Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ My Teenage Life ❯ Regular Morning...Or Is It? ( Chapter 1 )

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First story I've ever written in my life and had it posted, but then I got it deleted, this happened in Just wanted to see how much reviews I can get here. Enjoy folks!

Chapter One: Regular Morning…Or Is It?
A loud ring rang across a room. A soft groan was heard a few seconds later.
“Five more minutes,” a muffled moan was heard underneath the blanket.
Unfortunately for her, the alarm clock kept on ringing. She groaned again and covered her ears with her pillow. The ring penetrated into her eardrums, causing her to moan again.
Unable to stand the disturbing ringing, she stretched out a hand and desperately tries to grab the clock. However, her arm did not reach the clock.
Muttering under her breath, she got up and lunged for the clock, shutting the alarm. Immediately, silence fills in the room.
She sighed with relief. Then, she glared at the clock, accusing it for destroying her sweet dream about a handsome young prince that rescued a princess looking exactly like her from a ferocious dragon.
Her eyes widen as she realized something, staring at the old clock. A shriek of pure horror escaped from her mouth.
She scampered out of her bed, not realizing that BOTH her legs were tangled in her blanket in a very, very twisted way, and thus producing a loud THUD as she landed on the hard, cold floor. Head first.
Ouch indeed.

“Onii-chan! Onii-chan! ONII-CHAN!”
Earsplitting shouts were heard from the second floor of the small, quaint house, followed by several loud thumps on the stairs.
A young man, sitting at the breakfast table, sighed. He had heard of the shriek a while ago and has expected this.
“Oh, joy. First the yelling and now-“
His mumblings were cut short when a girl walked - more like dashed - into the kitchen, hollering, “Why did you not wake me up?” at the top of her voice.
He saw her red, angry face. Flustered, perhaps.
He smirked.
Sakura's POV
He smirked.
Could you possibly believe that?
He smirked.
He smirked, for kami-sama's sake, he SMIRKED!
I hate that smirk. Since I was first born underneath the sky, on the planet call Earth.
There I was, late for a date, and the LEAST he could do was to shot me the annoying SMIRK he has. Thanks a lot, onii-chan!
Why the hell does he have to smirk anyway? Of all the faces he has, he just HAD to choose that one.
I mean, the way his eyes squinted until his black pupils got smaller and his eyebrows shooting up his lips curled upwards until it forms a freakish looking smile - oops, smirk - …
I want to wash his face away until it got nothing, ABSOLUTELY nothing but white skin.
Can it be done? I mean, could it possibly be done in ANY way?
“Don't you look at me with that smirk of yours!” I shouted at him. His smirk ceased and was replaced with a slight frown.
Thank God!
“What's wrong with my smirk?” He asked me.
“It annoying and it's pathetic. Add in irritating as well,” I said hotly as I made my way to the refrigerator and took out a jug of orange juice.
I'd always like orange juice in the morning. It's a way of giving my body refreshments. It's also a way to calm down my nerves not to pounce on onii-chan.
“Ooooh, little Sakura is…irritated,” he said, his voice faking a scared tone.
I glared at him. As if knowing, he closed his mouth and continued sipping his drink as if he didn't utter a word.
Good. If that shuts him up, then it's good.
“Me letting you off this time is a good thing. There won't be a next time, which is also a good thing too,” I said.
For me, so I can take on revenge.
I ignored his gaping at the moment.
I took a glass and poured the juice carefully into it.
I definitely wouldn't want it to spill like I did a week ago. He laughed at me for days and would not let me live it down.
Besides, I can't afford any more SMIRKING from him, especially when I'm late and on the run.
I placed the glass on top of the table and grabbed a sandwich across me, set on a round plate. I popped it inside my mouth and forced myself to chew it quickly.
I noticed him staring at me from the corner of his eyes. It made me feels like I want to take out his eyeballs and dump it into the bin. Or at least, feed it to the cows.
But cows are smarter than that to eat raw eyeballs, right?
I guess I have to lie to them. What do cows say to yummy fresh grass? No.
So, I'll just put his eyeballs into the fresh grass and put it inside the cow's mouth. Next, it'll just be in the cow's stomach.
Although, I would bet on my kawaii piggie personal account, that NO cow would eat that slimy, sticky, sick-looking…
I think I'm going to puke.
Now that I mentioned it, what's with the amusing face?
“Nani?” I asked him hotly, irritation was clearly in my voice.
Not only am I late for my date, now I have to face THAT teasing face.
He shrugged that once off. “Nan demo nai (It's nothing),”
“Utsuttuki (Liar),” I mumbled. Clearly, he had something in his mind.
You can't say that you've got nothing in your mind since obviously you musthave something in you mind, which is not anything.
Does it make sense to you?
Me neither.
Again, he shrugged. “You better slow down on that sandwich,” he said, after I popped another sandwich into my mouth and worked on it with my jaws.
“Can't. Late,” I said in a muffled voice. He heard me and sighed.
I wonder why.
He did not leave me hanging long enough to explore the reason as to why he sighs.
“Hmm…You are a kaijuu after all.”
It was a statement.
Now, that word is a taboo for me. Unfortunately, one who says that does not survive my wrath. Shine! (Die!)
I lunged for him, wanting to knock his head down. He had clearly predicted my actions and held out a hand on my face to stop me. My hands could not even reach his body to harm it, let alone his head, situated above his neck.
Who am I kidding?
Darn it. Why does he have to be so tall?
“Hajite! Hajite! HAJITE!”
I screeched, directing punches that I knew wouldn't even reach him.
It's a miracle if I could hit him anywhere pass his waist.
Heck, if it even hit his waist.
Nodding, he let go of his hand. I, however, did not suspect his actions and my body did not have enough time to balance myself.
So, I landed on the floor.
Head first.
“Itaii yo...” I mumbled.
Of course, whose forehead wouldn't feel hurt after banging the floor?
Hoe…I'm going to have a big lump after this.
“Well, you told me to let go,” He reasoned.
“But I meant that as in figuratively, not real!” I argued back, rubbing my sore forehead.
This is true. I think.
He shrugged. “Either way, you did,”
Well, I can't argue with that since, technically, I did. I pouted, signaling that I'm not satisfied and what he has said had been true.
He smirked and leaned forward. “You are way too early to challenge me…” He trailed off for a dramatic effect,” Kaijuu,”
Like I said, it's a taboo word for me.
Had he been listening to what I said? Of course….Not!
Let's think.
Since I could not reach his dummy head to shake it, why not damage the other parts of his body, hmm?
For example…emm…
My eyes wildly searched around for his soft spot. It is a must for everyone to HAVE as soft spot, right?
So…a-ha! Got cha!
I smirked evilly. I could see him frowning, bringing his black, thick brows together.
Clearly, he does not have a clue of what's coming to him. His black eyes widen in surprise as he realized what I was going to do.
He he…Too late, onii-chan!
“ITAII!” He shouted in pain.
I was the one standing; he was the one sitting on the floor. So, the tables have been turned.
Serves him right.
Man, it feels good. I guess the saying is true then.
Revenge is so sweet.
Suddenly, I'm feeling very evil.
I observed him. I saw him rubbing his foot where mine has just landed as few seconds ago.
“Nan deska? I thought I heard noises. Did someone break into the house?” A new voice floated into the kitchen.
“Nan demo arimasen, otou-san,” I shouted back.
“Are you sure?” He said as he stepped into the kitchen. I saw his brown eyes searched around the kitchen, taking in the surroundings.
“Hai, otou-san. It's just onii-chan and his morning mood. Nan demo arimasen,” I assured him.
Touya shot me a look. I simply smiled at him. Evilly, I might add.
Tell me.
Are you convinced with what I had just said?
I mean, imagine this. Your father had just stepped into the kitchen WITHOUT knowing about the fight you had with you big brother and you told your father that it was just your big brother's fault. Is your father convinced?
I don't think so. But in my case, he did.
“ Sou des ka?” he asked, looking at onii-chan who was in pain.
“ Hai,” I chirped.
“Oh,” he said, still eyeing onii-chan.
Then, he turned to me. “You're early today, Sakura-chan. Doushite?”
“I promised to meet someone today. Demo, iganai yo, (But, I'm late)” I said in disappointment.
“I see. When did you promised?”
I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. We have clocks in every corner of the house so it's easy to know what time it is.
“Five minutes after 7 o'clock,” I said.
“Hmm…have you taken your breakfast?” He asked me again, his warm eyes never leave my face.
Which wasn't enough for my stomach.
But I can't possibly tell him THAT.
“I don't think it's enough for your stomach. It's not wise to swallow a couple of sandwiches,” He said.
Wow! You read my mind.
“Which is why, I'll pack you some lunch,”
I beamed at him. “Honto ni?”
He let out a chuckle and nodded. “Hai. Go put on your skates while I get them ready,”
“Hai,” I chanted as I skipped out of the kitchen. Oops, almost forgot.
I have to bid a sweet goodbye to my sweet onii-chan.
Looking into the kitchen back, I saw that onii-chan was trying desperately to stand up.
Sweet revenge.
Almost as if he knew I was watching him, he looked at me.
I smiled at him innocently and stuck out my tongue. I ran towards the front door before he could say anything.
Still smiling to myself, I went to the little cupboard near the door. This is where the shoes are located.
However, I don't normally walk to school. I skate. I've been doing that since otou-san gave me these skates when I was 10 years old as a birthday present.
It was a birthday gift. I simply adored these skates. They are my best buddies.
Colored in pink and white, who wouldn't love them? White and pink are my favorite color after all.
I donned them on, slapping the sticky thing together.
When I finished putting them on, otou-san appeared in the hallway with a lunch box. He held it to me and I carefully put it in my bag.
I thanked him appreciatively.
“Ittekimaste (I'm leaving),” I said to him. “Good luck on your expedition!”
“Hai,” he said back.
I was about to leave when I saw okaa-san's picture. I smiled at the photo and greeted her good morning.
Otou-san simply smiled when I did that. “Itterassai (Come back safe),” he said.
“Hai,” I shouted back at him for I was out of the house.
I guess you've already know all the members in my family.
Well, I'll explain who is who now.
The one with ruffled black hair and matching black eyes is, unfortunately, my dearest onii-chan, Kinomoto Touya.
His name, Tou, means peaches in Chinese, which is also his favorite flower as well as okaa-sans'.
My name is also one of her favorite.
I think it's obvious that my name comes from the sakura flower, don't you?
Onii-chan was born on February 29th. His only celebrates his birthday once in four years, due to the birth date.
Yes, the leaping year, of course.
He's 7 years older than me so that explains why he's taller a foot from me. Although he's twenty, he really is only five years old.
Now, he's studying in Hitosubashi University, situated at the outskirts of Tomoeda, about 40 minutes journey from our house.
He took up law. Why he takes that one up is a mystery to me.
The reason to his existence is just to make my life miserable, which is also his favorite hobby.
Yes, you've heard me.
An example for that would be the scene in the house.
He torments me in a typical older brother fashion and delights in calling me a monster, teasing me, and finding ways to get me to do what he wants.
Very typical, huh?
Usually, onii-chan and I split up the chores around the house such as the laundry and cooking.
We also back each other up when the other is too busy to finish their chores.
The only difference is that he add more chores if I asked him for a wee favor.
For example, if something came up and I am unable to attend to my household tasks, he would say,” It'll cost you 5 chores,”
Seriously, it wasn't even much.
At first, it was only like “It'll be 2 chores,” or “3 chores will do,” but then, it increases to 5 chores last summer.
All I asked was for him to fix my own homemade birdhouse last year.
It was one of the home works set for the students to do over the summer break.
Yes, I was still in Tomoeda Elementary School.
I did a really good job in putting the blocks together, and nailing them in a perfect 90 degrees angle - the teacher insists.
So, when I was done I gazed affectionately at my creation. It wasn't my first handiwork, but it was the first time I did not ask for anybody else for help.
I did it on my own. Yay me!
But, amidst all the joys that were swaying inside of me, there just had to be a flaw.
I wouldn't really mind if it was a teensy weensy flaw.
But no, it wasn't teensy, nor was it weensy.
Not even teeny.
The only thing that was wrong with my perfectly made bird house is that I accidentally did not put a hole.
So, it does not have an entrance door.
Laugh all you want but it was like I said, accidentally.
Towards the end, my entire wake-up-at-dawn plan, didn't even work and it went straight into the drain.
I still had to ask for onii-chan's help.
So,” Five more chores,” was what I had to repay him for doing my assignment after I wasted all my energy that morning.
I could have slept in but no, Fate was too cruel to me that it played a mean joke on me.
The man with kind brown eyes and brown hair is my otou-san, Kinomoto Fujitaka. He always wears oval-shaped spectacles, adding a wise perspective to his caring personality.
Otou-san is a very understanding father. While he demands a lot of his us, he is also ready to forgive our mistakes and help us fix whatever problem may result.
He works as a professor of archaeology at a university. He has a very busy schedule, sometimes going on excavations.
After coming back from his digs, he'd brought back home one or two sample of his founding. The artifacts and fossils were very unique even though it was buried underground for hundreds of years.
I'm very proud of my otou-san's work. Plus, I got to learn new things about different artifacts.
Otou-san is a very busy person because of his job, and ends up not being able to spend nearly as much time with onii-chan and I as he probably would like, but still supports us whenever he has the chance, like coming to school whenever we have competitions or festivals.
He is an extremely kind person, as it is very hard to anger him or make him upset.
In fact, I have never ever seen him angry or upset at anything.
Because of how busy otou-san is, onii-chan gets a lot of the responsibility for taking care of me.
Git. I mean, onii-chan.
I don't think of myself as a kid that needs to be monitored all the time.
Otou-san is a kind and caring father. I really love him.
My okaa-san?
Well, she's dead.
She died when I was three years old. I barely remember her. Despite that, I really love her.
Otou-san always talk about her whenever he has the time to, telling me about her beauty and kindness and her other positive attractiveness.
There were also times when he told me about okaa-san's weakness and her `funny' moments.
Okaa-san can sleep anywhere and often trips herself, he said.
I'd laughed over that, and felt a bit proud, knowing that somewhere in my blood; I have the same flaws as she has.
No, not the sleep anywhere thing.
I tend to be clumsy when walking. Although, I'd only trip once in a while, but then, I still…trip myself over nothing.
Yes, it's a strange thing to be pleased of something negative.
It's just that…
It made me feel as if she's with me, the whole time.
Okaa-san also has a weak point in remembering other people's faces and names.
She was a model, my okaa-san.
Otou-san has lots of pictures of her when she was a model, about 19 or 20, three years before she died.
He puts them in a specially made photo album, decorated with her favorite flowers, occasionally taking them out when he told her tale me to let me stare at okaa-san's splendor.
Yes, I was not really close with her. Like I said, I was three.
But, onii-chan sure did. He was ten back then. He had once played me a song he and okaa-san played together. I envied him for that.
It was indeed a very beautiful song, invented by my own okaa-san.
Onii-chan said that the song he played with her was only half of okaa-san's creation. The other half was with me.
It seems that she wrote her song and divided them between us, teaching only half to onii-chan through his piano as she taught me the other half.
I told him back then that I was three, how could I possibly learn? I surely did not remember anything about her, except when seeing her photos.
He only shrugged, not quite sure of the answer.
After that, he shooed me out of his room, saying with a scowl that he needs to get ready for his acceptance examination to his desired high school.
I mull over the new information, processing what he meant.
Eventually, I gave up, seeing as I was only an 8 year old, still not understanding much.
Onii-chan told me that she was up there, living happily with the stars. I hope so. I wouldn't want her to be upset.
Burr! I hugged myself as I skated down the road. It's chilly outside. The morning spring brisk greeted my skin.
Even though summer is drawing near, winds are often cold as well in the morning.
I hugged my windbreaker closer. I looked sideways and saw the trees. Sakura trees. Kirei…… (Beautiful)
They were planted in the middle of the road, which is a good thing. I've always loved Sakura trees. I enjoyed looking at them every morning during my skates to school.
Such nice color. The flowers, I mean. Pink.
However, today is an exception. I have to speed up. Have you forgotten?
I have a date today. And I've promised.
It's not a good thing to break a promise. I hate breaking my promises to people as well as I hate people breaking their promises to me.
For me, promises are meant to be fulfilled.
Promises wouldn't be called promises if it is not a promise, is it?
Anyway, I've promised to meet this person in Penguin Park. It's a park situated near our school, about 10 minutes walk. Or skate.
We used to play together there when we were kids. This person and I.
Now, we're in junior high school. It's been two whole months since we were accepted into that school.
Konan Gakkou, to be exact. Which is very cool since that school is one of a kind.
Girls wore dark blue sailor suits, with a matching pleated skirt. Meanwhile the boys wore shirts and black slacks, putting on a blazer over the shirts in cold season. Being one of the Konan's, the students have to put a pin, sort of pilot pin, on their uniform indicating that they were Konan's.
Speaking of which, I'm almost there. Just after this corner and voila! Here I am!
Yes, the Penguin Park. Let's see if I'm right. I pulled my cold fingers from my windbreaker and counted.
Penguin slides, check.
Wooden plank see-saw, check.
Two swings check.
Two benches on each side of the park, check.
Everything's checked, so here I am!
Hmm……something's definitely missing.
For now, it's empty.
It can't be!
I scanned around the park looking for the person.
The swings?
I let my gaze travel towards the swings, situated in the middle of the park. Nope. No one.
The see-saw?
I converted my gaze towards the wooden planks stayed in nearby the bench. Nadie.
The slide?
Sitting there next to the swings was the slide. A big sized slide with the Penguin's tongue as the slide. Zero. No one.
Oh, no!
Had the person went to school without me?
WHAAAAAT? It's not fair!
But, I have kept the person too long, hadn't I?
I've broken our promise.
Suddenly, my vision went black.
Poof! Just like that.
Had I really gone blind?
……To Be Continued Soon……

Lame, yup, yup. Very lame but then again, most stories start of lame anyway. So, give me a review or a feedback or whatever and tell me if you want more. If not, I'll have it down from here, deal?