Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Question of Magic ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah……it's still not mine….no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 1: Question of Magic

"Syaoran-kun, attack it with lightning!" Sakura called out to her boyfriend. Syaoran quickly pulled out an incantation paper and hit the human - shaped, icicle - blasting shadow.

The shadow - or the spectre - quickly floated out of the lightning's path and blasted another icicle shower at Sakura's direction.

"Shield!" A crystal dome enveloped Sakura and Syaoran. Eriol raised his staff and placed a shield on him and Tomoyo.

With Sakura unknowing to what this creature wants, she fumbled with the cards in her pocket and randomly chose a card.

"Firey!" The card made its entrance in a blazing inferno and shot flames to its opponent, mercilessly raining flaming bolts on the dark creature. Still, the creature nimbly eluded the attack, undisturbed.

Beads of perspiration started to form on Syaoran's forehead. "Oi, Hiiragizawa!" he shouted to the Clow wizard. "We need help here, you know."

Eriol grimly nodded and raised his staff once again, the seal of Clow illuminating the ground. Mumbling strange words, he glared towards the shadow and attacked it with a straight red beam.

Instead of cowering in fear, the creature seemed to enjoy the magicians' attention. It flew off, mockingly whooshing above the card captors before heading towards the most vulnerable victim.

"Tomoyo-chan, look out!" The amethyst - eyed girl dropped her video camera and scrambled uphill, but was outran by the creature. The shadow - form, being flexible, wrapped itself around Tomoyo's fair neck, waist and limbs. It stretched itself until the young girl howled in pain.

"Tomoyo-san!" Eriol madly looked around for a way to save her. Attacking would increase danger on their friend's part. Sakura, near tears and on the verge of hysterics upon seeing her friend faint, commanded the four elemental cards, namely, Watery, Windy, Earthy and Firey to attack the creature. She firmly emphasized that they were to leave Tomoyo unharmed. The attacks were no avail. It seems that the creature is immune to the attacks.

"Oi! Matte, Hiiragizawa!" Syaoran tried to call Eriol, who was swiftly coming to his friend's rescue. The creature rained sharp ice upon Eriol, scratching the Clow Magician from his face to his legs, but he did not seem to care. The efforts of the creature in attacking Eriol made its grip on Tomoyo tighter and soon, the fair girl's lips started to turn blue.

"Iya! Tomoyo-chan!" Sakura's knees wobbled and gave way. Syaoran quickly ran to catch her.

"Sakura-san!" Eriol yelled while busily forcing his way through the shadow creature's attacks. "Elemental attacks has no effect. Use a less powerful card. That may do the trick."

Shaking fear away, Sakura took a grip of herself and stood up. "You are my only hope," she whispered to the card she took from the deck.

"Arrow!" The arrow card materialized, adjusted her bow, and aimed her arrow at the creature's head. The arrow was released, and even if the creature tried to counter -attack it with ice, it shot the creature squarely on the head. A strong force made the creature spin rapidly until it was no more than three strands of thread: red, green and yellow.

Syaoran reduced his sword back to a charm, Eriol disposed his staff and Sakura sighed with relief. They all ran towards their friend who was lying on the ground unconscious.

Eriol cradled her frail figure on his lap and turned her to her back. They gasped as they saw burning marks on her neck and arms. Eriol ran his fingers on the marks, hoping they don't hurt too much.

"Tomoyo-chan," Sakura softly said, holding her friend's hand. "Can you hear me?" The girl fluttered her eyes open, making the three magicians sigh thankfully. Sakura hugged her friend tightly.

Tomoyo glanced around. "Daijobu desu. Gomen nasai, if I was only able to protect myself……."

"Nobody's blaming you, Tomoyo-san," Eriol said. He pushed a few strands of dark gray hair away from Tomoyo's face.

Tomoyo smiled. Suddenly, she glanced up at Eriol's hand. She gasped in horror as she saw rivulets of blood dripping from his arm to his fingers.

"You are hurt!" she exclaimed as she sat up hurriedly, ignoring the pain that shot up from her neck to head. She pulled out her handkerchief and began dabbing at the blood, eyes full of worry.

"It's nothing," Eriol assured her. Syaoran, meanwhile, found himself busy with checking Sakura for bruises while Sakura managed to move away from the other couple. "I was more scared of losing you," Eriol whispered.

Tomoyo's violet eyes brimmed with tears. "But Eriol-kun, you were hurt, because I couldn't protect myself. I don't have any magic, that's why….." Always known for not being able to hold back tears, Tomoyo wept.

Eriol gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Remember, I promised to always protect you, right? I was just keeping my promise."

Tomoyo's long dark curls moved in waves as she nodded in understanding. It was like ages ago when Tomoyo got depressed because of Sakura's commitment to Syaoran. From then on, Eriol entered her life and vowed to protect her just like what Sakura did. They became inseparable except for one thing: Eriol is committed to somebody else. He is engaged to Mizuki Kaho. Tomoyo could only sigh……


"Eriol-kun, do you have any idea what it might be?" Sakura asked over a cup of tea. Syaoran sat beside Sakura, while Eriol was busily attending to Tomoyo's injuries.

"As, far as I know, the only people who can conjure such a magical figure are the so - called mages."

"Mages? Hooee? Are they dangerous?"

Syaoran was practically at the edge of hid seat. "What are they?"

"A mage means a wise man. But in our world, mages are people who are born without magic. They study it and they become masters. Even if they are not from a family that has a lineage of magic practice…" he turned to Syaoran, who nodded. "…they can still be very powerful. Usually, their powers are connected with the elements."

Sakura was apparently shaking. "Anou, Kero-chan, what do we do?"

Keroberos, the guardian beast was sitting on the table all that time, nibbling cookies. "Behold Clow, the walking magical encyclopedia," he announced, perching on Eriol's shoulder. "However, you missed one little thing."

Eriol asked him and Kero-chan proceeded. "You see, as Master Clow told you, they take magic from elements, but that is not all. If they form a magical circle of four, their powers will be immense, combining the powers of Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. As I have observed, they must have been incomplete, for it did not took long before you beat them. However, a minimum of three elements could make a spectre like that, so that means they are near to being completed." He eyed Tomoyo's injuries nervously. "I must call Yue. He knows more about healing things than me." He was about to fly off when Eriol stopped him.

"Yue is not needed. We will just make him worry much." He turned to Tomoyo. His hands were gently pressing a wet soft cloth on Tomoyo's neck. "Does it still hurt?" Tomoyo shook her head and glanced nervously at the three magicians. Obviously, I can do nothing to help them .All I can do is be as cheerful as I can.

"Arigatou, Eriol-kun." For some reason, she saw Eriol blush faintly. "I wish I could do something to help you…"

"Maa, Tomoyo-chan. It's alright." Sakura assured her. "All we have to do is to look for their source of power and prevent another one from joining them, right Eriol-kun?"

"Actually, we have to destroy their altar," Eriol grimly said. "It is their source of power. If destroyed, their powers will be weakened greatly."

"I must call my mother about this," Syaoran finally said, standing up. "I have to know the reason why they suddenly appeared and attacked us."

"I'll watch that gaki and see to it he doesn't mess up the phone." Syaoran gave Kero-chan a glare.

"Matte! I'll go with you!" Sakura skipped with Syaoran to the corridor to use the phone. Eriol wrapped his hand over Tomoyo's which was on her lap.

"Promise me you will take care, Tomoyo-san," he said, gazing at her amethyst eyes. "I don't know what to do if we lose you."

"I will," Tomoyo promised softly. She felt that Eriol had told her something important, she just couldn't place it. "Thank you," she added. Eriol smiled, more warmly than before, at her.

"Tomoyo-san, I want to tell you that I …uh…"

Suddenly, Sakura and Syaoran stepped to the room. "Mother says the mages must be interested in our power," Syaoran said, flopping down on the sofa. Sakura joined him. "She says it is weird, for mages are supposed to be extinct." They both glanced at Tomoyo and Eriol, who were both staring at each other. "Nani?"

"Uh, I guess I better go," Eriol said, faintly blushing. He stood up. "I have to ask Nakuru about this enemy. Take care, Tomoyo-san." Tomoyo smiled and nodded. Eriol nodded at the other couple and headed out for the door.


Tomoyo limply lay on her bed. She held out her hand, which Eriol held a while ago when she was hurt.

"If only I have magic. I'll be able to defend myself then." She sighed and turned on her side. "If those mages could gain power by just studying magic, then I bet I could too."

Tomoyo's eyes ran over the picture of her friends. She is getting confused about her feelings for Eriol, half of her says she loves him, half says she doesn't and that they're just friends.

Well, whatever I choose, I still have nowhere to go, she thought. Eriol is engaged to Mizuki - sensei. She closed her lids over troubled eyes and fell asleep.