Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Falling down ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: CLAMP is great, I am nothing.

Two: Falling down

Finally, the last period had ended. Like always, Yukito and Touya were walking home together. Touya's motorbike was broken, so the two had to walk by foot. But none of them mind. It was a beautiful summer afternoon and the air smelled kind of sweet. But although Yukito was smiling, there was still a part of him that dealt with a strange feeling about Touya's current status. He could almost swear that his other self was hiding something. But he couldn't figure out what. He just wished it was nothing very serious. He looked at Touya, noticing that he was getting a bit pale in the face.

"To-ya?", Yukito asked. But Touya didn't answer.

"Touya, answer me!"

"Huh?", Touya said, "Sorry, Yuki."

"What is wrong with you, To-ya?", Yukito asked, "You don't look very well."

"It's nothing, really.", Touya answered, "I just need some sleep."

"Didn't you sleep last night?"

"Not very well.", Touya said.

"Oh.", Yukito sighed.

Then, suddenly, Touya made a silent sound, almost not hearable, and clenched his right hand to his chest, where the heart was located. He remained in that position for an instance.

"Toya-kun? Daijobu desu ka?", Yukito asked.

"Hai.", Touya replied, walking on and loosening his grip, "Don't worry."

"I already do.", Yukito said, "I am worried about you, To-ya. You aren't sick or something?"

"No, I am fine, Yuki. Really. You don't need to worry.", Touya answered.

"Ok.", Yukito replied, "If you say so."

Silent, the two went on. Yukito sank into deep thought.

`Yue, please, if you sense something is wrong, let me know.' Yukito concentrated on the moon guardian sleeping within his mind. But Yue didn't react. The only thing that remained was that same strange feeling Yukito had had since a long time now. Still in thought, he didn't realize that Touya had stopped walking again and stood silently. Just as he couldn't feel his friend's warmth besides him, Yukito turned. And what he saw made his eyes widen in shock, because he had to watch Touya collapsing to the ground.

"To-ya!", Yukito shouted and ran over to him.

He bent down at Touya's side, carefully taking his head into both his hands. He looked at Touya's pale face. His eyes were closed and he seemed asleep. But he wasn't just asleep. Yukito felt that something just was not right.

"To-ya!", he shouted again, lightly shaking his friend, "To-ya, wake up, please!".

But Touya didn't react.

A man came running from the other side of the street.

"What happened?", he asked.

"Please, call an ambulance, he needs help.", Yukito said, tears coming up in his eyes. He stayed at Touya's side until the ambulance arrived, constantly saying things like:

"Please be okay, To-ya-kun." Or "Don't leave me."

Although he had wished to drive to the hospital within the ambulance, the doctor that had come with it had said that this was not possible, because he was no direct relative. So, Yukito went home and grabbed his bike. He cycled as fast as he could and so, he arrived at the hospital fifteen minutes later. At the information desk, he asked for Touya.

"The doctors are taking care of him right now.", the nurse replied, "You will need to wait here until they are finished."

So, Yukito sat down, staring at the white floor. How he wished to be near Touya right now. Suddenly, he realized that the rest of the Kinomoto family still had no idea of what had happened. He stood up from his seat and went to one of the phone boxes that hung on one wall of the waiting hall.

~at the same time in the Kinomoto household~

Sakura had just gotten home from school and was still wondering why she hadn't seen her brother or Yukito since the morning, when they had went some of their school ways together. She noticed her father in the kitchen.

"Tadaima, otou-san.", she said and entered the kitchen.

"Okaeri nasai, Sakura-chan.", Fujitaka replied, smiling at his daughter.

"Isn't onii-chan home already?", Sakura asked.

"No.", her father answered, "I haven't seen him yet. But I think he will come home soon, so I will start preparing dinner now."

"Ok.", Sakura said, "I will be upstairs until dinner's ready."

So, she began climbing the staircase. While she did, the phone rang.

"Sakura-chan,", Fujitaka yelled from the kitchen, "could you please answer the phone? I have no free hand at the moment."

"Hai.", Sakura said and went back down, taking off the receiver of the phone.

"Moshi moshi?", she said.

"Hello Sakura-chan.", came a familiar voice from the other end.

"Hello, Yukito-san. I bet onii-chan is with you, so where are you, dinner's almost ready."

"I am at the hospital right now. To-ya collapsed on our way home. You and your father should come over as soon as possible."

"What is wrong with him?", Sakura asked worriedly.

"I don't know.", Yukito replied, "The doctors are still examining him."

"Ok, I will tell otou-san and we'll be over in a few minutes. Ja!"

She put the phone down and ran into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?", her father asked.

"That was Yukito. Touya is in hospital because he collapsed."

"What?", Fujitaka questioned, "Why?"

"No idea,", Sakura said, "Yukito said the doctors are still examining him."

"Ok, so we'll better be off."

"Yes.", Sakura replied, "I just hope it isn't anything serious."

AN: Hm, I think I will stop here. I love cliffhangers (^.^)v . Want to know what is wrong with poor Touya? Then look out for the next chapter!

Oh, and here is a list of the few Japanese I use:

Daijobu desu ka?- Is everything okay?

Hai- Yes (duh ;-_-)

Mata ne- See you soon

Gomen nasai- Excuse me/ I am sorry (in a polite way)

Aa- Yes (casual form, used mostly among young people)

Tadima- I am back

Otou-san - father

Okaeri nasai- welcome back

Onii-chan - brother

Moshi moshi?- Phrase used as a greeting when answering the phone