Case Closed Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Pleasure ❯ Chapter 1: Ran x Sonoko: Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

xx-Beika, Tokyo, Japan-xxx


At the time that Ran was kidnapped during the Risa Purple concert, Sonoko was overseas with her parents on a business trip. So she didn’t find out what had happened until Ran was already rescued and recovering in the hospital. She hated herself for not being there when her best friend needed her the most. Sonoko thought she might have lost the one person she truly loved and cared for in the entire world. She cried so many tears of happiness once she found out that Ran was alive.


xxx-Four Days Later-Haido Central Hospital-xxx


Sonoko hurried off the bus, running towards the entrance of the hospital where Ran was staying until she got better. Right after she stepped into the building, she went over to the nurses station. There was only one nurse, who looked to be doing some paperwork. Sonoko wasn’t surprised, considering how late at night it was.

“What room is Mouri Ran in? I’m her girlfriend. I came as soon as I could. Please just don’t tell anyone we’re dating. Neither of us are out yet to our families.” Sonoko said. The truth was, she and Ran started dating three months earlier and their relationship was a fairly new thing for them both. Sonoko figured if the nurses knew they’re girlfriends, she would be able to see her quicker.

“Awe. Really? That’s great. The thing is, visiting times are over for the day. But since you’re her girlfriend, you can go see her. You can stay for two hours. Ms Mouri has been taking medication that makes her sleepy. I just gave her some. It takes a while for it to kick in. She’s in room 104. It’s around the corner and down the hallway." The nurse, Hiraoko Kiyoko replied. She was glad that more people were coming to visit Ms Mouri Ran, besides her father and the kid who wore glasses. It wasn’t like she hated them, Kiyoko didn’t even know the two guys, but she thought it was better when more people came to the hospital to see their loved ones who were patients there. Kiyoko thought it was really cute that Ms Mouri’s girlfriend came to see her.

“Thank you so much. I appreciate you doing this for me.” Sonoko said. She smiled gratefully at the nurse, then she went in the direction she was told Ran’s room was in. Sonoko found Ran’s room less than four minutes later. She entered the room, immediately noticed that Ran was in the bed and she was busy reading a manga. Sonoko saw there were two women on the manga over kissing. She walked over, bending down to kiss Ran sweetly on her cheek.

“Sonoko! I didn’t know you were coming here. You have no idea how happy I am to see you, baby.” Ran said. She put her manga down on the bedside table. Ran gently cupped Sonoko’s face in her hands, she then brought her in for a kiss, their lips brushing together. She sucked on Sonoko’s bottom lip, lightly, which caused her to moan softly. Ran smirked and she slipped her tongue into Sonoko’s mouth, caressing her tongue with her own. Eventually she broke the kiss for air.

“Fuck, Ran. What was that for? Not that I’m complaining or anything. It was a great kiss, just unexpected is all. I want you to know how sorry I am for not being here sooner.” Sonoko said. She sat in the chair next to Ran’s hospital bed. That was honestly one of the best kisses she ever shared with Ran. Sonoko wanted more, but that could wait until her girlfriend was out of the hospital.

“I wanted to let you know how much I love you, Sonoko, that’s why. And I don’t blame you for not being here. It wasn’t your fault at all. So get your ass in this bed and cuddle with me.” Ran replied. She pouted, giving Sonoko her best puppy dog eyes. Ran knew it would work because it was only a few seconds later she saw Sonoko take her shoes before she layed on the bed next to her. It was pretty damn adorable and cute too.

“Okay, okay. I can never pass up the chance to snuggle up with my super cute and sexy girlfriend, who just happens to be you. I’ll try to always be there for you, no matter what.” Sonoko said. She very carefully wrapped her arms around Ran, so that she was able to press her body up against Ran’s. Sonoko could feel her body heat seeping into her and she could also hear how hard her heart was beating. She loved that she had that effect on Ran.


xxx-The Next Day-Early Morning-Haido Central Hospital-xxx


Ran was woken up when she felt someone lightly shaking her by the shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open, she saw that her dad, Conan and the nurse were all staring at her with soft smiles and raised eyebrows. Ran gasped as she remembered Sonoko came to see her and in fact, she was still, spooning her like her life had depended on it.

“Sonoko. Wake up. We got company.” Ran said. She wiggled around in Sonoko’s arms to get her to wake up. Ran kissed her on the lips and she grinned as she watched Sonoko’s eyes open. She loved the look in Sonoko’s eyes whenever they kissed each other or even cuddled.

“Company? What do you mean by that?” Sonoko replied. She nearly screamed seeing three people standing over them. That’s not how she wanted to come out to Ran’s family. At least it was easier this way since both Ran’s dad and the glasses brat was already there. Sonoko sat up, gently pulling Ran with her. That’s when she noticed that the nurse had left the four of them alone. She was glad for that.

“Dad, Conan, there’s something I want to tell you. Sonoko and I are dating have been for the past three months. I realized that my feelings for her went beyond friendship. I told her how I felt, she confessed her own feelings, we started dating. And we’re both bisexual.” Ran said. She saw various emotions going across her dad and Conan’s faces. Ran had no idea how they would react to what she just told them.

“Yep. What she said. That’s exactly what happened. I love Ran so much and she loves me. All we want is to be happy with one another.” Sonoko said. She glanced between Ran, Kogoro and Conan for several long moments. Sonoko didn’t know what to expect for them to say until they began to talk.

“I always figured there was something going on between you two. Especially during the last month or so. As long as you’re both happy, I see nothing wrong with it. Besides, love is love. People should be with who they love, no matter their gender.” Kogoro replied. He and Ran hardly ever talked about the people she liked or even dated. As much as he liked Shinichi, he thought that Sonoko was better for her since she never got her involved in murder cases. Or at least not on purpose

“Uncle is right. I’m so happy for you two. Don’t forget to invite us to the wedding.” Conan said. He loved Ran, but their relationship just didn’t work like he had wanted it to. If Ran was happy being with Sonoko, he would be happy for her and Sonoko both.

Ran and Sonoko shared a look, then they kissed sweetly before they got out of the bed to hug Kogoro and Conan. The hug ended quickly when the nurse came back into the room with breakfast for everyone.

“I thought you four might be hungry, so I brought you food. You don’t have to worry about paying for it. It comes with the hospital stay.” Nurse Kiyoko said, She handed Ran, Sonoko, Kogoro and Conan their plates of food. She left soon after.

“I’m starving. This food looks good. So let’s eat.” Ran said. She ate her food very slowly. She didn’t want to eat so fast that she would throw up. It took a little longer than it normally did to finish her food.


xxx-A Few Days Later-Sonoko’s Mansion-Sonoko’s Bedroom-xxx


Ran was released two days later. She decided to stay with Sonoko for a while. Ran hadn’t spent a lot of time with her like she wanted to. Life tended to get in the way. Or rather murder and other kinds of cases did. It was such a pain in the ass.

She was getting dressed in Sonoko’s bathroom after taking a shower. Although she was having some trouble with putting her underwear on. Her dick was nine inches, so she ordered specially made underwear. The pair she had now probably shrunk in the wash.

Ran texted Sonoko to go to her place to pick up a couple more pairs for her to wear. She blushed bright red when she realized her cock was hard. She was horny because she had been thinking of Sonoko in different stages of undress. Ran took a deep breath, then she sat down on the toilet seat and she grabbed some toilet paper.

She palmed her dick, stroking up and down, while she held the toilet paper underneath the head of her dick. Ran loved to mastubate, it was fun and it also helped to relieve whatever stress she had built up inside of herself. She always thought of Sonoko whenever she did it. She bit her own lip to stop her harsh moans from being heard by anyone as she came into her hand. She flushed the paper she used to catch her cum down the toilet. Ran cleaned herself up just before she heard the door to Sonoko’s bedroom open and close.

“Ran, I’m back with her underwear. Sorry it took so long to find them.” Sonoko said. She walked over to her bathroom and she handed Ran the underwear she asked for when she opened the door for a second. Sonoko wished Ran didn’t have to order her underwear, it had to be crazy expensive and not to mention a pain in the ass.

“Thanks, Sonoko. I’ll be out in a minute.” Ran replied. She slipped on her underwear and she breathed a sigh of relief. Ran valued how comfortable she felt in her boxer briefs. They were also in her favorite color. She came out of the bathroom to see Sonoko laying on her own bed, reading a brand new manga.


xxx-Ten Minutes Later-Sonoko’s Bedroom-xxx


The two women decided to eat some snacks while they talked. Sonoko had turned her tv on because there was a series she wanted to watch with Ran. She figured Ran might love it as much as she did.

“So what’s this show about? It does look interesting.” Ran said. She watched tv, but not nearly as often as she would like to. Ran did love romance dramas though. They were one of her favorite genres.

“Well, it’s basically about these two women, Tomatsu Chise and Yaginuma Naho. They grew up together, only to go to different universities after high school. Chise and Naho ended up working at the same place, they hook up one night and start dating. It’s actually one of the first Japanese dramas with LGBTQ+ characters as the leads. The actresses are also LGBTQ+. Which is really awesome.” Sonoko replied. She observed as a wide smile spread across Ran’s beautiful face. Sonoko loved when Ran smiled like that.

“Wow. That’s amazing. And about damn time too. Let’s watch it then.” Ran said. She hugged Sonoko closer to her from behind, resting her head on her shoulder. Ran enjoyed doing things like that with her girlfriend.


xxx-Three Hours Later-Sonoko’s Bedroom-xxx


Sonoko and Ran spent the last three hours watching the queer drama that Sonoko had told her about. As the last episode ended, Sonoko could barely keep her eyes open. She leaned up to kiss Ran, then she promptly fell asleep.

Ran giggled quietly to herself since she didn’t want to wake her up. Sonoko was the cutest, sweetest girl she had ever known. Nobody else was going to tell her otherwise, that’s for damn sure. Ran let her eyes close and she was asleep in mere seconds.