Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken, Young ❯ Chapter 1. Journey Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ongaku: Hey-Hey-Hoo! Look! I'm back with a CardCaptor Sakura story! Wahoo! This is a major AU story! It won't have the cards, but there will be very small magic. I got the idea for this story after a dream I had. It was a very weird dream, but I cleaned it up made a real plot for it and there you have it, fanfic style. ^^ Yes… Syaoran is a little older than Sakura it works better that way. She wouldn't be able to hide her age as easily if she was the same age as him. This is a romance fic, and my first R rated story! There will be some appearance of Eriol and Tomoyo but they aren't going to be a big part of it, so sorry E&T fans! I don't want to make this a super long fic, maybe about 6 or 7 chapters. But in the end I might end up making it longer it all depends. Since it was a dream to start of with I have to get to thinking of more stuff to add to it for length. I have everything planned out so nothing will just be thrown in there. Yes! I will still write Kodomo No Omocha fics, I need to because there isn't very many hehe. Plus I don't want to feel in competition with my sister for the CCS fics. I just had to use CCS for this idea, kno didn't really work with it hehe. Well I hope you enjoy my weird story! Hehe ^^ If things confuse you email me at but of course I won't answer them if it ruins the story hehe. Yes, I am mean. It really shouldn't; confuse you though but I just say all that to be on the safe side. Lol Anyways, enjoy!


Disclaimer: I. Do. Not. Own. CCS. It's that simple, but I do claim this plot! ^^

Mistaken Young

Summary: Sakura is a girl who is always mistaken to be younger than she actually is. She has no memory of her past life and can create these strange things called chips. One day she becomes a member of a distant group they call the Shuudan, run by a cold leader. Bit-by-bit she begins to fall in love with him. The only problem is that he thinks of her as nothing more than a child. All based on a dream.


Mistaken Young By: Ongaku

Chapter 1. Journey Begins

It wasn't the past, the present, or the future. The land and place was different, but everyone knew of it as `home'. Technology was great, but yet poor. It was strange that they would know of special chips (or so they would call them) that were very powerful, yet they had no idea what they were exactly. They could build great homes to reach the sky, with running water and electricity, but yet they could not build an engine ship. Everyone who sailed the ocean had large wooden boats that took the strength of many men to move in the waters. Sailors never went far in the ocean because there was nowhere to go and only death was out there. It made many wonder why they would sail in the first place, but there was still good reasons. They could always tell the weather better from out in the sea, and it was the one place where a strange girl could create those special chips.

The salty sea wind blew the honey brown hair of a 17-year-old girl lightly. Her bright emerald eyes gazed out to the distant ocean. She sat on the deck just lost in the moment. She loved the ocean, even if most girls her age hated it. She was far different than other girls. She wore her hair in a short layer style, which was not normal for girls her age. They never wore their hair short. She didn't care though; she loved her hair the way it was even if she was often mistaken for being much younger since most men judged the age of a girl by her hair length. But the length of her hair was not the only reason for her being different. She had a gift. Some thought of it as very strange while others thought it was a blessing. She could create these powerful things called chips, and was the only one. Many others tried but always failed and they wondered what was special about this girl that made her able to make them. But, she had no idea herself.

The King had called for her to make a new chip for something he was planning. She didn't want to but would never deny the King. So, here she was, back at sea with people she only knew as acquaintances. Pretty soon some men on the ship would take up a tiny portion of the seawater and put it in a strange looking container. After that, the rest was Sakura's job. As soon as the sun was resting on the slow stirring ocean waters she would hold out her hand in a tight fist, and close her eyes gently. A small glow emitted from her hand, she opened her eyes and carefully placed her hand over the seawater. Slowly she opened her hand and a few sparkling grains would fall from it that looked like sand. People would watch in awe as she closed the container and set it in a cupboard that was not to be disturbed anymore.

Sakura had done her job and was now heading to her bed to get some shuteye before she would meet the king. She felt like a slave, not being allowed to go anywhere and always having to do things for the king. She hated it and wished she had never been given her special gift. She had no family, and she never had any friends. She always kept to herself and she liked it that way. Sometimes at night she would cry herself to sleep wondering who she was and where she came from, praying to no one in particular for an answer and never getting one.


Syaoran Li stood on his ship's deck thinking about many things. He was a young man at the age of 20 and very handsome looking. Though he looked young he was far from acting it. He always wore a straight and serious face. He had to, being a leader of a strong and the only resistance of this strange land. No body would call them a resistance though, since they never went to attack anyone or anything. They always pretty much stayed away, sailing the seas. No one knew what the group was up to or even had the slightest clue that they were planning anything, for they were a very quiet resistance. But since nobody would call or think of them as a resistance they were named the shuudan meaning assemblage or a slightly big group of people working together.

Syaoran ran his hand through his unruly chestnut hair, today was the day he would have a huge meeting for the first step in their plan. Taking a deep breath he turned around and headed to the meeting board. Spotting Takashi Yamazaki, a guy around the same age as him and the only man he would talk to as a friend, he walked up to him and stood beside him waiting for the rest of the group to come and take their seats.

Finally everyone was ready and watched their young leader intently. Syaoran's facial expression didn't change a bit as he began to speak. "As you all know the king has ordered for another on of those chips. We know very well that he is up to no good and so we cannot permit him to get a hold of any more but this one. It is a known legend that the way out of this place is to use 10 chips out in the ocean. The king has tried this before but failed so he stupidly threw all the chips overboard in the water and demanded for new ones. Only thing is I know those chips were not the problem. I believe the matter goes deeper than that. We want to get away from this land, so it is our turn to try. Problem is we don't have chips and none of use knows how to make them. This is where you guys come in. Does anybody know of a person who can?"

All the men began to talk among themselves until they heard Takashi call out to Syaoran. "Li."

Syaoran turned his attention to him.

"I have been walking around town secretly listening to conversations that guards were having and it is said only one person out of the whole land knows how to make them. They say she is a very young girl about the age of 14. I think with her young age we can persuade her to go against the king and team up with us."

Syaoran listened to every word Takashi had to say then and said, "That's sound like a good idea. We will contact her parents to set a meeting with me you and 2 other men and talk her into coming with us."

"There is a problem with that." Takashi said, "She doesn't have parents."

Syaoran raised and eyebrow, "But she is so young why would she not have parents?"

"No one really knows, and know one has asked I assume."

Syaoran took a moment to think. "Alright then we will just contact her directly before she goes back out for the king. Yamazaki find this girl and set a meeting." Syaoran then turned to a tall an older looking man. He had gray hair and pale white skin and his smile was very kind. "Tsukisiro you go with him, you seem to keep people from getting scared off."

Yukito Tsukisiro nodded his head and followed Takashi back to the rooms to get their stuff ready for when they arrived at land.


Sakura sat at her small, little, one room home. She couldn't afford anything else and was grateful enough that she had a roof over her head. She had given the king what he wanted and it wouldn't be long before he would send her back out again. She was glad he was giving her a little break because she just wanted to crawl in her bed and die. She felt really worn out and tired and didn't really know why. Just as she was closing her eyes she heard a soft knock coming from her door.

Wondering whom it could be at this late hour she grabbed a huge piece of wood and peaked through a little whole she had made in the door. "Who is it?" she asked sternly.

The younger looking male with black hair spoke up. "Sorry to bother you at such an hour, but I am afraid it was the only time we could meet up with you."

Sakura relaxed just a little. "What do you want?"

That's when the tall gray hair guy decided to talk. "We were wanting to know if we could talk to you about something, something rather important. Don't worry we are not here to harm you, if we did our leader would kill us."

Takashi held back a snort; he could just image Syaoran trying to kill them for doing something stupid.

Sakura was still a little hesitant. He had used the word leader and she never heard anyone say that before. Most people would say the king, but they would never talk of someone else being in charge of what they do. Slowly she opened the door and let them in. They didn't seem to mean any harm, and besides why would they want to hurt her when they could get in big trouble by the king for it. Still she held on to her big piece of wood as they walked in.

"Sorry if we scared you." The tall older man said. He stuck out his hand as gentlemen do, "My name is Yukito Tsukisiro, and this is my partner Takashi Yamazaki."

Sakura took his hand in a friendly shake and said, "Mine is Sakura Kinomoto. Why do you guys come here?"

"We were told you are the only person who can make these things called chips." Yukito replied.

Sakura messed with the sleeve of her shirt. "Yes that is true."

"We are not followers of the king, and our leader wanted to know if you would have a meeting with him?"

Sakura took a moment to think about this. She never really liked the king and this could be her chance to change being his slave. Then again it might just put her into the hands of another she knew nothing about and that would be a big risk. But after much consideration she decided she would at least meet the guy and see from there. "Ok." She said, "I will meet him."

"That's great." Yukito said, "We will be back her around tomorrow at this same time to take you to him."

"Ok." Sakura said again. She then headed to the door to let the men out. The younger one had kept quite the whole time and she wondered why. She was at least glad the guy talking was really kind.


Takashi and Yukito walked back to the ship to find Syaoran. As usual he was on the top deck looking out into the ocean deep in thought. A lot of people have been hesitant to let a man as young as he was be the leader of the shuudan, but seeing him think, plan and act got rid of any doubts. He was very strong and smart, making him a really good leader. He was also very kind even though he was tough; everyone knew he really cared about all his men.

Takashi walked up to Syaoran and gently tapped him on the shoulder and then quickly moved back as Syaoran sprung around about to kick. "Whoa, watch out it's just me."

Syaoran immediately stopped and relaxed. "So?" he asked.

"We got her to say yes and we will bring her here tomorrow at the same time." Yukito said walking up behind Takashi.

"Ok, good job. I want you two to be with me when I meet her, I decided that should be good enough."

Both Takashi and Yukito nodded their heads and turned to leave. Leaving Syaoran by himself again. He wondered what this girl was going to be like. He knew she would need his full protection being really young and all. She would be a slight burden, but it's what he would have to do if he wanted to leave this place.


Sakura sat nervously on her bed. Soon those men would be back to take her to their leader. The past day she had gone around asking people of things called leaders that weren't kings. They mentioned to her that there was group called the shuudan that had a leader. They were the only group against the king in fact. But the only reason they still stand was that the king could never find them because they were always at sea, plus they never did anything worth attacking. Sakura thought that was stupid. She figured the king would be smarter than that. Of course they would play dead for a long time then strike when the time comes. She wondered if them coming to contact with her is their first step. If so, she was slightly excited.

But the reason she sat nervously was because the people also mentioned that the leader was a very smart and handsome young man. Not very many people have seen him but the rumor was the he was like a sexy masked man. Sakura had not been in counter with to many men she liked so that was the reason she stayed alone and quiet about her age. She was afraid to meet this guy but wasn't going to show it.

Finally there was a knock at the door and Sakura sat up brushed out her dress and walked to the door. Opening it, there stood Yukito and Takashi again.

"Hello again." Yukito said kindly.

Sakura smiled at him and stepped out closing and locking the door behind her. "Yes, hello again. So where are we going?"

This time Takashi actually answered, "We are going to our ship, you look a little different today."

Sakura blushed a bit; it was true she did fix her self up a little. She didn't want to be known as a poor pathetic little girl. She wanted to at least seem slightly pretty, even though she didn't feel it. "I do?" she played stupid, "How so?"

Takashi just shook his head back and forth. "I don't know, you just do. Did you know that…"

Yukito cut him of quickly. "Don't mind him he likes to tell stories. I think you look quite lovely in your outfit today."

Sakura blushed even more. "Thank you." She said quietly and timidly.

Yukito just smiled at her and continued to walk. Takashi trailed behind keeping watch for anything dangerous. He smiled to himself wondering what Syaoran would think of this girl. She was definitely different, especially for a 14 year old. Something about her made him almost thing she was much older than that.

They were quiet the rest of the way there. Mainly to keep people from finding out they were out. Even if there was no curfew it was considered odd for people to be out in the streets so late at night. Finally after what seemed like a lot of walking they reached a secret ship port. Sakura took in the salty smelling air and sighed. She would never get tired of that smell. They walked across a simple deck towards a huge wooden ship. A few lights could be seen but they weren't very bright so they could keep their position secret.

She followed Yukito as he led her down the stairs and towards one of the first rooms. She waited patiently as he knocked on the door for someone to answer it. The door slowly opened to reveal a man about a head taller than her, he had chestnut hair with unruly bangs and his eyes were an intense amber color. He was very handsome and she wondered if he was the leader. He stared into her eyes and she stared right back, getting lost in his unreadable eyes. For some reason she didn't feel scared at all. They stood there just looking at each other for a while until Takashi coughed to bring Syaoran out of his stare.

"This is Syaoran Li, our leader." Takashi said to Sakura.

Sakura just nodded her head slowly and then said, "I'm Sakura."

"I know." Syaoran said then turned around to walk into the room again motioning for her to follow.

Sakura was a bit taken aback by his coldness but went in after him anyways. Takashi and Yukito followed in and she was glad. Syaoran sat down at a desk, Sakura slowly made her way to one of the chairs in front of the desk and sat down as well.

It was quiet for a while before Syaoran actually said anything. "I'm sure you are wondering why I wanted to meet you."

Sakura just nodded her head not being able to speak.

"Well we were told you are the only person who can make those chips, and we also heard you have been making them for the king. We don't really like that idea."

Sakura began to get nervous at the way he was talking, but just stayed still and quiet.

"You see those chips are going to give the king dangerous power. As rumored it is a ticket out of this place and if they king can control that then he can keep people from ever finding a way out. We must beat him at his game. So we are wanting to know if you would become one of us and go against the king as well."

Sakura sat there thinking to herself. That was a lot to take in; he sure didn't waste his time when it came down to it. "But… this is a lot to take in. Wouldn't it be very dangerous for me to stay with you guys? I would be the only girl, and I don't know anything about you guys." Sakura asked.

Syaoran inched up closer to her rising a little out of his seat. "Yes, I know this is a lot to take in but we had to do it fast before you went back on another journey for the king. If you stayed with us I can guarantee a roof over your head, plenty of food and water, and my full protection. No one will bother you as long as I forbid it."

Sakura's stomach fluttered as he said all this. She had a strange sensation that she could really trust him. The way he said it and the serious look on his face made it all clear that he was not joking around. "Ok" She finally said. "What do you want me to do?"

Syaoran was now a little taken aback. He expected that it was going to be a little harder than that to get her to agree. Obviously she wasn't taken with the way she was living now and wanted a change. He admired her bravery, even if it did seem stupidly dangerous. "Well, we have a plan so the king won't suspect us to take you away and come after us quickly. I want you to continue with your daily stuff for a while and go ahead and get on the ship for your next trip. Your aren't going to like this, being just 14 and a girl at that."

Sakura was about to correct him but changed her mind thinking it would just be better to let them all think that way like everyone else, but she almost couldn't hold back to the being a girl remark. "Excuse me." She said, "You should not judge me by my appearance."

Syaoran gave her a funny look and continued, "When you guys are at sea the king will follow this time. We are going to hide are ship behind and bring rowboats secretly to your boat. With the chips you have already made we will have to destroy them, along with the boat you are on."

"But.." Sakura interrupted again, "Wouldn't that kill everyone?"

"Exactly. I told you, you wouldn't like it." Syaoran replied. "We will put explosives to make it a quick death they won't even see it coming. I will grab you and jump to the seas and wait in the dark for a Takashi and Yukito who will have the row boat ready for us. We have to do it this way so the king thinks you are dead and it will really slow him down."

Sakura brought her eyes down to her lap. "But all those people who don't deserve to die." Here eyes began to water up.

Syaoran got up from behind his desk and walked over to Sakura. He put his hand on the tip of her chin and raised her head up to see her eyes brimming with tears. "Look Kinomoto, it is awful I know, but it must be done. There is no other way and that is how war is. All the people on the ship will be soldiers, so we won't be killing civilians."

"But still." Sakura said, voice shaking.

"It is either that, or you die."

Syaoran words were ice cold but the hard truth. Now she really hated her gift and wished she were never born. "I understand." Her head fell low again when he let it go.

"That's a good girl." He said then patted her head gently.

Sakura almost wanted to bite his hand. She always hated how people treated her like a baby. Do they really treat 14 year olds like this? She couldn't remember, they had always treated her the same way. She sighed, swallowing her pride. This was going to be an interesting time.


It had been 3 days since Sakura's encounter with Syaoran. She did as she was told pretending nothing was going to happen and going on with her ordinary every day life. Finally the king was tired of waiting and was ready to set sail once again. Sakura grabbed a crumbled piece of paper from under her bed and placed it in her pocket. She wanted it to be with her at all times, so she put a plastic bag around it so it wouldn't get wet. She didn't really know what the paper was, she asked around but nobody understood it. She cherished it anyways, because it had been with her since she could remember and it was the only way for her to find out where she came from.

She really wished she could read it but it was in some other language and style of writing and everyone she knew only knew the one language and that was English. Although she heard that there were a couple of people who could speak Cantonese, but she had never met any of them. Still she had a feeling they wouldn't be able to help her either.

Sakura took one last look at her old home, for she would probably never see it again; she wasn't going to miss much. A cold wind rustled her dress, and she shivered slightly. It was going to be cold in that water, and she wasn't looking forward to it. One of the king's soldiers spotted her and headed toward her direction.

"Hey you, come on now we don't have all day." He grabbed her by the arm and tugged her along. She didn't fight this time like she usually did knowing it was hopeless, plus she felt sad for these people even though they were cruel to her.

It wasn't long before they reached the awaited ship. Sakura walked onboard with her head very low. Even if she loved the ocean she couldn't bring herself to look up. She felt horrible knowing that all these people were going to die because of her.

A loud honk noise was let off and the ship began its journey with another ship following in from behind. The ship following wasn't as big as the one she was on since it just had the king on and his simple servants. Sakura sat on a chair placed on the deck and didn't say a word to anyone at all. The cold wind was really getting to her though, and she even sneezed a couple of times. Finally deciding she had been outside enough she walks to her ship room.

The guards didn't even notice like usual, they never did. None of them really liked her but they couldn't touch her because of the king. She knew they felt angry knowing a girl who was supposedly fourteen, got on the king's side really easy because she could create something really important. That is why she never corrected anyone in telling them she was 17, she knew that would make it even worse for her because they would try to marry her or rape her. That wasn't saying they wouldn't try to rape her at age fourteen, but most of the men just stayed away from her and it was better being safe than sorry.

Sakura laid down on her bed breathing slightly shallow. She was really tired, and she had no idea until she actually sat down. She was sick of all this and she as ready for Syaoran to come and get her now. She smiled to herself wondering what it would be like to be held by a guy like that, but she immediately shook the thought out of her head remembering that he wasn't what she was looking for in a guy. Sleep finally came over Sakura so she slowly closed her eyes to have more peaceful dreams.


Syaoran walked down the halls of his ship. Three days have come and gone and now it was time to follow the king's ships and destroy one of them. He wasn't looking forward to going after the girl Sakura, especially because he had to jump in freezing waters. He was always bad with cold water but he would have to be extra strong this time since he was putting the life of another in his hands.

Finally reaching his destination he climbed up the stairs to meet up with Takashi, Yukito, and 6 other men that were going to go on the mission. They were all preparing their rowboats and explosives. This trip wasn't going to be any fun and they were going to have to be extra careful not to be seen by the boat the king was on.

"So Li." Takashi said when spotting Syaoran. "How do you think that girl Sakura is holding up?"

Syaoran just shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't really matter now does it? We will get to know all about how she is doing for a long time very soon."

Takashi didn't say anything more. He knew that Syaoran wasn't really looking forward to the girl coming onto their ship and he felt a little sorry for Sakura even though he knew Syaoran wouldn't do anything really mean to her. He just knew Sakura was going to be very uncomfortable at first until she can get use the coldness of Syaoran.

Syaoran wasn't a bad guy, but he had been through so much in his past that he was surprise at how close he was able to get with him. Though no one ever called him by his first name and he never called anyone by his or her first name either. He considered Syaoran to be a good friend. He was after all one of the few who wouldn't hurt him when he told one of his stories.

Meanwhile, Syaoran was giving all his orders and telling them what all the needed to do when they get there. They all listened carefully, packing their stuff and being very careful with the explosives. In about 5 more minutes they would have to get into the water and leave the boat behind to do some tiring rowing.


Sakura woke up the next morning to a loud banging on her door. She got up quickly and went to it. "Yes?" she asked.

"Get up, you have things to do." A solider said in a gruff and unfriendly voice.

Sakura brushed herself off and headed out the door following the soldier to wherever it was she needed to go. He walked really fast and she wasn't feeling very good still, so it was hard for her to keep up properly. He took her up to the boat deck and that was when she realized it was almost time for her to make a new chip. She had slept all of last night and almost all day. Something definitely wasn't right with her. When it came dark she would see Syaoran again.

She sneezed slightly trying to hide it from everyone. She watched as the sun settled on the ocean waters and she took out her hand in a fist again and closed her eyes. She concentrated on the dreams she had, she could never explain them but it was what made it possible for her to create these. Finally after getting the warm filling emitting from her hand she knew it had worked. She opened her eyes and placed her fist over the container of water and released the strange sparkling sand.

There, she was all done with her job until the next night, or so they thought. Everyone left her on the deck alone and she walked over the side rails of the ship and rested her head and arms on them. She felt really lost and hated it. She always felt that way after she made those chips. It was like something was trying to tell her something but it always failed leaving the lingering feeling left in the pit of her stomach.

Sakura noticed the sails were up this time. They had to be since there were no slaves rowing the ship this time. It was predicted that there would be a lot of wind the next couple of days. Sakura found that very odd and lucky for Syaoran, but it didn't matter. People were still going to die.

Dark finally came and Sakura stayed out remembering what Syaoran had told her. She eyed the cabinets that the chips were kept in. Soon they would be in bits and pieces at the bottom of the ocean.

Right when she was about to stand up from her seat she felt a pair of strong arms take hold of her and a hand covered her mouth. She was scared at first but then realized it was Syaoran. He didn't want her to yell in surprise and wake all the soldiers up. She watched as a few others climbed on board and put box like things on all the cabinets, then placing them on the corners of the ships deck.

Syaoran finally took his hand off her mouth but didn't let her go. It felt strange to be this close to anyone for her and she wondered if he thought the same thing since he was awfully still. The men didn't take long to set everything up and they climbed back down the ship to their rowboats and rowed out of site. Syaoran finally let her go and whispered in her ear to get ready.

She nodded her head moving to the rails with Syaoran. "I'm scared." She said.

Syaoran grabbed her real tight and said, "Don't worry you won't drown." Then at the count of three they jumped off the side of the ship and swam a little ways out. The water was freezing as to be expected but that didn't change the shook it had on Sakura and she began to shake fiercely. "Li." Sakura began to say, "I'm not feeli..." But she couldn't finish off her sentence she just didn't have the energy.

"Don't talk, just be quiet." Syaoran responded not knowing what else to say. He could feel that she wasn't going to stay conscious much longer. He took out a little black box with a button and it and pressed it. Right before their eyes the ship blew up and bits and piece began to fall dangerously close to them. Syaoran tightened his grip around Sakura and began to swim to where Yukito and Takashi would be with a boat.

Finally they made it and Takashi and Yukito pulled them up. Syaoran was shaking himself now and Sakura was still holding onto him tightly. He tried to pry her off but she wouldn't let go.

"Please don't let me go, I'm so cold." Sakura said with chattering teeth. Yukito put the blankets on Syaoran and Sakura when she finally passed out in his arms. Syaoran gave Takashi and Yukito a death glare telling them not to say a word. They just smiled back and began to row back to the ship.

Syaoran put his hand on Sakura forehead. She was burning up, he ordered Takashi and Yukito to go as fast as they could so that they could get her to some medical care and soon.


Well I hope you liked the first chapter. ^^ That's it I am of. Ja! The first chapter isn't very R rated lol, that is for later chapters. ^^ Sorry for all the mistakes, I went over it a couple of times, but I know there is still some things that might sound weird. I will most likely get my sister to help me revise the next chapter. I am not going to set any time limit as to when I will post the chapters. They will come, when they come. ^^;

Remember I am Ongaku not Kitty Neko hehe.