Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moon in the darkness ❯ Sleepless nights ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own CCS or its characters, it all belongs to CLAMP.

A/N: For those of you who haven't read "Keeping a promise", please notice these facts: 1.Yue and Yukito have been separated and live both their own lives. 2.Yue lives in the Kinomoto's house now, because he wanted to be near Sakura. I firstly didn't want to make a Yue/Sakura fic, but I changed my mind, dunno exactly why.

/…/ indicates thoughts, a'ight?

Moon in the darkness

1.Sleepless nights:

Yue sat at the open window of his room, watching the moon and the stars.

/It's no use!/, he thought to himself, /I just can't get into sleep! No matter how hard I have tried for the last three nights, the thoughts always keep me awake./

"You know that's not very healthy at all.", Yue turned around to see who had said this.

Touya stood at the open door, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You will get sick if you go on sitting in the cold air like that.", he said.

"I never noticed it was cold.", Yue answered,

"And I don't care much. I won't get sick so fast, I'm not human."

"But you could nevertheless.", Touya exclaimed.

"Would you please let me get along with my matters by myself?", Yue said and closed the window.

"I thought we were friends.", Touya said, sounding a bit disappointed,

"I thought you trust me. But you just lock yourself away from the world."

"I do trust you!", Yue ensured him,

"But the things that go through my mind right now are nothing you could help me get along with."

"I could at least try.", Touya replied and sat down on a chair besides Yue.

The two remained silent for a while. Then, Touya turned his face towards Yue, looking into his eyes.

"You were thinking about Clow, weren't you?", Touya asked.

Yue's eyes widened.

/Was it so obvious to see what was going on inside me?/, he thought.

He took a short while before he answered.

"I was remembering how full of harmony my life was back then. And now, everything seems to have changed. I often wish I could return to those days."

"You should stop living in the past.", Touya said,

"What is over is over and there's nothing you can do about that. Nobody needs you in the past, but a lot of people need you here in the present. Sakura needs you. We all need you."

Yue thought about those words for a while.

"Maybe you are right.", he then responded,

"I will try to concentrate more on what is going on now. I won't be a good help for Sakura if I long for gone things forever."

"That sounds more rational.", Touya said and went to the door.

"Try to get some sleep now. Goodnight, Yue-kun."

Yue was a bit startled of Touya calling him "Yue-kun"

"Sleep well, Touya.", he said and closed the door after Touya left the room.

Yue reflected about his relationship with his mistress' older brother. He remembered that only a short time ago, when he and Yukito were still one, he had felt totally different. Back then, it was Yukito's love for Touya that had made Yue feel so strongly attracted by him. After the separation from Yukito and his feelings, Yue's heart changed in many ways. He knew how strong Yukito's love for Touya was, he knew that Touya's love for Yukito was from the same strength, he knew that those two humans were destined to be together. Now, without being influenced by Yukito's feelings any longer, Yue had reached the level of sympathy for Touya that would be best described as "being very close and dear friends". They trusted each other and Yue liked Touya's company, but that was all. Yue wanted Touya to be happy with his snow bunny. And it made him kind of satisfied seeing the two enjoying their live together. For the first time since a lot of endless years, Yue felt some sort of happiness again.

Yue really felt like he could find some rest now. He took a last look outside into the darkness of the night.

But then, he felt like there was something out there, something magical, calling…calling for…calling only for him…

AN: Please, feel free to comment on this, I am always open for critics, praising and anything else, so review like there's no tomorrow, pretty, pretty please with a Sakura on top ^-^