Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bliss ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~**~ Disclaimer: We don't own any of these characters! They belong to Clamp!
Also, make sure you read "Tender Angel" before this or you'll be missing quite a bit^^ enjoy!

Wedding Bliss

Chapter One:

"Tomoyo-chaaaaaaaan!" was the first thing Tomoyo heard the second she got off the plane and got in the airport. The next thing she knew Sakura had run towards her and locked her in a death-grip hug.
"Ugh… Sakura-chan… can't… breathe…" Tomoyo struggled to breathe. Sakura let her go.
"Gomen!" Sakura apologized then turned around to see that Syaoran had finally caught up to her. "Took you long enough." She teased.
"Well if you wouldn't run so damn fast." he teased back.
"It's not my fault you're slow!" Tomoyo laughed. It seemed that nothing had changed between those two since she had left.
"Konichiwa Sakura-chan, Li-kun." Eriol called as he walked up behind Tomoyo. Tomoyo watched in amusement as the couple broke away from their teasing war and stared at Eriol in surprise. He grinned and waved at him.
"Eriol-kun!" the both exclaimed.

Before heading home… At the ice cream parlor. (Hey! I'm writing this at school before lunch, so I'm hungry! ^^)

"HOOOOEEE???!!!" Sakura screeched loudly after Tomoyo and Eriol had announced their engagement. "You're getting married??!!"
"It seems so Sakura." Syaoran said grinning. "Congrats." Sakura was in the process of hugging Tomoyo to death for the second time that day. "Whoa Sakura! Let her breathe!" Syaoran said laughing.
"Arigatou Li-kun." Eriol said grinning as Tomoyo tried to breathe again. He smiled at her. "Well, this went over well."
"Hai. But of course these two are ecstatic." She replied. "I'm not so sure that my mom will be the same way though." He gulped.
"Oh boy."
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." She said grinning.

Tomoyo's House… facing her mom… BUM BUM BUUUUM!!!!!

Promising to meet up later the two groups of couple broke up and headed their own ways. Tomoyo and Eriol headed for Tomoyo's house to break their news to Sonomi. As they got to the gate, Eriol hid behind Tomoyo.
"You're a little tall to be hiding behind me hun." She said laughing as she pulled him out from behind her. Holding his hand she opened the gate and led him up to the house.

After facing Tomoyo's mom… Tomoyo's room…

"Well, that went over better than I thought it would." Tomoyo said to Eriol as she unpacked. He laughed.
"Yup. She only yelled for a little bit, but then she decided that it was alright and gave in." he replied. He sat on her bed and watched her unpack since she wouldn't let him help. After she was done she kicked him out of her room so she could get ready for the double date they had planned with Sakura and Syaoran.
"Aw… why can't I stay?" he joked. She stuck her tongue out at him, shut the door and began to get ready.

After the Double Date… Tomoyo's room at Midnight…

Tomoyo and Eriol finally arrived back at Tomoyo's around eleven-thirty. That evening they had gone out to dinner with Sakura and Syaoran then gone to Syaoran's apartment. While Eriol and Syaoran caught up on things, Sakura and Tomoyo had begun to discuss the wedding plans. They spent a few hours together, then Tomoyo and Eriol went back to Tomoyo's.
"Well that was fun." Tomoyo said smiling at him.
"Hai." He replied. He pulled her closer for a deep kiss. They spent the next twenty minutes or so kissing and talking on and off. Then Eriol gently pushed Tomoyo onto the bed and lay over her, continuing to kiss her.
"You know… we're supposed to wait until after the wedding…" she told him teasingly. He grinned.
"Oh hell with it." She laughed.
"Alright." He continued to kiss her and they slowly undressed each other and made love for the first time.

Konichiwa!! So how do you like the sequel so far? I'm having fun writing it! ^^ The next chapter may take a few days since I'm recruiting Cacia and Nicki to help out with the wedding to add a little more humor to it. They've given me a few ideas for it… Well, thanks for reading and be on the lookout for the next part! And I
Have got the GREATEST! or at least in my opinion, surprise for the wedding!!! Muahaha! Only Cacia and I know... Nicki doesn't know either!! ^^

-Moon Angels