Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ School Play ❯ The Transference ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The School Play
Part 6: The Transference
By Ketchum
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for Matt and the plot.
Author's note: The story continues to get worse, sorry, and I'm keeping the R rating, because if I were reading a PG-13 I wouldn't want to find some of this stuff in it. Sorry, I've had some serious writers block, I hope this installment actually works
PS: thanx to Reichal for listenin to me ramble while I wrote this thing and comforting me while I actually did this:-P, and the nifty ideas for Syaoran's potion :) yay! And to all readers, I apologize in advance for what you are about to read!
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Eriol, Tomoyo, Syaoran, and Touya gawked at their little Sakura. There was something wrong with her.
"Sakura, what's going on?" Touya asked. However, Matt spoke for her instead. His now cloaked head looked down into his fingers that rapped against each other ever so slightly.
"Sakura is mine, and the four of you are about to be too," he looked up. His face had changed, it was darker even then earlier that day when Touya had run into him at the theatre.
"In your dreams!" Tomoyo shouted.
"I don't know who you are my dear," he said pointing to Tomoyo, "But come here!" he shouted. Tomoyo's face suddenly went blank and she walked towards Matt, staring him in the eyes.
"Tomoyo!" Eriol shouted, grabbing her wrist. Yet she shook her arm, and wriggled out of his grip. She stood next to Sakura and faced the three men. "Tomoyo!" Eriol shouted again.
"It's no use, so who's next?" Matt asked, smiling.
"Matt, what do you want? Why are you doing this?" Syaoran asked, hesitantly.
"You," Matt said angrily, "How DARE you ask a question like that!" he shouted. Syaoran sat silently, hesitating to tamper with this unknown power.
"On three you and Syaoran run," Eriol whispered into Touya's ear, Syaoran over heard this as Matt continued to yell.
"So who is next to join my side? It's futile you know, completely hopeless,"
"What about you?" Syaoran heard Touya whispered.
"Trust me," he responded.
"Syaoran, how about you?" Matt asked.
"How about nobody?" Eriol asked stepping forward.
"How about you then?" Matt chuckled; he held his hand out towards Eriol.
"THREE!" he shouted. Touya and Syaoran turned in the other direction and ran out of the front door of the house, without looking back to see what had become of Eriol. The last they heard was the curses that Matt yelled after them.

Syaoran and Touya ran as fast as they possibly could. The rain beat down on their bodies as they ran; it felt like needles pricking them over and over again. Suddenly, Touya grabbed Syaoran's hand and pulled him into an open garage. He quickly hit a button and the door began to close.
"Where are we? We're breaking and entering Touya!" Syaoran screamed.
"Would you shut the hell up? This will buy us some time," Just then the garage lights came on.
"Shit, there going to see us," Syaoran hissed. However, rather than hide as Syaoran was attempting to, Touya walked over to the opening door to the house. There before the two soaking wet figures stood the one and only . . . Yuki.
"Yuki!" Syaoran shouted. "But how?" he asked, baffled at how he could possibly be here when Yue was with Matt.
"We separated," he said in a hoarse voice.
"Are you okay?" Touya asked in an extremely worried tone.
"I guess, it's just like," he paused and held his hand to his head. Touya put an arm around Yuki and took him over to the couch to sit down. "I'm really weak," he sighed. "What is happening?"
"It's too complicated to explain," Touya sighed, he couldn't take it anymore.
Just then Syaoran, who had been silent since they arrived, spoke. "Yuki, can you get in touch with Yue in any way,"
"I don't know, I haven't tried," he sighed.
"Well try!" Syaoran jumped up, nearly shouting. Touya almost jumped up as well to give Syaoran a piece of his mind, but Yuki's hand held him back. Yuki closed his eyes; he looked to be muttering to himself. Touya and Syaoran watched in suspense, if this worked they might actually have a shot at beating Matt!
Suddenly, Yuki's head went limp and fell to his shoulder. "Yuki?" Touya shook him, "Yuki!"
"No use, he passed out," Syaoran muttered, "there's a barrier," he paused, deep in thought once again. "THIS SUCKS!" he shouted after a few seconds. He began to pace up and down the room.
"Syaoran calm down, panicking isn't going to help any,"
"Touya, what the hell is there left to do, I'm serious, there is NOTHING, Sakura is out there," he began to ramble, his voice slowly getting louder. "She's out there with HIM, HIM Touya! Whatever he's doing to her, God! This isn't fair!" he shouted again. "And now he has Tomoyo, innocent Tomoyo, and Eriol, Eriol is more powerful than me, although I hate to admit it," he mumbled, "he is, and he's on their side, that MORON!" he shouted.
"Stop it Syaoran, we all know Matt is a moron, and plenty more, but yelling isn't going to,"
"Not Matt! Eriol!" he interrupted, "he should have let Matt take me, you and him should have run, he'd have more of a chance against," but he was interrupted by Touya.
"Syaoran, no, he knows what he's doing, he said that" just then the garage door flung open, and there stood a battered and bloody Eriol.
He slammed the door and hoarsely shouted, "Get to the basement," he coughed and blood spurted into his hands. Touya grabbed Yuki and threw him over his shoulder as Syaoran ran to Eriol and assisted him into the basement. Touya locked the door and bounded down the steps with Yuki still over his shoulder. Eriol led them into the bathroom door and locked it. He stood up, his left hand to cover a gash in his side, and the right on the door knob. He muttered something under his breath and the room instantly fell dark.
"Eriol! What are you doing?" Touya hissed.
"Just wait," he said hesitantly, the darkness quickly turned to a blue luminescence. Eriol slowly slid down the door and leaned on the lower medicine cabinet crunched in the corner. Touya and Eriol gawked at him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
"Okay, there's a shield on this room," he whispered. "As soon as someone leaves, it will be broken." He paused for a while, his face screwed up in pain, Syaoran sympathized with him, wishing there was something he could do. Syaoran suddenly wondered why he didn't just use the healing spell he'd used on Touya and himself earlier that night. Little did he know, but Touya had the same thoughts running through his head.
Suddenly, as if he could read their minds, "You guys," Eriol muttered, "I can't heal myself," he coughed again.
"Eriol, what are we going to do?" Syaoran asked him, horrified by the blood that continued to fill the floor.
"I'm going to die," he whispered.
"Eriol, shut up," Syaoran hollered, "You're not going to die,"
"Yes I am, but there is a way to fix it, hear me out, alright?" he pleaded.
"Okay," Syaoran said hesitantly.
"I will give you what is left of my power," Syaoran looked oddly at his friend. "Syaoran, you can travel in time, go back to before all of this happened, and fix it,"
"No Eriol, we can't, that's not going to work," Touya interjected.
"Why not?" Syaoran asked.
"Time works in a weird way. If we were supposed to travel in time, then our then our future selves would have already mended our mistakes and we wouldn't have made it to this point,"
"No Touya, you're completely wrong, but there is no time to get in an argument over this. Just trust me," Eriol explained, his voice was obviously strained.
"You said that last time and look where it's left us!" Touya nearly screamed.
"Get off my back; I'm dying here, literally!" Eriol tried to shout, but his voice was slowly diminishing. "Okay Syaoran, here's what you have to do," he hesitated, "It's not going to be fun, but please do as I say," he suddenly twisted, writhing in pain.
"Eriol!" Syaoran shouted.
"Take my blood Syaoran," he whispered, "you know the potions Wei taught you?" Syaoran nodded, "mix it with the one you use for common cold cure, add a little taro root," he coughed, his breaths began to deepen, it was as though he was a fish out of water, gasping for air. "Drink it while putting a hand on my head, and you'll have it, but it has to be done within 15 minutes of my death,"
"Stop talking like that Eriol," Syaoran choked, he could feel his tears coming.
"Syaoran, it's happening, I'm not spending the last moments of my life fighting with you. Now listen," Syaoran had to lean closer to even hear his voice now. "Give Yuki a bit of raw egg, it'll wake him up," he said, tears of pain and sorrow started to fill his eyes. "Tell Sakura it was not her fault, and Tomoyo that I love her,"
"Eriol . . ." Syaoran.
"You only have 15 minutes, remember, and as soon as you leave the room the force field is down, good luck," Eriol whispered, he closed his eyes again.
"Eriol," Syaoran said, but there was no response. "ERIOL!" he shouted.
"Syaoran, he's gone," Touya put a hand on his shoulder, Syaoran looked up and noticed Touya too had tears in his eyes. Suddenly it hit him, he only had 15 minutes to make this potion, and transfer the power! He leaped up,
"I'm going to go, and the room won't be safe anymore," he sighed.
"It's alright, just hurry," Touya said, "I know you can do it," and with that, Syaoran turned from the room and ran as fast as he possibly could back up the steps, he fiddled with the lock for a moment and slammed the door behind him. He rushed into the kitchen and threw the cabinets open. He needed a blender; thankfully there was one next to the sink. He found old seaweed on the counter and shoved it into the blender. The chives and cheerios were in jars, for a brief second he wondered why Cheerios were in a jar, but let the thought escape him as he searched for the sugar. He pulled open a cabinet, and was confronted with, he blinked, AT LEAST 50 bags of sugar. Sighing, he grabbed a bag, and tore it open with his teeth as he opened the cabinet under the sink. He pulled out a bottle of blue liquid and took the sugar bag out of his mouth. He poured about half of it into the blender and then tossed the bag to the floor. He twisted the cap off of the blue liquid and smelled it; yea that was it, Windex. He dropped just a dab into the blender which caused a puff of smoke to arise from the container. Then he needed the most common ingredient, Water. He put the blender under the tap and turned it on. A spark flew from the electric wire, and he remembered you should never put a blender in the sink.
He sighed, and took the blender out of the sink with just enough water in it, and quickly put the top on. He turned it on; sparks began to fly everywhere. He nearly leaped back, but reminded himself this was a life or death situation, and the few sparks that were burning his face right now wouldn't matter in the end. Nothing would matter in the end if he failed.
He hurriedly poured the concoction into a coffee mug, and grabbed an egg out of the refrigerator. Then, he bolted down the stairs through the basement and into the bathroom. He tossed the egg to Touya and slammed the door behind him, locking it as quickly as possible. Touya cracked the egg on the edge of the toilet seat and began to pour its contents into Yuki's mouth. Yuki began to cough and spit up the egg. His eyes opened, and he stared at the dead body of Eriol which lie on the floor.
"O-O-Oh my-G-G," Yuki began to sputter. Syaoran looked at the clock; he had six minutes in which to drink the potion. He tried to remember everything Eriol had said, mix the blood. He cringed and took the cup he had in his hand, and put it up to Eriol's mouth. He tilted his friends head down and blood slowly dribbled into the cup. Syaoran could feel himself trying to gag. He held it in, and tried to remember.
"SHIT!" he shouted.
"What?" Touya and Yuki looked at him in surprise. Well rather Touya looked at him in surprise as Yuki made his way over to the toilet, and began throwing up. Now only was he weak, but he couldn't handle the raw egg and dead body combination.
"Taro root, Yuki, I need it now!" he shouted, frantically standing up.
"I don't have any of that stuff," he paused taking time to throw up again, "why would I keep that around my house?" he asked.
"Yuki! We need it to finish this potion! It's the only way to save Sakura," he shouted.
"Well you can try looking in the downstairs fridge, but I don't see why I'd have that stuff," he muttered. Syaoran stood up and ran out of the room, leaving the cup on the sink counter.
Suddenly Touya flinched; something hit him hard in the head. He looked down, and there in his lap sat a bottle labeled "taro root".
"SYAORAN I HAVE IT," he shouted, looking up, where could that bottle have come from? Syaoran hustled into the room, short of breath. He ripped the bottle from Touya's hand and poured the contents into the coffee mug. He slammed the bathroom door with his foot and began to gulp the nasty substance. It was best if he pretended it was something else. He forced down a gag, and suddenly realized he couldn't taste anything. He drank the rest with ease, and looked around. His vision was a little blurred. He picked up Eriol's glasses, which amazingly hadn't been broken in whatever struggle he had suffered, and placed them on his nose.
Feeling a little wiser and older he recalled what Eriol had done when they entered the bathroom. He put his hand on the door knob, and the words spilled from his mouth. He didn't even know what he was saying, but suddenly (just as before) the room went dark and then blue, the shield was up.
Almost immediately there was a bang on the bathroom door. "I know you're in there!" a voice bellowed, it was Matt. Syaoran and Touya stared at each other, wide eyed.
"How'd that person get in my house?" Yuki asked, stupidly. Touya smacked him in the head to shut him up, almost wishing they hadn't woken him.
"We're safe in here as long as the shield is up," Syaoran explained. The knocking was fierce and continued.
"What do they think there going to do? Annoy us out of here?" Touya said sarcastically. It was now that Syaoran realized he had an awful headache; he'd never be able to concentrate with that racket.
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?" he finally burst, and everything fell silent. He could hear the heartbeat in his chest.
"How did you do that?" Touya asked, but no sound was coming out of his mouth, time seemed to slow itself down, and suddenly it halted. Syaoran looked around, reminded of his cardcaptoring days long ago, when he would use the time card, and then he remembered, he had to go back in time . . . but how?

Okay, leave your reviews, sorry it's awful I can't actually believe I wrote this, and I can't bear the thought of reading it again to edit it, so forgive the grammatical errors. Please don't flame me! As Reichal said "most stories seem to take on a life of their own" and that's what happened here . . .

Stay tuned for part 7, I'll finish this eventually I promise!!!