Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Promises ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah…it's still not mine…no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 2: Promises

"Mistress Tomoyo!" Nakuru squealed as he hurled down the staircase. Tomoyo brushed off autumn leaves from her dress.

"Honestly, Nakuru, if you go on calling me that, Eriol-kun would be shocked."

Nakuru faked a pout. "Pshaw! I can call you whatever I like. Besides…" he played a naughty smile on his lips. " I think you two look good together, you should get married!"

With that, Tomoyo turned red as a ripe tomato. "Nakuru, if you go on like that, I won't make you new clothes! You know Eriol-kun is engaged to Mizuki-sensei."

"Tsk, tsk, Ruby Moon is cross-dressing to harass that Touya-boy again?" Spinel called down from the chandelier.

"Suppi!" Nakuru purred. "You want breakfast?"

"Who the hell is Suppi?!" Spinel roared as he entered the kitchen while Tomoyo flipped the pancakes.

"Hmm…let's see," Nakuru said, placing a finger on his temple. "Suppi is a black kitty with butterfly wings and oh so cute eyes. That means," he pointed at Spinel. "That's you! Suppi!"

Tomoyo served the pancakes and told Spinel to call his master. Spinel went off muttering, "I'm not a kitty…you cross - dresser!"

Eriol came down and whiffed at the smell of newly - made breakfast. He then glimpsed Tomoyo's legs as she walked around the kitchen. Tiptoeing behind her, she placed his hands on both sides of her waist and tickled her.

Tomoyo gave a little squeal, and seeing Eriol was the culprit, playfully whipped him with a dishtowel. "I came here to thank you for taking care of me yesterday and this is what I get when I make breakfast for you?" Tomoyo demanded.

Eriol laughed heartily. "Geez, you are so sensitive. You get tickled so easily."

Tomoyo raised her eyebrows. "What if I tickle you? Of course you'd feel that way, too."

Eriol gave her one of his famous smiles. "Wanna bet?" He gripped one of Tomoyo's hands.

"Eriol-kun!" she exclaimed as she shook her arm free.

"Tomoyo-san, why do you captivate me so?" He let go of Tomoyo's hand and sat down for breakfast, grinning at his best friend.

Tomoyo laughed good-naturedly and served the three.

"Master Eriol, will Mistress Tomoyo come often? She makes lovely flapjacks," Spinel said, apparently getting drunk from too much honey.

Eriol raised his eyebrows when he heard Suppi say Mistress Tomoyo, but upon seeing that Tomoyo glared at Suppi, he kept quiet about it. "Spinel, you could ask Tomoyo-san, not me."

"Pweesh, Mishtresh Shtomoyo," Suppi drowsily said. "Why doncha live here?"

"Yeah!" Nakuru joined in. "That way we'll be a very happy family!"

Tomoyo almost choked on her food. She gave a very venomous stare at Nakuru, who was frantically waving his fork around.

"Now, now, don't get so excited over breakfast," Eriol finally said. "Why don't we help Tomoyo clear the table?"

Tomoyo automatically stood up. "Uh, no. I can manage." Eriol tried to persuade her to let them help but Suppi and Nakuru suddenly evaporated from view.

"Tomoyo-san, I'll wipe the dishes if you don't mind."

Tomoyo hurriedly scrubbed the dishes. "Yes I do mind," she said, her soapy hands working fast. "This is not Hiiragizawa-kun's job so…"

"I thought we got rind of the respectful 'kun' before," Eriol observed.

"Well, you know, I was just showing respect because this is your house, Hiiragizawa-kun," Tomoyo mocked, eyes twinkling.

Eriol sighed. "If you say Hiiragizawa-kun once more, I'll kiss you."

Tomoyo laughed. "Honestly, Hiiragizawa-kun, I don't think you'll…" She suddenly stopped. She had said the forbidden word. Her hands almost dropped the soapy dish.

Eriol wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her around. "Looks like somebody's getting punished for not obeying."

"Go…gomen nasai, Eriol-kun, I was just kidding…mwphgh!" Eriol suddenly placed his mouth against hers. Tomoyo, unable to move, let his mouth roam against hers, coaxing her to do the same to him.

Slowly, Tomoyo matched Eriol's rhythm and kissed him back, her soapy hands reaching out to caress Eriol's hair. He moaned against her mouth as he felt her hand's contact with his hair and decided to deepen the kiss. He ran his hands up and down her back, then tangling them to her long hair, all the time gently opening her mouth with his tongue. Tomoyo willfully opened her mouth and deepened the kiss. After a while of passion, they broke away.

"I'm sorry," Eriol said, touching Tomoyo's cheek. "I didn't mean to get carried away.

"No, I'm sorry," Tomoyo replied. "I was the one who teased you, and it's my fault that you've got soap all over your hair."

Both of them laughed. Finally Tomoyo asked, "Will you keep your promise to me a month ago, still? Will you not leave me"

Eriol shoved away her bangs from her face. "Of course."

"I'm glad. Because if not, I'm gonna sink down to the unending waters of life."

Eriol chuckled. Suddenly, he found himself staring at her. He felt something in his heart that was not felt before, and all he can think about is kissing that girl before him once more.

"Tomoyo…" he whispered.

"Hm?" the girl asked, her eyes looking up to meet his.

"I hope you won't get mad, because I'm gonna kiss you again." With that he crushed his mouth against hers, this time taking more passion with it. Tomoyo willingly wrapped her arms around his neck, and before they knew it, Tomoyo was leaned against the counter with Eriol coercing her mouth to open to his.

This could take forever, Tomoyo thought as she closed her eyes. I'll be willing to come here everyday if he will love me like this.

That was what Tomoyo was thinking when the phone rang.


"Damn that phone!" Eriol murmured against her neck. Tomoyo smiled as Eriol ignored the ringing.

The ringing stopped as somebody answered it. Eriol thankfully returned to his task of making Tomoyo squirm as he kissed her neck.

Tomoyo loved the way Eriol handles her. He is ever gentle and thoughtful. She arched her neck sideways to give him better access, which Eriol tended to more than willingly.

"A…anou, Master Eriol," Nakuru called from behind the kitchen door.

"Nakuru, do you mind? I am having important business here." Tomoyo giggled helplessly and looked at Eriol, eyes twinkling.

Nakuru could not be swayed. "Master Eriol…"

Eriol sighed against Tomoyo's shoulder. He looked up. "Nakuru, if you say my name once more, I'll blast you off to the past!" His last word turned to a gasp as Tomoyo ran a hand over his shoulder and down.

"Miss Kaho's on the phone…" Nakuru audibly muttered.

"Kaho?! Damn, Nakuru, why didn't you say so!" Faster than lightning, Eriol dashed to the phone, leaving Tomoyo dumbfounded.

Nakuru managed a peek and Tomoyo and gave an apologetic look. "Gomenne, Mistress Tomoyo."

Tomoyo laughed. "Oh, it's all right, Nakuru. We were just playing anyway." Drat!

Tomoyo walked to the corridor and heard Eriol's voice.

"Yeah, I know Kaho…you mean now? But…really?! ….you really do?! Okay, I'll come over as fast as I can. Take care, my Kaho… Aishiteru. Jaa." Eriol hung up the phone and found himself face to face with Tomoyo. He beamed at her.

Tomoyo gave a confused glance when Eriol beamed at her. What now? What's with the smile?

Suddenly, Eriol gave her a hug. "Tomoyo-san, I have to go to London at once. Please inform our teachers."

"But…but why?" Tomoyo asked as she followed Eriol to his bedroom, where he began throwing clothes in his bag.

Eriol looked at her and smiled. "Kaho wants both of us to talk. She wants us to get married, Tomoyo-san!"

Tomoyo froze. Her bright amethyst eyes turned a dull blue. "Tomoyo-san? Are you alright?" Eriol asked worriedly.

"H…Hai…I was just surprised. It all came too fast." She forced a smile but her thoughts were screaming. Noo!!!!!

"Yeah, pretty quick, ne?" Eriol continued as he checked for his other belongings. "I was surprised, too. This has gotta be the best day in my whole life, reincarnation or not."

This was supposed to be my happiest day, too, until your Kaho called. Tomoyo thought, near to tears. "Anou, maybe I should get going, have a nice trip."

Unable to keep her tears from falling, she ran down the stairs, through the living room, and out of the house. She went to the park and sat on one of the benches, crying her heart out. Now she's got the answer. Now she knows she has feelings for Eriol.

"Baka!" she scolded herself. "Letting yourself fall for a taken guy…you are just fooling yourself!" she cried, pitying herself for being such an idiot. After some time, she wiped her tears.

"No one should see me like this," she thought loudly. "They'll think I'm such a jerk…I'll just go and let this feeling pass." She went off, unsure of where she is going, just walking where her feet would carry her.


"Master Eriol, there is only one word I could tell you and that is BAKA!" Nakuru angrily said as he stomped around the sitting room.


"I thought you and Mistress Tomoyo were going well and then you're letting her go?!" Nakuru huffed. "I shouldn't have given you that phone call…"

"Stop it, Nakuru!" Eriol snapped. He stood up to face the crackling fire. It's winter, yet the cold outside was nothing compared to the coldness Eriol feels with his only family.

"You know Tomoyo and I are just friends. I am helping her cope up with Sakura's leaving. Kaho is the one I love. Why are you depriving me of my own happiness?" Eriol asked them. "Kaho is a good person, you just won't give her a chance."

"I don't want Kaho to live here," Spinel replied from the mantelpiece. "I want Mistress Tomoyo!"

"Why Spinel? I love Kaho. What makes Tomoyo so great? You know that she is…"

"Most special to you," Nakuru continued. "We, as your creations will very much want your happiness…"

"My happiness? Kaho is my only happiness! We love each other and nothing can stop that!"

Spinel closed the book he was reading and glanced at his master. "Do you really love Mizuki Kaho?" Eriol nodded.

Spinel's eyes narrowed. "Then why kiss Mistress Tomoyo? Why is it that we feel you don't love Kaho?"

Nakuru slapped a hand on his forehead and sighed. "Why do you run away from the truth?"

"What truth is that, Nakuru?" Eriol dared to ask.

"The truth is that you love Tomoyo more than you love Kaho." Nakuru crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Eriol to answer.

Eriol laughed half - heartedly. "I love Kaho, very much. What happened between Tomoyo and me…was…just a …fling."

"Dammit!" Nakuru's anger worsened and Eriol found himself staring at Ruby Moon. "Don't you know how much you'll hurt Mistress Tomoyo when she hears what you have just said?! Besides, isn't she in danger from your unknown enemies?!"


"She loves you Master Eriol, she loves you very much!" Nakuru yelled, pressing a finger on Eriol's chest to emphasize his words. "You call that fling?? I can't believe you are so dense!"

Nakuru stomped out of the room with Spinel trailing behind him. Spinel gave one look over his shoulder to his Creator. "If something bad happens to Mistress Tomoyo, remember, it will be your fault." With that, Spinel Sun left the room, leaving his Master in turmoil of emotions.


"Class, I have received information that Hiiragizawa-san will not be able to join our class anymore. He has to return to London for some important business. Now that it is clear, turn your books to page…."

Tomoyo absently looked outside the window. Why didn't she realize she loves Eriol more than anything before this happened. Not that she could do anything but still…..

"Tomoyo-chan," somebody whispered. Sakura gave her best friend a small smile. Tomoyo tried to smile back but failed. She turned her head towards the window again, leaving her friend staring at her with worry.


"Honestly that ancestor of mine didn't even think we have a new enemy to defeat here," Syaoran grumbled as they went off to lunch. "All he cares about is getting married to that Kaho."

"Now, now Syaoran-kun, I already told Eriol-kun that we'd be perfectly alright here," Sakura explained while munching on tempura. "He offered to tell Mizuki-sensei that he can't come but I told him to have fun and we'll take care of this problem ourselves. Besides, the enemy seems to have stopped attacking us."

"You are just too kind, Sakura-chan," Syaoran replied. "He's off getting married while we sit here so close to the enemy not knowing a thing or two." All of a sudden, Tomoyo burst to tears. Sakura turned and hugged her friend.

"Tomoyo-chan, what's wrong? I know Eriol-kun's leaving but….."

"Yeah, he's leaving us, Tomoyo. Just like he did before." Syaoran took a slurp out of his cup. Sakura gave him a warning glance.

Tomoyo whimpered against Sakura's shoulder. "If…if I only had magic like Mizuki-sensei, he won't have to leave, right?"

Sakura was startled at Tomoyo's words. "Tomoyo….."

"Then he won't get tired of protecting me, right Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo looked at the couple tearfully.

"Tomoyo-chan, you know it's not true," Sakura comforted. "Eriol-kun cares for you a lot. It's just that he has a life of his own and he can't let that go."

With that Tomoyo kept silent. Sakura's words were so true it pains her to hear it. Eriol cared for her as a friend and someone to protect, nothing more special. She should stop depending on him. I'll show you Hiiragizawa Eriol, Tomoyo thought. I'd learn magic and when you come back, I'll show you I can take care of myself perfectly.