Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom ❯ The Cherry Blossom’s 18 Petals ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Watashi no mi Sakura: My beautiful Cherry Blossom
I know CCS belongs to CLAMP, so don't you think of suing me! My made-up characters are mine along with this plot! ^_^
By: Mistress Ness
Chapter 10: The Cherry Blossom's 18 Petals
Syaoran stared at Sakura confusedly. She forgot her own birthday?, he thought. “Wow.....” said Sakura, feeling utterly embarrassed. “Too many things going on that I completely forgot about my birthday.”
Tomoyo giggled and said. “It's Sakura's 18th birthday!! The transformation is complete!” she said in a dramatic voice. Sakura laughed nervously. “Tomoyo, you don't have to make a scene out of that.” She sighed. Eriol smiled. “Well, looks like we got a plan in our hands now.” he said. Sakura eyed him funny. “What are you thinking, Eriol?” she demanded. “Well.....” Eriol shrugged. “It's our teacher's 18th birthday and that's important and that means it's party time!” he hooted. “You and your `parties', Eriol.” Syaoran rolled his eyes at him. Sakura waved both hands in front of her, shaking her head wildly. “No, we don't have to have a party! I's just my birthday.” She bit her lip. Tomoyo placed both hands on Sakura's shoulders. “And that is why we must have a party! Sakura will be 18 soon!” she grinned. “Oh yeah, groovy!” Sakura joked.
“What do you want for your birthday?” Eriol asked. Sakura laughed and patted his shoulder. “Nothing. I just want my friends with me, that's all.” She said.
“Nuh-uh!” Tomoyo shook her head. “We're going to have a party and lots of presents! First, we go to Sakura's house to talk to Touya about it and then visit her dad!” she grinned.
Sakura stood up, a big grin on her face. “Okay, let's go then!”
---------Kinomoto House----------
“Onii-chan, are you there?” Sakura called out as everyone came inside. “What is it, kaiju?” Touya came down the stairs. “Will you stop calling me that for once!?” she frowned at him. “Anyways, what do you want?” Touya asked. “I was wondering if I could celebrate my birthday here since I'll be here for 2 weeks and you know my birthday's next week.” Sakura said. Touya thought about it and nodded. “Fine, but you gotta tell oto-san about it.” Her brother said.
Sakura smiled. “I know! We're gonna go visit him again today!” she said. Tomoyo, Eriol, and Syaoran watched amusingly as Sakura talked with her older brother. “This is a first, seeing Touya and Sakura getting along for a change.” Tomoyo laughed. “What? They usually fight?” Eriol asked. Tomoyo nodded, a small laugh escaped her mouth. “Yeah. Touya always picks on Sakura, no matter how old she is. And Sakura always takes the bait and ends up stomping on his foot.........”
“OW!” Touya howled in pain. Sakura smirked at him, her heel right on his foot. “Onii-chan no baka.” She said.
“Like that.” Tomoyo finished.
“Sheez, what a dynamic duo.” Eriol joked. Sakura turned to them with a grin. “Okay, the party's good to go! Now, let's go see my oto-san!” she said.
Fujitaka smiled at his daughter. “My pretty Sakura will be 18 next week........I wish Nadeshiko could see you now, so beautiful and grown-up.” He chuckled. Sakura giggled as she hugged her father. “Oto-san! Okaa-san is watching us, she knows what I look like now.” She smiled. Fujitaka nodded. “Yes, you're right. Your mother never fails to be there for you. Even when you can't see her, you feel her. I bet she's proud of you, Sakura.” He said. “I'm getting released next week too.”
Sakura beamed at the good news. “Really!? So you will be there for my birthday?” she cried. Her father laughed and nodded. “Why of course! It's my daughter's 18th birthday and that means I should definitely be there to celebrate it along with everybody else.”
Sakura smiled at him. “I'm staying here until April 3rd, and then we have to go back to Hong Kong. I was lucky Headmaster Xing let me have 2 weeks here.” She laughed. Syaoran chuckled with her. “Headmaster Xing is a good man, he understood.” He said to Sakura's father. Fujitaka nodded. “I'm glad to hear that.”
A light knock came to the door and the nurse came in. “I'm sorry to bother you but it's time for your checkup, Mr. Kinomoto.” she said to Fujitaka. Sakura nodded and said. “We understand.” she turned to her father. “I'll come back tomorrow, oto-san.” she kissed his cheek. Fujitaka smiled and stroked her honey hair. “I'm looking forwards to it, my daughter.”
Sakura gave her father a small wave as she and Syaoran left the room. Tomoyo and Eriol were waiting for them in the reception. “So, how's your dad?” Eriol asked. Sakura grinned, “They're releasing him next week!” she said happily. Tomoyo gasped and hugged Sakura, laughing joyfully. “That's great news, Sakura!” she said.
“So, where to next?” Syaoran asked.
Sakura thought for a moment. “Ah! I got it!” she snapped her fingers. “Seiju High!”
----------Seiju High School----------
Rika, Chiharu, Takashi, and Naoko all sat in the courtyard during lunch break. “I miss Sakura. I wonder how she is doing at Hong Kong.” Rika sighed as she unpacked the big lunch she prepared for everybody. Naoko nodded. “And Tomoyo's gone too.”
Chiharu pouted. “No fair. They got to graduate a year before us since they're so smart and they have no idea how much we miss them!” she whined.
Takashi smiled and said. “Hey do you know about the system of early graduation was............” he was cut off by Chiharu's hands squeezing his neck. “Dammit, will you shut up for once!?” Chiharu strangled him, making his head bobble.
“Well well, Chiharu, mean to Takashi as always.” Chiharu stopped at hearing the voice. She turned around. Rika and Naoko squealed in delight.
Sakura, Tomoyo, and two guys stood in front of them, all wearing big smiles.
“Sakura! Tomoyo!” Rika cried.
Sakura smiled and threw herself at her friend, knocking them over. “Hey Tomoyo!” Naoko smiled at her. Tomoyo smiled back and hugged her. “Hey girl.”
Sakura released Rika and attacked Chiharu, making her release Takashi. “Chi-chan!” Sakura squealed. Chiharu laughed and hugged her, forgetting about Takashi. “I thought I told you not to use that nickname anymore, Sa-chan!”
“Hiya there, Sakura!” Takashi choked out. Sakura looked at him and giggled. “Hi, Takashi. How's the neck?” she teased.
Takashi rubbed his neck, smiling sheepishly. “I'll live.”
Sakura stood up and cleared her throat. “Guys, this is Eriol Hiragizawa........” she pointed to Eriol. She turned to Syaoran and nodded towards him. “And this is Syaoran Li. They're both my students at Hong Kong.”
Eriol and Syaoran bowed to them at the same time. “Nice to meet you.” they both said. Naoko, Rika, and Chiharu squealed in delight. “They're so cute!!” they screamed. Tomoyo grabbed Eriol's arm and playfully glared at her friends. “Back off, he's mine.” she stuck out her tongue at them, winking. “AW, dammit!” Naoko pouted. “What about him?” Rika laughed, pointing to Syaoran. Sakura shook her head and took his hand. “Nuh-uh, he's with me.” she grinned.
Takashi gasped loudly. “A student dating his teacher, that's horrible!” he said dramatically. Chiharu smacked him on the head and smiled at her friend. “Lucky Sa-chan! What did she do to win you?” she asked Syaoran. He smiled and pulled Sakura closer to him. “She just did.” He said with complete honesty. Sakura wanted to kiss him right then and there but remembered that they were at her old high school and the teachers are the PDA police. Getting caught was not the way to go.
Rika spoke up. “So, when's the party?”
“Next week and we'll need help with the decoration!” Tomoyo had a wide smile on her face. “Where at?” Chiharu asked. “My house.” Sakura replied.
“Awright! It's a date then!” Naoko whooped.
------------Friday, Sakura's Birthday---------------
“Tomoyo, where should we put the food stand?” Chiharu asked Tomoyo at Sakura's house. Tomoyo looked around for a moment and found the right spot. “Over there by the old piano!” she pointed to it. Sakura couldn't help giggling at the chaos going on in her house. It was her birthday and Tomoyo was determined to turn her house into a “proper” party place for Sakura. Her father was finally released from the hospital and was out with Touya shopping for the food. Sakura checked the list of things Tomoyo had planned and frowned at seeing something in the list.
“Um, Tomoyo? A DJ is gonna be here!?” she asked her friend with a shocked tone. Tomoyo smiled innocently and nodded. “Yep! What's a party without music?”
Sakura smiled and sighed her defeat. “I guess you're right.” She kept on looking at the list. Lessee........we got the disco ball, the food oto-san and onii-chan are buying it right now.........hmm we got the balloons and the ribbons.........and what else?, she checked around the place for more things to check with the list. “Everything in order?” Syaoran asked from behind her. Eriol was fixing the drinks while Syaoran was calling the DJ. Sakura turned to him with a smile. “Yes, it's all good so far.”
Rika hummed happily as she and Naoko were putting up pink and white balloons. “This party's gonna rock!” Naoko laughed.
Rika nodded, tying a pink and white balloon together with green ribbon. “Oh yeah; good thing we got Tomoyo as the `director' of this party.” she joked. “Chiharu, did you put the invitations in the mail yesterday?” Sakura asked Chiharu.
Chiharu put the down the small table for the food by the piano and nodded at Sakura. “I out them in the mail two days ago. Don't worry, everyone got the invitations!” she smiled. Sakura sighed in relief and got back to checking the list.
“Yo, kaiju! We brought the food!” Touya's voice came from the door. Sakura ran to the door to greet them. Fujitaka smiled at her daughter as he showed her the bags full of food. “We got some sushi since you all like it.” he said.
Sakura grinned at her father then glared at her brother. “It's my birthday, onii-chan! Will you just stop calling me that for one day! Is it too much to ask!?” she snapped. Touya smirked and ruffled Sakura's hair, making her yell out in protest. “It is too much to ask, kaiju!” he laughed evilly as he walked away to the kitchen. Sakura frowned as she fixed up her hair. “Onii-chan no baka.” she muttered. Fujitaka laughed and lightly stroked her head. “You know how your brother is; it's his way of affection.” he said as he walked to the kitchen.
“Yeah, I know.” Sakura sighed and went back to the others.
Tomoyo looked around the room they were using for the party. “It needs a little more color.” she said. “Like what?” Sakura asked her. Rika held up a bag full of green confetti for Sakura and Tomoyo to see. “Well, I got a solution to that, ladies!” she grinned mischievously. Sakura gave her a suspicious look. “What are you up to?” she demanded. Rika just laughed and began to bounce around the room, throwing confetti like a maniac. “Rika, are you crazy!?” Sakura gasped but Tomoyo was smiling in glee. “It looks better now!” Tomoyo looked satisfied with Rika's work. Syaoran chuckled as he watched the horror in Sakura's face as Rika kept on jumping around like a bunny. “Those girls are really something.” Eriol commented with a laugh. Syaoran looked at him and nodded. “Especially when Sakura's around.” He joked.
Eriol smirked at Syaoran. “Speaking of the birthday girl, did you get her a present?” he asked teasingly. Syaoran glared at him. “Yeah, of course I did!” he retorted. Eriol laughed and held up his hands in submission. “Sheez, rawr.”
Syaoran shook his head at him and looked at Sakura again; he smiled.
Tomoyo, Sakura, Rika, Chiharu, and Naoko all looked satisfied with the party room. “Oh, we did a great job!” Rika smiled. Tomoyo stood in front of them with an evil grin. “Uh-oh.” Naoko said; they all knew what was going to happen next. Tomoyo pulled a bag from behind her and held it up to Sakura. “It's time for the birthday girl to change.” She sang out.
“I knew it.” Naoko sighed.
“Let's go!” Tomoyo dragged Sakura up the stairs, the girls following.
Syaoran and Eriol were showing the DJ, who finally arrived, the CDs to play at the party when Tomoyo and the others came down. Syaoran noticed Sakura wasn't with them. “Where's Sakura?” he asked. Tomoyo still wore her evil grin. “May I present you, the birthday girl!” she and the others stepped aside. Syaoran felt the wind getting knocked out of him as he saw the angel coming towards him. Sakura wore a white, off-shoulder dress that had a 3-layered skirt that went down to her knees. The first layer was light blue, the other was pink, then the last one green. A white ribbon held a bit of hair on the right side of her face; also wearing a pink choker with a 10-pointed star. She smiled shyly at him. “ you like it?” she asked softly.
“Nice one, Sakura-sensei!” Eriol whooped. “Good job, Tomoyo!”
The DJ guy whistled at seeing her. “She's a pretty one I tell ya.”
Syaoran finally snapped out of his trance and slowly smiled. “You look beautiful like an angel.” He said softly. Sakura blushed but still smiled. Then, the doorbell rang. “The guests are here!” Rika cried. Many of Sakura's friends from Seiju High came over. “Here Sakura, happy birthday!” Emiko handed her a present. Sakura took the gift and smiled at her. “Thank you, Emiko!” she put it in the pile of presents on the couch.
The DJ started to play the songs and soon, everyone was dancing. Sakura smiled as she watched everyone dance. “Having fun?” Syaoran came up behind her. Sakura nodded, happiness obvious in her eyes. “Oh yes! I'm so glad everyone came.”
Syaoran put a hand on her bare shoulder. “I'm glad.”
The doorbell rang again. “Hmm, I wonder who it is.” Sakura said as she and Syaoran went to the door. She opened the door to find Yukito standing in her doorway. “Yukito!” she gasped. Syaoran felt ire heating up his blood and glared at the male slut. “What do you want!?” he snarled at him.
Yukito ignored him and smiled at Sakura. “You look lovely, Sakura.”
Sakura copied Syaoran's glare. “Go away, Yukito! You're uninvited!”
“I want you back.” Yukito said straight-forward. Sakura glanced at Syaoran, who nodded in response. “I'll give you something back.” Sakura bared her teeth at him. As one, Syaoran and Sakura punched Yukito in the face; Sakura hitting his nose, Syaoran hitting his left eye, breaking his glasses. Yukito fell back, grabbing his now bloody nose. “My answer was and is still `no'! Now scram!” Sakura said. Yukito struggled to his feet and ran. Sakura made a face and caressed her fist she hit him with. “Ow, that jerk has a hard nose.” she grumbled. Syaoran chuckled and led her back inside. “That's my Sakura.” he laughed.
A while later, it was time to open the presents. “Okay, it's time for the birthday girl to tear at the presents!” Tomoyo yelled. Everyone cheered. Sakura sat on the couch and started picking up presents. “Let's see this is from...........” she read the present's tag. “Eriol!” she announced. She tore at the wrap to find a small box. She opened it and found a pair of silver, star earrings. “Aw!” she looked at Eriol. “Thank you so much!”
Eriol chuckled as he held Tomoyo by the waist. “Anytime, sensei.”
Sakura put the box aside and took another present. “This is from Rika!” she opened the bag and saw a small teddy bear with wings. She cried out in joy and thanked Rika. Sakura got a new blouse that had her name on it from Chiharu, a jewelry box from Naoko, an MP3 player from Tomoyo, a romance novel from her father, another shirt but it read “KAIJU” from her brother which made her make a mental note to kill him later, a cell phone headset, a DVD of her one of her favorite movies “Bedazzled”, a makeup kit, a red choker with a silver moon on it, and many other things.
Now, what was left was a small box wrapped in green paper. “Hmm, it doesn't have a name on it.” Sakura said as she opened it. Everyone, including Sakura, gasped loudly at the gift. It was a silver bracelet with 18 cherry blossom petals as charms. She felt the tears sting her eyes as she lifted it examined it closely. “That is from me, watashi no mi Sakura.” Syaoran spoke up, making everyone look at him. He smiled at a shocked Sakura, kneeled down, took the bracelet from her, and put it in her wrist. Sakura smiled in tears and threw her arms around him. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” she cried. Syaoran smiled and broke the hug. “You can add more cherry blossoms petals.” He said as he toyed with the charms.
“Okay!” the DJ said. “It's slow-dance time before the cake!”
Sakura smiled as the song “Greatest Story Ever Told” by Oliver James began to play. “This is one of my favorite songs!” she smiled as she pulled Syaoran to her to dance. Syaoran smiled as he spilled his arms around Sakura's tiny waist while Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling back.
Thank you for this moment
I've gotta say how beautiful you are
Of all the hopes and dreams I could've prayed for
Here you are

If I could have one dance forever
I would take you by the hand
Tonight it's you and I together
I'm so glad I'm your man

And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you that day
But if destiny decided I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you tonight?

Sakura felt like she was in a dream. Everyone was dancing around them in a circle, making Sakura and Syaoran the center of the show. Sakura's emerald eyes gazed deeply into Syaoran's amber eyes, silently telling him how much she loves him. Syaoran held her closer to him, making Sakura rest her head on his shoulder with a happy sigh. Her father watched them with a smile of his own while Touya was glaring daggers at Syaoran. Fujitaka noticed his son's face and chuckled. “Leave them alone. Sakura loves him and he's a better boy than Yukito.”
Touya just nodded but still kept on glaring.
I don't hear the music
When I'm lookin' in your eyes
But I feel the rhythm of your body
Close to mine
It's the way we touch that sends me
It's the way we'll always be
Your kiss, your pretty smile, you know I'd die for
Oh baby, you're all I need

And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you that day
But if destiny decided I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you?
Just how much I really need you?

Sakura smiled. “I've always dreamed of this.” She said softly. Syaoran looked down at her. “Of what?” he asked. Sakura looked up at him, a sweet smile on her lips. “Of dancing with someone I love lik this. I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world.” She replied. Syaoran chuckled as he rested his chin on top of her head. “That makes two of us.”
Did I tell you that I love you tonight? Tonight...

And if I lived a thousand years
You know I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you that day
But if destiny decided I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you?
Just how much I really need you?

Did I tell you that I love you tonight?
The dancing couples broke apart and cheered at Sakura and Syaoran, clapping mixed with cheering and whistling. “Time for the cake!” Fujitaka announced. Sakura saw a big cake with a cherry blossom and 18 candles sat in it. In big, green letters, it read. “Happy Birthday Sakura!”
“Okay, now we sing!” Tomoyo spoke up, making everyone laugh. They all knew Tomoyo was the best singer in whole Japan. Sakura giggled as everyone began to sing to her. She stared at the lit candles and smiled. Okaa-san, I hope you're proud of me as your daughter like I am proud of you as my mother.
As soon as everyone stopped singing, Fujitaka said to her, “Come on, Sakura! Make a wish!”
Sakura smiled and closed her eyes. I wish that everything between Syaoran and me will go smoothly and if not, that I have the strenght to sort out our problems, she took in a breath and blew out the candles.
“Happy Birthday!” everyone yelled and clapped.
---------Back In Hong Kong----------
Keiko felt like pulling her hair out of her scalp in fury. Dammit! Syaoran's gone to Japan with that wench so I can do anything `till they get back!, she thought angrily. Hideaki was pissed off too; even more pissed than when she told him about Sakura's lost virginity. She sat in her office, grading papers but her brain wasn't set on who got the best grade in the test, but on killing Sakura with her bare hands.
Keiko was startled by the sound of her opening door and looked up to find a smirking Meiling. “Aw, what's the matter? Dissapointed that you won't be able to use your `charms' on Syaoran since he left to Japan with Sakura?” she snickered. Keiko galred at Meiling. “Back off, Meiling. You don't want me as your enemy.” She threatened. Meiling laughed at her words, mocking her. “Your're already my enemy and I'm not scared of you, Keiko Ying. You know I can kick your ass past the Great Wall.”
The dark-eyed woman tried to look fierce but couldn't for fear of Meiling. “I'm not scared of you, Meiling Li.” She tried to sound brave.
Meiling's ruby eyes bore into her own. “Oh right, you're not scared.” She said sarcastically. “You'll piss you pants even when I haven't laid a finger on you, you know that.” She turned her back on Keiko. “Beware because when I find out you've hurt Syaoran or Sakura, I'll sneak into you room at night and slit your throat!” Meiling laughed darkly and left, leaving a frightened Keiko behind.
-------Kinomoto House--------
“Are you sure it's OK, oto-san?” Sakura asked worriedly, staring at her father with a concerned look. The guests had left and now there were only Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Eriol, Fujitaka, and Touya. Fujitaka chuckled, nodding. “Yes, I'm sure. The birthday girl and her friends don't have to clean up. That's my and Touya's job.” He nodded towards Touya, who was still frowning. “It would be better if you did it, kaiju.” Touya smirked at her. Sakura frowned and stepped on his foot, getting a loud yelp from Touya. “Jerk.” She snarled at him. She turned back to her friends, a wide grin on her glowing face. “Then let's go back to the hotel!” she marched towards the door. “A total person when she gets back at her brother” Eriol noted. Tomoyo laughed, agreeing with him. “Yep! A demon to her brother but an angel to her friends.”
Syaoran sighed. “Must be hard.” He joked.
The four of them were hanging out in Sakura and Syaoran's room, playing truth or dare just for the fun of it. “Hmm Syaoran! Truth of dare?” Tomoyo asked Syaoran. “Truth.” He replied. Tomoyo nodded and thought up a question. “Okay, if there was a chick walking in front of you that has big boobs and a matching ass, will you choose her over Sakura?” she asked. Syaoran looked at Sakura, who was now glaring at him, daring him to answer “yes” under the pain of death. Why not? Syaoran laughed to himself.
“Why sure! I mean, big boobs and a big ass are good, right?” he joked. At that, Sakura pounced on him, grabbing his collar. Eriol watched them amusingly. “I knew he was gonna answer like that. He loves messing with people's buttons.” He gave a short laugh.
“What was that, Syaoran?” Sakura said in cold humor, baring her teeth at him. Syaoran then started laughing. Sakura dropped the evil look and stared at the laughing Syaoran as if he went mental. Not able to resist it anymore, both Eriol and Tomoyo cracked up too. “What the hell!?” Sakura exploded.
Tomoyo tried to speak between laughs. “Syaoran wasn't serious. He was joking.”
Sakura stopped and began to blush in embarrassment. “H-Hoe!!!” she whined. Syaoran finally ceased his laughter and hugged Sakura from behind. “I would never! I love you, my Sakura.”
Sakura turned around to face him, anger broken. “And I was about to murder you.” She laughed. “That's Sakura to you, can't ever take take a joke.” Tomoyo teased her. Sakura pretended to look hurt. “Meanie.” she stuck out her tongue at Tomoyo.
“Okay, break it up, ladies! It's 10 at night and we're going to bed!” Eriol announced as he grabbed Tomoyo's hand and pulled her up. “Night!” Tomoyo grinned at them. “Hope you have nightmares of Takashi telling stories!” Sakura gave an evil laugh. Tomoyo feigned a fearful look. “I'm scared!” she winked at Sakura then closed the door behind them.
“And you've been best friends since how long again?” Syaoran asked teasingly. Sakura winked at him. “All our lives. Best friends to the death.” she smiled. The phone suddenly rang. “I'll get it.” Sakura reached over to it. “Hello?” she picked up.
“Happy Birthday, Sakura!” Meiling chirped.
Sakura started laughing at hearing her. “Thanks Meiling!” she noticed Syaoran mouthing to her “I'm not here.”
“How's things at Hong Kong?” she asked Meiling. “Just great! The boys are missing you and I had to be the sub. Keiko was pissed when she found out you two were gone! She keeps whinning `but they're not even married!” Meiling imitated Keiko. Sakura cracked up. “And what about that creepy guy?” she asked. “If you mean the Slut Queen's cousin, he's pissed too. And when he found out you and Syaoran are now together..........well, he was mad as hell.” Meiling replied with a laugh. “Oh, Aunty Yelan's calling me, go to go!”
“You're calling from the Li house?”
“Yeah, bye!”
“Bye.” Sakura hug up. “So, what did my whacky cousin want this time?” Syaoran asked. Her. Sakura hopped onto bed, stretching. “Well, she wished me happy birthday and was telling me how mad Keiko and her cousin are after they found out we......'escaped'.” she laughed. Syaoran shook his head in amusement as he crawled in next to her. “Changing the subject. Did you like your present?” he poked the bracelet.
Sakura nodded with a smile, holding her arm with the bracelet close to her. “Yes, it's the best gift I've ever gotten. I love it as I love you.” She kissed him. Syaoran took the chance to pin her down to the bed with his weight. “What are you doing!?” she squeaked. Syaoran gave her a teasing look. “How about more?” he breathed on her cheek. Sakura felt a tingling sensation running down her spine. But then, she yawned, completely ruining the moment. Syaoran just stared at her then started laughing. “Sorry.” Sakura smiled sheepishly. He rolled off her and gathered her into his arms. “We can do it another time. My little cherry blossom is obviously tired.” He smiled.
Sakura snuggled into his chest, too sleepy to frown. “So what........?” he heard soft breathing and knew she was alseep. He turned off the light and pulled the covers over them. He felt something cold touching his bare chest. He looked down to find her bracelet touching his chest. She really likes it, he chuckled to himself and closed his eyes. “Happy birthday, watashi no mi Sakura.” He whispered before sleep claimed him.
I'M BACK, BABY! To those who wondered what happened, my account was closed but somehow my pen name still existed so I had to change my new account to THE Mistress Ness. Even though I feel sad for losing the reviews, I'm gonna keep my promise and finish this story. But since the reviews are gone, I might write the sequel anyway since it's way impossible for this story to get the 1000 reviews even though the story is like half-way now. Well, enjoy this chapter and sit tight for In Love and War Ch 3!
Oyasumi nasai!
Mistress Ness ^_^