Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Rising at Dawn ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rising at Dawn

A/N: Minna san! Back with another chapter. Thanks for those who reviewed! I didn't think anyone liked this story so far so I kinda stopped it a bit...well, thanks for the encouragement!

Disclaimer - CCS has been disclaimed.

Rising at Dawn
Chapter 4: Secrets

The shadow turned back into the shadow card as the staff that was identical to Sakura's faded away beyond the corner. "Someone's here!" Syaoran ran out the door. "Kero, look." Sakura picked up the card and showed Kero. "It's similar to all my other cards, but... there's two stars on it." The card had one medium star that looked as though it were shrinking and another that was barely growing. Kero flew over to the magical book and noticed that the other cards had the two stars on it... except for one. "Dash."


"Kero, what does this mean?" Sakura climbed back into bed from exhaustion. "I don't know." 'Why did the other cards change, except dash? This isn't making sense. And why does something happen everytime that Sakura wakes up from her dream. It's just like last night when Sakura woke up in the middle of the night and that Chinese gaki sensed magic in her room. Last time, nothing happened, but last time... Kinai was there as well...'


"Hold it!" Syaoran ran panting as he turned the corner. "Ahhh!" "Ahhh!!" Syaoran almost collided into Kinai when she was bringing a tray of soup. The soup went flying off the tray, and Kinai barely caught the two bowls behind Syaoran as he grabbed the glasses of water that went behind her. "Whew!" They both sighed in unison as Kinai took the items, bowed, and went to Sakura's room. 'Wait a minute, something's not right. I sensed magic, and it led me to Kinai. But why would she do this? She can't even control her own magic, unless... she doesn't have enough energy to control it. That means...' "Sakura's in trouble!"


"Here's your soup." "Thank you, Kinai." "Your welcome." 'I'd hate to do this, but I have to. This is the only way I can find out if they are the ones I'm looking for.'


"Sakura!" 'I should have known she was up to something. The elders probably made her do something as cruel as this. I can't let her poison Sakura!'


"Mm! This is good! You really are a good cook." "Thank you." 'I'm sorry, Sakura-san.' "Sakura!" "Syaoran?" Everyone saw Syaoran panting for his life at the doorway. "Hey, kid, ever heard of knocking? You're interrupting an important meal here." Kero picked up the spoon. "Don't eat that!" "Huh? What are you talking about, Syaoran?" "It's poisoned!" "Poisoned? Why would I do that?" "Stop joking, Kinai! The elders are making you do this, aren't they!" "Li-kun, what are you talking about? I already tried some, and it doesn't taste poisonous to me." "What!" Syaoran took a sip from the bowl that Sakura offered him. "It... it seems... perfectly fine." "See, I told you that..." Sakura, Tomoyo, Kero, and Syaoran fell to the floor. "Perfect. Now, all I need is to fullfill my task." Kinai grinned at her victims on the the floor.


<groan> "Where am I?" "Sakura, Sakura! It's not safe here. You must return. Go back!" "What?!" Sakura woke up on the bedroom floor. "What happened?" "Sakura, something's not right. I remember eating soup when Syaoran rushed in, and the rest is a blank." "That's the same thing I remember, but in my dream, my mom told me to go back because it's not safe there or something." Suddenly, there was a butterfly motion behind Sakura. "Sakura, look out!" Syaoran pushed Sakura out of the way, but the butterfly hit Syaoran and knocked him out cold. Sakura stood up quickly. "That's no ordinary butterfly. That's..." "The dream card? But, Kero, I thought I already..." "I know. Somehow, it's been freed from its card form!" "What should I do?" "Seal it, quickly!" "Dream card, return to your power..." "Wait! If you confine it that way, it will turn back into a clow card." "Then, what should I do?" "Use the same incantation as the other person did to seal the shadow card." "Gotcha, Kero. Return to where you belong, Dream Card!" The dream card was sucked back into its original form as a Sakura card. "Hey, Sakura, look!" The dream card's back outlining had a new form of a big star and a tiny star that was fading. "It changed again, Kero." Suddenly, Sakura rushed over to the other cards. All of them changed... except Dash. "Hey, Kero, take a look at this." The time card was completely... "Black... it's black." "Take a look at that dream card." "It's glowing. It's aura feels like... silver." Something popped into Sakura's head. "Syaoran! He's still unconscious." "Well, that's easy. Use the Water card to wake him up." "Be serious, Kero. The water would choke him." Sakura sighed. "Still, it's better than nothing." Sakura used the Water card to wake up Syaoran... ice cold water that is. "Yahhhh!!! What was that for!?" "You were unconscious, Syaoran. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would effect you that much." Syaoran tried to hide his blushing. "Did not! I just was... caught off guard, that's all." "The boy just keeps on making the same old dumb excuses." "Shut up!" "You shut up!" "Who's gonna make me!" "Me, that's who!" "You and what army!" "Me and this army!" Kero changed to Keroberos ready to squash Syaoran when they heard someone crying outside.


'I can't believe it. This... this is proposterous! This is impossible! How can they be... how could they... I can't understand this! It doesn't make sense! How could they... how could they...' <sigh> Kinai just kept walking down the stairs. 'There must be something I could do. I can't get them involved in this... I'll just have to do it myself!' "Kinai?" "Ahh! Syaoran." "Why were you crying?" "Who, me?" "You don't whether your crying or not even though the tears are running off of your face!" Syaoran wiped off a tear. 'I was crying? Oh, no. I let my emotions slip again. I'd better be more careful next time.' "Is there something you want to talk about?" There was silence as Kinai pondered over the last question. "No, it's alright. It will probably be better if you didn't know about it anyway." "Huh?" "Nothing. I'll go make dinner. Make sure that Sakura-san and Tomoyo-san are comfortable in there." 'It will probably be better if I didn't know about it anyway? What does she mean by that?' Kinai ran down the stairs as Syaoran wondered what the last words she said had to do with any of this.


'That ought to give him a hint.' Kinai smiled as she continued her cooking. 'Still, I can't believe that they actually... they're actually...' Kinai froze. "No, I couldn't believe it. It was such a shock. That's why..." Kinai dropped the empty steel pot as she passed out on the floor.


"This ought to take care of that." Kinai took the soup and added in some strange tablets. 'I just hope that little wolf can't smell them.' "Here's your soup." "Thank you, Kinai." "Sakura!" "Syaoran?" "It's poisoned!" "See, I told you that..." Kinai took their pulses. 'Looks like the sleeping pills worked after all.' "Dream search!" Sakura and Syaoran started glowing. "What?" "These are the ones whom thou art searching for." "Then the warriors..." "The warriors are they." Kinai dropped to the floor in tears.

End of Flashback

"Kinai, Kinai?" "Wake up, Kinai." <groan> "Huh? What?" "Oh good. You're awake." "Huh?" Kinai lifted her head. "Sakura-san." "What were you thinking, Kinai!" "Syaoran-kun." Kinai's eyes flicked wide open to reveal that the blade of a knife had barely missed her head by a centimeter. Kinai's heart beat stopped as her breathing got heavier. "Syaoran! I told you it wasn't a good idea to tell her." "She almost got herself killed. Don't you think that she has a right to know that?" 'I almost got killed? Oh no. That means... he's here as well. So that means... that beam of light that sucked out Sakura-san's magic... it was him all along.' Kinai stopped breathing as everyone gasped from being afraid that she might pass out again. "Let's put her to bed."


"He got to Sakura-san before I could get to either of them, and he almost got me. That means... I've failed?" "Kinai." "What? It can't be... Father?"


"Kinai. Kinai, wake up." "Huh? What am I doing in bed?" "Dinner's ready." "Syaoran-kun?" "Come on. Up you get." Syaoran helped her up. "Come on. I made dinner." "Uh-oh. I hope it's not poisonous." "I heard that! I was just joking about that part. We're eating your cooking that Sakura finished up." "Huh? Oh no!" "What is it?" "That wasn't soup. That was a special magical powder to stop magic!" They both froze. "Sakura!" "Sakura-san!" All throughout the house, the words 'Sakura!' and 'Sakura-san' could be heard as they ran down the stairs.

to be continued...

A/N: Looks like trouble. Can they get to Sakura in time before she does something drastic? Who am I kidding. She's going to "drink the soup!" Oh well, you never know what could happen. Good luck, Syaoran. Good luck, Kinai. Meanwhile, I'll just stay back and relax, let my imagination flow... maybe read some REVIEWS. Ahem! <hint hint!> -_~