Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Trailing off ( Chapter 1 )

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I do not Own CLAMPs work. I know I should write the next piece for the Song Collection, but this just had to get out. Oh, and this doesn't follow the timeline of my other fics. Which also means that Yue and Sakura are not a love couple (yet).

United in love forever

One: Trailing off




"Hm, what?", Touya asked dazedly, "Sorry, Yuki, I wasn't paying attention."

"Daijobu desu ka, To-ya-kun?", Yukito asked worriedly, for this had been the third time today that Touya had `paid no attention'.

"Hai.", Touya answered, "Just a little tired, that's all."


"I learned for the exam tomorrow the whole last night through."

"Oh.", Yukito sighed, "Right, the exam………"

"Yes, the exam. The exam that could cost me my graduation if I don't pass."

"I don't think you would fail, To-ya.", Yukito ensured him.

"Thanks, Yuki, but I don't want to take any risks, so I learn as much as I can."

"But it won't help you much if you fall asleep over the exam, ne?"

"Well, not really.", Touya mused and smiled, "So I maybe go home and get some sleep now."

"Yes, do that, it is not much fun spending time with someone who keeps trailing off."

"Says one who used to fall asleep very often and almost vanish some months ago.", Touya said.

"That was not my fault, it was Yue's. But anyhow, I am very happy you gave your power to me, us."

"You're welcome, both of you. But I really should leave now, Ja!"

"Mata ne, To-ya-kun!", Yukito yelled while Touya left.

He sighed. He somehow had a strange feeling. Was his other self sensing something? If yes, what?

~The next morning, Touya and Yukito are in Math class~

"Now, who shall solve this problem here?", the teacher asked, looking around in the classroom.

His gaze got fixed on Touya, who seemed to have dazed off.

"Kinomoto-san? Would you be so kind and come over here to the board."

But Touya didn't answer.

"Kinomoto-san?", the teacher asked again, raising from his desk.

Nothing again. Now, the teacher walked up slowly towards Touya's desk.

Yukito knew his best friend was in big trouble, but he couldn't help him now. Although he still had that strange feeling. The feeling that something was not right. But what?

The teacher now stood in front of Touya's desk and knocked on it with his hand, saying:

"Kinomoto-san, if I am boring you, please let me know."

Touya finally woke up from his daze and looked up at the teacher.

"Go..gomen-nasai.", Touya said.

"Are you feeling well, Kinomoto-san?", the teacher asked him.

"Hai.", Touya answered, "I am really sorry."

"Now then, would you please go to the board and try to solve the problem?"

"Hai.", Touya said and rose from his desk.

Walking towards the front of the classroom, Touya suddenly stopped for a short while.

"Kinomoto-san, what are you waiting for?", the teacher asked, who was still in the back of the classroom, "We don't have the whole day."

"Aa, gomen.", Touya answered and finally made his way to the board.

Lucky he was that the problem on the board was not too difficult, so that he could solve it after a short while.

Yukito watched him writing down the solution. And he just couldn't get rid of that strange feeling inside. If his other self really sensed something going on with Touya, Yukito wished that he would sooner or later share it with him.

AN: Ok, I wanted to do the whole thing in one chapter, but I think that would be too much at once, so look out for the Next part when we will witness Touya going down (and I mean that literally ^.~)