Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken, Young ❯ Falling ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ongaku: Welcome to Chapter two, titled Falling. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my humble story. Yes, I know the first chapter might have seemed kind of slow heh. I had to get the idea of the story out as best I can. I will try my best to work a little more on the character relationships in this chapter now. I am happy for all who might have reviewed this story. ^^ Thanks a lot.

You know what? Bad reviews can make your feel really crummy, I just don't get why people do them. Do they really think they are that important, that just because they didn't enjoy it, they have to diss it? It is just plain rude and childish. I even got into a heated argument with one of my flamers, because she had the gal to email me afterwards and dissed me more. It angered me, and at first I snapped, and then I realized how stupid that was! I have seen her stories… and let me tell you… she is no one to tell me how bad my story was, but I do think I got to her with some things I said… after that I deleted all her emails… deciding it wasn't good to get me angry like that… especially over such petty things. There is always an ugly person out there. I just really hate how when I get a rude review… it always makes me never want to write again. But I always do, and you know why? All because of my sister, yup. She is a terrific writer, and just hearing her tell me to continue and to show interest in my suck-y ideas makes me feel all the better. Why should I care what some random, rude, stranger say to me, when I have my sister to encourage me. ^^ Oh and BTW the bad reviews weren't for this story lol. You guys have all been really nice, and sorry for confusing u er Eclipse… I'm sure your just trying to piece it together way to soon. It will come to ya ^^;

I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Ja!

Disclaimer: I do not own CardCaptor Sakura, clamp does. Though I do claim all plot. ^^


Mistaken Young By: Ongaku

Chapter 2. Falling

Sakura opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the unfamiliar ceiling trying to remember what last happened. That's when it hit her. Sakura immediately sat up in the bed she was occupying to see Syaoran on the other side of the room.

Syaoran turned around hearing the commotion. "Oh so you're awake finally."

Sakura looked around the strange room, finding it very plain. Then she noticed her clothes were different. "But how?" she mumbled to herself.

Syaoran walked up to her and placed his hand on her head again. "Yup you're all better now. You had a really bad fever and slept for three days."

Sakura blinked a couple of times really fast. Having his hand that close to her face made her very uncomfortable for some reason. "But… my clothes; these aren't mine."

Syaoran got up and went back to whatever he was doing. "Oh yeah; that. Tsukisiro changed you."

Sakura face turned bright red. "He what?!" she almost yelled.

"Yeah. What's the big deal? You're just 14 and he isn't a pervert. He could probably be your dad."

Now Sakura was angry. "How dare you say that! Oh shit this isn't good!"

Syaoran raised and eyebrow though Sakura couldn't see it since he had his back towards her. "Shit huh? You talk trashy for being such a young girl."

Sakura ignored him even though she was burning in furry from his words. She couldn't shake the thought of the Yukito guy changing her. He must know now that she was much older than 14. What was he going to do or say to her and the others? "By the way, where am I?" She asked.

"My room." Syaoran answered quite bluntly.

Sakura's face turned even redder. "What?! What about my own room?"

Syaoran finally turned around to look at her. "We don't have enough rooms for that. You are staying in here because it is the safest for you." Then he turned back around.

Sakura didn't know what to say. She didn't like the idea of it, but she knew he was right. Even if the men were respectful to their leader, there is no telling what one would do to her while drunk. The only problems were: she'd have more difficulty hiding her age and she only saw one bed. She was about to say something else to Syaoran but he walked out the door before she could. "Um… ok bye to you too." She relaxed back down on the bed and closed her eyes.

She must have fallen asleep because the next time she opened her eyes it was a little darker in the room. She sat up slowly to see Yukito leaning against the wall and looking at her intently. Gulping, Sakura spoke up, "Umm.. hello?"

"I know your secret," was his simple reply.

Sakura's pulse began to speed up. Playing stupid she said, "What secret?" But it didn't come out as confident as she had hoped.

"About your age. I know you can't possibly be 14. How old are you really? 16?"

Sakura was very scared now and she didn't know what to do. She wanted Syaoran to be there but, of course, he wasn't. "What are you going to do to me? Do you plan to tell everyone my age and rape me?"

That's when Yukito pulled away from the wall. "No! Of course not! Oh, my! Is that what you thought I was doing? I am so sorry! I just was surprised and wanted to know why you lied."

Sakura finally calmed down a bit. "But I didn't really lie! No one ever asked me how old I was. You only assumed I was 14 but I never actually said I was."

"But how come you never corrected us?" He asked.

"I figured it would be safer to let you guys think that. It is a dangerous world out there for women you know."

Yukito brought his hands to his face. "I see your point, but how old are you really?"

Sakura looked down at her bed sheets. "I'm 17 going to be 18 really soon."

"Now that I look at you, I see the age. How are you so easily fooling people? And how soon is the day of your birth?" Yukito asked.

"People are naive and think what they want to. It is my hair; it is short because I always cut it. Plus the clothes I wear are never revealing or tight. Men just aren't use to that, as well as women. Only little girls have their hair and clothes like me. Are you going to tell everyone?"

Yukito didn't answer right away, he noticed how she didn't answer his other question, but let it go. "No I won't, but I should tell Li."

Sakura's eyes got large and round. "No! Please don't! Especially not him! I don't want him to know at all."

"Why?" Yukito asked, surprised.

"I don't know. I just feel it will be better if he doesn't know."

Yukito nodded his head and began to make his way out of the room. "Ok, I won't tell. I will leave it up to you."

"Thank you." Sakura replied, smiling a little. She liked this guy; he was so kind.


"Damn it!!" The king yelled in his throne room. He had been told the ship they were following had blown up, leaving no survivors including the young girl who was very important to his plan. "We are going to have to do a search for a new person who can make those chips! There has to be someone else who can besides that pathetic girl!"

"But Sire," said on of the soldiers in the room. "So many have already tried. I think that girl had to be a witch. Her making those things was like magic."

"Fools!" The king yelled. "There is no such thing as magic! If she was able to make them that means she must have been evil. We will just have to find someone as evil as her."

"Yes, your majesty." The soldiers said while bowing. Then they left the room to begin their long search.

The king sat in silence all alone. He couldn't believe that a nice ship like that would just blow up. Something was missing to all of that, and he didn't like it one bit. This was going to be a start of something new, and against him. He could just feel it.


Sakura was feeling a lot better. She walked around the room feeling really bored. Syaoran wouldn't allow her to leave the room yet, for some reason, and he was hardly ever in the room either. She was used to the loneliness though, so it didn't really bother her. The only thing that bothered her was being stuck in that room like a prisoner.

Even though it had only been two nights since she woke up from her fever, she felt like she'd been looking at the plain walls for an eternity. She knew the room was Syaoran's, so she wondered where he had been sleeping. If he was even sleeping, that is. The guy named Yukito would be the one to bring her food. She wished she had some clothes because she was tired of wearing what looked like just a white sheet.

Sakura sat down at a small table in the room and drummed her fingers on its surface. She was really bored, and no one had come to check on her for hours. Finally Sakura heard the door opening. Thinking it would be Yukito with food or something, she turned around quickly about to say hi, but stopped herself, when she realized that it Syaoran instead. He looked at her for a while, and then walked over to his dresser with out saying anything. He pulled out a clean shirt and set it out. Then he took off the shirt he was wearing and tossed it to the side of the room in a small basket.

Sakura watched him with all interest. He was just changing right in front of her like it was no big deal. Her stomach fluttered a little and she could feel a slight tinge of pink coming to her cheeks. He had a very nice upper body build, and she could tell he was very strong. When he turned to his right a little, she could see a scar on the side of his back. She wondered how he got it because it looked like it must have been a serious injury. Finally he pulled his shirt on and turned back around to see that Sakura had been looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" he asked with no emotion in his voice.

Sakura felt herself turning beat red. "Oh nothing! I'm sorry it is just that… How did you get that scar?"

Syaoran gave her a cold look. "That is none of your business."

Sakura didn't flinch. She was getting used to his coldness. "How much longer do I have to stay in here?" she asked in an irritated tone.

"Until I say." Syaoran replied.

"You can't keep me in her forever you know. I am not your slave and you have no control over me. I didn't have to agree to all of this!" Sakura yelled, standing up from her chair and moving away from the table.

Syaoran walked up to Sakura and pushed her against the wall. "Listen here; you have no choice. You decided to come with us so get used to it and stop complaining."

Sakura burned with anger. She couldn't believe he was talking to her that way. "Stop treating me like a child!"

Syaoran let go of her and said, "But that is what you are; a child. And it's my job to make sure you stay safe."

Sakura stared him in the eyes, but she just couldn't read what he was thinking. This guy was such a mystery to her. Why did he care that much to protect her when he didn't even know her? "Stop treating me as if I am a prisoner. You do not need to protect me like that, just because I am the only one to make chips." Sakura's head fell down. That had to be the reason he was doing this to her. For some reason that really got to her and she had no idea why.

Suddenly she felt something being shoved into her hands. It was her clothes, all dry and clean. She wasn't expecting that at all.

"It took me awhile to get them done." Syaoran said, "Once you get dressed you can leave the room and look around if you want." Then he turned around and headed out of the room.

Sakura was speechless. He had been cleaning her clothes, and now he just told her she could leave the room. It didn't make any sense, especially after all the other stuff he had just said to her. Sakura set her clothes on the table and began to get undressed. It was going to feel good to be back in some real clothes. Slipping them on, she noticed how clean they really were. She had never had her clothes that clean before and it felt nice. She was going to have to find Syaoran and thank him sometime soon. He had been really cold but yet, he was taking care of her and she felt grateful for that.

Carefully, she stepped out of the room and look up and down the dark hallways. No one was in sight so she closed the door and made her ways towards the only place she could see some light. The boat moaned and creaked quietly. Sakura could hear the splashes of the waves hit against the sides and realized she must have been heading towards the deck outside.

Stepping outside, she took in the sweet smell of the ocean waters. It felt good to be up and moving out of that room. That's when she noticed she wasn't alone out there. Counting, she noticed that there were about ten men who had been working on the ship and were now staring at her. She smiled at them nervously when she recognized one of them. He had short black hair and he was still wearing a simple smile. She walked up to him and asked, "Don't I know you?"

The guy stuck out his hand and said, "That you do. I'm Takashi Yamazaki, one of the guys who brought you to meet Li. How do you do?"

Sakura took Takashi's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Oh yes! That's it. I'm doing much better, now that I can walk around." She smiled at him, liking how cheerful this guy seemed to be.

"That's good to hear. After your bad fever, I got a little worried. So what do you think of our leader?"

Sakura felt happy hearing that he was worried about her. "He's different." She said, "He seems so cold but there is something else there I just can't point out yet."

Takashi laughed. "Yeah, that is Li for you."

"Are you his friend?" Sakura questioned.

"Yup, we have know each other for some time now and I would say I am the one who knows him best."

She was confused. "Then how come you don't call him by his first name?"

"Well, I'm the one who knows him best, but that doesn't mean I know him that well. Nobody can get too close to him because he just doesn't talk about himself. There was no invitation on saying it was ok to call him by his first name, and I think only people who came from his family ever used is first name."

Sakura thought about it for a while. "Really? That is kind of sad. He is lucky to have friends and to know his family."

Takashi was about to ask her what she meant by that, but was interrupted by Syaoran walking up.

"Yamazaki have you found the…" Syaoran stopped his sentence when he saw Sakura standing there. "What are you doing here?" he asked her.

"I was just walking around and decided to talk to Yamazaki here for a while." Sakura replied.

Takashi watched as Syaoran and Sakura spoke to each other. It was very interesting the way Syaoran looked at her and the way she didn't bend to his coldness. Takashi wondered if Syaoran was thinking of her as one is his sisters, because his look was so strange.

"Oh, I wanted to thank you for cleaning my clothes. I forgot to earlier." Sakura said quietly.

"Uh sure… I didn't want you to be stupid and walk around in that excuse for an outfit you had on before."

Takashi flinched; that was cold, even for Syaoran.

"How rude!" Sakura screeched, making both Syaoran and Takashi flinch. "I was just saying a simple `thank you'. You didn't have to be so mean about it."

Syaoran glared at her. "It's my job, it wasn't like I wanted to do it."

Sakura turned her attention back to Takashi, ignoring Syaoran for the moment. "Well, I am going to go back to the room for a while. I can tell the sun is going to come down soon and I don't want to be out when it is dark yet because I don't know this boat." She gave one last look at Syaoran, and then looked back at Takashi. "Goodnight Yamazaki. It was nice talking to you again." She turned and left, not saying another word to Syaoran.

Takashi looked at Syaoran and said, "I do believe she just gave you the cold shoulder."

Syaoran just took a deep breath. "Yes, very childish."

That's when Yukito walked up to them as well. "Who is childish?" He asked.

"Kinomoto." Syaoran said simply.

Yukito gave Syaoran a sad look, but only Takashi really noticed. "You know it really isn't fair to treat her that way, Li." He said.

"I will treat her as the child she is and nothing more." Syaoran stated.

Takashi shook his head back in forth-in disagreement. "I don't believe she is really as childish as you say she is."

Syaoran stretched out his arms a little. "Fine. Believe what you want to believe, but my mind won't change."

"Li, you look tired." Yukito said, changing the subject, "Haven't you been sleeping?"

"No, I have no time for that."

Yukito didn't like that and neither did Takashi. It was very obvious how tired he was. His eyes were very red and he would stretch in weird ways, as if trying to keep from falling over.

Syaoran gave them another one of his looks and turned around. "I'm going to get something from my room. I have to talk to both of you in private soon, so don't go off too far."

Yukito and Takashi both nodded in agreement and watched as Syaoran made his way back indoors.

"Well, that was interesting." Takashi said to Yukito when they were alone.

"Yes. It is going to be even more interesting to see what those two become."

Takashi looked at Yukito strangely. Just what did he mean by that? That didn't make sense; she was just 14 after all. Did he mean it that way or was he just taking it wrong?


Syaoran staggered all the way to his room. He knew those guys were right: he needed sleep. But Sakura was in there and there was no way he would stay in the same room with her. It just wouldn't seem right and rumors would start all over the ship if he did.

He needed to go to the room for a while to grab a map so he could discuss the route with Takashi and Yukito. He was about to ask Takashi if he found the women's clothing for Sakura yet, but seeing her there made it so he couldn't. He knew Sakura was going to need more than what she had and he vaguely remembered he had some women's clothes from long ago. He shook his head, trying to not remember the past.

Finally, he reached his room and opened the door. Sakura was sitting at the table and tears were streaming down her face. She jumped up at the sound of him entering the room, quickly swiping the tears away as she did so, and asked, "What do you want?"

Syaoran wondered what she was crying about. He never understood young girls and their ability to cry so much. "I came to get a map. Why are you crying?"

Sakura stiffened at his question. "I wasn't crying. I just got something in my eye."

Syaoran thought that was the lamest excuse he had ever heard, but he didn't say anything more. It was obvious she didn't want him to know, and he figured it would be better that way.

"What's wrong with you?" Sakura asked all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?" Syaoran said raising an eyebrow.

Sakura walked up to him quickly. "You don't look so good. You look very tired, in fact. You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

This caught Syaoran off guard. Sakura was really close to him and giving a deep look of concern. "It's no big deal." He finally said after some time.

"Yes it is," Sakura placed her hand on his forehead, "You are the leader and you can't let yourself get really sick. This is all my fault isn't it?"

"How would it be your fault?" Syaoran asked.

Sakura looked over to the bed. "Because I took your bed. You only see me as a thorn in your side. I can tell by the way you speak to me."

Syaoran didn't know what to say. It was true; he thought of Sakura nothing more than a child he had to play babysitter with but for some reason, the look in her eyes told him not to say anything about that. "Well, it isn't your fault and I didn't have to give you my bed. This is my own fault."

Sakura grabbed him by the arm and tugged him towards the bed.

"What are you doing?" he almost yelled.

"You need to rest." She said, finally getting him to budge.

Syaoran couldn't believe he was being pulled around by a 14 year old. "I can't rest. I have to call talk to Yamazaki and Tsukisiro."

"Don't worry about them, I will go and tell them you are sleeping." Sakura said while pushing Syaoran onto the bed.


Sakura smiled at him. "No worries. Please get some sleep."

Syaoran just stared at her in a strange manner. "What about you?"

Sakura gave him a questioning look. "What about me?"

"Where do you plan to sleep?"

"Oh that?" Sakura said while sighing. "I have been sleeping for days now. I think I can stand to sleep on the floor for one night."

"You can't sleep on the floor!" Syaoran yelped.

"I can and I will," was Sakura's simple reply. Then she turned and headed out of the room.

Syaoran lied down on the bed. It felt really relaxing and comfortable. It had been a while since he had actually lied on the bed. He shut his eyes for a while, waiting for Sakura to come back. There was no way he was going to have her sleep on the floor while he was on the bed. Child she was maybe, but he was raised right and having the girl sleep on the floor was wrong.


Sakura was lucky; she found Takashi and Yukito very easily this time. In fact, she found Takashi and told him, and then Takashi told her he would tell Yukito. Now she was walking down the dark hallway with Takashi by her side, making sure she found her way.

"So how did you do it?" he asked.

Sakura bobbed her head up and down. "Do what?"

"Get him to get some sleep?"

"Oh that!" Sakura smiled, "I just told him he needed sleep so he could take care of his crew since he was the leader."

Takashi put his hand up to his chin. "Very clever, you are quite smart. I bet Syaoran never thought he would be defeated by a young girl."

Sakura didn't say anything to that. She wished she could tell him her real age, but she just didn't want others to find out. "Well we're here. Thank you for walking me back."

"No problem." Takashi said while bowing slightly and then walking off. "Goodnight."

As soon as Takashi walked out of sight, Sakura opened the door quietly and walked in. There she spotted Syaoran sleeping peacefully on the bed. She smiled, glad that he was finally getting the rest he needed. Then walked up to him. "He looks so handsome." Sakura whispered to herself. She looked closely at all the special features and outlines of his face. The way his chest slowly raised and fell, and the few stands of hair lying neatly on his face. Seeing him sleep made it seem like he could never be cold and closed off. He just looked as innocent as a small boy. "And he calls me the child." Sakura giggled a little.

She grabbed one of the quilts at the bottom of the bed and covered him up. Then she dimmed the lights and sat down at the small table again. She closed her eyes, remembering how, not too long ago, she was crying and how Syaoran had caught her. She had never been caught crying before and felt ashamed.

She just couldn't help it. Whenever she was talking to Takashi she just got a strange pain in her chest when he mentioned the word family and friends. She had never had them before and it hit her hard at that moment. She had done well to hide it for such a long time, but she was actually glad Syaoran came up and interrupted their conversation. That way she could go off secretly and try to get the strange feeling to go away. The only thing she didn't expect was for Syaoran to come back to the room for a while.

She didn't want him to know anything, so she quickly covered herself and regained her composure. Acting like as if she had never been crying. It was actually very easy for her, but now that she was alone again she felt the emptiness come back. She stared at the low glowing light on the table with a blank expression. What was going to happen to her?

She looked back at Syaoran for a while. There was something about him that she just couldn't place. Even though he was rude and mean to her, she just liked being around him. She didn't know why, especially since she had only really talked to him four times before and all had not been very friendly.

Sakura set her arms down on the table and her head on top. Slowly, her eyes began to close and, before she knew it, she fell asleep.


Yukito quietly opened the door of Syaoran's room. There, he saw both of them asleep, Syaoran on the bed and Sakura at the table. Sakura's position couldn't have been comfortable. Then he thought for a moment. Why is Syaoran sleeping? Wasn't he supposed to see him? Then it dawned on him. "Stupid Takashi and his lies." He mumbled. "I can't believe I fell for it this time." He could just feel the arrows pointing at him calling him a fool.

Yukito walked up to Sakura and smiled. She was such a sweet girl, but he felt bad for her since she was sleeping at a hard table. Then an idea popped in his head. Slowly, he took Sakura into his arms, being sure not wake her. He took her over to Syaoran's bed and carefully tucked her in beside him. The bed was big enough, being a queen size. There shouldn't be any reason from them to not share it. He chuckled slightly to himself. He knew Syaoran would hate to sleep next to her because of his pride, but he just had to do it.

Then he headed out of the room in search of Takashi for some payback time.


Sakura jerked slightly in her sleep. Her dream was really weird this time, but she was so fascinated by it that her body couldn't decide whether or not to wake up. She rolled over on her left side, becoming only inches away from Syaoran's face.

Syaoran still stayed fast asleep with no idea Sakura was sleeping beside him. His sleep was dreamless, unlike Sakura's, because of how tired he had gotten.

With out realizing it Sakura began to snuggle up closer to Syaoran. His body heat seemed to relax her from the dream and she finally stopped fidgeting. Finally, after about another hour, Sakura began to wake up. Opening her eyes, she came face to face with Syaoran's big and hazel eyes. "Wha… what?" Sakura asked immediately backing away from him. That was to close for comfort.

Syaoran slowly sat up, giving her one of the worst looks ever. Her stomach fluttered and turned in nervousness. Then all of a sudden he turned away from her in disgust.

Sakura's pride ripped apart at that and she didn't know what to do.

"I'm disappointed in you." Syaoran said in an icy cold voice. "I never thought you would do something like that."

Sakura was confused. What was he talking about? "Do what?" she croaked out.

"Getting into the same bed as me." Syaoran replied.

Sakura didn't know what to say. She didn't understand what was going on. She didn't remember getting into the bed next to him, but she really had no idea what happened. Nothing was making sense and she was hurt that Syaoran was being so cruel to her. "I don't understand what is going on here." She said quietly.

Syaoran got up from the bed and ran his hand through his hair. "I think you do." Then he turned and left the room.

Sakura sat there, not moving. Her eyes were blank as could be and all the shine was gone. She was confused and hurt, but she couldn't cry. In fact, she almost felt like vomiting, ashamed of whatever just happened. "Why was I in the same bed as him?" she asked herself.


mwhahaha. Hope you liked that last chapter. Still no R rated scenes in this fic yet hehe. Hope to here from all of you again! ^^ Thank you for reading!

Your humble fanfic writer,
