Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Vows ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah……it's still not mine….no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 3: Vows

Eriol sat by the evening fire thinking. He knows he has to help Sakura and the others to defeat this unknown enemy. It would be very difficult for Sakura to face an unknown foe and as a senior wizard, he has to help.

But still, this was the moment he was waiting for: to be married to the woman of his dreams. Besides, Sakura have defeated him a long time ago, and had captured the Hope Card without his help. She and Syaoran could carry on well. Sakura also told him not to worry and have fun, so it's all right to go. But still, there's another problem….Tomoyo.

He could not understand Tomoyo's reaction two days ago. They were supposed to be friends. Why isn't she happy for him? Is she really…… Eriol shook off Nakuru's words from his mind. He picked up the phone and dialed Tomoyo's number.


Tomoyo sat by the bench overlooking the Tomoeda amusement park. This was the very place where Eriol had entered her life. She reminisced those memories……


"Eriol-kun, Tomoyo-chan," Sakura called to the pair behind them. "Hurry, I want to ride the octopus!" Sakura tugged on Li Syaoran's arm herself and urged everyone to walk fast.

"I'm really cannot understand Sakura-chan's passion for carnivals," Eriol remarked to the girl beside him.

The longhaired girl smiled. "I don't know, Hiiragizawa-kun. I am at a loss myself." She hugged her form and tightened her hold on her jacket. "I don't understand why on a cold, autumn day like this, Sakura-chan suddenly wanted to ride an octopus."

Eriol shared the pun. "Maybe Li-kun doesn't understand it, too." He gestured towards a brown-haired boy trying to get a hold of her very enthusiastic girlfriend.

They reached the carnival, and as expected, Sakura ran to the octopus and dragged Syaoran with her. Tomoyo pleaded Sakura to let her skip riding the octopus and videotape Sakura from below. At last, after almost eight rounds, Sakura jumped down from the octopus.

"Sugoi!" Sakura exclaimed. "It was so great! Don't you think so Syaoran-kun?" She glanced over to her boyfriend, who was currently having difficulty to walk straight.

Sakura ignored Syaoran's dizziness and grabbed his arm. "Let's go try something else!" The only answer Syaoran could offer was, "Nyark!"

"I'm so happy Sakura has finally found her love," Tomoyo said after a long quiet interval.

"Well, I'm glad my cute descendant has finally met developments after so much effort of proposing to Sakura-san five years ago," Eriol replied as they watched the subjects of their chat walk ahead of them holding hands.

All of a sudden, Sakura turned to face them. "Tomoyo-chan! Let's try the ferris wheel!" She grabbed Tomoyo's hand and dragged her to the spinning contraption.

Syaoran grinned. "Sakura might get dizzy, so I'll ride with her. You, my four-eyed ancestor, will go with Tomoyo-san." He wrapped an arm around Sakura's shoulders and strode off.

Eriol offered his hand to his companion but the seventeen - year old girl shook her head. "Aree? Doushitano Daidouji-san?"

"Anou, won't Mizuki-sensei be angry if we…if we ride together?" she asked quietly.

Eriol laughed. "Kaho and I aren't engaged, Daidouji-san, although I hope we will be. And besides, she's in England, and besides those, we're friends, right?"

Tomoyo nodded and met his hand with hers.

"Is something wrong, Daidouji-san?" Eriol asked with a concerned look as the ferris wheel began to move.

Tomoyo shook her head. "Um, no. I was just thinking about Sakura-chan."

"What about Sakura-san?" came the young wizard's follow - up question.

Tomoyo forced a laugh. "Honestly, Hiiragizawa-kun, I don't think you will understand…" she looked away from Eriol and stared at the scenery below.

Eriol stood up and sat beside her, making their carriage wobble.


"Try me," Eriol challenged, winking at her.

"Oh. Well, Hiiragizawa-kun, I just realized that Sakura-chan will be gone with Li-kun to Hong Kong and I'll be left alone."

Eriol stared at her amethyst eyes. "You really love her, don't you?"

Tomoyo slowly nodded. "Ever since we were in grade - school, she was my Sakura…until Li-kun came. My best friend…is gone."

Eriol gave a sigh and used his finger to tip Tomoyo's chin towards him. "Look at me," he commanded. Tomoyo's teary - eyed gaze met his.

"Daidouji-san, we have each other. You are not alone because I am here. I'll be your friend."

Tomoyo could only say, "Thanks. I know you are but…"

"Trust me," Eriol interrupted. "I'm always here. I could listen to you, I could comfort you, just like the way Sakura-san does. That way you won't feel lonesome." Eriol bowed his head. "That is, if you are willing to."

Tomoyo was quiet. Then she faced Eriol. "Yubikiri?" she asked him, holding up her pinky.


"It means pinky promise. It means that whatever happens, you will keep your promise." Tomoyo waited Eriol to answer. Then, Eriol twined his pinky with hers.

"Yubikiri, Tomoyo-san."

Tomoyo was taken aback. She stared at him wide-eyed with surprise.

"Nani?" Eriol asked. "Was it the 'Tomoyo -san thing'? I wish to call you by your first name. That way we'll be closer. I also wish you could call me Eriol."


"E-r-i-o-l," he corrected. "Hiiragizawa-kun sounds so stiff. Please?"

Tomoyo couldn't help but beam. Maybe Eriol is being sincere. "All right, Eriol-kun." With that, the ferris wheel ride is over.


Tomoyo hugged her frail form and closed her eyes. If only things were like before, she thought. But there seems to be no choice. Just wait, Eriol-kun. I'll be able to achieve magic like your Mizuki.


Somewhere in the shadows, three forms were watching….

"How did you do that?" one asked.

"What?" the other girl asked.

"The phone thingy……"

"Hmmm….ventriloquism?" an amused voice replied. And they all laughed, watching a figure in the distance bow her head in distress.


"I am so sorry, but Tomoyo-san is not yet home," the secretary on the other line said.

"Oh. But it is 12 midnight. Did she say when she's going to be back?"

"Actually, Hiiragizawa-san, we thought she was with you, for she never came home since she left the house at 7 AM."

"But she left here ages ago. Anyway, thank you. Please tell her when she gets home that I called." Eriol hung up the phone and looked out of the window. If Nakuru's words were so true, I had hurt Tomoyo-san very gravely indeed. He played back Nakuru's words in his mind. How could I hurt Tomoyo -san? Why am I so disturbed about it?? He realized that his emotions were in chaos. Part of him wanted to fly to London and be with Kaho, but another part of him wanted to go to Tomoyo, catch her in his arms and tell her how wrong he is. She is a girl who needs protection and care. Shaking himself off of tiring thoughts, Eriol put himself in a dreamless slumber.


"I am so glad you and Mizuki-sensei will finally settle down," Sakura cried. She reached up and hugged Eriol. Syaoran came up to him and shook his hand.

"Now I am relieved that we will be safe from your clutches," Syaoran joked. Eriol gave a good-natured laugh. Then, he looked around.

"Where's Tomoyo-san?"

"Anou," Sakura started. "She isn't feeling well."

"She's sick?" Eriol inquired, the furrows on his forehead deepening.

Sakura nudged her boyfriend. "Oh yes," Syaoran finally said. "You see, we found her in the park, like 4 AM, she's drunk and we did not let her come because it might make her feel worse. We all know Tomoyo-chan's very attached to you."

Eriol nodded. "I see. Please tell her, I said good bye and take care." Syaoran nodded in return.

"Oh wait, one more thing." Sakura reached inside her bag and pulled out an envelope. "Tomoyo-chan wants to give you this. She said you should open it when you get on the plane."

"Thanks." Eriol stuffed the envelope in his coat pocket.

"No big deal. I'll watch over Nakuru and Spinel. Please say hi to Mizuki-sensei for me."

Eriol sighed. "I'm sorry for the bother. Nakuru and Spinel just won't come to London with me." He picked up his travelling bag. "Well, I should get going. See you then."

"Ganbatte ne, Hiiragizawa - kun!" Sakura shouted as Eriol rode the escalator. With one last wave, Eriol's friends disappeared from his view.

On the plane, Eriol hurriedly opened Tomoyo's letter. Upon unfolding the sheet of paper inside, his eyes widened.

Only one word was written on it. There was no name or message. On it was written the word: YUBIKIRI.