Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Wolfsong ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
ANNOUNCEMENT! Sorry for the late updates, buuut, I've been kinda busy as well as stuck on what to write. After going over it a few dozen times, I find I'm not satisfied with it, and have decided to rewrite it. Hopefully these'll make it better and I won't get stuck again ^^

Disclaimer: Not mine. Feh, I just WISH I could draw that freakin good.

WARNING!: In later scenes, this story is likely ta get really freakin bloody. So if ya can't handle graphic violence an blood an stuff like that, go read someone else's fic. I don't wanna here no complaints 'bout it later on or something. YA'VE BEEN WARNED!

~~~WOLF SONG prolouge~~~~

Syaoran growled in irritation as he sprinted through the forest. The chill night air not bothering him, even though he was only dressed in a ragged pair of black pants. They were hunting him again, which wasn't fair. It wasn't like he was too dangerous. He'd only killed the man who changed him, and that was in total self defense. The man had given in fully to the beast side, a mistake to all of their kind, and had become a mindless killing machine, feeding on human flesh. Syaoran knew better, even before the elders told him. The hunters, though, don't care. He'd spent three years in the forest, living with a wolf pack, and they had found him again. A shame since he needed to get rid of them and return to his clan. They expected him to find a wife and take the leadership, wolf or not, but it's not so easy to do when you're stuck on the run in the woods.

He easily lept over a stream, ignoring the wet mud that squished between his toes. He had, hopefully, a bridal prospect in Japan. That is, if she still wanted him. He hadn't written to her in three years, she may have found a new boyfriend, or forgotten about him, or be really really pissed. That was why, he'd made plans. Plans that should be ready by now. He missed her so much.

He slid to a stop infront of a lake with a waterfall on the other end. He grinned as he pulled an ofuda from his waistband. "Floating steps" he said softly. He felt the magic surround him, then sprinted across the lake and into the waterfall. A rather cozy cave was behind the falls, and he shook off like a dog and plopped down on a pile of furs. They'd never guess a wolf would know magic. Hunters still thought they think like an animal. Suddenly a phone rang. Cursing, he dug through the furs until he pulled out a green cellphone. "Yeah?......Sheesh finally! Where the hell have you been?.........whatever...did you get it?..........Good. See you then." He said pushing the button. He smiled at the cave wall. He'd be out of here soon.


Lightening flashed around her and a feeling of dread filled her. Something was coming, something strong. She clutched her staff to her and quickly looked around. She couldn't see anything through the thick darkness, even with the lightening. Thunder rang in her ears and she felt cold and wet.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" Sakura shouted into the darkness. Thunder and lightening was her only answer.

Suddenly a shadow appeared beside her with glowing golden eyes. For some reason, instead of being scared, she was comforted by it's presence, which confused her since the shadow seemed quite menacing. The shadow pointed ahead of them and Sakura turned to look. At first, all she saw was darkness, then, in the distance, there was a pair of glowing red eyes. Evil radiated from those eyes and she was very afraid. She backed into the shadow as an evil male cackle filled the air............which faded into the beeping of an annoying alarm clock.

Sakura groaned as she sat up. "Morning Sakura!" Kero cried happily from his position infront of the tv with his video game. It was turned down to let Sakura sleep. "You usually turn over when your alarm clock goes off, what's up?"

She sighed as she slipped out of bed and looked through her closet. "I had a dream." She said thoughtfully as she pulled out her school uniform. "It was dark, lightening and thunder everywhere........there was this...shadow. I couldn't see what it was, but I wasn't afraid of it. Anyways, it pointed off into the distance and I saw......evil eyes..."

"Evil eyes??" Kero asked in confusion.

"It was like nothing else I've ever felt before. The only word I can use to describe it, is evil." She said with a shiver as she went to change her uniform. "I think we should practice some more after school."


AN: This is the new version of the story. Hopefully I didn't royally screw it up, ya? Oh I didn't have a prereader so, *shrugs* mistakes possible, don't have a cow over it.
