Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Capture the Moon Cards ❯ It's so cold.... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Card Captors Sakura

Mission to Capture Moon Cards


"Isn't it a wonderful day outside?"

"Why would it be, it's snowing!"

"Aw, c'mon. Snow is beautiful! It's like a fantasy everyone dreams of!"

"Yeah, and you got to appreciate it more often, Syaoran." Said Eriol, who say Tomoyo's arm wrapped with his.

Sakura ran in front of the group and danced around looking up in the sky. "I love the snow! But what I hate it that it's too cold!" she shivered.

Syaoran took a step forward, "Let me remind you, that it's only the beginning of FALL! It's not even winter! And I bet that a Moon Card is behind this." He put his hand on his chin thinking.

"Hm…I think I do feel magic close by." Said Eriol. He looked at Syaoran, "Boy, you're catching on with this Moon Card business. Your really serious about this."

Syaoran turned around, cross his arms, and pouted. "Well, maybe it's because," he turned around at Eriol and yelled, "I'M THE MOON CARD MASTER!"

Eriol smirked and rubbed his ear, "Gee, I know that. You didn't have to YELL it my ear. I'm just saying, your getting really good at this. Can you tell where the card is?" he asked.

Syaoran looked around, trying to feel the presence of the card. He shook his head, "No, not yet. It's probably far from here." He answered.

There was an awkward silence, "Hey, let's go to my house for some hot coco. And don't worry Syaoran, Touya is at work with Yukito."

"Ok, but I have to go check on Dia, I'll see you there." He waved at them and ran to his apartment.

"See you there Syaoran." Sakura waved as she slightly blushed.

Syaoran was running through the light snow. He dodged every person who was in his way. When he got to the park area, he ran faster, for not so many people were there. He kept on running, until he felt something he passed. He stopped and slid down the icy street. He fell down and rubbed his butt. "Ow." He muttered and cursed. He got up and walked slowly to catch that presence. He looked around, but he couldn't tell where it's coming from.

"A card? Where is it?" he asked himself.


"Blue?" He looked around to look for that blue aura. He couldn't find anything, so he just ran to his apartment. "Maybe Dia can tell where it is. When we pass this place again."

A lovely mug lay on the coffee table, as a matching teapot of hot coco pour into it. The teapot was laid down on the table and Sakura sat down on the couch facing Tomoyo and Eriol. She looked at the time. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. She looked out the window, and the snow out side fell heavily. Soon it will become a blizzard outside. She grew worried of Syaoran. 'Maybe he won't come.' She thought.

"Don't worry Sakura, Syaoran will come. He always keeps his promises." Said Tomoyo, like she read Sakura's mind.

Sakura flashed her, her famous smile. "Thanks Tomoyo."

Eriol put down his hot cup of warm coco. "Sooner or later, the second guardian of Syaoran will show up."

"You mean like Yue did?" asked Tomoyo.

Eriol closed his eyes, "Yes, but the false will come first."

"How are we going to his the second guardian?" asked Sakura.

"We don't, but we can help. Syaoran is supposed to." He answered.

"Do you know who the second Guardian is?" asked Tomoyo.

Eriol thought deeper, "If I can remember, I think it's a girl, like Dia. And he name is…Crystal Moon?"

"Ooo…" was all Sakura could say.

Syaoran ran out of the park as fast as he could. "I can't do this alone I need help." He whispered.

Blue sparkling waves of light followed him close by. And wherever the light passes, it froze.

"Hurry Syaoran! Run Faster!" yelled Dia, ash she held on to his shoulder.

Syaoran dodged the attacks it was throwing, he almost slipped once cause of the icy street. He didn't want to get all frozen up and give up now. He needed his friends. He could see the end of the park's border. He pushed his legs hard to run faster. Then right in front of him was the blue light. He put on his brake and slid closer to it. Then he got out his Fire Card and struck it. "FIRE!"

The waves of fire his the blue light, and it was out of the way. Syaoran took a run for it and exited the park and ran to Sakura's house. The snow turned to a blizzard, covering the streets with snow. "Don't tell me this is the Snow Card." said Syaoran.

Dia looked at him as 'Snow Card?' "Of course not, there is no such thing as the snow card in the Moon cards. This is the Ice Card's doing!" she said.

Syaoran ran all the way, never stopping for a breath, and then he bumped into some one knocking both of them down. Syaoran quickly got up and muttered, "Sorry, sorry. I'm really sorry! I didn't see you. It's my fault."

"Hey don't worry." Said a familiar voice. He put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "It's no problem." He smiled at him.

Syaoran looked up to see Yukito in front of him, smiling.

"Yukito!" said Syaoran in surprise.

He looked down to see the familiar Amber Eyes. "Oh, it's you Syaoran. How are you doing?"

Syaoran smiled at him, "I'm ok. I was heading to Sakura's house."

"Oh, well I shouldn't keep her waiting. I'll see you around soon Syaoran." He waved and walked away.

Syaoran smiled and ran to Sakura's house quick.

Sakura set down a cup of hot Coco on the table and sat down looking worried at Syaoran. "Are you ok, you look flushed." Asked Sakura.

Syaoran took a sip of the sweet drink and sighed out in relaxation. He put down the cup and looked into her emerald eyes. "Yeah, just was a little busy."

Dia sat on the table eating cookies. Syaoran was wrapped up in warm blankets.

"Did something happen out there?" asked Eriol.

Syaoran put the mug close to his face, "I found out where the Card is." He said calmly.

"Where?" asked Tomoyo.

Dia looked up at them, "In the park."

"Gee, does all the card love the park or something?" said Sakura joking around.

Eriol went in his think position, "Well, most of the magic is there, so they are attracted to that place, if not there, then at the school or tower."

"Yeah your right." Said Tomoyo. She remembered all the times where they were in battle.

"So when should we catch that card?" asked Sakura.

Dia put her paw on her chin, "Tomorrow." She said.

They all nodded.

She was outside, out in a field. She just stood there looking at a single cheery blossom in the middle. There were many others circling this one. There under it, as two shadows, a male and a female. They were laughing and enjoying each other's company. She squinted her eyes to have a closer look. They look so much like each other, but she couldn't picture their face clearly.


There she was under the Cheer Blossom, like the one she saw before. And there lying on the floor is the same people. They were looking up in the sky talking about something she couldn't figure out.


Now she was in the park, her friend were there, Eriol, Tomoyo, Kero, and Meiling? Then there in front of her, were those two shadowed people. She saw how simultaneously they fought, much like Meiling and Syaoran did during the capture of the Twin cards. But they both fought with magic too.


That girl again, holding on Syaoran lying helplessly on the floor. Blood was flowing out of him, and she was stunned. She couldn't breath. The girl looked up at her and said something to her. Sakura walked to her and held Syaoran while crying. She looked up to see the girl. She raised her hand and held a card. Then a flash of light shined and it covered the whole place.

Sakura jolted up from her sleep. She looked around. That is the 10th time she has been having those different dreams, but they end up being about Syaoran, and this girl, but who? Was this girl going to take away Syaoran's love for her away? Sakura shakes her. That will never happen, or will it?

The school bell rang and Sakura and the others ran to the park. It was still snowing, and the snow was above 3ft now. People had hard times, going to work or school, or they get snowed in. Sakura had her guardian Kero on her shoulder. She looked up to see the snow still blanketing the world. 'I hope Syaoran can capture the card before this whole town is frozen.'

The got to the park, and it was like a frozen land. No snow lay on the ground or on the leaves of the trees. Everything was in ice; even some people were caught by its powers. They all looked at it in awe. "Looks like the Ice card are getting stronger." Said Dia. She looks at everyone, "This is going to be a tough battle. We better capture it before the whole world gets frozen."

They all nodded at her.

"Dia, I want you to watch over Tomoyo in a far distance." Said Syaoran.

She nodded and the two ran to a corner. Tomoyo had her camera on, and Sakura wore one of her costumes she made.

Sakura and Eriol summoned their staffs, and Syaoran got out his sword. Syaoran took one step a head and looked around once more. He put his sword in front of him in a stance. "Alright Card, show your self! Come out and fight!" he yelled out.

The two sorcerers looked around, waiting for the Ice to come forth. Syaoran stood still. Then his eyes shot widely, he then moved out of the way and shouted. "Watch out!"

Eriol and Sakura looked head and saw energy of blue shot at them. Sakura jumped out of the way, and so did Eriol, but Eriol wasn't lucky enough to miss its attack. He got hit and quickly turned in to Ice.

"Eriol!" yelled out Tomoyo as she ran to him.

"No Tomoyo you might get…." But Dia was to late. She got turned into ice with Eriol.

Sakura ran to her frozen best friend. "No!" she whispered. She looked at the Blue Light, "NO!" she yelled out as tears streamed down her face.

"Fiery Card! Release! Destroy that Card!" she yelled in agony.

Syaoran ran to her and held her shoulders. "Stop it Sakura, that won't help." He told her sternly.

The Fiery Card burst into the blue light. But the colors swirled together, not making damage to one another. Then Fiery turned back to a card.

Sakura looked at Syaoran with tears. "It…" she couldn't speak.

Syaoran looked at her, "We have to fight this together, in order to help our friends."

Syaoran looked around to look for Keroberus. "Where did Kero go?"

Sakura rubbed her eyes. "He went to go get help from Yue."

Syaoran frown, "Well, he better hurry up then."

Kero flew to Yukito's house and knocked on his door. Then Yukito came out, "Keroberus?"

"I need Yue." He responded in his true form.

A flash of light shown and Yue was in front of Kero. "You needed me?"

Keroberus looked up into the sky, "Our mistress needs us."

Yue nodded and the two guardians flew into the sky.

Syaoran pushed down Sakura from the attack of the Ice. The two looked up at the glowing blue light. It just floated there looking at the couple. (If it does have eyes.) Syaoran suddenly felt his arm freezing up. He looked at his left arm, and it was slowly turning into Ice.

"Oh no Syaoran!" Sakura cried.

Tears started to form in her eyes. Syaoran looked at her and wiped her tears, "Don't crying. Crying won't help." He said calmly.

She bit her lip, "But I can't do anything."

Syaoran put his right hand on her cheek, and she laid her face close to it. "Don't worry, help is on its way." He smiled.

She nodded.

Then Yue and Keroberus came. The blue light saw them and rushed towards them.

"Watch out!" yelled Sakura.

Yue put his hand forward and a shield formed. The Blue light struggled to get past his powers. "It's breaking through." He said in his icy tone.

"You have to do something kid!" yelled Keroberus.

Syaoran narrowed his eyes. He took out his Card and threw it in front of him. He looked into the sky and yelled out. "SILENT!"

Silent came and played her harp. The song reached the blue light, and it retreated from Yue. It looked at Syaoran. In a quick of an eye, the blue light tried to strike Syaoran, but it went through him. Syaoran turned around to face the blue light. 'It won't give up.' He noted.

Syaoran took out his Fire card, then found out it was covered in ice. "Wa… what happened? It's in Ice!"

Dia flew behind Kero, and told Syaoran with a worry face, "Syaoran, the cards are one with its master. Once the Cards are in possession of the master, power, strength, mind and every thing else link them to him. So since you are turning in ice," Syaoran looked at his arm that was covered in Ice and the ice moving up from his right leg, "The cards are also turning in ice." She told him.

Sakura held his Right arm and had tears in her eyes, "I don't want you to go. Please do something!" she cried out.

Syaoran didn't know what to do. He looked at the Silent Card slowly become Ice. He turned his frozen body and faced the Ice Card. "I don't know what else I can do, but fight. I'll keep on fighting until my last breath!" he yelled out.

The light shook in fright, but it stood tall. It prepared it's self for another attack on Syaoran. He threw out his Chinese card and yelled out, "Element Fire! Come to my aid!"

A blast of fire shot out from the card, and hit Ice. It got mad, and forced its self towards Syaoran. He pushed Sakura out of the way, but the light went through him. It was still under the spell of Silent. It got mad and flared it's light bigger. The blizzard went in the park and pounded hard on everyone. Sakura called out her shield card to block the cold ice and wind from hitting them. Syaoran couldn't move any more. Hit body was almost frozen, only his right arm and upper body was not covered in ice. Syaoran bit his lip. "What should I do, Dia?" he asked her.

"It's mad, it feels weak and it's in an out rage. You have to talk to it now when it's off guard. It's clouding its self from its sadness." She told him.

Syaoran nodded and looked directly at the out burst of the light. He closed his eyes and concentrated. "Power, strength, mind and every thing else link them to him." 'Ice, please listen to me…' he called in his mind.

The light stopped its out rage and looked around to see who it is that is talking to it. Then it saw Syaoran with his eyes closed. '…'

'I know how you feel…you feel as if your weak and that you want to cry it out. But you can't because you don't know how, so you burst out in anger. Please, you don't have to do that. I'll help you be strong. Together we can become strong.' Syaoran opened his eyes. He wasn't sure that he IS even strong. He looked at the blue light. 'Come and join me…you can trust me.' He pleaded, hoping it will work.

It was thinking it over. Syaoran thought it didn't want to come with him, but he won't give up. The Ice covered all his body but his head. Slowly it crept up to his neck. Syaoran felt it come up. It crawled up to his chin. Syaoran accepted this fate, so he closed his eyes. 'At least I tried…' he whispered in his mind.

Sakura cried and saw Syaoran, "NO! Syaoran!"

She ran to his frozen body, and hugged it tightly, as she cried on him. "Syaoran…" she whispered.

The blue light saw her tears, and heard the last words the Syaoran said. 'At least I tried…'

The snow had melted, and the sky turned back to a bright blue sky. It shrunk back to where the snow started, at the park. All the things that Ice had touched, and feel to the floor unconscious. Eriol didn't fall asleep. He saw Tomoyo and quickly went to her side, for she almost fell to the floor. The ice on Syaoran disappeared, and the blue light became a tiny, white snowflake with cute black eyes, like the fire. Syaoran looked around and saw Sakura embracing her. He hugged her, and tears where in her eyes. "I would never leave you." He whispered.

She got off of him to wipe her tears. Syaoran looked behind, then he looked at the tiny snowflake. He walked up to it and gave it his hand. "Would you like to join me?" he asked again.

The snowflake had a joy in its eyes. "Ice card, hear my plea, and come to the master to be. With strong powers and might, with darkness and light burning bright. Cast your powers upon thee." Whispered Syaoran and Dia yelled out in unison.

The Snowflake and Syaoran closed their eyes, as the light from Ice shot up into the sky, and down on Syaoran. It slowly entered Syaoran's body, and flashes of light shined. Syaoran opened his eyes and saw the Ice card in his hands. It was a plain green colored card, with the word 'The Ice' written in gold. Syaoran smiled.

Syaoran turned around, and Sakura ran to him. She embraced him tightly. Syaoran buried his face in her hair. "Thank you for believing me…" he whispered.


Sakura was on the tower, with all the others, even that girl. She looked at her staff, and it was broken. Tears filled her eyes. All her cards came out and surrounded her. Then a flash of light was in front of her. There is front of her was a rod. But she couldn't shape it out. She held on the rod, and then a flash of light covered her body. Now she was in a different costume… but what does this all-mean?


That girl again, holding on Syaoran lying helplessly on the floor. Blood was flowing out of him, and she was stunned. She couldn't breath. The girl looked up at her and said something to her. Sakura walked to her and held Syaoran while crying. She looked up to see the girl. She raised her hand and held a card. Then a flash of light shined and it covered the whole place.


Sakura jumped out of her bed. She steadied her breath and crawled out of her bed. She walked to her window and looked up at the stars. "Please tell me what does these mean…?" she asked to no one. She closed her eyes as tears escaped from her long lashes, and she hugged her self tightly. "I don't want to lose him again…" she dropped on the floor hugging her self. Tears fell on her legs, "I don't want to…I don't want to…"

To Be Continued…