Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Night Sky ❯ Home Ec. It's a killer ( Chapter 3 )
Night Sky
Chapter Four
~Selene Serenity~
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS. It is property of CLAMP. On the other hand I do own this fanfic and the character, Celia so please do not copy or steal.
Author's notes: Hi all! I'm back with a brand-spanking-new chapter of Night Sky! Wahoo! So everyone who's guessed about the father has been right, and my friend has pointed out that it's rather obvious and I agree. Should I tell you all? Tell me when you review. Well let's get to the story!
~Chapter Four~
"So, what are you going to do for your home Ec. project?" Tomoyo asked Sakura.
"I'm not sure yet." Sakura shrugged. "I figured we could go to the craft store and I could find something there."
"Good idea." Tomoyo agreed.
"Did you say you were going to the craft store?" Eriol seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Oh, yes." Tomoyo smiled.
"Would you like to come too Eriol?" Sakura asked.
"Yes. I think that's a good idea." Sakura agreed.
"I'll go too!" Syaoran hastily agreed.
"Okay." Sakura nodded.
After school the four of them walked over to the craft store. Sakura searched all the shelves until she found a kit to make a teddy bear. "Ah ha! This is perfect!" She cried.
"Is that what you're going to make for home Ec.?" Tomoyo asked.
"Yeah." Sakura replied. "And I can give it to Yukito for his birthday!" She smiled.
Eriol walked over to the two of them. "So what are you getting Sakura?" He asked. Sakura showed him the kit. "Oh, that should be cute when it's done." He smiled.
"What did you get?" Tomoyo wondered, pointing at the paper bag he held.
Eriol tilted the bag forward to reveal several spools of thread. "Thread can be used for all sorts of things." He informed them.
"You should probably pay for that and get home. You never know what that sugar filled girl has done to you're house." Syaoran suggested to Sakura as he walked over.
"Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about Celia!" Sakura gasped and rushed to pay for her kit.
"How do you forget about someone as hyper as her?" Syaoran wondered.
"Touya! Celia! I'm home!" Sakura shouted.
"Sakura! Get that brat's niece off of me!" Touya shouted from the living room.
Sakura dropped her stuff on the floor and ran to see that Celia was hanging on Touya's back. "I'm trying to do my homework here!" He sighed.
"Oh! I'm sorry Touya!" She blushed and pulled Celia off of Touya. "She'll never do it again."
"She better not…" He rolled his eyes and went back to work.
Sakura dragged Celia back to her. On the way she grabbed all her stuff. "Celia, you can't just go and hang all over people. You need to calm down a bit." Sakura scolded.
Celia pouted. "I'm sorry." She sniffed.
"Don't cry Celia." Sakura looked down at her. "I'm not mad at you, it's just that you need to slow down a bit. Okay?"
"Okay." Celia nodded.
"Good." Sakura smiled.
"Now, I have a teddy bear to make." Sakura said as she opened the door. "Hi Kero." She smiled to her guardian who was sitting playing video games.
"Hey kid." He waved with one hand and played the game with the other.
Sakura sat down on her bed and pulled out the bear kit and went to work.
That evening after dinner, Sakura had finally finished. She then noticed it looked more like Kero than a bear. She frowned. `Oh well, it will have to do.' She thought. `Now I need privacy. How do I get Kero and Celia to leave, I know!'
"Celia, do you mind staying with Syaoran tonight?" She asked. "I don't want Touya getting suspicious."
"That's okay Mommy!" Celia agreed.
"Okay." Sakura said as she picked up her cell phone and dialed Syaoran's number.
Syaoran had reluctantly agreed to take her back for the night, so when Sakura hung up she asked if Kero would take Celia to Syaoran's place so she didn't get lost again.
When they were both gone Sakura picked up her cell phone again and dialed a number and waited for someone to pick up.
"Hello?" A friendly voice answered.
"Hi Miss. Mitsuki! It's Sakura." Sakura replied.
"Why hello Sakura. How's everything going over there?" She asked.
"It's fine, but some weird things have been going on."
"Like what?"
"Well someone's sending all these powerful spells, but that's not the worst of it." Sakura sighed.
"It's isn't? Then what is?"
"This girl Celia showed up and says she's my daughter from the future, come to help me! This is sooooo insane."
"You're daughter? That is really strange, but Sakura, with magic, anything is possible."
"Celia…I believe that's Spanish for sky…" Kaho commented. "But, Sakura why did you call in the first place?"
"Well, I need to ask you a favor."
"Well, I've been trying to get Yue to be my friend and nothing seems to be working, and today for home ec. I made a teddy bear that I decided to give to Yuki, but I want Yue to understand it's for him too. Is there a way I can do that with my magic?" Sakura explained.
"Well…I do know of one way…"
"Yes, now listen carefully…"
About an hour later everything was set. "All right! Thank-you so much Ms. Mitsuki!"
"Anytime Sakura." Kaho replied.
Sakura hung up just as Kero flew into the room. "What took you so long?" She asked. (Not that she minded)
"Celia distracted me and I ended up flying to Tomoyo's house instead of that brat's house." Kero sighed.
"Oh." Sakura giggled. "I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's okay. She's annoying, but she's sweet and kind. She actually does remind me of you." Kero commented as he floated on to his bed and fell asleep.
Sakura smiled and placed the bear on her desk. "I'll give it to them tomorrow night." She decided and got into her pajamas.
The next day at school Sakura was checking her teddy bear to make sure everything was okay. "It just doesn't look right…" She sighed.
"So how did your project turn out?" Eriol asked as he walked over to her.
"I don't know. Sakura sighed. "It just looks strange."
"Can I take a look at it?" He wondered as he sat down next to her.
"Um…sure." She agreed and handed over the bear.
Eriol took the bear and looked it over. "Well here's your problem. This ear needs to be lowered a bit." He commented. "Do you have any tools with you?"
"Ya, right here." She said and pulled her things out of the bag.
Eriol took the tools and went to work. As he reset the bear's ear, he rested his hand on it and placed a spell on the bear. `The next test awaits you Sakura.' He thought. Suddenly he felt Sakura's power emitting from the back of the bears neck. He placed his hand on the spot the magic was coming from and discovered that Sakura had left a magical note that only magical beings holding the bear would be able to pick up. It was for Yue. Eriol smirked a bit, unnoticed by Sakura.
He finished sewing up the ear and handed it back to Sakura. "There you go." He smiled.
Sakura looked at the bear with wide eyes. "Wow! Thank-you so much Eriol! It looks awesome!" She cried. "I can't wait to show Tomoyo!" She grabbed her things and ran off. Not before turning back around and thanking Eriol again.
That evening Sakura walked to Tomoyo's house because she had insisted that Sakura should have a cute, new outfit. When she arrived Tomoyo nearly knocked her over with the new clothes. When she was done changing Sakura came out and modeled it of for Tomoyo's final comments. She wore a pale yellow dress with a lacey trim. Over the dress she wore a red coat so the dress was hidden underneath. "It's perfect!" Tomoyo sighed with satisfaction.
"Sakura! Tomoyo!" Kero choked from Sakura's bag.
"Oh! Kero!" Sakura cried and opened the bag. "I'm sorry." She apologized and hugged him tightly.
"Yeah, well just don't do it again…" He sighed not wanting to make his mistress feel guilty. She didn't deserve it.
"I won't! I'm soooo sorry I forgot."
"Don't worry about it. You better get over to Yukito's place and give him that bear you made." He reminded her.
"Right!" Sakura jumped up and took her bag, which held the stuff bear. "You coming Tomoyo?" She asked.
"You bet! I have to get this on tape!" She smiled and grabbed her camera. "Let's go."
The three of them exited the house and headed to Yukito's house.
As they walked through the park Sakura noticed Syaoran nearing them. "Hello Syaoran." She smiled and waved. Then she noticed he was in his robes and had his sword. "What's up? Do you sense something?" She asked.
"I don't know." Syaoran replied. "I just had an urge to come out here and be prepared." He replied.
"Oh." Sakura shrugged.
"Well since you're here, why don't I take some group shots with you two and Kero!?" Tomoyo said cheerfully and held her camera to her eye.
Syaoran raised his hand slowly and pushed Tomoyo away from them, knocking her to the ground. "Tomoyo!" Sakura and Kero cried as they ran to Tomoyo's side. "Are you okay?" Kero asked.
"I'm okay, I think." She replied.
"Syaoran! What did you do that for!?" Sakura demanded.
"It…it wasn't me." He told her. Then he began to reach down for his sword with one hand, while the other hand tried to stop the other. "Something's making me do this."
Sakura helped Tomoyo up and they got out of the way just as Syaoran swung the sword at them. "Syaoran!" Sakura cried. She ran over to him. "Stop it!"
"I can't Sakura! Something's controlling me!" He swung at her but she ducked away. "Get out of here!" He ordered her.
"No way!" Sakura cried. "I won't leave you like this. I'll help!"
Nakuru, in her true form, stood next to her master, who was sitting on his chair and controlled Li Syaoran. Eriol was using thread he had bought at the craft store to do the controlling. It was another one of his tests. Suppi was sitting on the right arm of the chair also observing what his master was doing.
That's when the doorbell rang. "Ruby, why don't you change back and go get the door?" Eriol said, still concentrating on his task.
"Yes Master." Nakuru nodded and changed back to her human self, leaving the room. She walked to the door and opened it to see Celia at the door. "Hi Nakuru!" She smiled widely at her. "Is Eriol and Suppi home too?"
"They are, but they're busy." Nakuru informed her with a smile.
"So?" Celia giggled and ducked under Nakuru and went to the door to the other room and pushed it open. "Hi Eriol!" She cried.
Eriol jerked foreword, losing grip on his spell placed on Syaoran. "Ah!" He yelped.
"Oh! Eriol, I'm sorry…" Celia lowered her head. "I didn't mean to mess things up." She apologized.
"Don't worry about it…" He smiled.
"Ack Eriol!" Nakuru gasped. "She was too fast!"
"It's quite all right." He replied.
Syaoran fell forward right into Sakura's arms. Whatever had been controlling him had dropped their spell. "Syaoran! What's going on?" Sakura gasped as she caught him.
"I don't know." Syaoran gulped. He suddenly felt a twinge in his arm. "Sakura! Let go of me!" He screamed.
Sakura jumped away as Syaoran was forced to swing his sword at her again. "Sakura! You need to find a way to stop whatever's controlling me!" Syaoran ordered. "Hurry!"
"But how?" Sakura cried.
(AN: I'm not exactly sure how this next scene went so I'm improvising.) Kero fluttered over to Sakura. "Why don't you try the shadow to see if it can help?" He suggested.
"What will that do?" Sakura blurted out.
"Just trust me okay." Kero grunted.
"All right." Sakura nodded. She transformed her staff and pulled out the shadow card. "Shadow card! Transform under the name of your new master! Sakura!" She cried. The shadow card transformed. Then Sakura released it. It covered the ground around Syaoran, but Syaoran's shadow was not all Sakura, Tomoyo and Kero saw. They also saw several strings tied to his body. "Ah ha!" Sakura smiled. She pulled out another card. "Sword card! Transform under the name of your new master! Sakura!" She cried as her staff changed into a sword. She swung it just above Syaoran's head. In doing so Syaoran fell to the ground. "Syaoran!" Sakura gasped and ran to his side. "Are you all right?"
"I'm fine…" Syaoran replied as he slowly stood up. "Why don't you three go do whatever you were planning to do."
"We were going to visit Yuki. Do you want to come too?" Sakura suggested.
"No, I'm going to go home and rest right now."
"Okay." Sakura turned to Tomoyo and Kero as her staff changed back to her key. "Let's go." She smiled.
"Bye Syaoran!" She waved and continued on her way. "You sure you don't want to come?"
Syaoran almost reconsidered. "No…It's all right. Have a good time." He assured her.
"Okay." Sakura nodded.
"Bye." Tomoyo smiled and the two girls and Kero walked on.
"Eriol, are you testing mommy again tonight?" Celia asked after Eriol had finished his first test.
"Yes I will, but I am also testing her friends and guardians to see if they will help her the best they can."
"Can I watch?" She inquired.
"Of course. As long as you don't interrupt."
"Don't worry about that! I learned to be good around people using magic cause of mommy!"
"Okay, we can wait a while though." Eriol smiled.
Yue was still mulling over what had happened the other evening with Celia. `That girl… Is she truly my mistress' daughter? Saying such things to me, and I listened! I never really listen to anyone when I don't need to. Why did I?'
The feeling of his mistress' power coming closer shook his thoughts. Yukito got of the couch and walked to the door. "Hello Sakura!" He smiled.
"Hi Yuki!" Sakura grinned and pushed a package towards him. "This is for you." She told him. "And Yue." She added silently.
Behind some tree Yue could sense Cerobearous' power as well. He looked through Yukito's eyes for a moment to see the present he was unwrapping. The suddenly he felt great power surging from the gift. It felt familiar, yet it didn't. `What?' He thought. He knew whatever was going on wasn't good. The power was growing by the second and as Yukito took the stuffed bear the bear itself began to grow. Yue immediately changed and pulled Sakura high into the air so the bear didn't hit her and sent her flying.
Sakura clung to Yue tightly, shaken by the teddy bear and the events from earlier. "What happened!?" She cried.
"I don't know." Yue replied, starring at the giant before them. He shifted Sakura so that he was holding her with one hand while his other hand prepared to use an attack on the bear. "Did you do anything to the bear?" He inquired.
"No." She lied. `Was it the spell I cast that's causing this?' She wondered.
Yue shot some of his crystals at the bear but a magical barrier appeared around it and blocked the crystals. "What?" Yue gasped.
Suddenly pain shot through his body. Everything hurt. He knew his power was draining, and fast. `I can't fall.' He thought. `I can't fail my Mistress.' Sakura's cries shook him back to reality, and that his wings were fading away. "No." He bit his lip. Then his wings disappeared completely and the two of them fell to the ground.
"Sakura!" Tomoyo and Kero shouted as they watched them begin to fall. Kero quickly changed to his true form and positioned himself under the two.
Yue turned in midair so he was under Sakura as they fell. That way he would take most of the impact.
Instead of hitting the ground, the two surprisingly landed on Cerobearous's back, then tumbling to the ground softly. Yue sighed and leaned against Cerobearous while Tomoyo quickly went to aid Sakura and see that she was all right.
"I'm fine Tomoyo!" Sakura assured her.
"But you look so tired…" Tomoyo pointed out.
"That's because of the cards she transformed earlier today." Kero told her.
"Why did she need to transform more cards?" Yue asked.
"Something put a spell on Syaoran with thread and I ended up transforming Shadow and Sword." Sakura explained. She slowly stood up. "Now we need to do something about this thing!" Sakura starred at the bear. "Do you have any idea what I need to do?" Sakura asked her guardians.
"I suggest you find the source of power that's controlling the bear and cut of the source." Kero replied.
"All right then." Sakura nodded and took out her key. She changed it to the staff, and then transformed the jump card. She jumped up to the roof of Yuki's house and prepared herself.
Author's notes: Ah…what a cliffhanger. But I'm so glad I finally updated! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
