Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura, Syaoron, and a Ghost? ❯ Whats behind Curtain #1 A GHOST? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Everyone was now dressed for bed. "We are not going to bed yet are we?"
asked Sakura. "Not if you don't want to we can stay up and play games,
watch videos, or dance some more hehe." replied Tomoyo. "Lets watch a scary
movie?" suggest Eroil. "WHHAATTT SCARY MOOOVIE AHHHHHH" Sakura pulled her knees
in tight and clasped her hands together. "That sounds like a fine idea to
can always snuggle up to Syaoron and hide in his arms if your scared." Tomoyo
answered. "You are so mean Toyomo you know that?" Scolded Sakura "I certainly do
know I learned from the best." Smiling at Eroil. "OK I will watch it, well I might
see more or Syaoron's chest this the movie." Sakura blushed. Syaoron had a sly
grin on his face as he blushed.

"OK what movie do we want to watch?... we have Scream, Urban Legend, The Frightners,
The House on Haunted Hill, and all the Freddie Kruger videos." "Lets watch House on
Hautned Hill." Eriol purposed. "HHOOOEEEEEEEEEE!!" Came the sound from Sakura. She was
already clutching Syaoron's hand. Syaoron put his other arm around Sakura and pulled her
close to him. She layed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Wow I could stay
like this forever I feel like I am in heaven." Sakura thought to herself. Syaoron was
having the same thoughts as well. "OK first I am going to get some snacks and drinks."
Tomoyo told her friends. "Would you like me to help my sweet?" asked a wolfish Eriol.
"Sure!" She gave him a wink as they headed out the door.

"Buurrr I am chilly." Sakura told Syaoron. "I am a bit cold myself I will get us a blanket.
Syaoron headed to the bed and pulled off a soft blue fuzzy blanket for him and Sakura to
share. As he wrapped it around Sakura then made a place for himself..Sakura grabbed him
and gave him a long kiss. "Wow, Sakura if thats how you thank me everytime I do something
for you, I want to be your slave." She giggled at his remark and gave him a soft peck on
the cheek. She nuzzled her way back to his arms and rested herself against his chest for
warmth. He wrapped his arms around her waist so they we in on her stomach. Sakura looked up
to his face and smiled.."Syaoron will you stay with me forever?" "Yes I will always be with
you Sakura to protect and love you." Closing her eyes Sakura snuggled into him once again.

Tomoyo and Eriol came back finally with a tray full tea and cakes. They placed them on
the coffee table. Sakura and Syaoron had already occupied the love seat so Tomoyo and
Eriol had to sit on the chair. Eriol set down and placed Tomoyo on his lap. "Ok everyone..
are we ready to be scared?" asked an over excited Tomoyo. "Yeah" Eriol and Syaoron said in
unision. *PLAY* *movie starts* Sakura is watching the begging cuz it isn't that scary.
Finally to the scene where they go into the basement and see the skeleton in the glass caes.
Sakura screams loud enough to wake the dead and covers her face with the blankets.
Syaoron, Tomoyo, and Eriol all looked at her with huge eyes.. Sakura blushed and they
all started to giggle. Syaoron put his arms tighter around Sakura and bowed his head so his
chin was on the top of her head. This made her feel more safe.

A scary part was coming up they were walkin slow about to look around the corner when *RING RING*
Sakura jolted 10 feet into the air. Luckily Syaoron caught her before she hit the floor. Her
phone was ringing. "Hello Sakura speaking.." "Hey WUZUP?????" a familiar voice said on the
other line. "What do you want Kero?" Sakura looked like she could have strangled him if he
was there. "Just wanted to tell you that I miss you and to find out what GOODIES Tomoyo
is going to make for me." Sakura rolled her eyes and held the phone away. "Well Kero it will
be a surprise and we were in the middle of watching a movie and you scared the living day
lights out of me." Kero chuckled "Oh is that what I just heard way over here?" "UGGGG..Kero
one day." Sakura finally got him off the phone so the others could watch the movie.

During the movie there was some noises coming from Tomoyo's movie room. Sakura and Tomoyo
back away and made the guys go take a look. As they got closer the noise was getting more
violent. Finally they reached the pull away curtain and counted 1..2..3..pull. The girls
screamed bloody murder at what they saw. It was a ghost of a tiger he had very large legs
and looked to be very strong. His teeth shined in the darkness making him almost cruel looking.
He looked rather upset and was throwing stuff around. Syaoron and Eriol backed away to cover
the girls. "ROAR...ROAR!" The beast gave his might raors Sakura was hinding behind Syaoron Crying.
Raka's eyes grew a burning red so bright they almost lit the room. The Tiger Beast stared
at the 4 huddled back against the wall.