Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Where Love Blooms ❯ Sapphire Test ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: You know the drill, I don't own CCS, if I did I would not be here doing this fic when I'm supposed to be doing homework… -.- I'm a very deprived child.
Foxtails-Thanks for reviewing peeps! And thanks for telling me the names of Sakura's friends.
Yuriko-You're wasting too much paper doing this…
Foxtails-Shut up, you're using even more. * splats her mouth shut with fly paper then walks to her laptop to write the fic. *
Where love blooms- Sapphire test
"Fiery, go!" yelled Sakura.
The Fiery obligingly flew at Syaoran who casually flipped out the way. Sakura frowned then called Fiery back. She ran through her deck in her mind, who can I use? I've already used Wood, Fiery and Shot as well as twin…I know! She pulled out the Windy card,
"Windy, go!"
Windy flew twice around Syaoran before diving at him, he jumped and twisted landing safely away from Windy. Sakura called back her card and was about to release another when Syaoran said,
"Enough!" Sakura obligingly tucked the card away and turned to face Syaoran.
"You're magic is strong but you're using too much energy releasing the cards, you are letting your emotions, like frustration get the better of you and they make you use more energy than you need." Syaoran said without so much as taking a breath. Sakura blinked,
"Hai," she replied politely, bowing slightly.
Syaoran in return bowed himself then walked away and out of the door, his fighting clothes magically fading away into his normal clothes.
Tomoyo rushed from the sidelines with camcorder in hands with Eriol following behind her, his customary smirk plastered on.
"You did great!" gushed Tomoyo, "that was one of the coolest magic duels I've ever seen!"
Sakura smiled at her friend's support then sighed,
"Only problem was Syaoran didn't even have to use any magic to fight back."
Eriol interrupted saying,
"I wouldn't worry if I were you Sakura, Syaoran has been training since he was able to walk. He is one of the Li clan's best fighters considering he is the heir, that is one of the reasons why he was picked to train you."
Sakura blinked then smiled gratefully,
"Thanks Eriol."
Eriol merely smiled and half bowed.
Meanwhile Syaoran slipped the pendant sword over his head and walked out of the mansion by the back door to avoid the hassle of dealing with Spinel and Nakaru. He leapt onto the twenty foot wall looking around then hopping down. Half way down the street unwanted memories floated in and out of Syaoran's mind in snippets.
~~~ Flashback ~~~
"Xiaolang!" a voice called out.
Syaoran turned and smiled recognising the voice even before he'd turned,
"Ying Fa," he said smiling at the black haired, green eyed girl.
His child hood friend ran up beside him and they walked together amiably,
"Meiling still after your heart Xiaolang?" she teased.
Syaoran scowled,
"Please Ying Ying[1] don't remind me, I've had enough of girls to last me a life time." He teased back purposely using Ying Fa's nickname.
"First never call me Ying Ying again Xiaolang or I will kick your butt and secondly I take offence to what you just said, I am a girl and if you're tired of me then I'll just go…" she threatened playfully.
"Alright, alright you win," pouted Syaoran. "But no way in hell can you kick my butt!"
"Try me!"
"Like hell I will!" shouted Syaoran running safely across the street.
"You come back here!" yelled Ying Fa giving chase.
From there on it went in slow motion, Syaoran watched as one second Ying Fa was halfway across the street and next second she was flying along the road blood flying from her forehead and the screech of brakes on cement.
A small cry rent the air as Ying Fa hit the ground, Syaoran ran towards his best friend kneeling beside her gently,
"Ying Fa? Ying Ying! Please say you're ok!"
Ying Fa eyelids fluttered and glassy green eyes stared back, the corners wrinkling as they smiled and glittered one last time,
"I'm ok," she said before closing her eyes.
After that all was quiet and still. The scene was set, a boy kneeling in the streets, his best friend lying in the middle of the road and an ambulance screeching up the street towards them…
~~~ End Flashback ~~~
Syaoran blinked as tears threatened to fall, I'm not going to cry he thought angrily, I gave that up ages ago, he smiled faintly, Ying Fa said I looked better when I wasn't crying.
Eriol sat back in his chair and sighed his magic exhausted for that night anyway.
"What is it Nakaru?" he asked massaging a temple.
A shadow detached itself from the the wall and walked towards him holding a plate of cookies (A/N: Yummy! J ),
"You shouldn't have had to so much energy on one spell," Nakaru quietly observed.
Eriol massaged an oncoming headache,
"Well it's seems my cute little descendant keeps his memory locked away furthur than I thought. I don't have anymore energy today, I'll have to work on Sakura's memories tomorrow."
Nakaru frowned lightly,
"I don't understand Eriol-Sama, why do you want to reawaken old memories?"
Eriol was quiet for a moment staring into the fire, the flames flickering in his sapphire eyes.
"I want to see weather Syaoran and Sakura are meant for each other, or if they're just replacing one another as Hoilong and Ying Fa, we couldn't have that now can we?" He said mildly amused.
Meanwhile far away back at the Tomoyo's and Sakura's shared apartment, one ameythst eyed girl sat on the edge of her bed looking thoughtful. Tomoyo blinked at the full moon outside her window, what is Eriol doing with Syaoran and Sakura? I don't have magic but I'm not stupid, I'll have to ask tomorrow…with that she laid down pulling the sheets over her body, closing her eyes to sleep.
~~~ owari ~~~
Foxtails- * sobs * Don't kill me! I know this chappie is short! But my exams! * indicates a nice big pile of revision which she has forgotten to do despite the fact her exams are tomorrow. *
Yuriko- You sad, sad girl, if you fail your mum's gonna take the computer away from you for a good few months.
Foxtails-* growls * Shut up, you're a muse not a dictator.
Yuriko-Stupid fic writer…
Foxtails-I heard that! * whacks Yuriko over the head with her laptop * I hate you! Now looks what you made me do, my laptop's dented!
Yuriko- Trust me the feeling's mutual, and as for your laptop. Ha! * faints *
Foxtails-Wow, must be one hell of a hard laptop. * walks off innocently. *
[1] Ying Ying : Okay it doesn't mean the same thing as Ying Fa but it's cute! My lil' cousins called that, wonder what she'll think of the name when she's 16.