Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ the return ❯ Tutor me, please! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The return

Chapter 4 - Tutor me please!

Disclaimer: I'm only gonna do this twice maybe this fic. Why bother. If anyone on this website owned any of the books, anime shows, songs, etc. they would have no need to write fanfics cause reality would not be a problem for them. I don't own CCS or Cardcaptors. Deal with it. But I do own Saurei Ch'en, Mr. Wakabayashi, Xun Lu, Miko Nagata and any others that don't appear in this series.

Place: no need cause you already know that they're all in Japan. (Except Meilin who isn't in the story yet)


'What an odd sound for a bird.' Syaoran thought as he slowly lifted an eye to stare blankly at the source of the irritating sound. His alarm clock. 7:15 am. That's when he remembered where he was and that today was his first day of high school in Japan.

"HOE!! I'm late!!" he cried vaguely recalling how familiar that phrase sounded. School was going to start in 45 minutes and he still had to do some training like he had promised his mother, and since he didn't start yesterday because he was enjoying his newfound freedom, he definitely had to do some before school started.

"Oh well. I'll do it tonight." He said while jumping into the shower for a quick refreshing wake up.


Ten minutes later he was dressed and flying out the door. He wanted to get there early to talk with the principle about possibly going into grade 11 math like he had done in Hong Kong.

While going over his little speech in his head he almost knocked over Sakura who had also been rushing for similar reasons. Only she was finally going to talk to the principle about a tutor to help her in her worst subject. Math.

"Oh I'm sorry, I should have watched where I was going." Syaoran exclaimed as the girl bent over her books that had fallen out of her backpack. "Oh, it's you!" he said excitedly as she stood straight up again.

"It's ok. For once I'm actually early, but for a reason. Why are you going to school so early?" she asked as they both started to walk towards Seiju.

"I'm just going in so I can ask for permission to go into grade eleven math. Grade ten math is just too easy for me." He stated as Sakura thought that her eyes were going to pop out from hearing this. But then she had an idea.

"How about instead of going into grade eleven math you tutor me? I'm almost failing and it seems like no one knows how to make me understand it. That's actually the reason I'm early, I was just gonna ask the principle for one but this could work both ways. Trust me it's much more of a challenge than grade eleven." She pleaded, fluttering her eyelids playfully at him.

"Sure, I'd love too, but I doubt it's as hard as you think." He replied as they walked on towards their school.


"I think that's a great idea Sakura-Chan. You can start tutoring her when ever you'd like Li-kun." The principle was more than thrilled to let Xiao Lang tutor Sakura on a daily basis. Both were standing in front of the large oak desk of Mr. Wakabayashi, the principle.

"Sure." Replied Xiao Lang.

"Ok. Now then Sakura you can hurry to your first period class while we start looking for Akimoto-sensei's first class." He said while ushering the teen out of the door when she stopped him.

"But he's my first period teacher. Surely I could walk him to class." She said trying to drop hints about the embarrassment of walking in with the principle on his first day. Luckily he wasn't as dense as some might think. Smiling he gave Xiao Lang his enrolment papers and a note to Akimoto-sensei about their tutoring arrangement and they left to find their first period class.


"Nagata-san, have you seen Sakura today?" asked Sakura's first period math teacher, Akimoto-sensei as he was scrolling through the attendance list. Sakura seemed to be later than usual and it seemed slightly strange.

"Yes, sensei. I saw her heading toward Mr. Wakabayashi's office with some new guy." A short girl with shoulder-length fiery red hair and deep blue eyes answered the teacher.

Her full name was Miko Nagata and she had been friends with Sakura when they met at cheerleading practice in the beginning of grade 6, almost four and a half years ago. They had a small group of friends that they hung around with. Miko, of course, Xun Lu a Chinese boy bright red eyes and black hair cut just an inch above his shoulders (Like Ken from digimon if you need to know), Saurei Ch'en a tall girl with dark eyes and waist length black hair that is always in a ponytail that ends at her shoulders, and the strangest of all, Sashi Tsau a boy with chin length auburn hair dazzling green eyes and a wonderful smile that could only be found on one other person, Sakura.

Everyone who saw Sashi and Sakura together thought that they were related, if not twins. They all met in grade six and became best friends.

As Akimoto-sensei was about to continue with the attendance Sakura and Xiao Lang walked into the class. They walked over to the sensei and explained why they were late and about the agreement.

"Ok. Thank you Kinomoto-san." Akimoto said and turned his attention to his new student while she walked to the back of the class to her window seat.

While the sensei was talking with Xiao Lang Miko leaned over.

"Who's the hottie?" she asked in a seductive voice causing Sakura to blush. She immediately turned her gaze towards the chalkboard.

"I don't know. I just met him… last night." She whispered quickly, feeling her face quickly grow hotter by the second.

"Ooh on one of your midnight walks?" she prodded. 'Oh kami-sama! Sakura blushing? I never would have guessed.' She thought.

Miko loved this. Finally Sakura had found a guy she liked enough to blush while thinking about him.

'This is one time I'm not gonna let her get away with this. I'm gonna get this out of her.' Miko promised herself. But before Sakura could protest or be bombarded with more questions the teacher had finished talking with Xiao Lang and was waiting for quiet. When the class quieted down he began.

"Class, I'd like you to meet Li Xiao Lang. He's a transfer student from Hong Kong." He announced. Then added to Xiao Lang, "You can have a seat behind Kinomoto-san." And turned back to his work.

Xiao Lang looked over at the class and noticed that most of the class bore two expressions on their faces. The girls were staring at him with drool hanging from their open mouths and a glazed, dreamy look in their eyes. The guys, however, had a much different look on their faces, a look of pure confusion and hatred. They had noticed their girls' stares and didn't know why but they were jealous of Syaoran, finally realizing how the girls felt every time Sakura came into a room.

Only Sakura and her friends were smiling warmly at him. From his experience in Hong Kong, he didn't even notice the others.

"I guess you could sit behind Sakura since you two already know each other." The sensei said and turned back to the previous days homework.

"I guess I have a fan club here, too." He said to her nodding to a group of guys he had noticed while walking to the back. They looked particularly hostile and almost ready to tear off his head.

While she took a quick glance at the group he slipped into the seat behind her.

"Don't worry about him." She answered.

"Him?" he asked, confused.

"The guy nearest us is like their leader. His name is Jing Chan. I'll explain it later." She whispered over her shoulder.

The sensei began the new semester's class by directing the class to take out their textbooks and notebooks.

Ten minutes later the class was asked to pair up boy-girl if possible.

At this, almost the entire class crowded around the back window where shouts were heard.

"Oh Li-kun…please pick me!!."

"Sakura, just this once pleeasee??!?"

"You had her last week!!"

But with a quick glance at each other they began to cautiously ward off their separate crowds.

"I'm so sorry, guys, but this time I'm gonna help the new guy." She said while trying to find the room to stand up.

"Yeah," agreed Xiao Lang. "Sakura promised to be my partner so I could help her in math…he he." he said scratching the back of his head while trying to think of something else to do.

But luckily the crowd got the message and mumbling and groaning they began to find other partners leaving the pair alone.

Over in the other corner Lei Miorai was complaining about her circumstances.

"Once again I'm stuck with Jing. The one guy good enough for me and she decides to pounce and manages to sink her claws into him. Oh she'll pay…and then I'll get him." She glanced at Jing and shuddered.

"You can have him so long as I can get her." He agreed, because her disgust for him was mutual.

"We'll get them away from each other…in the end we'll be the lucky ones…just wait…"