Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ Yukito, Male Slut! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 2: Yukito, Male Slut!
“Ohayou gozaimasu, Sakura-sensei!” the guys greeted Sakura as she made her way to the desk. She smiled at them. “Ohayou, guys. Be seated.” The men took their seats, waiting for Sakura to begin the lesson.
Sakura placed her books beside her and said. “Since you boys have been really good to me for my first days of teaching you, I will skip teaching today and answer questions about my life!”
The guys cheered, many of them having MANY questions for their new sexy teacher.
“Alright! Who wants to be first?” she smiled. Bai raised his hand along with 34 others.
Sakura smiled. “OK, Bai.”
Bai grinned as some of the students groaned in defeat. “OK, what are your hobbies?” he asked. Sakura laughed. “I like to read manga, especially romance genre. I like outdoor activities, especially doing gymnastics. I like listening to music, and that's about it.”
Ru raised his hand. “Yeah, Ru?” Sakura said. Ru blushed as he asked. “What is is your favorite food?”
Some of the guys laughed at the question. “Knock it off!” Sakura scowled at them. “I like sweets, I'm a bit of a sweet tooth.” She winked at him, making him blush.
“Cheng?” she said, nodding to another boy. “Do you any hot friends back home in Japan?” he asked, getting murmurs of agreement by the other boys. Sakura giggled and winked. “Yeah, my best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji. She's REALLY pretty.” She said.
“Do you have a boyfriend, Sakura-sensei?” Eriol asked. Sakura blushed pink as the boys were cheering for Eriol. Syaoran wasn't caring at all until Eriol asked that. He looked at her and saw she was looking at him too. Their eyes met each other. She broke the contact, blushing a lovely shade of red.
“Y-Yes, Yukito Tsukishiro, my older brother's best friend.” She said while not looking at the boys. “Lucky dog!” Xun commented.
“Yeah.” Shun said. A chorus of `yeahs' filled the room. Sakura laughed nervously, trying to change the subject. “Anyways, any more questions?” she said shyly. Syaoran noticed her shyness at speaking of her boyfriend. Her cheeks were red as her eyes met theirs shyly. He found her timid ways cute. Whoa! What am I thinking!?
Her students kept asking her questions until the bell rang. Sakura had hysterics as she answered the last question. “OK, boys! Keep reviewing! Have a good day, ja ne!” she smiled at her passing students, some of them left notes on her desk. Curious, she picked them up. Syaoran gazed at her as he grabbed his books. Eriol urged him to hurry up. He ran to the door, looking at her beauty before he left.
She got her things ready, for today her students' parents would come to her class to meet her. “Kinomoto-sensei?” a girl's voice startled her. She looked to the door and saw a girl her age and a woman standing at the door. Sakura smiled at them. “Good morning, please, have a seat anywhere.” She said. The girl, whose eyes were blood red and her black hair was tied up in two buns, asked. “So you're the new teacher.”
“Yes, I am.” Sakura replied. The woman had the same black hair and was dressed in elegant Chinese clothing, smiled. “You're a very beautiful young woman.”
Sakura blushed and smiled timidly. “Thank you, Mrs.........”
“Li. Yelan Li.” The woman introduced herself.
“And I'm Meiling Li.” The crimson-eyed girl grinned as she bowed. Sakura gave a delighted smile as she bowed too. “Ah, Syaoran Li's family.”
“Yes, I am his mother and Meiling here is his cousin.” Yelan said. “So, you're from Japan, right?” Meiling asked as she and Yelan took a seat.
Sakura nodded. “Yeah, Tomoeda, Japan.”
“How did you become a teacher on such a young age?” Yelan asked her.
“I have a high IQ, so I skipped a year and graduated when I was 16. After I turned 17, I received my diploma. Since I wanted to be a Japanese teacher to earn my way to college, I got a job here by Headmaster Xing, who is friends with my former principal, Mr. Seiju.”
Yelan was amazed by this girl. She was pretty and young, had a high IQ to graduate at 16 and was already a teacher. This girl has some talent. She's very nice and polite. She would make a nice bride for my Syaoran. She seems a bit sad though, there a shadow that never leaves her gorgeous green eyes. As if something is breaking her heart little by little, she thought.
“Miss Kinomoto?” she said. Sakura beamed at her. “Yes? And please, you may call me Sakura.”
“Well, Sakura, do you have any family here?”
The shadows in her eyes got even darker. “No, my father and my older brother are at Japan.”
“And what about you mother?”
The green of her eyes seemed like black emeralds. “She..........she passed away when I was the age of 3.”
Yelan felt horrible for causing the girl trouble. “Oh, I'm sorry, Sakura.”
Sakura shook her head and smiled sadly. “Oh no, it's alright. I hide that fact very well, Mrs. Li.”
“Yelan” she said, smiling
Sakura's smile got a bit brighter. “Yelan.” She repeated. Soon, all the other parents got there. They all sat down. Sakura cleared her throat and bowed to them. “Hello, parents! My name is Sakura Kinomoto, I am from Japan and I'm the new teacher.” She smiled.
The parents all smiled at her and bowed their heads. Sakura beamed as she folded her hands on her desk and began to tell the parents more about her.
-----------That Afternoon-------------
“Wow, that was fun!” she sighed happily as she walked inside the dorm. She placed her books next to her bed and giggled. “I could get used to this.”
“Knock knock knock.” Someone was knocking at her door. Sakura opened the door and found a man dressed in blue smiling at her. “You got a letter, Miss Kinomoto!”
Sakura grinned as she took the envelope he handed her. “Thank you!” and closed the door. She looked at the front of the envelope. “It's from Yukito!!” she squealed in delight. She tore at the envelope and found a note.
Watashi no mi Sakura,
I'm coming to Hong Kong today to see you before I go get some medicines for the hospital. I love and I'll see you soon,
“Oh my God! He's coming to see me!!” Sakura gasped as she hugged the note. “Yukito, aishiteru!!” she yelled to the ceiling. She was brought out from la la land by the ringing of her cell phone. She fished it out of her bag and smiled. “Hi, this is Sakura!”
“........Sakura?” Tomoyo's soft voice said. Sakura's smile got wider at hearing her best friend. “Tomoyo! Hi!” she said.
“Sakura, I got some REAL bad news for you.......” her voice was unsure.
Sakura's smile dropped a bit. “What's up, Tomoyo?”
She heard Tomoyo take a deep breath. “Sakura...........Yukito has been cheating on you.”
Sakura nearly dropped the phone from the shock. “N-Nani!?”
“It's true.” Tomoyo said. “Look at the envelope we sent you today. I put the pictures in there. I took them while I was going to do a photo shoot. And I saw them.”
Sakura dug into the envelope and found 2 pictures. She gasped at the sight that met her. Yukito, her Yukito, was kissing a certain girl with brown eyes and hair. The other one was them holding hands while walking.
“T-That's Nakuru Akizuki!” she gasped.
“Yes.” Said Tomoyo. “I know he's going to go see you today. He went out with you because you're a white angel, a full virgin and he wants to steal it all from you. Nakuru's been his whore for 4 years. Sakura, I'm so sorry.”
Sakura didn't realize she was crying until she felt a drop on her wrist. She reached up with her other hand and felt the wetness on her cheeks from her tears.
“Thanks Tomoyo.........bye.” she gung up slowly. Sakura just collapsed to her knees and began to bawl her eyes out.
“Yukito, you male slut!!!” she shouted. Syaoran was on his way to the dorm when he heard a shout from inside. He quickly opened the door and found Sakura on her knees on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. A green cell phone lay next to her. She hid her face with her hands, her body quivering with loud sobs.
“Hey.........” he spoke softly as he kneeled next to her. Sakura said nothing and just kept on sobbing. He eyed a note and a couple of pictures next to her and took them. Sakura must have sensed what he was going to do, for she revealed her face and cried. “NO! Don't look at them!”
Syaoran was taken back at seeing her face. Her eyes were like liquid emerald with her tears raining down her pale cheeks, leaving big trails behind them. She looked so helpless and innocent, he felt bad for her. He saw the pictures of that white-haired bunny boy, Yukito with another woman. His eyes widened at seeing the pictures. Rage as hot as any fire in Hell surged through him. The damn asshole cheated on Sakura! By the looks of her face, he could tell she loved him a lot, or else she wouldn't be crying so much. Her green eyes pleaded for him not to look any farther, but he wasn't goin to listen. He picked up the note and read it.
So that fuckin' whore's coming to see her today, eh?, he thought. “Please, Li........give it back........” her voice was so soft he wondered if she'd really spoken. Syaoran reached out and cupped her trembling chin with his hand. “You don't deserve this.” He said. Sakura was a bit shocked by his sudden attention and kindness. Judging of the way he usually treated her, she expect for him to sneer at her.
“Li........” she whispered in amazement. He could read her shocked expression and wouldn't blame her, he was surprising himself also. He would usually ignore her and stay away from her. But seeing her crying like a lost child, that he couldn't ignore. A sudden knock startled them both.
“Sakura, it's me.” Yukito's voice called from the other side. Sakura gasped at hearing him and felt the pain overtake her senses again. She cowered. Syaoran glared at the door and then looked at Sakura. “You have to face him.” He said. Sakura shook her head.
Sighing, he pulled on her arm and got her up, making her squeak in fright.
“You have to.” He gently pushed towards the door. Sakura looked at him and swallowed hard. She dried her tears and opened the door. There stood Yukito, with his good-natured smile. His smile almost made her cry again, but she stopped herself.
Be brave, Sakura, she told herself. “Go away, Yukito.” She said, her voice trembling. He stared at her funny. “What? What are you talking about, Sakura? And what's wrong with your eyes, have you been crying?” he reached out to touch her cheek. His fake concern ignited her fury. She slapped his hand away and glared at him as if she wanted to kill him with her eyes. “Don't you fuckin' touch me, you male slut!” she cried, startling Yukito.
“Tomoyo sent me pictures, I know you're seeing Nakuru!!” she snarled at him. Syaoran was surprised himself. She is usually such a sweet and cheerful girl, seeing her pissed off is a total first, he thought.
Yukito's face twisted into anger. He reached out again and grabbed her wrist, trying to force Sakura out from the door. “No, let me GO!” she cried as she tried to pull back, but no luck. Syaoran couldn't stand Yukito treating her like that. Fuck it if I'm against getting involved with girls! She needs help!, Syaoran thought as he quickly walked to Sakura. He looped his arms around her small waist, pulled her back, and punched Yukito on the face.
He let go of Sakura and nearly tumbled at the sudden blow. Sakura gasped and nearly tripped if it wasn't for Syaoran's strong arms around her waist. He gently put Sakura aside while still facing Yukito.
“You shouldn't force her to do ANYTHING she doesn't wanna do. Now get lost.” He said. Sakura gasped as she saw Yukito getting ready to hit him. “Syaoran!!” she cried as she hugged him and she pushed him down, shielding him with her body. Yukito was unable to take back his fist and ended up punching Sakura on her back, HARD.
Sakura gasped and felt her consciousness seeping from her body. Before she knew, her knees gave away and her world faded.
“Oh no, Sakura!” Yukito cried. Syaoran gasped when she jumped in front of him, her back to the guy, and pushed him down, calling his name. Then he heard her gasp in pain when his fist struck her. She fainted right away. Syaoran reached out and broke her fall, pulling her limp body close to his. He shot Yukito a dangerous look. Finally frightened, Yukito just ran off. Syaoran closed the door with one arm while holding Sakura with the other. He knelt down and made her sit facing him. Her head drooped to her side, facing his chest. He patted her cheek softly, but no response.
Damned jerk must've knocked the wind out of her, he thought as he picked her up into his arms and lifted her up. He opened the door and carried her over to the doctor's office.
Hmm, she's pretty light, he thought as he felt her lightness. He blushed at feelings her body so close to his. And soft too.
-------------Doctor's Office-------------
“Hmm.” The doctor said as he checked Sakura for any serious injuries. “She's only out cold. She got the wind knocked out of her, poor girl.” He tsk tsked. “So she'll be OK?” Syaoran asked. “Yes, she only needs bed time `till she wakes up. Take her to the dorm and have her sleep all day tomorrow. I'll call Headmaster Xing to let him know about it and get a substitute.”
“Thanks Doctor.” Syaoran thanked him as he picked Sakura up.
Syaoran gently placed Sakura on her bed. He felt a bit guilty for making her jump to the blow.
Syaoran!!, her cry echoed in his mind. Without thinking, he let his hands slide in her bangs, feeling the softness of her hair. What a rough day she must've had.
“Gee, that boyfriend of hers is a total male slut.” He made a face as he placed the sheets over her.
Kaho was substituting for Sakura that day. “Mizuki-sensei, where's Sakura-sensei?” Eriol asked. Kaho avoided the students' eyes. “Sakura-sensei called in sick, so I will substitute for the time being until she gets better.” She said.
“Hey, Syaoran's missing too!” Takashi whispered to Eriol. Eriol nodded, noticing Syaoran's desk empty.
Syaoran was reading the note Yukito gave Sakura as she slept. Headmaster Xing told him to skip out of class today and look after Sakura until she woke up.
Syaoran read the heading and he tried read it out loud. Watashi no mi Sakura..........”
Doesn't that mean `my beautiful cherry blossom'?, he thought as he placed the note aside. A small groan made his attention go to Sakura. He neared her and saw her eyes slowly open as she gave another groan. She slowly sat up and sighed. “My back hurts.”
“That's because you've been hit on the back.” Syaoran said. Sakura gasped at hearing him and looked up to meet his amber eyes. “Syaoran! I mean, Li!” she gasped.
Syaoran chuckled. “You call me Syaoran.” The truth was, she said his name in such horror and concern, it made him want her to say his name again, but when she was calm.
Sakura gave him a smile that robbed him of his breath.
“Syaoran.” She said. He had to smile the way she said it with such a cute Japanese accent. “How're you feeling?” he asked. Sakura groaned a bit as she moved her back a little.
“A bit sore, but other than that, I'm OK.”
“That's good to hear, Sakura.” He smiled. Sakura gasped. “You just said my name without adding sensei!”
Syaoran blushed, realizing his mistake. “Sorry.........” he was about to apologize when she giggled. “I like that! Please, call me Sakura, Syaoran!” she smiled.
“So, what'cha gonna do about the male slut?” He asked. Sakura didn't hesitate to answer. “He and I are SO over.”
“That's the way to go.” Syaoran smiled as he ruffled her hair. “If that asshole ever tries to force you again, he's gonna answer to me!”
“Syaoran.................” Sakura said, totally shocked. “Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? I thought you despised me.”
Syaoran looked into her emerald eyes. “I never despised you. I just have a thing about girls. There was a girl named Keiko, who was my first love, she cheated on me and it was shocking.”
Sakura gasped. “What a fucking bitch!” she said. Syaoran put two fingers over her lips. “Whoa, watch it there, potty mouth.” He chuckled. “Anyway, I swore that I would stay away from girls and never fall in love again.”
Sakura felt sorry for him. Syaoran avoided her eyes as he finished but then felt something warm over his hand. He looked back at her, her eyes showed her understanding. “I know how you feel. I just experienced it myself.” Sakura said as she gripped his hand.
Syaoran was touched by her concern. He could tell she really WAS a nice girl.
“Hey.......” Syaoran said. “May I ask why he cheated on you?”
Sakura looked into his eyes and saw concern for her; she smiled. I guess it's good to have a friend here to tell the secrets of my heart, she thought.
“The thing is, I am a white angel. I've never kissed, I don't know what's it like. And all of the year we've been together, he tried to kiss me. But, for some reason I didn't wanna take that step yet. It sounds weird, but that's just the way I am.”
Her words angered Syaoran. So that man whore was trying to steal everything from Sakura, she was just a distraction for him, he growled.
Sakura sighed. “Then again, it doesn't matter. Maybe I'll do just the same as you, Syaoran. Never to fall in love again. I don't wanna be hurt again this way.” She smiled sadly.
Syaoran shook his head at her. “Sakura, don't do that. Trust me, it's lonely and very depressing to be in that kind of life. And after all........” he smiled. “You're too pretty to be alone.”
Sakura blushed like a cherry. He finds me pretty?
Then, Sakura began to wonder what it would be like to kiss Syaoran, for him to steal her first kiss. She caught herself and blushed even redder. Hoe! I shouldn't be thinking this way!!
Syaoran wasn't paying attention for his gaze fell on her full, pink lips. What would it be like for my lips to taste her luscious lips?
He knew what she looked like. Her skin was as fair as cream, except for the rosy pink of her cheeks. Her features were those of a porcelain doll, delicate with high cheekbones, her lips full and pink. Yet, the one thing that captured him the most was her sea green eyes. He felt himself craving her, knowing it was wrong of him to feel that way.
Sakura looked at him then, her eyes drinking him in. His skin was bronzed, his cheekbones high, his chin strong. His chocolate-colored hair might have given him a boyish look if he wasn't so tall, his shoulders so broad and his body so fine-built.
Sakura wanted to know, she needed to know.
“Kiss me. I want........”
She gasped and looked away, shocked and mortified at her own daring. But the words were out. She couldn't take them back.
Syaoran was as shocked as she was. Her words startled him and surprised him. He lifted her chin, forced her to look into his eyes.
“What do you want?”
The warmth of his gaze left her weak, spellbound. “I want to know what it be kissed........”
His eyes closed, his brow furrowed. A low sound like a moan came from his throat, as if the idea brought him pain.
And she understood. Shame made her cheeks flame. He didn't want to kiss her. She was nothing to him to ask such a thing in his eyes.
“I-I'm sorry. You don't want to, I understand. I was wrong to-.“
His eyes opened. He chuckled, and then his voice softened. “I'm afraid you don't understand, Sakura. I want to kiss you. I want it so much it hurts. But be sure it's what YOU want.”
Sure and this was not what she had expected him to say. His words made her heart beat faster, made it hard for her to breathe. “I need to know, just a kiss.”
His gaze locked with hers. “OK, just a kiss.”
Sakura closed her eyes, fisted her hands on her shirt, unable to breathe. Just sitting on front of him she could feel the tempting masculine strength of his body. She tilted her chin up to him. Syaoran knew he needed to kiss her, even when he swore to keep himself aloof from the women.
His warms settled on her arms and slid up to cup her shoulders. He drew her to him, enfolded her in his embrace, molding her soft and pliant to his. His lips brushed softly over hers, then slanted to take hers in a gentle kiss. She felt out of breath, warm. His mouth was a brand, hot and persistent. His lips coaxed and caressed hers, sent shivers down her spine. He smelled of peony. When his lips parted hers and his tongue stroked inside her mouth and found her tongue, the shock of it sent her senses reeling. A little moan escaped her throat, her breath warm and sweet. Her lips yielded to his, as his tongue twined with hers. She was soft and pleasing and utterly innocent.
As much effort it was costing him, Syaoran pulled his mouth from hers. He looked down at her face. Her eyes were closed, her lips swollen and wet from his kiss. Her cheeks were flushed. Then her lashes fluttered open.
Even though he was in a bit of pain, he smiled at her. “You've now been good and thoroughly kissed, Kinomoto Sakura. Do you have your answer?” he teased.
Sakura nodded. “Hai.”
Syaoran looked at the clock and said. “Well, I'm gonna order some Chinese food for us, my treat.” He winked at her as he got up and went for the phone.
Sakura ran her fingers over her lips, conjured the sensation of his kiss from her memory—sweet and scorching. His touch was now a mark upon her soul, forever in her memories and dreams. Now I've been kissed. And I can say something about it, that was a damn good kiss!, she thought, a blush creeping up her cheeks again. I didn't know he was such a good kisser.
She could only smile as she grabbed scissors from her bag. She took the picture and cut Yukito out from it, leaving only her and Tomoyo. She grabbed a black permanent marker from her bag and marked over Yukito's writing on the back of the pic. She reminded herself to tell Tomoyo to send her a picture of Tomoyo and her ONLY.
She felt better at doing this. She wrinkled Yukito's picture and tossed it in the trash can, along with her memories of him.
This chapter's done, and I'm going to find true love!, she smiled to herself as she placed her picture back beneath her pillow.
Oyasumi Nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^