Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Lining ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This is a fairly long series now…
Chapter 17
“But I can't just leave Yukito-san here!” Syaoran protested.
“I'll keep an eye on him!”
“All right… where's Sakura?”
“Just down the hall!”
Syaoran dashed down the hall, only to find Sakura frozen in a bubble along with Touya. Both bubbles were boiling with black fire, but Madoushi was angry. It seemed Voice had interrupted something.
“Good work, Voice! Wave! Go put those fires out!”
The wave card complied, as the flames faltered. Madoushi lunged at Syaoran, her long ruby nails sinking into his face. Syaoran kicked her off and then activated another Clow Card. “Bind card! Restrain her!”
This time it seemed to work…
Ignoring the blood, Syaoran began chipping at Sakura's bubble. “Sakura! Wake up! Please, you need to!”
Back in the other room, Kero-chan tensed as Yukito woke up and peeled the bubble open, eyes blank. “Hey! Come back here! What are you doing!” He darted after Yukito as Yukito walked into the other room.
Syaoran had just managed to poke a few holes in Sakura's bubble, at least allowing a little bit of oxygen in, when two arms grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. He met Yukito's dull amber eyes.
“Yukito-san! What are you doing?”
“Do you think the Voice card could really hold me for long? Don't worry, I don't need to kill you yet! Only two sacrifices are needed to bring Clow back from the dead. I'm sure you'll have fun playing with my new servant. Hahahaha! Besides, you can't bind me for long!”
“Yamete! Yukito!” Syaoran was cut off as Yukito's lips collided with his violently. Yukito quickly stripped off Syaoran's clothing, which vanished before…
“Ah! Yukito-san!!!!”
Kero-chan sighed. Well, it didn't seem as though Syaoran would be in any condition to battle either. Madoushi laughed as another bubble trapped the guardian beast. “This is even better! If only I had Yue too… well, no matter! My spell will be complete! I just need to wait for this card to wear off!”
“L-lust card!” Syaoran whispered as he took a gasp of breath. The card descended upon Yukito, channeling all his energy to this act. Syaoran moaned as Yukito took him again and again, his own juices coating Yukito's body, but…
He had more stamina.
Yukito fell over, drained of energy. Syaoran ignored his state and pulled out his sword, pointing it at Madoushi.
Madoushi gasped. “You're still standing? What sort of person are you?”
“A lucky one.” Syaoran growled. “Change card, activate!”
Madoushi cried out as Change turned her into a… goldfish. Goldfish could not use magic… luckily! Syaoran gutted it with his sword and then sighed in relief. Now where had his clothes gone? But first… his cock and balls disappeared as his breasts swelled out again. Safer to be a girl right now…
Sakura woke up as the bubbles disappeared first. “Li-kun-!” She colored and looked away. Syaoran was clearly a girl, although she was stark naked, the only covering the white fluid covering her legs and thighs.
Touya woke up seconds later. Seeing Syaoran's state, he guessed at the cause and shook his head. Oh dear…
Yukito rubbed his eyes as he awoke. Seeing Syaoran, he quickly took off his shirt and draped it over her shoulders.
Poor girl!
Kero-chan popped free of the bubble, rubbing his eyes. What had happened? They were in the Li house again…
Li Yelan looked pleased for some reason. * So my son did defeat Madoushi… good. No more problems then… *
Syaoran was in the bathroom with Yukito. They both needed baths. She had just taken off the shirt and it was in the hamper. Yukito froze as he caught sight of her puffy slit, white creamy fluid visible.
Was that-?
“Does it hurt, Syaoran-chan?”
Syaoran nodded, tearing up artfully. Yukito walked over to her, ignoring her nudity. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen it before.
“What happened?”
“Yukito-san, you… you…” Guilt crashed into Yukito's mind. Yes. He remembered now. He had viciously raped her again and again….
Why though?
It was like someone was controlling him, but how? And who?
Syaoran sat down on the edge of the bath as she spread her legs to give him a better look. Yukito struggled, than gave in.
He'd already done worse already…
Syaoran let out a sigh as Yukito's tongue swirled around the inside of her cunt, lapping up his spilled seed and her own juices. Heaven…
Yukito bathed her inner thighs and nether regions clean, before she took a bath. For some reason, he felt reckless.
After all, he'd done worse already, right? He had nothing to lose…
Syaoran wondered how much more it would take before Yukito confessed. After her bath, she toweled off slowly, before putting on her red Chinese dress with the golden dragons. She left to go see her mother.
Yelan smiled. “You want him.”
“He has plenty of hidden power. It is a good match.”
“Thank you, mother.”
No more was said as she left.
Touya met Yukito in the garden. Sakura had gone off shopping with a few of Syaoran's female cousins.
“You don't have to tell me what happened. It's not your fault.”
Yukito looked at Touya confused. “Of course it's my fault! I raped her!”
“Did you want to?”
“I… well no! She's just a kid! But I!”
“Yukito, something was controlling you.”
“Honto Ni?” He hung onto that hope. Could it be true?
Touya nodded. “Don't worry. She'll forgive you.”
“I hope so…”
“Yukito-san! Dinner!” Syaoran called cheerfully. Touya turned to Yukito. “See?”
End Chapter
Completed 1/11/05