Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ United in love forever ❯ Decisions made ( Chapter 5 )

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Five: Decisions made

~the next day, in the afternoon~

"May I come in?", Yukito asked, standing at the door to the room.

"Of course.", Touya answered sleepily.

Yukito entered and sat down on a chair next to the bed.

"You have gotten weaker, ne?", he said.

"I think so.", Touya replied, "It is really getting worse every day." He sighed.

"I think Yue wants to talk to you.", Yukito said.

Before Touya could even response, the change had already begun and seconds later, Yue had taken Yukito's place.

"You keep appearing when I am not expecting you to.", Touya said, "What is it you want to talk to me about?"

"You will die, Touya.", Yue said .

"I already know that.", Touya answered, "Tell me something I don't know already."

"If you die, Yukito will, too.", Yue spoke.

"What do you mean by that?", Touya asked, "He isn't sick or something?"

"No, not really.", Yue answered, "But, if you die, he would have no more reason to live and so, he will die as well."

"No more reason to live?", Touya said, "Don't be silly, moon angel. What about Sakura-and you?"

"I would be able to exist without him.", Yue explained, "Sakura's powers are strong enough to sustain me. It is right that Yukito does care a lot about her, but it is not the same. He just doesn't want to live without you. And that is why he wants me to free him."

"To what?", Touya asked.

"You know,", Yue began, "if I would just withdraw myself from him, separate us, he would have no more life source and soon, he would die."

"You mean you want to kill Yuki?", Touya questioned.

"Do not take me wrong Touya.", Yue replied, "But this is what Yukito wants. And I really see no opportunity to convince him otherwise. He wants to die, to be united with you forever at whatever place human souls may go to after dying. And I don't want to force him to stay alive. That would not be right. It would leave him unhappy and that would leave me with a really bad conscience. So I think I have no other choice as to grant him his wish."

"But…", Touya spoke, not able to find the right words to end the phrase.

"You are the most important person in his- in our lives.", Yue stated, "We both don't want to loose you."

"But that is still no reason to commit suicide.", Touya replied.

"There is nothing I can do.", Yue said, "I wish I could convince Yukito to give life another chance, but I can not."

"Because you yourself still don't quite give life another chance.", Touya spoke.

"I have no other opportunity as just go on living.", Yue replied, "And just watch all the ones dear to me die…". Saying that, Yue began looking very sad.

"It's really not very fair to live an almost eternal life, ne, Yue-kun?", Touya said.

This sentence hit like an arrow right into Yue's heart. He felt very uncomfortable. His face looked like as if he would burst into tears every second. His body trembled.

"Yue, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.", Touya spoke. He moved his arm upwards, touching Yue's cold cheek.

Yue felt like as if a weight of thousands of tons had been placed on his back and let his head sank right on top of Touya chest. He could hear the weak heart beating, and that saddened him even more, because he knew that he could do nothing to prevent Touya from dying. Yue squeezed his eyes shut, feeling wetness coming from them.

"It is not fair at all.", he said, sobbing silently.

Touya gently ran his fingers through Yue's silver hair.

"Shh, shh…", Touya hushed the guardian.

Yue went on crying for about a minute, then looked into Touya's dark eyes.

"Gomen.", Yue whispered.

"It's okay.", Touya replied, continuing to strike the silver strands.

"Thank you.", Yue said, "I wish I could give you what I still owe you. You saved my life. And you made me-and Yukito- very happy. Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome.", Touya answered, "And you really owe me nothing. Just make sure Sakura is safe."

"I will.", Yue said and sat back up.

Without another word, he transformed back.

"I really don't want to live without you, To-ya", Yukito said, "I will follow you wherever you will go. I love you."

"Oh Yuki.", Touya said, caressing his cheek just like he had done to Yue some moments before, "I love you, too."

AN: Now that is a short one, but I want to keep the mushy stuff for the end. And when Touya will die, the whole thing will get really mushy. Oh, and what did you think of Yue crying? Oh Yue-san, let me hug you and tell you everything will be alright!

Yue: Leave that to Sakura, will you?

Thaliel: She is not here, is she? So, it is my job to comfort you (^_____^)

Yue: I don't need to be comforted, and now leave me alone. *leaves the room*

Thaliel: I will hug him sooner or later, if he wants to or not!