Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Safest Place ❯ The truth unveiled, or is it? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, CLAMP does.

Fanny chan: Please don't criticize me that I don't use an original storyline! I KNOW THAT!! I'll try my best to change the storyline k?

Tomoyo: *frowns* Yeah. Fanny chan still write while she still has lots of school work…but…THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD REVIEWERS OUT THERE!!!

Fanny chan: Yeah!! THANX!!!


Summary of this story: I wonder whose safest place is where. Hmm…I wonder… The title may not make sense at first...You'll see…Reviews to continue!!


My Safest Place
By Fanny chan

The truth unveiled, or is it?

"Wake me up earlier next time!! I'm going already!" Tomoyo grumbled as she slung her back bag over her shoulder. "Have fun!" Sakura smiled as Tomoyo rushed out of the house.

Tomoyo cursed lightly as she glanced at her watch. "How am I going to get there so fast?" she thought silently. Then slowly, her anger vaporated after remembering a certain book in her magical library.

Rushing into the lecture hall, Tomoyo place her books on the small table as she breathed a sigh of relief. "Made it just in time." Suddenly two boys came in. Confused, Tomoyo turned to her best friend, Naoko, who was sitting on the row above her. "Are they new here?" Naoko turned from her eyes filled with love to her eyes turned to question marks. "I don't know. All I know is that they're both hot!"

Just then, the lecturer entered. "Good afternoon class. As you notice, we have two new students. They are identical twins from a university in England and had just transferred here to San Francisco. Hope you treat them as well as you treat Miss Daidouji over there who was from Japan. This is Mr Eriol Hiragizawa and Mr Evic Hiragizawa from England. Hope you treat them well!" Mr Carlton, the lecturer, introduced. Tomoyo stiffened. "Evic?!"

"Well, Mr Eriol and Evic Hiragizawa, sit wherever you want," Mr Carlton said, addressing Eriol and Evic. Eriol, with his eyes closed ever since he stepped into the lecture hall, and Evic nodded slightly and walked to sit on either side of Tomoyo. A few groans and wolf whistles were heard but were quickly ignored and soon the lesson started.

On arriving home, Tomoyo climbed up the stairs to her room. Entering her bedroom, she smiled, all her problems forgotten, at her mirror before waving her hand before it.

In the library, Tomoyo sat on one of the many chairs and looked at the book in her hand. On the ancient cover was 'My Journal' emboidered in gold. Tomoyo smiled and turned the page, careful not to damage the book in any way.

Tomoyo turned the wrinkled pages before stopping on the page dated 31th January 1990.

"Today I went up to the attic for the first time. My mother used to scare me with the boogy man stories, which would scared me out of my wits. However I decided to enter the attic along with my best friends- Nadeshiko and Yelan, who will give me moral support. We have arrived at the attic door and Yelan, the bravest among us all, will pushed open the door."

Tomoyo frowned a little. It was a little boring not seeing exactly what happened in person. She touched the page slightly and spoke. "O ancient book, open a portal before me to take me to the exact time and place this had happened. OPEN!" A minature portal opened up and Tomoyo stepped in.

Tomoyo looked around and saw a younger version of her mother, along with Sakura's and Syaoran's mother. They were standing anxiously at the door of the attic. Tomoyo went closer. "Are you sure there's nothing inside?" Sonomi anxiously asked Yelan. Yelan chuckled. "Of course not!" With that, Yelan pushed open the door and they went in cautiously.

Suddenly bright lights enveloped the three girls. A grey streak of light entered Nadeshiko, a red streak entered Yelan while the last streak of brown entered Sonomi. Suddenly Nadeshiko and Yelan's aunty, who is Sonomi's mother, appeared at the doorway. "Try out your new powers girls," she smiled. "Just concentrate, you'll figure out."

Nadeshiko stepped out and concentrated hard. Suddenly, a locked book came out from an old locked chest. Nadeshiko concentrated on bringing the book to her hand, and she did it. However, when she tried to open the lock on the book, it reflected her magic. Nadeshiko shrugged. Next was Yelan. Yelan seemed sure of what to do. Yelan asked Nadeshiko to throw the book in the air and as the book went flying, it suddenly came to a complete stop. Then, before Nadeshiko and Yelan could do anything else, Sonomi went up last as she calmly placed her hand on the frozen locked book.

Suddenly, Sonomi went into a trance. Her eyes glazed over while she exclaimed in an unknown language. Only understood by her one and only daughter, Tomoyo, who was present at this particular event.

"By the power of unity! Power of hope! Power of LOVE! I call upon thy power!" Tomoyo mouthed as she translated it to herself. The book suddenly unlocked itself. The three friends' auras leaped out and unite. Then Tomoyo felt her powers weakening as she was slowly pulled back to her present time.

Tomoyo glanced at the book in her hand as she read the final sentence. "Things had never been the same since." Suddenly all the books glowed a slight violet. Tomoyo gasped as she a portal opened. "Please be all right, Sakura and Syaoran."

"So you are Eriol and Evic Hiragizawa, transfer students from England." Sakura nodded thoughtfully as she sat uncomfortably as soon she heard that one of them was named "Evic". Suddenly she heard hurried footsteps hurrying down the stairway. "Where's that demo… oh hi Mr Hiragizawa. What are you doing here?" Tomoyo immediately ammended as soon as she saw Eriol and Evic. Evic smiled a smile oozing with charm as he smoothly replied. "Why, we decided to visit you since we were in the neighbourhood Miss Daidouji, Miss Kinomoto. We'll be leaving now." Tomoyo remained unchanged.

Tomoyo turned to Sakura. "Where's Syaoran?" "He's working at the pub tonight." Sakura answered.

Syaoran's wristband, which was made by Sakura, glowed green. "I hope Sakura and Tomoyo are are all right," he thought as he walked to the phone to asked, only to fine they were okay.

The brothers slowly left the doorway and walked toward the main road. Then Evic's eyes snapped open only to reveal the evil underneath. "That didn't work. What are you do now?" he asked aloud. Eriol's eyes merely kept close.

Evic went to class early the next day and found Tomoyo the only one there, writing in her note-book, Then his purple-blue eyes, similar to Eriol's, glowed a dark red before he walked up to Tomoyo. Cold clamy hands wrapped themselves fround her delicate neck before adding pressure.

Tomoyo struggled in vain only to have the hands tighten the hold when suddenly, the door swung open and Eriol entered. A troop of police walked in lead by a plain clothed Meiling. They soon overpowered Evic and he was led away, struggling and kicking. However, he suddenly went pale and fell limp in the policemen's. However, he had more than given up the fight.

Tomoyo, shocked and scared, cowered in Eriol's arms when suddenly she felt an invisible portal opened out of nowhere and sucked her soul in.

"A dark haired person stood in front of her, facing her. However, his faced was shadowed. He mouthed certain words as Tomoyo opened and closed her mouth, repeating the words though no sound came out. All of a sudden, she felt herself dragged back to the real world."

Eriol looked at her in concern. "You were muttering some strange language just now." Tomoyo recovered and slipped out of his embrace. "It's nothing. Thanks for your concern."

Meiling then came out to her and motioned she would like to speak to Tomoyo alone. Eriol nodded understandingly and walked out of the door. "Tomoyo, remember you told me once that a good policewoman is very alert? Well, I recorded what you said in your so call trance just now and would you like to listen to it?"

Meiling pressed play and Tomoyo gasped.

"What does it say?!" Meiling asked, worried. Tomoyo shakily translated. "You will die, Tomoyo."


A cliffhanger! GOMEN NASAI!! Well, REVIEW!! PLZ R&R my other FICS TOO!!!

P/S: 31th January is MY BIRTHDAY TOO!!!

Oh and if you are wondering why the books glowed violet and Tomoyo got anxious, it was as the books glow violet only when there is a demon in the house. It's the same with Syaoran's wristband.