Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Tragic revelation ( Chapter 3 )

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Three: Tragic revelation

One of the doctors left the ER and Yukito jumped up from his seat.

"Excuse me.", he said, "Please, tell me what is wrong with Touya."

The doctor looked at him and asked:

"Are you a relative?"

"No, but…", Yukito hesitated, not sure if he should tell this man how his relation to the young boy really was, "but we are very close. Please, I want to know!"

"I am sorry.", the doctor said, "But I can give out concrete information just to direct relatives. The only thing I can tell you is that he is sleeping right now."

"Please, may I see him?", Yukito asked.

"As soon as he wakes up, ok?"

"Oh, okay." Yukito said and sat back down.

He sighed. He had to fight back tears. Why couldn't he know what was wrong with Touya? Why couldn't he see him? Why did all this have to happen?

A few moments later, Fujitaka and Sakura entered the hospital's main hall. Seeing Yukito, they went over to him.

"Yukito-san, what exactly is going on?", Fujitaka asked.

Yukito looked up and said:

"I don't quite know, the doctor didn't want to tell me anything since I am no relative."

"Where is that doctor now?"

"Over there.", Yukito said and pointed towards the man.

Fujitaka walked over to the doctor and talked to him. Sakura and Yukito couldn't hear what about. But as he came back, he looked quite worried.

"Otou-san, what did he say?", Sakura asked.

"well…", Fujitaka began, adopting a very serious tone, "he said that the cause for all what happened seems to be an acute weakness of his heart."

"What?", Sakura asked, "His heart?"

"Yes.", her father replied.

"Oh no.", Yukito said and trembled, "Is it serious? I mean…will he…?" He couldn't finish the sentence.

"That is not sure yet.", Fujitaka said, "He needs to be examined more properly."

"Oh my…", Yukito whispered and sank into his seat.

He was about to cry.

"We should not give up hope.", Sakura said, "If we just believe in it, Onii-chan will be okay again."

"I hope you are right, Sakura-chan.", Yukito said.

~a few moments later, in a hospital room~

Only Fujitaka had been allowed to enter the room while Touya was still asleep. Sakura and Yukito were left outside, waiting. After almost an hour, Fujitaka left the room, saying:

"I wish I could stay longer, but I need to prepare some important things for the University. But I think Touya would appreciate some company."

"I think I should also leave.", Sakura said, "I still need to do my homework. Would you stay a bit, Yukito-san?"

"Hai.", Yukito answered, "I will watch over him for a while."

"Thanks, that is very kind of you.", Fujitaka said and Sakura added:

"I will come here tomorrow after school."

"Ok, see you.", Yukito said.

At first, Yukito was a bit afraid of entering the room, not sure what expected him. But then, he gathered together his courage and opened the door. He peeked inside and stood stiff for a moment. He had never seen Touya looking so…weak. Not even during the weeks after the power transfer. Touya lay in the bed, sleeping. His face was pale. A transparent plastic tube was providing him with extra Oxygen and an infusion had been place in his right arm.

"Oh To-ya…", Yukito whispered and moved towards the bed.

He grabbed a chair and sat down at Touya's side. Taking his right hand into his, Yukito said:

"To-ya…To-ya-kun…can you hear me?". Yukito was close to tears.

He sat there like that for quite a while. Then, he felt Touya moving his fingers lightly. Seconds later, Touya's eyes opened slowly.

"To-ya!", Yukito said.

Touya moaned.

"Yu…Yuki?", he said wearily, blinking a few times to clear his vision.

"Yes, it's me.", Yukito answered, "Oh To-ya, I was so afraid. Never ever do this again."

"I'm sorry, Yuki.", Touya said.

"How are you feeling right now?", Yukito asked.

"Weak.", Touya simply answered, "Something is seriously wrong with me, ne?"

Yukito looked at his friend sadly.

"They say it is your heart.", he said, "It has suddenly grown weak."

"Oh.", Touya exclaimed.

Without warning, Yukito closed his eyes and was enclosed by white wings. After a few seconds, Yue had taken in his place.

AN: Another cliffhanger, I am such a bad girl (^.^) . Want to know why Yue appeared all of a sudden? Then look out for the next part. Oh, and I really do not own CCS. If I did, I wouldn't have to go to school anymore.