Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ Brother of the CORPSE BRIDE. ❯ The New Arrival in town. ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Meanwhile, back in the Under-World, everyone else was going crazy looking for me.
The Mayor of the town stepped up onto the podium, and placed his skull through a megaphone.
“We've got to find Mykan!” he cried, “He's already got 365 customers waiting for their gowns to be made.”
“Three-Sixty-four, dummy!” said the Skeleton of an old man. “Is there any where else we've forgotten to check?” asked the Mayor.
“He isn't anywhere on the mountains.” said and old Corpse Lady, “We peeked in every tavern in town.” said two twin children skeletons.
“I trenched through Deadly Night Shade Valley.” said Paul; A half spider, half French-Dead man.
A skeleton general came through the crowd, “I peeked inside the clock tower… I did, but he wasn't there!”
“It's time to sound the alarm!” cried the Mayor, and the ware wolves howled throughout the town.
* * *
Meanwhile, in my castle on the mountains…
Emily and Victor heard the alarms coming from the town below. “They must still be looking for Mykan.” said Emily.
“They can't possibly find him. He's not even in this world.” said Victor while petting the skeleton of his old dog, Scraps.
“Just because he's not here, doesn't mean they can't figure out where he's gone.” said Elder Gutknetch, who was visiting.
“That is exactly why we must stay up here. We are the only ones who know of Mykan's whereabouts.”
Emily looked up at the Dark-sky, and sighed sadly to herself. “Wherever he is, I hope he's okay.”
Victor walked over to his wife, and held her close. “He'll be back darling, don't worry.”
“Well, it's nice to know that you two missed me.” I said from behind them.
They turned around and their eyes widened. “Mykan!” cried Emily, she ran over and hugged me tenderly.
I hugged my sister back, and I shook hands with Victor. “It's nice to see you again too, Victor.” I said.
“Strange,” said Elder, checking his watch, “According to this, you had at least 6 more days left.”
“I don't need them anymore.” I said happily, “I found what I was searching for.”
I pointed to figure in the shadows. She walked into the light revealing herself to everyone.
“V-V-Victoria… is it you?” asked Victor with a wide eye expression as he stared at her Corpse body.
Victoria nodded her head, “It's so wonderful to see you again Victor.” She said sweetly. “You too, Miss. Emily!” she said to my sister.
Emily winked at her.
“Come now my dear.” said Elder reaching for Victoria. “You must come and meet all your new people.”
Victoria hesitated, she wasn't sure she was ready to hold hand with a skeleton yet.
“It's alright.” I said, “You can trust Elder Gutknetch, the same way you trust in me.”
Emily Victor and Scraps nodded, and Victoria smiled, and she took Elder's hand, and off we went.
* * *
Meanwhile, back in the town, all the Corpses, and skeleton were exhausted trying to find me.
“Did any bother to check in Dead Corn-field?” asked the Mayor lying flat on his spine.
“We looked everywhere.” said an old man, “It's no use he's gone off somewhere.”
Everybody sighed sadly, and then. “New-Arrival… New-Arrival!” said the town crier's Corpse.
“Not now Rugby!” said the Mayor, “Can't you see were in lament over Mykan's search party.”
“But Mayor!” said Rugby, “He's the one who brought the new Arrival here!”
Everyone looked up, and saw Victor, Emily, Victoria, Elder Gutknetch, and I walking toward the crowd.”
Everyone cheered for joy, “Where have you been Mykan?” asked the Mayor.
“Call a town Meeting at once, and I'll explain everything there.” I said, and everyone hurried off to the town hall.
* * *
Soon, all the citizens of the after-life had gathered at the Town-hall. Victor and Emily had front row seats, and Victoria was with me on stage.
As soon as everyone quieted down, the meeting began. I took the stage, and looked out into the crowd.
“My dear citizens,” I said, “For all this month, I have been up in the land of living.”
Everyone's jaw dropped, and I continued on, telling them why I had left in the first place.
* * *
Feeling rather bored of making dresses for the town's women, and hardly being rewarded for a day's work.
Also, I felt rather lonely living up in my castle all alone with nobody I could relate to…
* * *
Everyone began to feel ashamed of themselves. They really had been working me a little too hard lately.
“However, during my traveling up there I met someone very special.” I continued…
I told about Victoria, and how we got along ever so beautifully, and at the end of it all, she decided to come back with me.
“And for your pleasure… Miss Victoria Everlgot.”
Victoria took the stage as everyone applauded for her. She curtsied to the crowd, and said…
“I must say it feels rather unusual being here, but I know it will all worth it.”
“I do wish to know though… What is it like living down here?” she asked to the crowd.
When at meetings, we had questions like that, we didn't just explain the subject, we sang about it, but before
The music began to play, and everyone stood up, and led Victoria back into the town.
“It's very simple Victoria.” I said, “It's not nearly so bad living here the way you did up there.”
Then, everyone began singing about the After-life.
* * *

-Ladies and Gents of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

ome with us and you will see
The After-life is as fun as can be

-This is the After-life, this is the After-life
Living in a place where it's always night

This is the After-life, There's no toil, and no strife
There is no need to have a single fright
-It's our town, everybody see
The After-Life is as fun as can be

-You can go for nights without resting in bed
Stay up that long and
eyes don't go red

You don't really fear of going up and down stairs
You can climb up a rope, or just by your hair

-This is the After-life, this is the After-life
After-life, After-life, After-life, After-life

-In this world we call home
Everyone hail
just wants to get along

In this
world, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise

Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll scream

ee! This is the After-life.
Red 'n' black, slimy green

But don't be scared.

Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take the chance and roll the dice
Look at the moon in the midst of night

see, everybody see

The After-Life is as fun as can be

When you are dead you can tear off your
Appearing in a flash and gone without a trace

You can be the "who" when they call, "Who's there?"
You can even pull tricks and traps in the air

You can cast a shadow on the moon at night
But might not want fill your dreams
with fright

-This is the After-life, this is the After-life
After-life, After-life, After-life, After-life

Corpses and Skeletons everywhere
is done, we have all had our share

That's the way, but don't you see

The After-Life is as fun as can be

In this World Don't we love it now?

Everyone's waiting for the next surprise

If you are old, or get stabbed in the back.
Or you die form a heart break
or you burn all your skin
This is
the After-life, where everyone comes to be
Only and when you crossover the moment you die

Once you are, you can never go back now
But everyone gets along somewhat how

-This is the After-life, this is the After-life
After-life, After-life, After-life, After-life

In this
World we call home
just wants to get along

La la-la la,
After-life, After-Life! (Etc.)
* * *
After shaking so many hands with so many people and things, Victoria thought she actually like it here.