Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Feeling guilty ( Chapter 4 )

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Four: Feeling guilty

"Hi.", Touya said, looking at Yue, "What did I do to deserve your visit?"

"It's my fault.", Yue spoke, a sad expression on his face.

"What?", Touya asked, not quite sure what the guardian wanted to say.

"Your heart.", Yue answered, "It has grown weak because I took too much power from you."

"That's not true.", Touya said, "It has nothing to do with the power transfer. It is not your fault, Yue."

"It is.", Yue persisted, "I am really sorry. If I only knew, I wouldn't have taken that much power from you."

"Stop blaming yourself.", Touya spoke, taking Yue's hand, "It will all be alright."

"I don't think so.", Yue replied, "You will die, Touya, and just because of me."

"Nobody said I am going to die.", Touya stated.

"But I can feel it.", Yue said, "I can sense your weakness and I fear there is nothing that could be done against it."

"Did you never hear the word `optimism'?", Touya asked.

"I know what that means.", Yue answered.

"So,", Touya said, "just try to give me a chance, will you?"

"I don't know if I can do that.", Yue replied, "I should maybe leave that to Yukito, he is better at things like that. But I really don't want you to die, Touya."

"Me neither.", Touya said and smiled.

"I need to leave now, someone is coming.", Yue said and within a flash, he was gone, leaving a startled Yukito behind.

"You had a little talk with Yue, ne?", Yukito asked.

"Hai.", Touya answered, "He is really worried, isn't he?"

"I think so.", Yukito said, "For once since a lot of years, we both seem to be of the same opinion. Both of us doesn't want to loose you."

"I know.", Touya spoke, "And love you for that. Both of you."

Yukito took a glance at the watch that hung on one of the white walls.

"Oh my!", he exclaimed, "I didn't know it's already so late. I would better get home and into bed, or I will fall asleep in school tomorrow."

"That would really get you into trouble.", Touya said with a smirk.

"You okay if I go now?", Yukito asked.

"Sure, I will be safe here.", Touya answered, "See you soon."

"Sayonara, To-ya-kun.", Yukito said and left the room.

~a few days later, Yukito and Fujitaka are paying Touya another visit~

"Where did you leave the kaiju?", Touya asked.

"Who? Oh, you mean Sakura.", his father answered, "She is at Tomoyo's. The two have to prepare some project for school. But she gave me this here for you." With that, Fujitaka put one hand into his bag, taking out a card with a cherry blossom on it.

He handed it to Touya, who read the text that was written on the back:


please get well soon. I miss struggling with you (^____^). I wish I could visit you, but school takes all time away from me. Anyways, I hope you will return home very soon.


"She surely has her kawaii moments.", Touya said.

"Yes, and she is really worried.", Fujitaka said.

"Like all of us.", Yukito added.

Touya smiled.

Just then, the doctor entered the room. Walking towards the bed, he said:

"I would like to talk to you two, privately."

"Oh, I understand.", Yukito spoke and stood up, "I will wait outside."

He left the room, but stayed close to the door, so he could hear what the three inside were talking about. Yukito knew that this wasn't very nice, but he had a very bad feeling about this and he wanted to know what was wrong. And so he listened.

"We have used every possible way of examination.", the doctor said, "Be sure that we did everything we could to find out just what exactly is wrong with your heart, Kinomoto-san."

"So what is wrong with me then?", Touya asked.

"Yes.", Fujitaka added, "What is wrong?"

"The answer is,", the doctor answered, "that we couldn't figure out what caused the weakness of your heart . I know that sounds strange, but no matter what we tried, we got no answers. We just know that your heart is very weak. And it is growing even weaker every day."

"Now,", Fujitaka said, "is there any way you could heal it?"

"Being honestly, no.", the doctor replied, "the only thing we can do is easing the pain, but that wouldn't do for long. I am very sorry to tell you this."

"So, this means I am going to die?", Touya asked.

"Yes.", the doctor answered, "I am really sorry."

Outside of the room, Yukito covered his moth with his hands, holding back a shocked gasp. His eyes widened. This could not be! Not Touya! Inside of him, Yue started to quiver. And Yukito was almost sure that he heard his other self saying:

"I knew it."

AN: Ok, that is enough for now. Do you think I am a mean person who likes to let innocent characters die? I am sorry, but I just, well, felt like doing it, and also, Li-kun is still alive in here, although he isn't mentioned.

Will Touya really die? What will happen to Yukito if he does? And to Yue?

All those questions will be answered in the next part.