Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Safest Place ❯ The demons uncovered ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, CLAMP does.

Tomoyo: Okay. Here's the next chapter by Fanny chan. Hopefully you will like it…

Fanny chan: Yeah… sorry if it's confusing but I'll try to make it not so. Thanks 4 ur review too!! And review again!!


Summary of this story: I wonder whose safest place is where. Hmm…I wonder… The title may not make sense at first...You'll see…Reviews to continue!!


My Safest Place
By Fanny chan

The demons uncovered

"We need information," Syaoran suggested when they reached back the mansion. Tomoyo sighed. "We know, but where? We don't know much about the demon."

"Let's go check the sacred book while maybe Tomoyo could check the magical library," Sakura pouts. "Which only she can enter."

The three agreed and while the couple walked up the stairs leading to the attic, Tomoyo went into her room. Inside, Tomoyo stared at the mirror before waving her hand before it. A portal opened slowly yet suddenly. "Bring me to the library of magic!" Tomoyo commanded before she stepped in. Emerging, she stood in front of thousands of books.

Tomoyo smiled to herself. "Finally, peace and quiet." She thought silently. It wasn't like Sakura and Syaoran annoy her a lot with their kissing, touching and so on but she'd like to be alone once in a while. Then Tomoyo raised her hands and commanded the shelves of books.

"Ancient books of magic, here my call. As your newest mistress, Tomoyo, give me the book which I require." The minutes passed slowly. Just as Tomoyo was about to give up, a small book flew out of one of the shelves before gently placing itself on Tomoyo's out-stretched hands. Tomoyo smiled. "Thank you ancient books and I shall now take my leave," she muttered before a portal swallowed her up.

Syaoran and Sakura was hugging each other on Tomoyo's bed. "What's taking Tomoyo so long?" Syaoran grumbled when Tomoyo came out of the mirror. Tomoyo was all smiles. "I found something!!" she cried happily before she muttered another incarnation.

"O dear book, I thank thee. Open your pages and show me what I want to see." The pages flew by before coming to rest on a page. Tomoyo read it carefully.

"The Unknown. An evil creation which rule the underworld. He sends demons, which helps him do his dirty work. It was said there was a prophecy in ancient times that only one thing could destroy him, however, no one has ever read the prophecy. All they were given was this clue.

'If the choosen ones can stand united when the one evil enters their lives, they will slowly figure out the prophecy. But beware. If the meaning of this clue is misunderstood, danger would surely arise.' "

The choosen ones, Sakura, Syaoran and Tomoyo glanced at each other puzzledly. Then the pages started flapping again.

"Evic. The highest-ranking demon of the underworld. However, in not for his human half, he could easily surpass the unknown so he and the unknown are obviously not on good terms. The unknown only calls on him for the extreme purposes. An example is killing the choosen ones."

Tomoyo nearly dropped the book as she reread it again. "I have a feeling that he is the demon after us, don't you?" Sakura stuttered. Syaoran nodded. "Perhaps so…Good work Tomoyo, we could not find anything much in the sacred book."

Tomoyo smiled, walked over the mirror. "Return to where you belong, O ancient one," she muttered before the book disappeared into her mirror. Then she turned back to her friends. "Let me go check the sacred book again k?" The couple nodded.

In the attic, Tomoyo placed her hands above the book and called out. "O great magicians, hear my call! Turn to the page which will show us all!" A strong gust of wind whipped Tomoyo's hair around her face as well as the pages of the book before it died down.

Tomoyo's eyes showed her surprise and confusion clearly as she read the page uncertainly.

"Love comes and goes,

However true love will always stay.

No matter how hard you hide,

No matter how far you run,

True love will chase you to the ends of the earth,

It will chase you beyond the horizon,

And beyond it even more.

So don't hide from your destiny and most importantly,

Your true love, Tomoyo.

It will come when you least expected it.

Beneath it was the neatly signed name of Sonomi Daidouji. Tomoyo gasped. "No wonder this was so familiar! Mother recited a line to me once. I remembered it as if it was yesterday."

*********Tomoyo's flashback*********

"What are you writing mother?" a 5-year-old Tomoyo asked curiously. Sonomi smiled however her eyes were a little glassy as she recited a line.

"True love will always stay Tomoyo. You will figure the true meaning behind this when you are older." Suddenly Sonomi's eyes returned to normal while little Tomoyo pondered over what her mother had predicted.

*********End of Tomoyo's flashback*********

"And I still wonder what she mean," Tomoyo ended, sighing. "I have a great example to follow from you guys, however, I'll never find the right guy!" Tomoyo wailed a little.

A person stood at the top of the building, smirking. He looked at the Victorian mansion and decided to overhear their conversation. "I'll never find the right guy!" he heard a girl cry. He grinned wider. "Now the fun begins."


Well? Wow! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Well for all of those who don't get which power is whose, here's the list.

Tomoyo: Opening portals, finding items.

Sakura: able to teleport and move things with her mind.

Syaoran: Ability to freeze or explode objects.

Sonomi: Acts as a messager who predicts the future.

Wondering how the choosen ones came to be? Wait till the next chapter but for the mean time, review review!!!