Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Twilight Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The return

Chapter 3 - twilight meetings

Place: in front of Sakura's house

~~Before Syaoran unpacked~~

Sakura was bent over with her hands on her knees breathing heavily. Once again Tomoyo had beaten her to her own house. Unfortunately Sakura was starting to pick up on Tomoyo's little secret.

"Tomoyo?" she started looking up at her friend.

"Yes?" she replied sweetly unaware of what she was going to have to answer.

"How do you get here so fast?"

"Practice." That wasn't actually a lie. Her and Eriol had been working on this little stunt for a few months.

"Was Eriol part of this practice?"

"…Um… maybe…"

"Aha! I knew it!! You cheated and so I win. So now you have to make me and Kero both a dessert because you are a cheat!! Now then the only question is how many times have you forfeited to me? 10, 20, 100 times?" she pressed.

"Well that's classified information."


Later that evening, when Tomoyo and Sakura had settled in at Sakura's house and were up in her room chatting and planning out the weekend when a strange sensation came over Sakura and she stood up suddenly, interrupting Tomoyo's train of thought. It felt like very strong magic yet it seemed slightly familiar. She walked slowly to her darkened window and pushed out the glass to get a better feeling of who it might be.

"Kero? Can you feel that?" she asked beckoning to the golden beast who had been asleep on her dresser.

"Huh?" he asked groggily following Tomoyo towards the window to stand beside Sakura. He suddenly was wide-awake with the wave of magic.

"W-what is that? No. Where is it coming from?" he asked feeling totally bewildered by the unknown presence of another source of magic. They only knew of four sources still living in Japan: Eriol, Yue and Kero (both of which had minimal powers in their current states) and Sakura herself.

"It doesn't feel like Eriol or Yue. Who is it?" Sakura asked with worry evident in her voice. She turned to Kero expecting him to be smug from bearing the knowledge she didn't have but was surprised to find him frowning at her.

"I'm sorry. I really don't know." He replied. Both mistress and beast feared the magic because it could be a card thief or worse.


Syaoran had fallen asleep while remembering those past 24 hours when he was jolted awake by a strange feeling. 'It feels like someone is probing me.' He thought trying to probe back but the magical presence had disappeared.

"Must have been my imagination. I'm just tired. I think I should get some more sleep. My mind is playing tricks on me." He said out loud and collapsed back on the bed.

"I've got lots of things to do before tomorrow. I wonder if Sakura will be in the same school."

He rolled back out of bed after trying his best to go back to sleep, and decided to get everything he needed for tomorrow ready then laze around for the first time since he went back to Hong Kong.

He started to work on cleaning his uniform for the third time and polishing the shiny black shoes for the second time. Everything else he thought he had to do had been done and put into his school bag at the door.

'Syaoran, why are you so bored?' he thought to himself trying to remember what else he could do that didn't involve the next day's uniform.

'I guess I could start doing some of my training, or work on my magic…OR I could walk around and enjoy myself and clear my head.' He decided.

He looked at the clock beside his bed he noticed it was only eight thirty and he had about three hours to walk. Grabbing his keys from the table he headed out the door and down the street towards Sakura's house.


Two and a half hours later…

After browsing the neighborhood and even downtown without much luck clearing his head, he walked towards the old penguin park. While walking he had his head bent over and barely noticed the young girl sitting beside him when he reached the swing set. She had shoulder-length auburn hair that covered her beautiful eyes, which were cast towards the tiny grains of sand that lined the park.

"Hi." He mumbled as he sat next to her. She glanced up and noticed how familiar his features seemed.

"You seem troubled." She remarked. "Want to share? I'm sure my life story is much more tragic than yours can ever be." She added.

"I guess I can start by making friends with you. My name is Li Syaora-Xiao Lang. And you're wrong my life is horrible." He started.

"You want to bet? My name is Kinomoto Sakura. Well…" she prompted.

'S-Sakura? No it can't be her. I'll bet there are tons of girls around her age named Sakura. It can't be that easy to find her.' He thought to himself before trusting this girl with his story.

"About six years ago I lived here but I had to leave and return to my family leaving behind the one person I loved most. The only problem with that was that I hadn't had the courage to tell her how I felt and I became miserable. Finally my family decided to let me return for her but I have no clue where to find her. I tried to look by her house, downtown and even here but I can't feel-I mean find her. Maybe it would have been easier to find her if I'd have kept in touch with her." He said trying to leave out the 'strange' parts. He looked up to find a surprised look on this girl's face.

"What?" he asked. "I know it's not exactly horrible but I feel like my life hasn't been whole for six years."

"It's actually kinda similar to my 'tragic' life. Just about six years ago I kind of liked this guy, too. But when he had to leave I chickened out and stayed in my room crying all day. He left without a backwards glance or saying goodbye and I never heard from him again. But I guess I deserved it."

He just stared at her. He was left speechless. He thought it was amazing that in half an hour they had connected so easily.

"I think we tied on that one." He chuckled softly filling the silence that had washed over them.

"Yeah. So did you just move back then?" she replied making polite conversation.

"Yeah just this morning. But the 'locals' aren't as friendly as I remember. Just as I was walking out of the school around the corner I was knocked over by a flash of pink."

"That was you?!? Oh I'm really sorry for knocking you over. One of my friends and I were racing to my house. I guess I have to go now it's almost 11:00 and my brother and best friend will go nuts if they wake up to find me missing again. I hope I see you in school tomorrow." She stood up off the swing and ran towards the corner waving slightly as she disappeared around a corner.

"What if she was Sakura?" he said to himself as he lifted himself off the swing pondering the possibility. "I could always check out if she has any magic tomorrow. But now I have to sleep." He said uselessly to stifle a yawn. He hadn't even noticed that she hadn't thrown herself at him like all other girls. Another someone who had followed Sakura had noticed that he was the only guy not to drool over his Sakura. "Maybe Sakura can finally get over that kid now." The furry stuffed animal said to himself and followed her back to the comfort of his very own bed.