Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ Memories ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

A CCS fic

By: nikki hiiragizawa <>

Genre: angst/romance/supernatural

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Guess what? I received CCS for Christmas! Nah……it's still not mine….no need to rub it, okay.

Nikki: Another E/T fic, heheh. This is not a Christmas fic, although, it has a Christmas setting in it. Although there's too many CCS fics around, I hope you had time to read mine. Arigatou gozaimasu. Please read and review.


Chapter 9: Memories

Tomoyo pushed her heavy lids open. She was in a hospital. Sakura sat beside her, and smiled in relief when Tomoyo opened her eyes.

"You have been asleep for three days," Sakura explained. "Your mom was so glad. Here, she sent you flowers. She was here a while ago. Too bad she left."

"Could - could somebody tell me what happened." Sakura sighed and narrated everything, as Nikki retold it.

"So, you mean Kaho did not call Eriol-kun to come back?" Tomoyo asked, her white hands gripping her blanket.

Sakura shook her head. "It was also Nikki-san who called us and Yukito-san when onni-chan was missing so that we wouldn't interfere with the plans."

"How is Touya-kun?"

"Yue managed to find him while we were battling with the circle. He is safe now."

Tears fell from Tomoyo's eyes. She was one of the circle. She battled with Sakura and Eriol. It was all her fault.

A hand covered hers. "It is not your fault," Sakura said, greeting her with warm eyes. "You just wanted to let us know you can take care of yourself and the enemy took advantage of it."

Tomoyo smiled at her friend's comfort and settled back on her pillows. "What happened to Sayaka and Nikki and Keiko? Were they hurt?"

"Don't worry. When the circle broke, you have lost all your powers. After they narrated everything that happened, Eriol-kun taught me how to use the Erase card to deprive them from thoughts of having magic. They won't remember anything. I'm so glad Sayaka told me that Syaoran wasn't being disloyal." Sakura sighed deeply. "I was scared at might lose him. But still, I was more afraid of losing you." Tomoyo blushed faintly.

"Anou, speaking of Eriol-kun, where is he?"

"You better rest now, Tomoyo-chan. We can take you home tomorrow." Sakura turned her back on her friend and briefly arranged the flowers. "Take care of yourself now. See you later." The Clow mistress bounded out of the room, leaving Tomoyo's question unanswered.


Tomoyo gratefully looked at the surroundings. Her mom had taken her home and there was a great welcome party for her. She walked around, thanking the people who attended until she glimpsed Sakura and Syaoran standing by the balcony.

"Hey you!" Tomoyo said, smiling as she came up to them. Sakura and Syaoran smiled back, although Tomoyo observed that they were not too cheery as usual. "Is something the matter?" she asked hesitantly.

Sakura quickly answered. "No Tomoyo-chan. We are just - uh - concerned with you. You must be tired. You should take a rest now. We'll tell the guests…….."

Tomoyo's face contorted to a frown. "Anou….." Sakura stopped explaining and bowed her head.

"You are hiding something, what is it?" Tomoyo demanded, voice quivering. Even at this point, her friends are not telling her things.

"Tomoyo-chan you are just tired." Syaoran reached out to swerve her into the hall but she did not oblige.

"Tell me. Onegai." She noticed something else. "Where's Eriol - kun?" She looked suspiciously at Sakura, who hid her face.

Tomoyo moved towards them. "What happened to Eriol? Is he alright? Please, you have to tell me!"

Syaoran turned to Sakura, who was still covering her face with her hands. Sakura nodded, and Syaoran resolved to do the only thing left.

"Come with us." They left the party unnoticed (but not without telling Sonomi) and headed out to the shadows towards Eriol Hiiragizawa's house.


Nakuru slowly opened the door and glumly greeted the visitors. Tomoyo looked around. It was unusually quiet. There were no winged guardian fighting by the stairs, or a flying cat being chased by a bubbly girl. Everything seems to be holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

They went up to Eriol's room. Eriol was propped up the bed by pillows and he glanced at them as they entered.

"Master, there are people who came to visit you," Nakuru announced. Tomoyo's eyebrow shot up. It was weird for Nakuru to be so formal. Spinel lay on the mantelpiece avoiding all their eyes.

Eriol smiled, "Thank you." Tomoyo could sense something different about his smile. It is not the usual smile he gives when he sees them.

"How are you, Eriol-kun?" Tomoyo said, sitting beside him on the bed. She was stopped short from holding his hand when he moved away a bit. Eriol turned to Sakura and Syaoran.

"I recognize you from yesterday. You two are magicians, right? Li-kun and Sakura-san, as I remember. But her….." he gestured towards Tomoyo, who looked at him with unblinking eyes.

Nakuru cut in. "Master, this is Daidouji Tomoyo. She is also a friend of yours."

"Oh, gomen nasai. It was nice of you to visit me." Eriol politely said. Tomoyo could hardly believe her ears. She looked down, grasping the sheets, and murmured a welcome.

Nakuru instantly felt the tension growing. "Ah, Master, we should be going now. Please sleep well." He all herded them out into the hall to the living room. There Tomoyo cannot hold herself together and she cried.

"He - he does not know me anymore…." Tomoyo sobbed. Sakura rubbed her shoulders.

Nakuru blew her nose on his apron. "He has temporary amnesia, the doctor said. I am adjusting to. I am not used to him talking politely like that," she bawled louder than Tomoyo.

Syaoran ignored Nakuru's wails and sat by Tomoyo. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you right away," he said. "We were worried about your recovery."

"But - but what will happen……Will he be able to comeback? This is all my fault, I shouldn't have…." Tomoyo broke down again.

"Hush," Sakura said. "It was nobody's fault. He must've hit his head as he fell during the battle. I'm sure he'll recover soon." She smiled at the gray-haired girl. "I'm sure you'll help him recover right?" Tomoyo nodded.

"I'm so happy," Nakuru said between tears. "You're going to be together again. Oh, I forgot the tea." She whizzed out of the kitchen.

Sakura and Syaoran left Tomoyo alone for a moment. "Eriol-kun," she whispered. "I swear I'll do anything to make your memory return." The night grew deep, and the happiness she felt was once again lost to oblivion.