Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ The Pretty New Teacher: Sakura Kinomoto ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 1: The Pretty New Teacher: Sakura Kinomoto
A young woman hastily ran towards the train in the station. Her long hair, a light shade of ginger, trailed behind her as she reached the train in time. “Phew! Made it!” she sighed in relief as the doors closed behind her. She took a seat and folded her hands on her lap.
Thank God I made it in time! Here in Hong Kong, the streets are packed compared to Japan!, she thought as she gazed out the window, seeing the buildings zipping by her. she recently graduated from Seiju High School in Japan and since she graduated a year early because of her great intelligence, she was offered a job as a Japanese teacher in Hong Kong, China. Her father was thrilled to have his only daughter go to Hong Kong while her older brother, Touya teased her about turning into Godzilla and destroying the whole city.
Since you're a kaiju, his taunting voice echoed in her head, making her frown. She shook her head and set her mind on getting to her first day as a teacher in time. She was too busy thinking about her job that she didn't notice the train she was on was full of young, male students.
“Whoa, check out that hottie over there!” A man with dark blue hair and eyes whispered to his friend, a young man with dark brown hair and amber eyes. the amber-eyed boy looked at the woman sitting by herself. Her hair was down to her waist and was the color of auburn. Her eyes were blocked from his view by her shades. She wore a long-sleeved blouse with a long, blue, pleated skirt. She wore a gold necklace with a cherry blossom. He could tell that she was very young to be dressed like a teacher.
“Looks like an old hag dressed like that.” He smirked.
“Gimme a break, Syaoran! She's hot!” his blue-haired friend insisted. Syaoran rolled his eyes and said. “Honestly, Eriol. You find every girl we see, hot.”
Eriol just shrugged. “Whatever man, but she's no old hag. She looks pretty young.”
The train screeched to a halt, startling Sakura. She stood up and followed the men out of the train. She stopped short and her eyes widened at seeing the school building. It was so huge! It looked like a castle!
“Sugoi.............” she whispered, totally amazed by the view of her new home. She walked among the students, wearing a smile on her face as she neared the school. She looked to her sides and saw only male students, which made her wonder.
Where are the girls? How come is only boys I'm seein'?, she spaced out and kept on walking. Syaoran and Eriol were chatting when Eriol gasped. “Oh, Syaoran, watch it!” he said.
“Huh?” Syaoran was about to look ahead when he bumped into somebody. The person and he fell. He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. So fuckin' great! I hit my damn head, fuckin' hurts!, he growled.
“Syaoran, apologize now!” Eriol said. Syaoran glared at him. “I'm not gonna apologize to some...........” the words died on his lips as he saw the person he knocked down. It was the same girl he saw in the train. Her hair framed her lovely face, an expression of pain was written all over her features. Her sunglasses were knocked down, so he could see her eyes. Her eyes were a rich color of green, his favorite color, more like emerald-green. Her face showed hints of toughness and attitude, yet her eyes showed frailty and innocence.
“I-I'm so sorry!” the girl gasped, her fair-skinned cheeks pink from embarrassment as she picked up her glasses. Syaoran shook his head and got up.
“No, I'm sorry.” He said as he extended his hand out to her. Sakura was just on la la land when someone bumped into her, knocking her to the ground. She hit her butt hard and she winced. She looked up to apologize when she saw the world's most gorgeous amber eyes staring into her own. His messy-yet-cute-at-that dark chocolate hair went a bit over his eyes, his face utterly handsome. “I-I'm sorry.” She said, blushing. He stood up and offered her his hand.
“No, I'm sorry.” He said. She took it and he helped her up. Suddenly, the bell rang.
“Oh shit! We're late! The new Japanese teacher's gonna burn us alive!” the guy behind the hottie, a cute man with dark blue hair and eyes, groaned. Sakura eeped and smoothed her skirt.
“D-Don't worry, I.............” she was about to say she was the teacher when she heard someone clear its throat.
“I'm sorry, am I interrupting?” a female voice said from behind them. Sakura and the cute guy turned around and saw a tall, young-looking woman smiling at them. Wow, she's really pretty!, Sakura thought. Her hair was red with light brown eyes. “I am Kaho Mizuki. You must be her then.” she nodded while smiling at Sakura. Sakura nodded and bowed. “Y-Yes!”
The woman Kaho nodded and said to the three of them. “Follow me to the Headmaster's office.”
“Dude, by the way she speaks, I think she's Japanese.” Eriol whispered to Syaoran, who nodded.
Sakura just swallowed hard as she followed her inside the majestic school. Sakura gulped again at realizing she was going to teach at an all-boys school.
Kaho opened the double doors to the Headmaster's office. Sakura looked and saw a middle-aged man sitting in a huge desk at the end of the room. A smile came to his lips as he saw Sakura.
“Ah, please. Come in.” he said. The two boys and Sakura entered. The man stood up and smiled at Sakura again. “You must be the new teacher. You're very pretty and young to be a teacher.” He chuckled.
“Teacher?” the guys said. He turned to them and said. “Yes. Boys, this is your new Japanese teacher, Miss Sakura Kinomoto.” He pointed at her. Syaoran couldn't believe his ears. This young girl was their new teacher!?
Sakura nodded to them and bowed to the Headmaster. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Headmaster Xing.” She said.
“So, I heard you just graduated, right?” he asked. Sakura nodded again. “Yes, quite recently, sir.”
Kaho smiled the whole time while Eriol and Syaoran both felt like screaming. “Well then, Mizuki-sensei and the boys will escort you to your class, Kinomoto-sensei.” He smiled. “Have fun in work. And if you have any questions, just ask Mizuki-sensei, she will be your guide. You may go now.” He waved a hand. Sakura bowed again. “Yes, sir.”
She turned to Kaho, who was still smiling. “Follow me.” she led them all out of the office. On their way to the classroom, Kaho handed a book to Sakura. “This is your list of all your students, Kinomoto-sensei.” She said. Sakura smiled. “Please, call me Sakura.”
Kaho nodded. “Then, you can call me Kaho.”
They got to the classroom and Kaho opened the door. “This is your classroom, Sakura. If you have any troubles, just ask them or me.” she pointed to Syaoran and Eriol. “Boys, introduce yourselves to your new teacher.”
Eriol smiled charmingly at Sakura as he bowed. “I am Eriol Hiragizawa.”
Syaoran bowed also. “I am Syaoran Li.”
“Get in class boys.” Kaho said. Syaoran and Eriol nodded and went inside. Sakura looked inside the classroom and gasped. Many, many, boys were in there, goofing off.
“You have 36 students. Quite a monkey jungle, Sakura.” Kaho laughed. Sakura gulped and nodded. “Tell me about it.”
Kaho turned to leave. “Well, I must go to the Headmaster to arrange you a room. Enjoy your class.” She waved as she walked away. Sakura waved back with a trembling hand and entered the classroom. The boys all stopped and just stared at her. She walked to her desk and cleared her throat, trying to get rid of her nervousness.
“Students, please take a seat.” She said. The boys just sat down, still staring at her.
Sakura turned around to the blackboard and wrote her name. “My name is Sakura Kinomoto. I am your new Japanese teacher.” She smiled.
“WHAAAAAT!?” The boys' shouts startled her.
“How old are you?” a boy asked.
“Man, she's hot!” another said.
Sakura looked down at her trembling hands. “I-I'm 17.”
Syaoran gasped as he heard her words. She's a teacher and is the same age as me!?, he thought.
“Dude, that's perfect!” Eriol grinned. “Hot and is our age.”
Syaoran rolled his eyes at him. “You and your flirting nature, Eriol.”
“Deal with it.” Eriol laughed.
“Sakura............that means `cherry blossom' in Japanese, right?” Eriol asked the green-eyed beauty. She nodded, smiling. “Yes, you're very bright, Mr. Hiragizawa.”
“Call me Eriol, cutie.” He smiled back. Sakura blushed and cleared her throat again. “L-Let's begin the lesson.”
The men quieted down and she began to teach. Syaoran couldn't take his eyes off her as she moved around the room, reading from a Japanese book. Her lips curved into a pretty smile as she read. Her breathtaking eyes stayed glued to the text. Her moves were elegant and feminine. He also noticed the way the other boys all stared at her hungrily, like wolves to a rabbit.
“Looks like the other guys are quite taken with our new teacher.” Eriol chuckled softly. The bell rang from above them. Sakura closed the book and smiled at her class. “We'll pick up tomorrow. Dismissed!”
Everyone got up and gathered their things. Sakura sighed in relief as the students were all gathering their stuff. Thank God the guys behaved, I'm starting to like this, she smiled to herself.
The P.A came on. “Kinomoto-sensei and Syaoran Li! Report to the Headmaster's office at once!” Kaho's voice boomed. Sakura, quite nervous again, gathered her books and left towards the office.
“Did you want to see me, Headmaster Xing?” Meekly asked Sakura as she came inside the office. The Headmaster smiled and nodded. “Hi, Headmaster.” Syaoran greeted as he entered the room.
“OK, the teacher's rooms are too short in space to take Miss Kinomoto in.” he said. Sakura's blood ran cold. What if he fires me?, she thought nervously.
“So that's why she will be sharing a dorm with you, Li.” The Headmaster said.
“What!?” Syaoran cried.
“Nani!?” Sakura squeaked.
The Headmaster looked at them both. Sakura and Syaoran both gulped and bowed. “Yes sir.” They said at the same time.
“Dismissed.” The Headmaster said.
-----------------That Night------------------
“You can have the top bunk if you want, Li.” Sakura said shyly as she put her stuff on the sofa. Syaoran said nothing as he went to the bathroom to shower. Sakura's face turned sad. He must hate me for sharing a room with him, she thought as she took out her nightwear.
Syaoran sighed as the hot water ran down his muscular body. Just my luck! I have a teacher who's my age and I have to share the dorm with her! What the fuck is the Headmaster thinking!?, he thought furiously. It's not that he's gay, but he's not very fond of girls. I'll just ignore her, then she'll leave me alone. It won't happen again like last time, I swear!, he thought as he turned off the shower.
Sakura finished changing into her PJ pants and a white spaghetti strap top and climbed to bed. She dug into her bag next to her and took out a picture. It was Tomoyo, her best friend and her boyfriend, Yukito, embracing Sakura. She smiled and hugged the photo.
“You guys, I miss you already.............” she whispered.
“Who're you talkin' to?” Syaoran asked as he came out of the bathroom, a towel around his neck. He only wore pajama pants color green, no shirt. Sakura blushed and turned her eyes away from his fine chest. “N-No one.” She said.
“Hmph.” He said as he climbed up to his bunk. Sakura pulled the covers to her chin and closed her eyes.
------------Next Morning-----------------
Sakura woke up a loud sound above her. She sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. She ran a hand through her sleep-tossed hair.
She got out of bed and looked up to see Syaoran still asleep. She blushed at seeing his sleeping face. He's so cute........., she felt drawn. Realizing what she just thought, she shook her head wildly.
No way! Sakura, get yourself together! You love Yukito! Y-U-K-I-T-O!, she screamed at herself. She grabbed her towel and rushed to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and sighed as she stepped into the hot water. This is so bullshit! I shouldn't be drooling over a guy who totally hates my guts. I have a boyfriend for fuckin' cryin' out loud!, she hit the wall with her fist, flinching at the pain. She was so caught up in her mind that she didn't realize she left the door unlocked.
Syaoran slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He climbed down and saw Sakura's bed empty. She must've already left to class, he thought as he grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom to shower.
He opened the door and stopped dead on his tracks as he saw the shower door open.
Sakura was naked, her back to him. Her hips were perfect-curved, her skin fair, and her wet hair made her look a temptress. He felt himself blush to the roots of his hair as he saw her. Sakura heard someone come in and turned around. She gasped loudly as she saw Syaoran seeing her naked. Syaoran blushed even darker as he saw her upper body turn around. He followed the water running down her perfect body. Her breasts were full, her tummy flat and smooth-looking. Her eyes wide in shock.
“Y-YOU FUCKING PERVERT!” She screamed at him as she grabbed the nearest solid object and flung it at him, hitting him on the head. Syaoran looked away, really embarrassed.
“Sorry!” he cried as he closed the door behind him. Sakura panted. “OH MY FUCKING GOD!” she yelled. No one has ever seen me naked before! Not even Yukito! I'm still a fucking virgin and he saw me naked!!!
Syaoran was still trying to regain his cool after seeing her naked. Never in his life has he seen such a beautiful body. He groaned in frustration. “She's a girl, get over yourself, Syaoran!” he snarled at himself. He decided to shower later; he grabbed his stuff and was out of there! Sakura came out, her body covered by a towel. She sighed relief as she no signs of Syaoran anywhere. She went to her bed and slipped into a white sundress and gathered her books for her class.
Eriol waved his hand in front of Syaoran's face, making Syaoran snap out of his thoughts. “Yo, Syaoran! Earth to wolf boy.” He said. Syaoran shook his head and said nothing. Takashi, a friend of theirs, approached them with a sheet of paper in hand.
“You guys! Check this out!” he smiled as he dropped the paper on Syaoran's desk. “What are these?” Eriol asked.
“It's Kinomoto-sensei's profile. I pulled it out of the office computer, pretty easy.” He laughed. “Teacher's coming! Stand!” the class rep, Chang said.
Everyone stood up in attention.
Sakura walked in and was surprised to see her students standing. She smiled as she made her to her desk. The boys bowed their heads in respect.
“Ohayou gozaimasu, Kinomoto-sensei!” the guys chorused. Sakura giggled and bowed also. “Ohayou, my students. And please, you can call me Sakura-sensei.” She smiled at them all. “Be seated.”
Syaoran eyed the papers on his desk as he and the others sat down for Sakura to begin the lesson. Sakura picked up her textbook and said. “Alright, gentlemen. Picking where we left off, page 117.”
Syaoran placed his book over the paper so Sakura wouldn't notice he wasn't paying attention. His eyes scanned the profile and her picture on it as Sakura read in Japanese.
Name: Sakura Kinomoto
Age: 17
Family: Touya Kinomoto, Fujitaka Kinomoto, Nadeshiko Kinomoto (deceased)
Date of birth: April 1, 2000
Place of birth: Tomoeda, Japan
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Green
Graduated from Seiju High School a year before and recently got her diploma because of her admiringly high IQ. She's a shy girl at times, but very cheerful and very kind to others. She will be an excellent teacher for your boys. Treat her well, Headmaster Xing.
Akira Seiju, Principal
He just stared at it with wide eyes. So she's a motherless child?, now he felt a tad sorry for her. He looked up and saw Sakura walking around, wearing her usual bright smile. His mind still hasn't gotten rid of her naked image. He blushed as he recalled the incident. Eriol noticed his best friend blush and leaned over. “Psst, you OK, Syaoran?”
“Yeah.” Syaoran said.
“OK.....” Said Eriol uncertainly as he went back to reading the book. Sakura felt a bit uneasy as she smiled and read the book in her mother tongue. She still couldn't forget the accident in the bathroom this morning. She tried to hide her blush, but apparently, no dice.
“Um, Sakura-sensei? Your face's red. Are you OK?” A boy asked her. Sakura have a small `eep' and smiled nervously at the boy. “I'm fine, Bai. Thank you for your concern.” She said. Syaoran automatically noticed her uneasiness and knew she was thinking about this morning too. “Well, who can translate the text in Chinese?” Sakura asked.
Eriol raised his hand, making Sakura grin. “Very well, Eriol.”
Eriol stood up, book in hand, and began to read the text in Chinese. Syaoran stared at him. Lucky ass he's got Japanese down pat, he thought.
When he finished, Sakura smiled in satisfaction. “Arigatou, Eriol.”
The bell rang. Sakura smiled. “OK, study tonight and I'll see you tomorrow morning. Ja ne.” she said lovingly. The boys began to gather their stuff. Sakura sighed as she gathered her books to go eat breakfast at the teacher's lounge.
“Here Takashi.” Syaoran said as he handed him the paper. “Thanks, see ya round!” Takashi saluted him and Eriol before leaving. “Let's go, we'll be late for P.E.” Eriol said as he and Syaoran walked to the door. Syaoran quickly glanced to his side and saw Sakura's pretty face bent to her book with an expression of sadness. He knew he's been a bit cold to her since she arrived, but she is a girl, it was a reflex. He turned back to his front and left, not noticing Sakura looking at him with sad eyes.
Kaho knocked at Sakura's open classroom door. “Sakura?” she said. Sakura turned away from her books and smiled at her. “Kaho!” she cried happily. Kaho laughed softly as she walked over to her. “How's your class coming along?” she asked. Sakura nodded while smiling. “Just great! The guys are angels!”
“Well, the devils haven't popped out yet.” Kaho commented. The girls shared a laugh.
“Hey, you're going to go eat?” Kaho asked.
“Hai, I'm starving.” Sakura made a face, making Kaho laugh. “Come on, I heard they're serving sweets.” She winked at her. Sakura squealed in joy. “I love sweets! I'm a sweet tooth!” she laughed as she followed Kaho out to the lounge.
Syaoran couldn't concentrate in P.E class, his thoughts all on Sakura. He frowned at himself. Damn it, why do I have to space out like this over a girl!?
“I wonder what's up with Syaoran.” Takashi said. Eriol shrugged. “Whatever it is, he has to snap out of it before his family dinner tonight or his mom's gonna go ballistic.”
“SYAORAN!” Ru shouted in Syaoran's ear. Syaoran flinched and yelled back. “What the fuck!?!?”
“Remember, your mom's gonna skin you alive if you behave like that in your family dinner tonight.” He reminded him. Syaoran groaned as he slapped a hand on his forehead.
“Shit, I forgot about the family dinner.” He made a face, making his friends laugh.
“Sakura, is everything OK?” Kaho asked in concern. Sakura looked at her and flashed her a fake smile. “Oh, I'm fine.”
“You seem a bit out of it that's all.” Kaho said. Sakura took a sip of her apple juice and bit into a donut. “It's just class in my mind.” She said.
“I heard from the Headmaster you don't have a mother, is that true?” she asked. Sakura's light in her eyes dimmed. Kaho clasped a hand over her mouth. “I'm so sorry, that was out of line.” She apologized. Sakura dismissed her apology and sighed with a sad smile.
“It's true. My mother died when I was only 3 years old. That's why I don't have any memories of her. I only lived with my dad and my older brother. They're the only family I have left.”
“Oh I'm so sorry.” Kaho said. Sakura stood up and bowed. “Thanks for keeping me company, Kaho. I have to go back to my dorm to grade some papers. Good day.” She left an open-mouthed Kaho. They both knew that Sakura didn't have any papers to grade.
Sakura closed the door quietly behind her, hot tears dripping from her eyes. She sat on her bed and hid her face in her hands, sobbing. She felt her whole heart breaking to pieces. As cheerful and energetic she was, her heart was still frail. She reached beneath her pillow and pulled out her picture. She hugged the photo, her sobs becoming louder. “I need you, Tomoyo, Yukito.............” she whispered. She was startled by the unexpected ringing of her cell phone. Sakura got up and answered.
“Oh my God, Sakura!?” Tomoyo's bright voice squealed from the other end. A true smile finally came to Sakura's lips. “Oh Tomoyo!” she sobbed.
“Are you OK, Sakura?” Tomoyo asked as she toyed with her gray-purple hair. Sakura sat back on her bed and shook her head. “No, Okaa-san..........” she whispered.
“Oh.........someone brought up about your mother?” Tomoyo asked.
“Sakura.........” Tomoyo said. “Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be alright. We are supporting you from here. Our love is with you.”
Sakura smiled. “Thanks the way, how's Yukito?”
Tomoyo giggled. “He's handling it good that you're gone. He's working with Touya at the hospital.”
Sakura laughed. “That's great!”
“Oh?” Sakura, I have to leave, sorry.” Tomoyo apologized. Sakura shook her head. “It's OK, Tomoyo. Thanks for being my best friend, bye.” She hung up. She placed her phone in her bag and lay down, tired from her crying. Her eyelids slowly went down and fell asleep.
Hours later, Syaoran opened the dorm door. Damn, I'm beat, he sighed as he went in. he dumped his books on the sofa and suddenly heard a soft whimper. He looked towards the bunks and found Sakura sleeping in her bed. He neared her quietly and heard another whimper from her. He saw her cheeks stained with tears, clearly, she was crying in her sleep and before that. He felt a bit bad for her for being motherless. He noticed she held a picture in her hand. He slipped it out of her grasp and looked at it.
A girl with grayish purple hair and amethyst eyes smiled while hugging a smiling Sakura from one side. Hugging her from the other was a white-haired guy with light eyes. He flipped the picture and there was some writing in Hiragana on the back.
Tomoyo, Sakura, and Yukito.
Sakura, good luck with your new job at Hong Kong. And when your grief about your mother's death comes to you, you can rely on us or others to help you. Don't forget me and Tomoyo; we will see you again soon!
I love you,
He returned the picture to her hand and sat on the couch, sighing. He didn't know she had a boyfriend. He glanced at the clock beside him and saw that it was time for him to get ready for his family dinner. He grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to change.
-----------Li Mansion--------------
“So, how have you been, Syaoran?” Syaoran's cousin and second best friend, Meiling asked as they all ate in the big and fancy table. His mother, Yelan Li, smiled at her young son. “Yes, how is it going at school?”
Syaoran looked at Meiling and his mother. “We got a new Japanese teacher.” He said.
“My! What is her name?” Yelan said.
Syaoran gulped a bit of juice and responded. “Sakura Kinomoto. She's from Japan.”
“Ohh, is she cute!?” One of his four sisters asked. Syaoran just shrugged.
Yelan smiled. “Oh yeah, I have her picture. The school sent it to us parents today.” She handed Meiling a picture. Meiling looked at it and grinned. “Wow, she's really young. Only 17? She's our age!” she commented. Another of his sisters grabbed it and the other three got behind her to look.
“Kyah, she's adorable!” the girl squealed.
“Yeah, she's cute!” another said, equally starry-eyed.
“Yes.” Yelan laughed. “She's very beautiful and young too.”
Meiling smirked. “You know what I find really surprising, Aunty?” she winked at Syaoran. “That Syaoran hasn't started to make his move on her yet.”
Everyone laughed except Syaoran, who shot Meiling a death glare. Meiling laugh and held up her hands in surrender. “Syaoran, not every girl you meet is like Keiko, you know.” She softened. Syaoran glared at her again.
“OK OK, just remember that, dear cousin. She may be the one you need.” She said.
“So, when do I get to meet this pretty, new teacher?” Yelan asked. “Tomorrow's take-your-parent-to-school day.” Syaoran informed her. Yelan smiled in contentment. “Good, I will go meet this Sakura-sensei.” She said joyfully. Syaoran was about to groan, but his mother's happiness couldn't be spoiled or else it's hell for him. But, I can't tell her she's also my roommate, she would eat me for breakfast if she ever finds out!, Syaoran thought, getting a headache. Meanwhile, Sakura was getting ready for bed at the dorm. She took out a small orange stuffed animal that looked like a small lion with wings. She smiled and hugged the toy.
“Kero, this is our home now.” She said. Her mother gave her Kero when Sakura was a baby and since then, it's one of Sakura's most prized possessions. She giggled as she cuddled Kero between her breasts. She got up and turned off the light. She knew Syaoran had a key to the room, wherever he was. She felt a small sting of pain at thinking about him and flinched. Her gaze turned sad and crawled to bed. She hugged Kero and closed her eyes.
Images of him floated in her mind. His soft hair, his fine upper body, when they first met, and most of all, his tempting amber eyes. She groaned in frustration as she tried to kick him out of her brain. God! Why does he keep popping up in my brain!? I love my Yukito! Yukito, and no one else!, she declared.
She sighed and finally fell asleep. Syaoran opened the door, being careful no to wake Sakura up. He saw her sleeping in her bed with a stuffed animal in her chest. He blushed as he saw the exposed part of her breasts above her top. Her breathing was soft and peaceful as she slept. He changed into his pajamas and climbed up to his bed. He heard a soft voice mumbling. He tried not smile at hearing her. So, she also murmurs in her sleep while holding a stuffed animal? Man, she seems more like a normal girl rather than a teacher, he laughed to himself as his eyes closed and fell asleep.
First chapter is complete! I am so in love with my new story, though I still prefer Warriors of the Night, lol! I think this is gonna be a charming story. It's gonna be fun how Sakura and Syaoran will fall in love along with the TWISTS in have in for this story in the future! Enjoy and wish me luck in my trip to Costa Rica, Saturday!
Oyasumi Nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^