Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Safest Place ❯ The Quest ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, CLAMP does.

Tomoyo: Fanny chan? I was wondering. Which is your favourite couple? Sakura and Syaoran or *blushes* me and Eriol?

Fanny chan: Both of them. Well the major coupling will be either one of those anyway. Although maybe the title will change, which is quite unlikely.


Summary of this story: I wonder whose safest place is where. Hmm…I wonder… The title may not make sense at first...You'll see…Reviews to continue!!


My Safest Place
By Fanny chan

The Quest

A lone handsome demon wandered the streets. His dark puple-blue eyes carefully searching the crowd before him.


"Do you know what to do now?" asked a person hidden in the shadows. The high-leveled demon, which that person had summoned, bowed his head and nodded.

"Find the choosen ones and destroy them," the demon answered before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

*********End of Flashback*********

The eyes fixed themselves on a Victorian mansion along the road. He then crossed the deserted road when suddenly he felt powerful magic. He felt himself stiffen a little, unable to move. However, he quickly overpowered that power and stood still. Shocked, the demon concentrated hard on the situation around him without moving a muscle.

He saw a little girl trapped in the bright headlights of a car a distance away. Suddenly, a green eyed woman materialized before the oncoming accident and carried the frozen girl out of harm's way. Then she gave an ok signal to someone in the house before disappearing.

There was another powerful force of magic before time resumed itself. The demon smirked. "I guess that this should be their house." Then going to a nearby alleyway, he shimmered then disappeared completely.

A black haired girl in the house was fuming at the couple making out on the sofa in front of her. After a few more minutes to Tomoyo, and seconds in reality, Tomoyo asked the couple who had separated. "You know you two should get a room."

Syaoran and Sakura smiled. "Well, we did save that little girl over there Tomoyo. And don't worry. We'll get a room after our marriage." Suddenly Syaoran's expression turned serious and he stiffened. "Did you just freeze yourself dear?" Sakura joked worriedly. "Did you just felt what I felt?" Syaoran began speaking. Sakura and Tomoyo shook their head. "A very strong wave of evil magic," was his reply. Tomoyo sighed. "Another day dedicated to demon hunting."

Just at that moment, the phone rang. "Hello, Tomoyo speaking." Tomoyo answered while Sakura sat on Syaoran's lap on the sofa. "Tomoyo? Meiling here. I saw an incident and I mean those supernatural ones. Come over here. NOW! AT THE MAIN SQUARE!"

Tomoyo hurriedly placed the phone and grabbed her coat. "No time to waste and no touching up your make up." Tomoyo said pointedly at Sakura. "We're outta here." Sakura grabbed a tissue and wiped her smudged lipstick off.

As they got out of the car at the place, Sakura gagged. The little girl they had saved earlier was torn apart limb by limb. Written in blood on the floor was "I'm hurt you did not welcome my visit. Well, I'll see more of you soon, choosen ones..." Tomoyo gasped and looked around frantically. Then she turned back just plain confused. "How come no one is taking notice?" "No one can see it," Syaoran was walking back to them. "I've checked." The trio looked weirdly at Meiling.

"How would I know? I'm not the choosen ones!" Meiling's expression said it all. Suddenly as by magic, literally, the words disappeared completely, along with the ripped carcass of the poor little girl.


How was it?!?!? Review plz and I won't be continuing 'Entwined forever' coz' I have writer's block. I see what I can do k? Meanwhile, ENJOY THIS FIC!!!