mirror one last time, and she held her key. She closed her eyes, and then she opened the door.

"Ah!" she screamed in surprise.

There in front of her was someone she knows. "Syaoran!" she whelped. "Don't scare me like that!" she held on to his shirt.

"Sorry…" he said in a flat tone.

Sakura looked up at him, "What?" he was just staring.

"What happened?" he asked her in a low voice.

Sakura's face saddened and she frowned. "Maybe I'll tell you later. Ok?" she smiled up at him.

Syaoran sighed and shook his head softly. "Ok. Come on I'm hungry."

Sakura grabbed his arm and held it tightly, 'I won't lose you. Now I have new cards to help me protect you.' She closed her eyes tightly.

"Good morning Sakura!" greeted her best friend.

"How are you Tomoyo?" asked Sakura.

Tomoyo blushed and scooted closer to her, "I'm fine thank you." She looked around a bit nervous, "Eriol… asked me out on a date."

Sakura smiled widely, "Wow! I'm so happy for you!" She hugged her.

Tomoyo smiled and was a little bit shaky, "Eriol asked Syaoran if he and you would want to double date?"

Sakura giggle, "Sure, but no thanks I'll decline. You're on your own girl. I mean, us four has been going out to a bunch of places. So I would say it's like a double date for us." She smiled widely.

Tomoyo smiled, "Yeah, I do notice."

Eriol and Syaoran entered the classroom, and Eriol walked up to Tomoyo, "Can I talk to you after class?" he asked in a shy tone that Syaoran and Sakura has never heard.

Tomoyo blushed and nodded. Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other and smiled for the two. "I bet Tomoyo already told you." Syaoran whispered.

Sakura nodded, "But I don't want to come with them."

"Me too. It should be only those two, huh?"

Sakura smiled and nodded. Then everyone went to their desks as the teacher entered the room. "Good morning class, we will be learning about…ALGEBRA!"

Moans and groans were heard through out the class. The teacher got out a big giant book titled 'Big Giant Book of Algebra'. "Don't worry it's pretty easy!" he said to his pupils and her laughed to himself.

"Gosh! Algebra gives me a big headache!" complained Sakura as she rubbed her head.

"It's not that hard." Replied Syaoran.

Sakura looked at her companion and glared, "Easy for you to say…" she mumbled.

Syaoran laughed at her. They two kept on walking, until they came to view of Tomoyo and Eriol. Syaoran pulled Sakura into the bushes, close enough to hear their conversation. Syaoran hushed Sakura, and the two watched closely.

"We're not supposed to do this." Sakura whispered.

"Shh…" Syaoran hushed her.

So Sakura sat down and just watched two of her friends' converse to each other.

"Tomoyo…" Eriol looked sadly at her.

Tomoyo knitted her eyebrows in worry, "What is it?"

"I… have to go to England tomorrow, because of a very important thing I have to do there… I don't know when I'll come back." He told her.

Tomoyo couldn't say anything.

"Poor Tomoyo…" whispered Sakura.

Syaoran looked at her, then back at the couple.

"Ok." Was all Tomoyo said to him.

Eriol understood why she said that. 'Ok?' She didn't know how to answer what was in her heart. So she answered flatly, 'Ok.'

Eriol took her hand, "And there is something I…have to tell you."

Tomoyo looked up to face his sadden eyes. Tomoyo put a finger on her lips, "You don't have to say anything." She hugged him, and he hugged back. "I know what you want to say…"

Sakura looked up at Syaoran. He said to Sakura, "They know they love each other, so there was no words to say it, but in a simple hug or kiss." He didn't look at her.

Sakura looked back at her best friend. She was heartbroken. She knew that someone loved her, and she loves him back. At least she wasn't blind to see someone really loves her. Syaoran stood up and turned around, Sakura looked up at him. He gave out his hand and Sakura took it. The two left Tomoyo and Eriol alone.

Eriol slightly pushed back Tomoyo. Tears were running down her fair skin. He wiped it away and whispered, "I love you."

"I know. And I know, you know, I love you too." She whispered.

Eriol smiled, "So, tonight is on?"

She nodded and the two walked away from that area.

'Yesterday was a sad day for my cousin. She really felt heartbroken. And I know how she feels. But still, she didn't cry. She just smiled and whispered, One day we will come back together again. I wonder if Eriol will come back to help… in that battle that will happen in the future… What! He does come back. I saw him at the judgment of Syaoran's.'

"Earth to Sakura!" yelled a voice.

Sakura shook her head and looked in front of her to see her guardian's false form, "Oh, Yukito."

He smiled at her, "What are you day dreaming about, a special guy?" he asked.

Sakura blushed, "No. I was just thinking about Tomoyo. She was really sad that Eriol left."

"Well of course she is sad. The one she most truly loves has left. Didn't you felt like that when…Syaoran… left?" he whispered Syaoran's name.

Sakura nodded. "I was sad for years!"

Yukito smiled, "And the best thing that happened, is that he came back to you. Just like he promised."

Sakura smiled. "Yeah."

Yukito got up from the chair, and put his hands on her small shoulders. "Maybe, you should go and visit you best friend, and comfort her."

Sakura got up from her chair and looked up at her brother's best friend. "I should go. If I didn't, what kind of a best friend am I? I mean Tomoyo has comforted me when Syaoran left."

Yukito nodded and watched her leave, "Tell Touya and my father I went out."

He heard the door slam and he smiled at her. "You are growing and maturing everyday, even you powers." He whispered.

Knock. Knock.

Tomoyo opened the door. "Oh Sakura! What a surprise to see you."

Sakura hugged Tomoyo, and her best friend was confused. "It's ok to cry, Tomoyo. I feel your pain."

Tomoyo smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you Sakura. I needed a friend, and you are always by my side."

Sakura let go of her cousin, "You were always there for me, and so I came to repay you."

Tomoyo felt really happy to hear that from Sakura, "You don't have to repay me… Wearing my designs is more than enough." Sakura sweat dropped.

"Do you mind if we just walk around and talk?" asked Sakura.

"Sure, cousin." Tomoyo replied. "I'll just get my sweater." And so she did. The two girls walked around the neighborhood.

Ring. Ring.

"Hello? Li residence, this is Dia speaking." She answered the phone.

"Hey watz up!" replied a voice.

Dia's expression changed into annoyance. "Can't you stop bothering me!?"

"Hey… sorry. But I can't help but check on you time to time."

"Er… Keroberus, don't you have some things to do, but call me all the time?"

Then was a small pause. "Ah…"

Dia was tapping her paw on the table. "Well? Answer me!"



Dia fell to the floor. "Grr…. You are so annoying!" She threw the phone back to the receiver.

Syaoran pass by, "Kero?"

Dia shouted out in annoyance. "Argh!"

"Take that as a yes." Syaoran went in the bathroom.

Tomoyo and Sakura just walked in the park, they were talking, without noticing something happening.

"This is a good thing us girls get to talk." Said Sakura.

"Yeah." Tomoyo looked around, "Looks like we ended up in the park." She smiled.

Sakura looked around, "Guess we talked a lot."

"What could you say? Girls do talk a lot." Tomoyo giggled.

"Yeah. Your right." Sakura looked at her watch. "Hey you want to head to the ice cream parlor before it closes?"

Tomoyo nodded, "Sure."

When they walked through the park, they haven't been watching out were they were heading. "Ow!" Sakura fell on the ground and she rubbed her head.

Tomoyo went down to help her. She looked up to see a man, just frozen in a walking position. "Um… Sakura."

Sakura was still on the floor rubbing her head, "What?"

"Look in front of you." Said Tomoyo.

So she looked up and saw the man, not moving and she screamed. "What the! Why is he not moving?" She scrambled from the floor, behind Tomoyo.

"I don't know." Replied Tomoyo.

She looked up at the sky, and saw the birds frozen in the sky. She looked at the playground, and the children weren't moving a muscle. The swings stayed in place, and the people just wouldn't move.

"Do you think… it's a Moon Card?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura looked around, "I do feel a powerful force."

"What do you think is the card?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura pondered, "If everyone is staying frozen, or wouldn't move… that means, it must be like the Time Card."

"Were do you think it could be?" Tomoyo moved closer to her cousin.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Huh?" Dia moved her head up and her ears were pointing up. "I felt a… Card."

She looked at the bathroom door and heard the shower on. "I can't bother him."

She floated to the window, "It's in the park, and the Card Mistress is there. I have to help them. I'll just call on Syaoran if it gets worse."

'I'm coming, girls!'

"Move out Tomoyo!" Sakura pushed her cousin aside.

Tomoyo got up, "Thanks Sakura."

"Ah-Hm." Sakura nodded.

Sakura growled a little, 'These cards are tougher than the Clow cards.' She raised her staff and called out a card, "Freeze Card, Release!"

The Icy card headed straight to the Time Card. It hit the Card and it froze for a few seconds. Sakura wasn't cheering in happiness; she knew the card was going to brake free. And it did. The Time Card was a woman, wearing all shades of purple and held an hourglass, like the Time Star Card. But this card had long raven hair, and a green gem on its forehead.

"What can I do, I need to call Syaoran, but how?" Sakura talked to herself.

She heard Tomoyo shout out to her from the trees of the park. "I know you can do it, Sakura. Just believe in your powers!"

'Believe in my powers?' Sakura thought, "That's what that girl said to me." She whispered.

Sakura stood up straight, "Here goes nothing."

She took out one of her new cards, 'Hope this works.' She held her staff up high and called out, "Angel Card, with your new powers, I command you to fight. Angel Card Release and Dispel!"

The beautiful angel came appeared. The Card mesmerized Sakura. It was even more beautiful than Light and Dark. The Angel stretched out its wings. It saw the Time Card. The Time Card saw her. It attacked Angel, but she dodged. Angel flew up high and threw a white arch of magic. The attack hit Time and she stopped looking at Angel in the sky. Time cast her powers, but Angel blew it a way with a wing spell. Angel glowed in a white aura, blinding the card. The light disappears and Time just stared.

"I see." Said the Time Card. "You fight by using the powers of your own mistress. I can see how strong she is." The time card looks at Sakura. Sakura stood there holding her staff, glowing in a big aura of pink.

Dia came into the scene in time. She was catching her breath.

"Dia!" Called out Tomoyo.

Dia looked at her and floated towards her. "What's happening?" she asked.

"I don't know, but Sakura has a new card. The Card was fighting with the Time Card and the Time card stopped fighting." Tomoyo explained.

Dia looked at Sakura, glowing in pink. "New card…" she whispered.

The Time Card spotted Dia, "Dia…" the Card called.

The little kitten looked at the Card.

"Let me… join your master. Obviously I can't be with the Mistress of the Star Cards. But, I know that your master… is the one." The card said.

Dia nodded. She chanted in her head the spell to capture the card, and Time's light shot up into the air.

The shower was still going on. Syaoran enjoyed relaxing in showers, with the warm water soothing him. Syaoran opened his eyes. He thought he heard someone chanting. But he just shook his head. Suddenly he felt as his powers were rising. Then his light shot up into the air, "What the hell…"

'I choose you, as my master.' Is what he heard.

"Well that nice, but does it have to happen when I'm in the SHOWER!" shouted Syaoran sarcastically.

Then the card appeared in his hands. "Ah! It's getting wet!" he shouted, and he quickly turned off the water. He shook the card to get the water off. "How did this happen…?" he asked himself.

He looked at the card, "The Time…?"

The girls giggled at him. He glared and pouted at them. "It's not funny…" he growled.

"And it happened in the…where?" asked Kero cracking up.

Syaoran turned red but glared, "It's not funny!"

"In the shower!?" laughed Kero.

"Shut up!"

The girls and Kero kept on laughing.

"It's not funny." He pouted.

Sakura wiped her tears and smiled. She looked at her best friend, and she was happy again. 'I can fight now, with the help of my new cards. I can finally protect and keep Syaoran safe. I won't lose him and I won't lose my friends.' She told her self.

"In the Shower!?" Laughed Kero.

Syaoran couldn't take it any more. He stood up and stomped, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!!!!!"

They all looked at him, at his out burst. Then Dia cracked and they all laughed. Syaoran just sighed.

To Be Continued…

Kat: How was that? I think it was my longest one ever! And with the fluff of EriolxTomoyo. I think I'll be making Kero end up with Dia, and guess what… Yukito is going to have a special someone… Just R&R plz, and I'll continue!

Disclaimers: I don't and will never ever own Card Captor Sakura. It's owned by Clamp, right? But, Dia and the storyline and stuff that you don't know in CCS are mine. If you think I copied your story, I'm sorry. I'll just say it was the storyline that interested me into writing this.