Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Shinku no Tsuki ❯ Judgment ( Chapter 10 )
Part Ten
Keroberos heard Eriol's shout and looked up at the woman in front of him as she took the diamond in her hand. He growled at her and spread his wings out in display, blocking her path to Yue. "You will not have him. He has done nothing to deserve such a fate."
The woman looked down at him as she turned to face them, diamond in one hand. "The Balance is still not redressed. Do you offer to take his place?" she asked coldly.
"Yes I do. If you have to take one of us, take me."
"Keroberos! I will not allow.."
Keroberos looked back to see Yue looking down at him, eyes narrowed sharply. "I told you, Yue, that I would watch your back whether you *liked* it or *not*." he growled out, before turning back to the woman.
She stepped back then and reappeared behind her scales, the diamond gone from her hands. She looked over at Spinel Sun, standing in front of Eriol and then back at Keroberos still standing in front of Yue. "Very well, Judgment of sun guardian's begins." she stated coldly as a ruby gem and another diamond gem began to form inside the scales. Their positions were reversed this time though, the ruby now being Keroberos, the diamond: Spinel Sun. First they were even, then slowly the diamond began to fall until once again the scales were completely tipped.
Eriol's eyes widened and he dropped to his knees, arms wrapping around Spinel Sun's neck. Keroberos's own eyes widened as the woman took the diamond gem from the scales and began to float down towards Spinel Sun and Eriol. "You were supposed to take me!" he roared as she came to a halt in front of the sorcerer and panther. Just then, Syaoran ran out of the house, Sakura following behind him out of breath, clutching her star staff.
"What's going on here?!" Li yelled as he came to a stop just past the back door, Sakura at his side, her green eyes wide in disbelief at the woman in front of Eriol.
Keroberos was about to answer him when Tomoyo stepped in front of Spinel Sun and Balance. "I won't let you take him, he means a lot to Eriol-kun and he's my friend too!" she shouted up at the woman.
Balance floated back away from her slowly, before speaking. "You are offering to right the balance then?" she asked.
"How do I do that?"
The diamond disappeared from her hand to be replaced by an amethyst crystal. "If you accept this, it will right the balance. If you refuse, I will take the sun guardian. There can not be three guardians. There must be two of each guardian, Sun and Moon or just one.. will you accept the Amethyst Moon?"
Eriol looked up suddenly from Spinel Sun's neck at the woman. "You can not ask her to accept that?! She does not know what you offer!" he shouted at the woman in anger.
Tomoyo looked back at Eriol's stricken expression, and then back to the crystal in the woman's hand. "Actually, I think I do. But would you want me as your guardian Eriol?" she asked softly.
Eriol stood up and walked towards her, until he stood just behind her. "You would consent to be with me for as long as I lived and become one?" he asked quietly.
She looked back at him, violet eyes locking onto bluish ebony. "Yes. I would be honored to." she said smiling softly. She then turned back towards the woman and held out her hand to receive the crystal from her. The woman smiled suddenly and then placed the crystal in Tomoyo's palm. There was a violet flash and when it cleared, Tomoyo stood there dressed in violet and black, with violet and ebony butterfly wings slowly unfolding from her shoulders. She turned smiling towards Eriol, who stared speechless at her before throwing his arms around her and holding her tightly.
The wings then disappeared and the dress went back to the clothes she had been wearing before as she shifted for the first time back into her now false form. Eriol pulled back to look at her. "You scared me, Tomoyo-san." he whispered softly. She smiled softly and hugged him back.
Yue watched Tomoyo and Eriol in surprise and shock. He watched as the woman floated back towards her scales, gathering them into one arm, before turning towards him. He stepped towards her absently, and watched silently as she floated down to him and stretched out her empty arm towards him. "There is only one thing left to do." she said quietly to him. He blinked as she reached up and touched him lightly on the forehead. The last things he heard before falling into darkness were Keroberos's roar and a shout from someone.
"HOW COULD YOU?!" Keroberos roared at the woman as Yue collapsed to the ground. Touya rushed forwards and caught Yue's head before it could hit the ground. The woman turned her blind eyes towards him for a moment, before turning to look at Sakura.
"Mistress of the Star Cards, worry not for your Moon Guardian. I merely restored the balance within him."
Sakura nodded, staring at Balance from behind Li who had drawn his sword when Yue had fallen.
Balance then floated up higher into the air and spoke once more. Her voice ringing out loudly over the yard. "The Balance has been restored. All is as it should be." She then became a stream of white light and flowed back towards Eriol and then became a card again, hovering in front of him for him to take out of the air and replace back into his robes.
There was a shout from Touya and a surprised roar from Keroberos then. Eriol and Tomoyo looked over at him and walked over to join Syaoran and Sakura to walk to where Touya sat with Yue and Keroberos. When they looked down though, Touya held not Yue, but Yukito, or what appeared to be Yukito.
The eyes of the figure slowly opened to look up at Touya. They were not the amber of Yukito's eyes, but the lavender of Yue's but had human pupils. Besides his eyes and his hair running down to his shoulders, he looked exactly as Yukito had. "To-ya?" the soft voice came, as a slim hand lifted to touch Touya's face. "Why are you crying? I'm alright." Touya shook his head, and simply drew the form closer to him and held him tighter.
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