Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Capture the Moon Cards ❯ A Barrier and Free cards? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Card Captor Sakura

Mission To Capture the Moon Cards

Chapter 4

"Li! Where are you going?"

The boy turned around to see one of his friends coming up to him. "Home." He answered.

"Why can't you come with us to watch a high school basketball game?" asked Takashi.

Syaoran just looked at him. He sighed and nodded, "Sure why not, it's not like I have something planed tonight." He told him. 'Yeah, right.'

Takashi smiled, and started up his long stories about basketball. Syaoran sighed out and followed Takashi while pretending to listen to his 'fascinating' stories.

"Yes!" the crowd cheered.

Syaoran smiled widely, he has never had that much fun before. He was enjoying this game, watching how the players quickly move to shoot at the basket. He looked at the scoreboard. Home: 34 Visitors: 30. Eriol, who was sitting next to him, also joined Syaoran. All the other people Takashi invited couldn't make it.

"Isn't this fun?" asked Takashi.

"Well, sure it is." Answered Eriol.

Syaoran nodded. He didn't know Eriol was interested in basketball, and was surprised he came along. Syaoran and Eriol may have started out in a wrong way. But after the test Eriol gave to Sakura, the two started to hang out as friends, but not as best friends. It was 'Forgive and forget' to them.

The crowd went wild again as the players of the school scored a three pointer. The boys were enjoying every bit of the game.

It was after the game, and the boys went out to a pizza parlor. "Wasn't that a good game?" asked Eriol.

"Yeah, but too bad the home players lost." Stated Syaoran.

Takashi looked up at them, "They seemed like they were winning, but in the end, the Visitors won."

"I enjoyed watching basketball. Maybe next time we should invite the girls?" suggested Eriol.

Syaoran smiled, "Alright."

Takashi put down his 3rd pizza, half way finished, "Well, I'm full."

Eriol looked out the window, "It's getting late, and we should go home soon."

'I wonder if a card is going to come out?' thought Syaoran.

It was nighttime, and everyone was sound a sleep. The sound of Kero's snoring could be heard, even if he IS in the drawer. "…No…not again…." Moaned Sakura.


She was on the tower. Syaoran and his guardians. Tomoyo. Eriol and his guardians. Meiling. Yue. Keroberus. That girl. Everyone was worn out. Sakura picked up her staff. It was broken. Tears streamed down her soft skin of her face. She saw Syaoran. His sword broke. The girl's weapon broke also. Then a light flashed.


It was dark. Too dark. Sakura suddenly heard footsteps. She turned around to see that girl. Her face was covered from her messy brown bangs. Then she spoke out, like a lifeless doll. ~The time is not now for my coming~ She spoke out. ~What do you mean? ~ Asked Sakura. ~ When the 'Little Wolf' calls out for help, during his near coming of judgment, a 'Bunny of the Moon' will come and help the 'Moon' and 'Star'. She will prevent the one who is creating havoc of her home~ Suddenly the scene changed. It was a dreadful sight. The buildings crumbled and moss and other mold stuff grew on it. The color of the world was like a crimson hell, and shadows crept behind. The sky was covered with dark red clouds. No people walked down the streets, it was like a big earthquake hit the place. Bones of dead people lay around, and Sakura felt sick to her stomach. ~What happened? ~ Sakura asked. The girl looked at her, but she couldn't see her features of her face. ~This happened. A great monster, with incredible powers destroyed half of the earth. Nothing can stop it, but hopefully we destroyed it. But now… ~ the girl trailed off. ~ But what? ~ Sakura yelled. The girl faded, and so did the scene. Soon Sakura faded into the darkness.

Sakura walked alone into class, this time she wasn't the earliest. She saw Syaoran a head of her, but she didn't bother to get near him. Syaoran felt Sakura's aura, but he didn't want to get near her. He felt as if she just wanted to be alone. The two entered the classroom. After a few minutes, class had begun and they were studying history of the world. Syaoran got really bored, and didn't really listen to the teacher's lecture.

<Meow> Dia crouched down on the rooftop of Syaoran's school. 'I feel as if a Moon card is near by. It's probably the…'

"Hey Dia! What are you doing here?" interrupted Kero.

'Grrrrrrrrr… He is soooooooooooooo annoying!' thought Dia.

She turned around, and faced him with a fake smile, trying not to blow up at him. "Hi Keroberus."

Kero stood net to her and put an arm on her head, "Aw, c'mon. You know you can call me Kero." He said.

Dia jerked his arm away from her, "No, it's ok. I rather call you Keroberus. Thank You."

Kero sighed. Suddenly he heard his tummy grumbled. "Gee. I'm hungry. Ya wanna come to my Mistress' house, and eat so treats there?" he asked.

"Sigh. Sure, why not. It's not like something will happen today." She said.

Kero and Dia started to fly off, until Kero hit his head. "Ow!"

He rubbed his head. Dia looked at the sky before here. "There is nothing there." She said.

"Well, I definitely hit my head at something. So there is something there." Kero said.

The two stuffed animals looked around. "Hm. If I'm correct, then…" Dia knocked at the place where Kero hit his head. A sound of a clang was heard, and a ripple of colors trailed through a shield. "I knew it. I did felt a Moon Card."

Kero asked. "What card is it?"

"The Barrier Card." She said. Dia floated back at the rooftop, "Looks like I'm stuck with you!"

Kero puts and arm around her, "Yeah, I know." He had a big grin. Dia looked at him in a disgusting way.


Syaoran didn't notice the glare of light that shined from the barrier around the school. He was just looking out the window aimlessly. When the school bell rang for lunch, everyone walked outside. Syaoran approached Sakura. "Are you ok, Sakura?"

Sakura looked up at him, "Yeah. Just a bit sleepy." She said to him.

"Oh, ok." He offered his hand to her. "C'mon, let go eat lunch. I'm hungry."

She smiled and took his arm. She hugged his arm all the way to where her friends where. She closed her eyes, while the two where walking together. 'I do love him. And I don't want to lose him, ever again.' She thought to her self

"Hey Sakura, Hey Li!" called out Rika.

Sakura opened her eyes to see her friends gathered together on the ground, eating their lunches. Sakura and Syaoran sat together next to Tomoyo and Eriol.

Chiharu looked up at everyone, "Takashi told me that you boys had a good time at a basketball game."

"Yeah, and he said that you'll invite us this time. Is it really that fun?" asked Naoko.

"Of course! I mean us guys liked, I don't think you'll be interested." Said Eriol.

"Sure we will!" said Chiharu.

Everyone looked at Takashi, "Then after school we will go to the game tonight." He suggested.



It was after school, and everyone was going to meet at the entrance of the gym where the game will be held. Sakura and Syaoran walked together by themselves, holding hands. Syaoran didn't notice, and Sakura just couldn't help but blush the whole time. They kept on walking, until Syaoran walked ahead, and Sakura walked behind cling unto him. He didn't notice that something was there in front of him, because he couldn't see it. Then he bumped unto something and fell on his bottom. He rubbed his face and Sakura knelt down.

"What's wrong?" she asked him.

Syaoran rubbed his nose as Sakura moved his hand and rubbed it for him. She smiled as she does this, 'he looks so cute!'

"I think I bumped into something." He pointed at the air.

Sakura looked at the scenery, she shook her head. "I don't see anything."

"Well I didn't fall on purpose just for you to purposely touch my nose!" he exclaimed. Just when he realizes what he said, he blushed furiously. "I really didn't mean it to be like that, really! I did bump into something!" he yelled out.

Sakura couldn't help but giggle; he acted so innocent. "Ok I believe you." She smiled. She stood up and put her hand outward as she walked forward slowly. Then her hand hit something, and a ripple affect happened. She pulled her hand back. "There is something there." She stated.

Syaoran stood up and felt something kick him on the head. "It's a Moon Card!" he yelled out.

Sakura looked in front of her, while her hand touched the invincible wall. "Could it be the Shield Card?" she asked. She looked at the many colors ripple across the scene.

"No, it couldn't be. The Moon Cards are different from the Star Cards." Said Syaoran.

"Then what could it be?" she asked.

Syaoran gestured that he didn't know.

"Sakura! Syaoran!" Yelled a familiar voice.

"Kero! Dia!" yelled out Sakura.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Syaoran.

Dia flew next to her master, "I felt a card here, so I followed you to school. I don't know why 'he' is here?" she pouted at Kero.

Kero looked around innocently, "What? I can't help it when I found someone either than Suppi to have fun with!" he smiled widely at her.

Sakura giggled and Syaoran smirked. Dia pouted and puffed up her cheeks. "Ooo… All right already! Enough about it! There is a Moon Card we have to capture!" Dia yelled out.

Sakura giggled more, "Oh ok. Let's get that card!"

They all ran back to the school, where all the students stayed.

Sakura looked around the whole school with Syaoran, Eriol, Tomoyo and her guardians. "Looks everyone in school is asleep." She stated.

They were standing in the middle of the school's courtyard. They had their battle suites on, and Tomoyo always had on in her locker, just in case. Sakura sweat dropped cause of her Best Friend. Tomoyo looked around, holding her camera, "So where is the card?"

"It's around us." Said Eriol.

Syaoran looked at his guardian, "What kind of card is it?"

"It's the… Barrier Card." She thought.

"Barrier?" asked Sakura.

"It's a card that can be used as a attack shield, a reflecting shield, or a magic shield." Said Dia.

Kero flew next to Dia, "Yeah, and your card is a attack and magic shield." He told his mistress.

"So now, how do we capture it?" asked Syaoran.

Dia put a paw on her chin. "Um…you have to get it to notice your great powers. All cards get jealous at the great strength, so they want to battle that person to prove it is stronger."

"Boy, that's hard. And how am I suppose to get it to notice my 'great powers'?" Syaoran asked.

Dia pouted again, 'You do have 'Great Powers' you just don't know how to unleash it!' she yelled telepathically. Syaoran hit his head from the pain of Dia's yelling. "Ok I get you." He mumbled.

"Syaoran, try using the Ice Card to freeze the Barrier." Said Eriol.

Syaoran looked at him in surprise. He nodded and took out his Element Card, Ice. "Ice Card! Freeze that Barrier!"

A big blast of blue light and a cold breeze flew past Syaoran, to the invincible space around the school. Ice hit the barrier and a big clang sound was heard. The element bounced from the Barrier back to the crowd below. "Watch out, the card it coming back!" yelled Kero.

Syaoran glared, and he called back his card quickly, "Ice Card Return!"

Syaoran growled under his breath. "It's not working, it's a barrier for crying out loud!"

"Well, why didn't you thought of that, before you released your card?" asked Eriol.

Syaoran glared at him, "But you're the one who told me to use Ice."

"Hey, you know you don't have to listen to me all the time." He said.

Syaoran twitched an eyebrow, "Was that a bit of sarcasm?" he mumbled.

"Maybe, maybe not!" Eriol looked away with closed eyes.

Syaoran growled at his friend.

"Would you two boys stop it!" said Sakura.

"Yeah, you do have a card to capture!" Tomoyo helped in.

Syaoran growled in a low tone.

"Syaoran just use your sword to try and break through." Said Dia. "You too Sakura!" chorused in Kero

They nodded and summoned their swords. Sakura's staff transformed into a sword, thanks to the Sword Card. And together they lifted their swords, and thrust their weapons into the invincible barrier. A loud clang and bang was heard. Multiple colors raced through the surroundings of the school, as the light from the sun reflected. The sound of the vibration hurt the ears of the fighters. They all fell to their knees and clenched their ears. Suddenly through the loud vibration, a crack was heard. Syaoran opened one eyes to look up at the colorful barrier. There, up at the top was a big crack on the glassy barrier. Syaoran stood up and felt a force pushing him down. But he tried to get back up. He forced himself to walk towards the colorful visible shield. "I just need to break more." He muttered.

"Syaoran…" Sakura whispered.

Syaoran didn't listen to her, but presume on what he was going to do. He lifted his sword and with all his strength he hit the shield again. Then a crack formed, and the vibration got louder. Syaoran felt his chest was hurting, like it was going to explode, but he still stuck the card. Then the crack grew all over the shield. Syaoran one last time raised his sword. ~Cling~

The whole shield broke into many pieces, and the vibration and shaking stopped. Syaoran breathed in heavily and watch the pieces form together in front of him. A flash of light formed into the frame of a small boy. The card opened its soft light green eyes at Syaoran. He was surprised to see the card in this kind of form. He wore what looks like over sized clothing with a big light blue hat, and its age seemed like an innocent 6 year old. "Barrier…" whispered Syaoran.

The boy looked sad, and frightened at Syaoran. He walked near, as the card flinched back a little. Syaoran smiled at the card and knelt down to it. He lifted up his hand, and placed it at the small boy's head. He smiled upon the Card. "You don't have to be afraid of me. You can join me." Syaoran spoke softly at the card.

"Can I?" the card spoke in a soft childish way.

"Gasp! The card can…. talk?" freaked out Sakura.

Dia looked at the young mistress, "Of course. All statues card can talk, but they mostly only want to speak to their own masters. The Attack Card can speak to, but only through their master they can."

"Wow…" whispered Tomoyo. They all turned their attentions to Syaoran, as he held the little card's hand.

Syaoran and the card closed their eyes, as a light sprung out of the master and his card. Syaoran whispered in his heart the words of incantations that Dia would normally say out. Dia knew Syaoran already knew what to say, cause he needed to know it if she wasn't there. The boy flashed like a spirit and entered Syaoran's body. "Thank you for taking me… I will help you in your battles."

The light flooded the whole scene, and everyone was engulfed in the blinding white glow.

"Yeah!" yelled out Sakura, cheering with her other girl friends.

"Alright! They are winning!" cheered Tomoyo.

The two looked at each other, laughing in excitement. "This IS fun!" said Tomoyo.

"Uh-huh! Thanks for inviting us guys." Smiled Chiharu.

"No problem." Answered Takashi.

"And after the game, us guys will treat you for pizza and ice cream." Said Eriol with a smile.

The girls squeal in delight. Syaoran just sighed at the girl.

~Purr… ~

A little kitten sat watching the same basket ball game as her master and that mistress. She lightly waved her tail in the air, and stretched out her wings.

"Oh hey there, Dia!" called out Kero.

Dia flinched as she heard him. She turned to him with a fake smile, "Hello, Keroberus."

Kero sweat dropped. "Why can't you just call me by Kero?"

Dia lifted up her nose, "Because, I just don't like giving you what you want. And if you want me to call you 'Kero' then forget it, Keroberus."

Kero shook his head, "That is just one tough cat." He told him self. 'I'll never get her!' he yelled in his mind in misery.

Dia looked through the bleachers. Kero just sat by her, and she could tell he was staring at her. She got annoyed and turned her head at Kero. He quickly turned his head towards the game, whistling. 'That guy is soooooooooooooo annoying!' she yelled in her head.

The wind blew softly through the curtains and it was nighttime with a full moon. Syaoran woke up, moaning. Dia slept nest to his head, like a little kitten. Syaoran got up towards the open window. He looked out at the night sky. "What do you want?" he whispered.

~ I'm just warning you. ~

Syaoran frowned, "But this 'warning' make no sense. It is all mixed up."

~ I'm sorry. But I can't show you all of the future, and what order they are in. ~

He narrowed hi eyes, "Then what good is it for, if I can't understand it?"

~ … ~

"Answer me!" he almost yelled out.

He looked back to see if Dia has woken up, but she shifted to the other side and snored lightly.

~ You'll find out soon enough. Here, have this. ~

A flash of light appeared in front of Syaoran, and out appeared two cards. He looked at it and read their names, "Wind and Size…" he whispered.

~ This will save you the trouble of capturing those Cards. It is very useful, and use them wisely. ~

Syaoran nodded, and the voice was gone, it was silent the whole time. Then out of the blue he asked to no one, "Who are you?"

To Be Continued…

Kat: Hey! How was that? Sorry I haven't been talking through my fics and stuff, well it's because I forget. ^__^*

Please R+R! I need some in order to continue. Thanks to those who review them and e-mail me!

Disclaimers: I don't and never will own Card captors of any other Anime. I'm so poor!