Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Moon in the darkness ❯ After the darkness ( Chapter 6 )

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6.After the darkness

Sakura woke up, seeing that Yue was still asleep. Hear head rested on his chest and she reflected.

She looked at her moon guardian closely.

` Yue is really very pretty.

"Now what do we have here.", A voice came from the door.

"Onii-chan!", Sakura removed her head from Yue's chest and sat up straight, "I…I was…".

"Don't mutter so loudly, kaiju!", Touya said, "Or you'll wake your sleeping angel."

"I am not a monster!", Sakura protested.

Yue moaned and opened up his eyes.

"Are you two struggling again?", he asked.

"Oh, gomen nasai, Yue-chan.", Sakura said, "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's alright, Sakura.", Yue responded.

"Yue-CHAN???", Touya asked surprised, "Seems like I missed something, huh?"

Sakura blushed, and so did Yue .(AN: Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww, what would I give to really see this, Yue must look so kawaii when he blushes *drool*)

"I think I'll better be off for work and no longer disturb your young love-affair."

Sakura blushed even more and Touya left the room.

"Sakura?", Yue asked.

"Hai?", she answered.

"Did you think about what I told you?"

"Hai.", Sakura replied, "I have, indeed. And…And I…I think I could really love you, if you let me."

"Why shouldn't I let you?", Yue asked her, "I was totally serious telling you that I love you."

"You think we could be happy together?", Sakura questioned.

"Well.", Yue replied, "I have almost forgotten what happiness means. But I hope, no I KNOW I could learn again. Would you be the one who will show me what happiness means, Sakura?"

"Hai, Yue-chan.", Sakura answered, "I will show you. I will make you happy. I vow to you to make you happy."

And to seal her vow, she placed a warm and gentle kiss the moon guardian's lips. (AN: Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! … ahem!)


It had been a beautiful day and Sakura had just finished the dishes. She headed upstairs and entered Yue's room. She was really happy that he had recovered so quickly.

"May I come in, Yue-chan?", she asked.

"Of course you may.", Yue answered. He looked into her brilliant eyes and smiled lightly (AN: *drool*).

"Are you up to something special now, Sakura?", he asked her.

"No, why?". Sakura looked at her moon angel.

"Why not fly to Tokyo Tower and watch the beautiful sunset?"

"I would really appreciate that.", Sakura said.

Yue opened up the window of his room and slid outside, making his wings appear. Sakura summoned her staff and called out the fly card. Pink wings appeared on her back and she flew out into the ending day, Yue flying next to her.

They landed on the tower and watched the sun set at the horizon, bathing the town in an golden and deep red light. After the sun had totally disappeared, the air began to get cooler and Sakura lightly shivered in the breeze. Yue wrapped his wings around her and she smiled up to him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on her face. They both could not stand it any longer.

And under the silver light of the full moon and the sparkle of thousands of stars, they kissed like there was no tomorrow. And they both felt a strong and warm light within themselves. A light that would chase away every darkness forever.

AN: And here it is, the last chapter of "Moon in the darkness". But don't worry, I still have ideas concerning this kawaii couple roaming through my mind. So, keep your eyes open. Thanks again for reading.