Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The True Enchantment ❯ epilogue ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The True Enchantment

Author: nikki hiiragizawa

Genre: drama/angst

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura is owned by CLAMP ^.^

Author's Notes: Due to insistent public demand, I wrote the epilogue of The True Enchantment. Well, there isn't anything to say in the epilogue but for you anti-cliff hangers, I wrapped up the story to leave no thread tangled, ne? To Lye-chan, Tomoyo-chan, Syaoran's angel, pinkuser and all those who requested an epilogue, here it is. Enjoy y'all, minna-san! Thanks for reviewing!

Epilogue: Enchanteé

"Nee, we are so glad, Tomoyo-chan." Sakura increased her pace to catch up with Tomoyo's pace. "Eriol-kun is really back to normal."

Tomoyo raised her eyes up to the sky. "Hai. I didn't even think I would be able to make him come us..."

Two figures were standing n the sidewalk. Apparently, they were yelling at each other. Sakura and Tomoyo came closer and so that one of the persons was Nakuru. And the other was...

"Keiko-san..." Sakura managed to whisper.

"Why are you always ruining my day, you?!" Nakuru demanded from the dark-haired girl.

Keiko whistled. "Because..." she met Nakuru's eyes. "You piss me off."


"Maa, Akizuki-san, Mihari-san, keep it down..." Yukito was suddenly stnading between them. "We are in the middle of the street."

Sakura stared. "Yukito-san?" She found out that standing in the sideline watching the brawl were Yukito and her brother. "Onii-chan!"

"Yo, Sakura," Touya greeted. "We were kinda having a show here." Nakuru and Keioko both glared at him. Shuddering, Touya dragged Yukito behind him. "Maa, we should leave the girl's cat fight alone, Yuki."

"Oi, matte, Touya-kun!"

"Kinomoto-kun, you still owe me a thousand yen from yesterday! I need that to watch a basketball game today!!!" Both girls ran after the two boys, making the boy's effort for escape futile.

"Maa, onii-chan has a magnet for trouble," Sakura laughed. "We should go and bring home the shopping, Tomoyo-chan."

"Hai." Both of them went the opposite way, not noticing the fact that one of the runners before stopped in her tracks and stared after them.

Keiko looked at the two girls walking away until they were just a speck in the street. "Where have I seen them before?" she asked loudly.


Eriol patiently waited for Tomoyo. They were supposed to be meeting at the park to go boating, but she has some shopping to do first. He came here early to reflect and think about his future with Tomoyo.

Daidouji Sonomi, Tomoyo's mother, had yet to meet him. Even though the purple-eyed girl said her mother was ecstatic to meet him, he can never be so sure. That is why, he has to make some efforts on proving everyone how much love he has for Tomoyo.

Kaho wrote the other day. She said she was marrying her co-teacher at the university, and she wants Tomoyo and Eriol to be there. The blue-eyed wizard sighed, remembering that time he left Kaho. Sumanu, Kaho, he thought. I guess I should have told you my feelings from the start...He was fortunate that Kaho did not bear a grudge against him or Tomoyo, yet somehow, he felt guilty for leaving so suddenly even if she said it was all right.

Maa, it's too late to think about blaming myself, he thought. All I can do is show how much I atone for those mistakes I have done and live life to the fullest, he thought. Tomoyo was too kind to forgive me and I love her for that.

"Mattaku! Where is that damn park?!" a voice too loud, spoke from behind. Eriol turned around and met a familiar face.

It's Nikki-san., he thought quietly. He remembered that after the incident, Kayama Nikki lost her memories of her powers and settled in Kanagawa, where she stayed with her parents. Yet now, she seemed to be back. Having a naturally-generous nature, the dark-haired boy walked towards her. "Sumimasen, are you lost?" he asked.

Kayama Nikki, with her purple gaze, turned to him. "Ah hai!" She was on the verge of tears. "Where is the King Penguin park? Do you know? I'm supposed to meet somebody there!!"

"Maa, are you new around here?" he said while wiping a sweatdrop.

Nikki looked around nervously. "I know I'm not supposed to talk to strangers but I just came from Kanagawa because my boyfriend's having a basketball game here and I came to watch him. I'm supposed to meet him in Penguin Park but I can't seem to find it!"

"Well, you found it already."

The young woman stared at him blankly. "this is the park?"


From a distance, a young man's voice called out, "Nikki-chan!" A bespectacled man came running from out of the bushes. "Nikki-chan, found you at last!"

"Kiminobu!" Nikki gave her companion a hug. "Kiminobu, this boy gave me directions here." She turned to Eriol. "This is Kogure Kiminobu, the best basketball player in Japan. And Min-kun, this is...uhh..."

"Hiiragizawa Eriol." He took the hand that was offered to him and shook it firmly. "Please enjoy your stay here in Tomoeda."

"You could bet on it," Kogure cheerfully said. "Saa, we must be going." Eriol bid the couple goodbye and sighed, glad the Nikki had found someone special at last.

"Saa, must wait for Tomoyo-san by the fountain." He dusted his trousers and went towards their meeting place.


"Sakura, are you sure Tomoyo-chan was alright when we left her with the groceries?" Syaoran glanced dubiously at his girlfriend as they walked towards her house.

The mistress of the Clow Cards smiled at him. "Tomoyo-chan said she'll be alright. She needs to be alone anyway since she has to get ready for her date with Eriol-kun."

"Aa." He was helping Sakura take her own groceries home. Since her father and brother aren't around, they'll work on the cooking themselves, with a bit of taste-testing by Keroberos.

"Get out of the way!" somebody yelled, sending Sakura and Syaoran sprawling towards the side street. However, Syaoran was too fast and the bicycle bumped the bag he was carrying, spreading the groceries on the ground.

The bike-rider stood up. "Nee, Gomen nasai. My bike lost its brakes and... there something on my face?"

Syaoran blinked. Looks like Ryooenjutsu Sayaka had come to haunt him again. Sakura saw his fright and quickly covered up for him. "Ah..nan demo nai."

Sayaka picked up the groceries. "Ah, this bread is kinda ruined," she murmured apologetically. "Please let me pay for it."

"Oh there's no need..." Sakura stared at the few coins on her hand.

"It was my fault, after all." Sayaka said. I was hurrying to a basketball game and I crashed to you. Sumanu. Jaa, take care both of you!" She sped away once more, leaving the couple completely disturbed.

Syaoran heaved a sigh. "I almost forgot she lost her memory. Thinkig about her scares me half to death." Sakura giggled and dragged him towards her house.


"Eriol-kun!" Tomoyo was hurrying towards him. "Was I late? Sorry, I had to arrange groceries and..."

"You're just in time." Eriol quickly held her hand as if afraid to let go. "Let's go."

The early spring proved to be a great time for boating in the lake. Eriol calmly controlled the oars, while Tomoyo sang the song Eriol had written for her.

"You know," Tomoyo said as she finished singing. "I met a familiar person today."

"I did too. " Both of them narrated to each other what happened while they were separated and they ended up smiling at each other. "I'm glad everything turned out to be this way," Eriol finally said.

Tomoyo nodded, her eyes never leaving the surface of the water. She held out a hand and watched the waves flow from away from her fingertips. "Everyone is happy. That's the way it should be, isn't it?" she asked.

"Aa." Eriol quietly moved the oars and watched his only treasure gaze the lake as if admiring her own beauty in a mirror.

"What's wrong, Eriol-kun?"


"You have been spacing out again," Tomoyo reached out to wipe a stray strand of hair off his face. "Care to tell me?"

"I have been thinking, yet I don't know if I should tell you since it's too early.."

Tomoyo frowned. "What's too early?"

"Well," Eriol took a deep breath. "I wanted to meet your mother."

"Eh..." Tomoyo stopped playing with the water and stared at Eriol. "Why so suddenly?"

Clow's reincarnation looked away from the eyes wanting him to divulge everything. "I want to meet her and let her know me. I want to tell her everything, from the very purpose as to why I exist to the part where I get to explain why you are such a lovable person." He smiled as Tomoyo blushed slightly.

"But, wouldn't it be shocking for her if we would explain everything? That would mean explaining Sakura-chan and Li-kun and Yukito-san too, right?"

Eriol nodded. "Since Sakura-san's father and brother already knows anyway, we could make her understand our position." He dropped the oars and held Tomoyo's shoulders. "I want your mother to know me well so that she cannot say I love you just because you're like this or like that. I want her to know what you know of me. I want her to find out that I can be trusted for I'll lay my life for your safety."


"I want to meet her soon, and then..." Eriol slightly bowed his head. "If she likes me...would you..."

"Nani?" Tomoyo pried his eyes with her own.

Eriol flinched. "Well...would you...go to London with me?"


"Kaho wanted to see you and she wants us to attend her wedding, that's why I'm asking you. Also, I want you to know what life I had during those times...before I met you."

Tomoyo gazed fondly at the man she loves. "No secrets, huh? Eriol, you don't have to prove to me how much you love me. You just did a few months ago. Yet, I really appreciate the efforts you are doing now, tying bonds together and strengthening everything. I'd love to go to England with you."

The wizard smiled. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," Tomoyo answered. "Thank you for being this way."

Eriol moved a bit forward, carefully so that the boat wouldn't move, and kissed the girl lightly. "I promise, I won't ever leave you again."

"You better hold on to that, Hiiragizawa Eriol."

"Hai. Yubikiri...."


Author's Notes: So how was it? Did I live up to your expectations? No? *wails*

Well, I finished this fic almost a year ago so I can hardly capture the elements of this fic again. I just wanted you guys to be satisfied like newly-fed kitties so that no one would go after me. ^^

Please dun write to me saying I should not have written an epilogue. You guys asked for it! Well, I wouldn't really be angry. Any for of feedback would be welcome. ^^

With this, I say Jaa~

~with love,

nikki hiiragizawa