Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken, Young ❯ Cruel ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, I tried to write this one as fast as I could without making it sound really stupid (that’s why it took so long). I really do appreciate all the nice reviews I get from all of you. I hope the last chapter didn’t scare off a lot of people. Actually I was just brain storming on this story, and I fixed a lot of plot holes it might have had. So now I am even more afraid of what people will think when this story is done, if they will like it or hate it haha. I guess it doesn’t matter, as long as I’m happy with it. But as usual, I’m never truly happy with the way I write my chapters. Trying to get your ideas written out is harder than it seems! I’m really glad I have a beta reader or my stuff would suck even more. ‘Look at chapter 1 then at chapter 4 and tell me what you think haha’ I should probably revise that chapter. Welp, I was very tempted to make this Tomoyo and Syaoran just to spite some people, because even though I said it over and over that this is S&S people still got all pissy ‘And I like the idea of S&T too’ but it messed with my plot too much so that won’t happen. Anyway, enjoy the 5th chapter! I hope to put more S&S action soon.


P.S. As for the R rating, it IS rated that for a reason. I like to have my story rating stay the same so that people under age don’t read it thinking it will be a safe story, now mind you, I know tons of people under age read it anyway, but there are a few who only want pg-13 or lower.


Oh and one more thing even though I said it a lot before… I’M NOT KITTY NEKO NOR AM I HER SECRTARY!! So don’t post in my reviews begging me to get her to update. Okay... I feel much better now.

Disclaimer: It never changes…





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Mistaken Young By: Ongaku

Chapter 5: Cruel



It was now later on in the night and, true to her word, Tomoyo was heading straight for Sakura’s room. The letter she had found was now stuffed tightly in her pocket. She wondered if Sakura ever noticed it missing yet. She also wondered if Sakura was just as freaked out about this letter having her name on it as Tomoyo was.

Tomoyo knocked softly on Sakura’s door. It didn’t take long for Sakura to get the door, it as if she had been waiting the whole time. They said nothing to each other as they walked over to Sakura’s bed and took a seat.

Sakura watched Tomoyo’s every move. Something was really bothering her and it was getting her curiosity up a lot, but she didn’t want to rush her. Perhaps what she had to say was something that could help her figure out were she came from. Looking from Tomoyo’s hands up to her face again she caught a glimpse of something familiar. “That’s…” she said pointing to it.

Tomoyo reached into her pocket and pulled it out. “This is yours, correct?”

Sakura nodded.

“Do you know anything about it?”

Sakura looked at Tomoyo’s hopeful face, confused.

Tomoyo opened it up and pointed to some of the funny looking markings. “Why does it have my name on it with yours?”

Sakura eyes got wide. “It does? How did you know that? You can read it?!”

Tomoyo only nodded and read the parchment out loud. With every word Sakura’s heart dropped more and more. Something felt awfully wrong and before she knew it, a few tears were spilling out of her eyes. Sakura slowly lowered her head and then felt a cool hand caress her cheek.

“This writing is Japanese. I haven’t seen it in a long time since no one uses it anymore. It’s no wonder that you couldn’t read it yourself. Are you going to be okay? Why are you crying?”

Sakura took her hand in hers and looked up at her face. “I’m not sure, but it hurts a lot.”

Tomoyo then took Sakura into a warm embrace. “I’m sorry.”

Sakura shook her head, “No, don’t be. I always wanted to know what that paper said. Thank you so much.”

They let go of each other and then smiled. “But Sakura, where did you get this?”

Sakura shrugged and held out her hand. Tomoyo got the hint and handed the letter back. “Something about that letter is really strange.” Tomoyo began, “At one time I felt a really big pain from reading it, but at the same time I also felt like it was all so familiar and warming.”

It was really quiet for a while until Tomoyo spoke again. “You look really tired. Please sleep well.” Then she got up, looked at Sakura’s face one last time and walked out the door.

Sakura stared at the door for a second before rushing out to follow Tomoyo secretly. The look that she had last given her had told her that something big was about to happen. Her instincts were usually very accurate for those kinds of things.

Just as Sakura was turning the corner Tomoyo had just passed, she spotted Syaoran and Tomoyo standing face to face. Sakura ducked back behind the corner and watched intently as the scene progressed. She was glad they weren’t too far a way so she could hear what they were saying.

“Tomoyo, I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier.” Syaoran didn’t move an inch after he spoke, as if waiting on a thin line for her response.

“Apology accepted.”

Syaoran’s face looked like he had expected for her to say more, but it didn’t look as if Tomoyo was going to spit out any more words anytime soon.  After a couple of minutes, the silence was finally broken again.

“Don’t you have something to say to me as well?” His face took on the strangest expression, but her mouth remained shut. “I don’t understand you, Tomoyo. Why on earth do you stay in the god-forsaken place? Why don’t you do something to get even with Eriol? You are so much smarter than this!”

Tomoyo’s eyes were getting glossy. “Shut your mouth. You’ll never understand.”

Syaoran’s strange look now turned into anger. “I would understand if you would just fucking tell me! These head games of yours are nothing but crap!”

As Sakura watch on in keen interest, she felt something familiar pricking at her, as if she had already witnessed this scene before…but that couldn’t have been possible…Sakura continued to watch as the argument got much louder and her head started to pound.

“They’re nothing but crap to you because you’re too dumb to understand! You think you’re so smart, but you really have so much to learn!”

Syaoran eyebrow twitched. “Oh yeah, like what?”

“Like about Sakura, for instance!”

Syaoran didn’t like that at all. “Don’t bring that stupid girl up right now! She has nothing to do with this!”

“I think she does, and you’re too idiotic to realize it! Your heart might know but your brain is covering it up!”

Syaoran grabbed his head. “Shut up! This is why Eriol never ended up with you! This is why Eriol never talked to you and acts like you aren’t even there! It’s because of the way you’re acting now!”

At this Tomoyo’s hand rose up high into the air getting ready to slap him, she closed her eyes and let it rip. She felt her hand hit something soft, but when she opened her eyes again, she saw Sakura sitting on the floor, looking down, her bangs covering her eyes and her hand on her cheek. Realization hit Tomoyo hard. “Oh god. Oh my god, I’m so sorry Sakura, but why? Why did you get in the way?”

Sakura didn’t say anything and Syaoran only stood there in shock, not knowing what to do next.

Tomoyo looked at her hand, it was bright red and it tingled with pain. The slap mark on Sakura’s face had to hurt a lot. She would probably even bruise quite badly. What had she done? Letting her anger get the best of her, she felt so ashamed, she wanted to hide her face and run away. Just as she was about to crack she felt a small and trembling pair of arms wrap around her body and a small head resting on her shoulder. Tomoyo snapped out of her thoughts and put her arms around the trembling girl. She didn’t understand what was going on and she could tell Syaoran didn’t either.

“I don’t understand.” Sakura mumbled through her sobs. “It hurt so much.”

At this Tomoyo didn’t know if she meant the slap or something else entirely. Then all of a sudden she could feel the weight of Sakura on her body and hear the soft rhythm of her breathing. All of it had taken so much out of the poor girl, that she had fallen asleep instantly. Tomoyo held on to her tightly so as to not drop her. “I’m so very sorry, Sakura…”

Finally, Syaoran moved from his spot and walked up closer to them. “Is she asleep?” he asked.

Tomoyo nodded.

Syaoran calmly walked up to Sakura and grabbed her from behind. Tomoyo let go as Syaoran took Sakura into his arms, bridal style. “Just tell me where her room is and I will take her there.”

“It’s just around this corner, you can’t miss it.”

Syaoran gave her one last look, turned, and left.

Tomoyo watched as they walked away around the corner and out of sight. She was probably going to have to explain some things to Sakura tomorrow; it was the least she could do, after all.


His hands were touching her all over, very gently. Every place he touched made her skin burn in desire. Slowly, he led her to a bed and laid her down while hovering above her. His shirt was already off; she ran her hand over his chest, wrapping her legs around his waist as he lowered himself down to her. He slowly undid the buttons of her blouse and peeled the shirt off to reveal her creamy white breasts held in a see-through bra. He brought his head down and began to trail kisses up and down her chest. She moaned slightly and raised her hips closer to his body. Slowly, his kisses came closer and closer to her lips and just when she thought she would get to taste him, a flash of light hit, and he was gone, leaving her all alone. There was no noise at first, although it wasn’t long before she heard a heated argument, but couldn’t see any people.

“What is going on?” She screamed. The voices were only getting louder and it was starting to hurt her head. She grabbed on tightly and winced. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, she thought she saw Syaoran again, he looked at her sadly and then something else hit. She didn’t understand it, but she felt like dying. She let out a blood-curdling scream just as the noise died.

Sakura awoke in her bed with the shakes. “It was only a dream.” She said to herself. The doors to her room burst open and Tomoyo came running in.

“Sakura, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

It was then Sakura realized she must have really screamed out loud and not just in her dream. “I’m okay, Tomoyo, it was just a bad dream.”

Tomoyo put her cool hand up to Sakura forehead to check for a fever, but found none. “It must have been some dream to get you to scream like that.”

Sakura nodded, “But I don’t remember a thing.”

Tomoyo patted her head. “That’s probably for the best.”

Sakura didn’t feel happy about forgetting what it was about though. She looked at her opened door and was surprised to see Syaoran standing there. Tomoyo noticed she was looking at something and followed her gaze; she was just as surprised as Sakura to see Syaoran there.

“What’s going on?” Syaoran asked in a flat tone.

Sakura spoke first. “I’m sorry for the scare, it was just a bad dream, I guess.”

Syaoran stared her in the eyes, as though making sure she wasn’t lying. When he had no reason to doubt it, he nodded his head and then walked back out the door, shutting it behind him.

“Well, that was interesting.” Tomoyo said quietly.

Sakura simply nodded. “Tomoyo…”

“Yes, Sakura?”

“What was that fight about in the hall?”

Tomoyo didn’t answer right away. Sakura could see that she was contemplating whether or not to tell her. So she took Tomoyo’s hand in hers and held it tightly. “You can tell me, Tomoyo, I’m your best friend. I just want to help.”

Tomoyo’s eyes watered a bit; and she finally said, “It’s a bit of an affair.”

“An affair?”

“Yes, remember how I told you two other people live here?”

Sakura nodded her head, urging Tomoyo to continue.

“They are a married couple. I live with them because they let me and I had nowhere else to go. That’s basically the only reason. A long time ago I was in love. His name was Eriol and he was very kind to me. I was barely seventeen when I met him. He was twenty-four. He found me in the back alleys, crying. I had just lost all of my family in a terrible accident and had nowhere to go. He took me into his home, promising me he would take care of me and make me feel better. I was so young that I didn’t really understand what he meant; I thought he would be like a new father to me. That thought didn’t last long. After the first week, he started treating me much differently than a father would. Then, one night, he kissed me, very passionately. It was then I learned that I was in love with him. Things didn’t just end with a kiss either. I thought for sure I had found my love of a lifetime and that I would eventually marry him. So I let him do whatever he wanted with me. After about a year I could sense hollowness in him. Actually, I think it had always been there, but I never took the time to really notice it. His time around me got shorter and shorter and then it started to get…”

Tomoyo stopped, trying to keep her cool, but was failing miserably. Tears were falling from her eyes like a water facet and her breathing became racked with fits as the hiccups came.

Sakura was really getting worried. She patted Tomoyo’s back silently, not having a clue what to say.

Tomoyo took some great big breaths, calming herself down just a bit to finish was she was saying. Her words were jumbled and soft, but Sakura didn’t miss them.

“He wouldn’t come home all night long and when he finally did he wouldn’t say anything to me. He would give me the cold shoulder. I thought he was mad at me and I wondered what I had done. Finally, after five months had passed of him ignoring me and hardly coming home, he returned with a lady who was a bit older than me. She had long red hair and the kindest eyes, Sakura. Eriol helped her out of the car and led her into the house. I came rushing up, wondering what was going on. That was when my heart broke… He told me that they were engaged and that they were going to be married in less than a month. He said they had known each other for years but finally told each other of their feelings. Kaho came up to me and took my hand. She told me she was very happy to finally meet me. I was so confused at first. She told me that Eriol had told her so many things about me. My stomach turned and I wanted to throw up. I looked at him and he looked as if nothing was wrong. I grasped Kaho’s hand and finally smiled, wishing her a happy marriage. I couldn’t say anything, Sakura, she looked so happy.”

Sakura’s face was twisted with all sorts of emotions. Tomoyo’s story was so sad and just so wrong she herself was starting to feel sick.

“After that I made myself scarce. I helped out with cleaning and such. I learned of what sort of things Eriol had told her about me. That I was like a younger sister to him and without me, he would have gone insane during their time apart. I hated him so much for all that he had done, but I couldn’t do anything about it. I was helpless to my own emotions.”

Finally Tomoyo broke down all the way and lunged herself towards Sakura’s chest. Sakura held her close, tears leaking from her own eyes as well. She couldn’t believe all the pain Tomoyo had been through. No…she was still going through it. Sakura felt angry; she wanted to really hurt this Eriol. Really bad.

Tomoyo must have sensed her anger. She muttered, “Please don’t say anything to Eriol about all this when you meet him. I don’t want to hurt Kaho. She hasn’t done anything to me and she deserves to be happy.”

Sakura didn’t say anything back to her friend. She didn’t want to make any promises that she couldn’t keep. She would try not to say anything, but sometimes her mouth would run off without her even realizing what she was saying until it was to late.

They stayed like that for hours, just crying and comforting each other.

When Tomoyo had finally calmed down, she showed Sakura to the shower room to clean her face, and left her there with her thoughts. Tomoyo would be meeting Eriol and Kaho in two hours and Sakura could only imagine how Tomoyo would be feeling about that right now.

All refreshed and clean, Sakura stepped out of the bathroom to bump right into Syaoran. “I’m sorry!” she cried quickly, hoping he wouldn’t be in a bad mood today.

He just looked at Sakura for a second before mumbling that it was okay and continuing on his way. That startled her a bit. His attitude was aloof and she wondered if he knew all about Tomoyo and Eriol. Then she smacked her hand to her head, Duh, he knows! Why would they have been fighting like that last night if he didn’t? Still…she wondered why he was apologizing to her and why it seemed like he was hoping Tomoyo would too.

Before Syaoran was completely out of sight she yelled out, “Wait, Li-kun!”

He stopped and turned around, looking exactly same as when she bumped into him. Sakura started to get really nervous… she called out his name without thinking much and now she didn’t know what to say to him. For some reason, having him leave like that made her really uncomfortable though. She decided him being angry was better than nothing. She rushed up to shorten the distance between them. “I wanted to ask you… why were you and Tomoyo fighting last night?”

Syaoran’s eyebrow twitched at the questions, “That is none of your business.”

“Maybe not.” Sakura started. “But I believe I deserve some sort of explanation since I got hit and all.”

“And whose own stupid fault was that?”

Sakura knew he was going to say that, but she pressed on anyway. “Well, I couldn’t help it. I could hear you guys arguing from my room, and then all of a sudden I got the urge to get in the way… I wasn’t really.” Sakura stopped when she realized how stupid she sounded. She still didn’t know why she had known when to run out just to block a slap at his face.

Syaoran had a little bit of a guilty look at this. He knew how hard Tomoyo’s slaps were and he could see the small, but visible bruise on Sakura’s face from it.

“Tomoyo told me about Eriol.”

That sentence snapped him out of his thoughts. “She what?” he blinked, not believing it.

“I’m assuming that means you know about it too?”

“Well, of course I do, after all, she seduced me once and had to explain everything to me after!”

Sakura’s eyes widened at Syaoran’s confession, and Syaoran himself couldn’t believe what he had just said out loud. What followed were moments of awkward silence, but at least now Sakura knew what they were fighting about, or at least had the jist of what they were arguing about. For some reason it was putting a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Syaoran noticed the strange look on Sakura’s face and he felt like he needed to tell her that there was nothing between him and Tomoyo. “But… uh… that was all way in the past and, uh…” he was having a very hard time trying to find the words.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to explain anything to me. It is, after all, none of my business. Besides, I’m too young to really understand anything anyway.” Sakura interrupted him, not really wanting to hear what he had to say. She smiled at him and walked away. “I wonder what Eriol looks like, I can’t wait to meet him.”

Syaoran watched her leave and had a bad feeling that Sakura was up to something.


“Ug gh… So hungry…” Sakura groaned out loud so that Tomoyo could hear.

Tomoyo laughed a bit, “I understand, Sakura, they should be here any second, though. And then we can have lunch.”

Sakura grinned widely. “Yay! I know it will be yummy!”

Syaoran watched all this with interest. He knew Sakura was putting up an act, even though she was a child, he had to admit that she hardly ever acted like a little kid. Meaning she hardly ever complained and said silly words. Even though he knew this, he couldn’t help but make rude comments to her about it.

“Like I told you, Tomoyo, nothing but a spoiled little child.”

Sakura glared daggers at him and Tomoyo rolled her eyes. There he goes again, treating her like a little sister. Tomoyo thought. She wasn’t stupid. She knew Sakura was acting this silly to help get her mind off the event that was about to happen.

The sound of the handle being jerked brought them back to the present time. They all turned to watch as a young man and woman walked into the house.

The man looked around and was a little bit startled to see more than one person there, but it didn’t last long. Sakura wondered if she was the only one to notice.

“Ah, Syaoran. It sure has been a long time since I last saw you.”

Sakura watched his every move and noticed how he didn’t even acknowledge Tomoyo’s presence. Some brotherly attention he was giving her, it was worse than how Syaoran treats her.

“It sure has been, Eriol. How are you holding up lately?”

Eriol smiled. “Doing good, and…” he paused a bit. “Who might this lovely young lady be?”

Syaoran stepped slightly in front of Sakura and Sakura knew what he was doing. He seemed he didn’t really trust Eriol. Sakura was a little touched, but at the same time a little annoyed. She pushed her way back in front of Syaoran. “My name is Sakura, it’s very nice to meet you.” Sakura’s voice was sugary sweet.

“Hello, Sakura, my name is Eriol and this here is my lovely wife, Kaho.”

Sakura took a better look at Kaho and realized that Tomoyo was right. She was a very beautiful woman, very mature-looking with kind eyes, but she didn’t seem to hold a candle next to Tomoyo. Sakura’s stomach rumbled, bringing a huge blush to her cheeks.

Kaho giggled a bit. “Well, I think we are all introduced now. Let’s go eat. I know that I’m hungry, I couldn’t tell if that was my stomach or not.”

Sakura looked at her strangely. Was she trying to take the embarrassment off of me?

Sakura watched, as Eriol didn’t even say hello to Tomoyo as he passed her. She looked at Tomoyo and noticed her friend looking very stressed and depressed. Kaho seemed to be oblivious to it all. It was no wonder she was so kind. She was very stupid. Sakura thought back to what Tomoyo had told her.

Please don’t say anything to Eriol about all this when you meet him. I don’t want to hurt Kaho. She hasn’t done anything to me and she deserves to be happy.

Sakura figured this was all true, but she also thought it was very stupid that Tomoyo wasn’t saying anything. Kaho may not deserve to be unhappy but she also didn’t deserve to not know the truth about her so-called husband. All the secrecy made her feel ill and her anger was starting to boil up. Sakura clenched her fists and tried to take deep breaths, but it just wasn’t working. Why was this bastard getting away with all of the wrongs he did? It just wasn’t right and she was going to have to put an end to it, even if Tomoyo had told her not too. She knew she would be taking a big chance, possibly even resulting in losing the only friend she had ever made in a long time.

“Wait.” Sakura said, clearly and strongly.

Eriol and Kaho turned back to her. Syaoran and Tomoyo stopped dead in their tracks right next to her.

Sakura turned to Tomoyo and kissed her lightly on the forehead, “I’m sorry.” She then walked up to Kaho and bowed slightly. “I’m sorry.”

Finally she made her way to Eriol. He was looking at her with keen interest, probably wondering what on earth she was planning to do. She walked up to him unclenched her fist and put all her power into smacking him really hard right across the face.

Her strength must have been a lot more than she thought she had, because he stumbled back and bit and spat out a little blood. The blood made her feel a little bad, but not enough to wish she hadn’t done it.

Everyone stayed quiet as the echo of the slap resonated around the room.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to hit you that hard. Must have been all my held-back anger. You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

Eriol’s cool composure was now gone and he was left with a look of utter confusion and worry.

“I might not have any right to get in the middle of this, but when I see no one else is doing anything about it, I couldn’t just let it go. Eriol, how can you be this way? Isn’t it very obvious that Syaoran doesn’t like you; much less trust you at all? My opinions about you are totally low, your wife has no clue just how much of a jerk you are, and Tomoyo…”

At the mention of Tomoyo’s name, the reason for this visit all started to make sense for Eriol, but one thing still had him confused…

Sakura looked at Kaho’s face, she didn’t seem to look upset or confused at all, and it surprised her. What on earth was going on?

Eriol looked at Tomoyo and winced as he saw the tears falling freely from her eyes.  He then turned his attention back at Sakura.

“How dumb are you? How come you’re not talking? Did you even know how much damage you did on a young girl’s heart? A girl is not a toy, you can’t just use her whenever you want!”

Finally Eriol decided to say something. “I know what I did was wrong and could never be forgiven. I did care a lot for Tomoyo and I thought she could really replace my lost love for Kaho, but then Kaho came back into my life and I didn’t know what to do.”

“You’re an idiot.” Sakura spat.

“Excuse me.”

Sakura turned to the soft voice and noticed it was Kaho.

“I already knew of this.”

Everyone looked surprised at her words except Eriol.

“I’m not that clueless. I might play it well though.” She giggled a bit even though it was one of the strangest moments for her to do that.

“If you knew it… why did you marry him?” Sakura asked.

“Because I love him and I know he loves me. Plus, he knows I know and I have punished him for it in my own way.”

Sakura raised an eyebrow. “How come you didn’t make him apologize to Tomoyo? Why did you just stay quiet? I don’t understand.”

Kaho smiled sadly and looked at Tomoyo. “I was hoping she would confront him herself. It was a problem they needed to deal with themselves, and me helping would have made it worse. I’m very sorry I never told you, Tomoyo.”

Tomoyo just nodded in understanding.

Syaoran was just standing there, eyes not moving from Sakura. He had a very disturbed look on his face, but Sakura never noticed this. However, Eriol did.

It was really quiet for what seemed likes hours, but was merely just a few seconds.

Tomoyo took a deep breath and walked up to Eriol. “Sometimes I hate you so much that I wish I had never met you. What you did to me was unforgivable, but at the same time… at the same time I just can’t make myself hate you enough to hurt you back or leave this house for good. I’m still just a child, the same one you brought home with you that one dreadful night and I’m all alone and I’m scared. I hate you for doing all those things to me but… but please don’t ignore me more anymore! Don’t leave me alone anymore! I hate that even more…” Tears were streaming from Tomoyo’s eyes and her knees started to give. Sakura noticed she was about to fall but Syaoran grabbed her wrist to keep her from crashing over. It was then she noticed something wasn’t right about Syaoran. She jerked her arm away, feeling a little afraid.

Eriol had caught Tomoyo and was holding her close. “I’m so sorry, Tomoyo. I really am a bastard.” Sakura watched the scene and smiled. They still had a lot of problems to work out, but at least now Tomoyo would not be feeling so alone anymore. She turned to Kaho and noticed that the woman was smiling brightly and mouthed a thank you in her direction. Sakura just smiled in return.


After lunch Sakura decided to go walking around. The house was wonderful and gave her plenty to look at. Just as she was about to turn a corner she spotted Syaoran. He was walking her way and had a serious expression on his face. Remembering the way he looked at her during the Eriol incident made her a little nervous and she was almost tempted to run away. Just as she was about to turn and make a run for it, he grabbed hold of her arm tightly. “Ow, Li-kun, you’re hurting me.”

“What did you just do?” he hissed in anger.

“Huh? What do you mean? You are scaring me, Li-kun.”

“Don’t act like you don’t know! That power!”

Sakura whimpered a bit, as his grip didn’t loosen. “I didn’t do anything! I swear! Please let go of me!”

But he didn’t, it was like he wasn’t really there and it scared Sakura even more. Finally, at a loss of what to do, Sakura screamed, “Syaoran! Please stop!”

At his name, he immediately let go and looked around. Then he looked at Sakura and noticed her face was tear-streaked and she was shaking in fear. Before he could ask her anything, she ran away as quickly as she could.

Syaoran stared at the spot where Sakura was once standing. “What’s going on?”


O MG!!!! I’m finished with this chapter!!! I can’t believe how long it took me! I’m so very sorry!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. There wasn’t any R rating in it though. ^^;; That’s all for the next chapter! Ja! Big huggles and thanks to my beta-reader, myStiCaLYia!