Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Oaths ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah……it's still not mine….no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 4: Oaths

Eriol quickly deposited his baggage to his old manor and went to Kaho's work place, wondering why the auburn-haired teacher did not meet her at the airport.

Mizuki Kaho was a bit surprised at their meeting, so Eriol explained that he made a rushed reservation so that he could come immediately. Kaho smiled and welcomed him accordingly.

"Eriol, is something the matter?" Kaho had noticed Eriol's lack of cheeriness as they went out to celebrate their engagement.

"Huh?" Eriol looked up from his steak. "Nothing. I was just worried about…Tomoyo… about Spinel Sun and Nakuru."

"Oh." Kaho paused to sip from her wineglass. "I assure you that both of them will be good, especially with Sakura-san around."

If you only knew, Eriol thought. He glanced at Kaho. Her eyes seem to glow because of the dim glow of the candlelight. Eriol held his breath as he expected his heart to beat faster…but nothing happened.

"Eriol, nani?" Kaho asked, worried. Her date seemed to be startled.

He tried to smile. "Oh, nothing." The dinner went on without further interruption.


Thank you for the dinner, anata," Kaho said as Eriol accompanied her to her apartment.


Kaho smiled as she tightened her hold on Eriol's hand. "I was thinking that we should practice calling ourselves as a married couple, ne. Don't you think so, anata?"

Eriol stammered. "Yes…ko…koishii…"

Kaho beamed, not noticing the hesitant quiver in her fiancé's voice.

Eriol remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot." He pulled out a little blue box. Kaho opened it, revealing a ring. It is a thin circlet of gold, cradling a single diamond on its side studded with little amethysts.

"It's…pretty…" Kaho said. "Arigatou gozaimasu."

"You don't like it?" Eriol asked. Kaho shook her head.

"Um, of course I like it. It's just that…"

"What is it?" Eriol pressed her hand entwined with his to his lips.

"Well, you must have forgotten that my favorite gem is opal…"

"Oh, I'm sorry, demo, your birthstone is amethyst, that's why I thought about it." Eriol apologized, setting aside the fact that he was thinking of something else when he bought the ring. "I could have it altered if you don't want to…"

The red-haired lady placed a finger on Eriol's lips, shushing him. "It's always beautiful if it comes from you." She held up her hand. Eriol, remembering that he should be the one to place the ring on Kaho's finger, hurriedly did so.

Kaho held up her hand, admiring the ring. "For some reason, it's not in my taste," she commented. Then she smiled. "But still, thank you. Aishiteru, Eriol."

"Ai…shiteru, Kaho." Kaho moved her face closer to kiss Eriol. He readily accepted it and melted his mouth with hers.

Kaho sighed against his mouth, yet Eriol did not deepen the kiss. She ran a hand across his shoulders, waiting for Eriol to make his move. Eriol pulled away unknowingly. His fiancée gave him a questioning glance.

"I…uh…really should be going. We're going to arrange so many things tomorrow and I have to rest."

"Would you like to sleep over?" Kaho inquired, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

A day ago, Eriol would have jumped and welcomed Kaho's flirting. But now, he seemed to be not in the mood and decided against it.

"I might become cranky tomorrow if I don't get a good night's sleep," Eriol joked, faking a laugh. "I'll just stay in the hotel."

"Okay,. Pick me up tomorrow at ten? And Eriol," Eriol met Kaho's ruby gaze. "Could you…kiss me again?"

Eriol sucked in a breath as Kaho closed her eyes. She ran a hand on Eriol's cheek. "Please?"

"Hai." And he did. This time Kaho made the first move, opening her mouth and deepening the kiss. For some reason, Eriol was taken aback by such daringness, but reluctantly gave in. After a short while, he pulled away.

"I have to go, Good night, Kaho." He gave her one last hug and went down the stairs that led outside.


Back in Tomoeda……

"Eriol-kun called last night," Sakura cheerily reported at lunch.

"Oh?" Syaoran replied a bit sarcastically. "Why would he call? To check on us and see if we're still alive?"

Sakura glared at her boyfriend but grinned at Tomoyo. "He asked if you are alright. I told him you were doing great but you miss him."

Tomoyo didn't seem to hear. She ate automatically, eyes not leaving her plate.

"Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura asked.

"Ara?" Tomoyo looked at her questioningly. Sakura shook her head and Tomoyo stood up. "I'll go check on Chiharu and the others, Sakura-chan." She walked away.

"I'm worried about Tomoyo-chan," she heard Sakura tell Syaoran.

"She'll get over it, Sakura-chan. She's a strong girl," the Chinese boy remarked.

Yeah, very much stronger than you think. Tomoyo thought as she headed towards Chiharu's table.

"I have never met them," she heard Rika say as she neared their table.

"Oh Tomoyo-chan. Care to join us?" Chiharu moved aside to give Tomoyo some space. Tomoyo smiled slowly and sat down.

Yamazaki was chewing on a shrimp. "Where's Sakura-chan and the others, Tomoyo-chan?" he asked.

"They were, uh, busy with things." The others nodded in understanding and proceeded with their conversation.

"Do they have permission to do those things in school?" Rika asked, eyes full of curiosity.

"What are you all talking about?" Tomoyo wanted to know.

"The Occult Club, haven't you heard about it?" Chiharu asked. Tomoyo shook her head. "Naoko told us that there's a new magic club here in Seijyo," she went on.

That perked up Tomoyo. She glanced at Naoko, expecting for an explanation, which the bespectacled girl gave generously.

"They are called The Circle of Four, although there are only three existing members. Students are still reluctant to join them, since they look, well, weird."

Yamazaki held up a finger. "It is said that they offer sacrificial victims on the altar and burn them to death. That's why students are afraid to join. I heard that one dark night the leader came and slashed…"

"Don't you ever stop making tall stories?" Chiharu angrily said, dragging Yamazaki away from the group. All laughed, but Tomoyo was too preoccupied to join in. She turned to Naoko.

"Do you….know where they meet?" she asked. Naoko raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, don't tell me you are going to join them, Tomoyo-chan," Rika said, horrified.

"No. I just wanted to ask some questions," Tomoyo quietly said. Naoko then told her that the group meets at the back of the school at exactly 4:00 PM and wait for members. Tomoyo graciously thanked her and ran off to her classes, leaving the two girls dumbfounded.


Tomoyo rushed down the stairs to the school's backyard. It was 4:10 PM and she have to hurry to see the members of the Circle of Four. At the back of the school, Tomoyo glimpsed at three girls leaning on the wall. One of them looked at her watch and nodded to the others. They began walking off.

"Matte! Please wait!" The three girls looked around to see Tomoyo running up to them.

"What can we do for you?" the blond-haired girl asked, apparently amused.

"Let's leave her, Sayaka. We have other things to do," the black-haired girl with glowing amber eyes irritably said.

"Matte. Look at her eyes." The third girl, who was fiery red hair but kind purple eyes glanced at Tomoyo. "She has purple eyes like me."

"Yare yare….come with us, miss!" the ashen blonde girl gushed. "We would love to talk to you about anything."

"I….I would like to learn magic." Tomoyo bowed her head to hide her blushing face from them. She did not see the auburn-haired girl grin knowingly.

"We know," she replied, taking Tomoyo's hand. I think it is time for introductions."

In a few minutes, Tomoyo learned the identities of the three girls. They were all her upper classmen. The red-haired girl with amethyst gaze was Kayama Nikki. She claims to be the Pillar of Earth. The cheery one with blonde hair was Ryooenjutsu Sayaka. She calls herself the Pillar of Water. The Pillar of Fire, who has a temper as fiery as her namesake, was the jet black-haired Mihari Keiko. She also learned that they are in need of members.

"You see," Nikki explained over a cup of tea. "We can't perform real magic if we are only three. We have to have a new member to fill in the fourth pillar, which is the Pillar of Wind."

"Yeah," Sayaka agreed." That's why we're so glad you joined us. Irasshai!"

Keiko, at last, spoke up. "She isn't exactly our member yet, Sayaka. She has to prove to us first that she deserves to be the Pillar of Wind."

"Oh I know she will be," Sayaka said, smiling. "The Order of the Wind usually has cute people like her." Tomoyo blushed at the compliment.

"OK, that settles it," Nikki finally said, stopping the argument. "We're going to give you a book of simple spells, Tomoyo-san, and you have to study them. You have to show us what you have learned in a few days, and we'll judge if you are worth being Pillar of Water. Ganbatte ne. Till then, we won't speak to you first." Tomoyo and Nikki shook on the agreement and they went off separate ways.


"Naoko-chan, have you seen Tomoyo-chan?" Sakura asked, her face frowning with concern.

Naoko stopped on the stairs and looked up at Sakura. "Oh no, Sakura-chan. Is she missing?" Sakura clasped her hands together.

"Well, the teacher said she didn't attend her music practice today. I went looking for her, but I can't find her."

"I think you'll find her in the school yard, Sakura-chan. I saw her there yesterday about this time, too."

"Arigatou, Naoko-chan." Sakura ran off outside to look for Tomoyo.


It has been two days since Tomoyo was introduced into the club. She had been reading and practicing non stop for her initiation rites to be held tomorrow. She held up a wand (which was provided by Keiko) and pointed to the ground, muttering something inaudible.

A small gust of wind formed from the wand. She waved her wand once more, and the gust of wind became bigger, making her own hair swirl. A moderately-sized whirlwind picked up bits of leaves on the ground and Tomoyo sent it spinning to nothing again with her wand. I can do magic now, she thought. She knew it was a simple trick, as what the book said, but having done little magic unlike before felt so……so powerful. "I just controlled the whirlwind. I am the Pillar of Wind," she said loudly.

"To - mo - yo - chan?" She looked up to see Sakura looking shocked.

"What do you want, Sakura-chan?" she asked annoyingly. Her own best friend is ruining her practice.

"Anou," Sakura said, coming towards her. "What did I saw you just did?"

"I am practicing my magic, Sakura-chan," Tomoyo boasted. She repeated what she had done earlier. Sakura watched it, mouth agape.

"I….I didn't know you can do magic," Sakura said softly.

Tomoyo huffed. "You think it's only you who can do magic?" she angrily said. "Then you are damn wrong." She walked away, leaving her friend in stupor.


Eriol gripped the phone firmly. He had only been gone for two days and the news Sakura brought him was shocking. "Are you really serious, Sakura-san?" he asked again.

"You asked me that question for the third time and I'll repeat the answer again. I saw it with my own eyes," the voice on the other line annoyingly said.

"But how can Tomoyo-san do that?"

"I don't know." Sakura quickly felt the worry in Eriol's voice and hastily assured him. "You don't have to return here, Eriol-kun. I was just telling you the things happening around here. But you still have to prepare for your wedding, you know. We're going to be alright here. I'll talk to Tomoyo-chan tomorrow."

"Sakura-san, I ……"

"Hush, Eriol-kun. We can handle this by ourselves. Maybe Tomoyo is just lonely because you aren't here. I'll call you for any developments. Jaa ne!" Sakura hung up.

Eriol sat down on his bed. Everything seems to be in the wrong place today. First, Kaho did not want them to meet today. She said she was busy. And now Tomoyo-san is doing magic. Shaking his head, Eriol went out to cool his head.