Corpse Bride Fan Fiction ❯ The Revenge of Lord Barkis ❯ Can Victor be Brave ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

There was the island up ahead. “There, now you see, I told you we should've turned left.” I said. “Alright, so I made a mistake.” Said Emily, “No need to rub it in.”
“Never mind that now.” said Victor “Look up there on that mountain top.”
The island was rather large with a tall mountain in the center with a big castle on the top. We had good feeling that was what we were looking for, but it seemed too dangerous just to waltz right in.
We settled down on the upper parts of the beach so as not to touch the water. We all stretched about and some of our bones gave a comforting crack from our hours of flight.
“Oh, it certainly feels good to be back on solid ground again.” Said Victoria. “But what do we do now?”
“It's obvious isn't it?” Said Emily. “We're going to make our way across this jungle and, to the mountain, and up to the Castle.”
“No, no Emily, not yet.” Said Victor. “We can't just go barging in there yet when we still haven't the slightest of what we could run into.”
“Victor's got a point.” I said. “We should use extreme caution. No telling what sort of hocus pocus we could run into in that jungle.”
We slowly proceeded deep into the Jungle. A few poison snakes leapt for us, but couldn't kill us, as we were already dead. Still, that didn't stop us from zapping them with our powers.
It was even a little embarrassing when Emily got her veil caught in the branches, or me getting my cape stuck in a bush. Victor yipping just because he got stuck in the mud, or Victoria tripping over a branch and one of her legs coming off.
I passed my wife her leg. “I think you dropped something.” I said. She took it and reattached it back on to her knee, and we continued forward as the sun set.
Jagged rocks and fallen logs, as well as thick brambles made it hared to get through. “It would certainly save us trouble if we could blow our way through.” Said Victor.
But none of us agreed to that. “Blasting the our way through could cause a fire.” I said. “It would burn our bones to a crisp and possibly even spread to the castle. We just can't risk it.”
Victor sighed. “Well, I tried.”
Lord Barkis had finally captured enough people so that the dungeons in his castle were all full. Except for a small space left that he was saving for someone special.
“It's time for me to go.” He said. “Time for our little appointment with Emily and Family.”
“Go? You mean up there Sir?” asked Barrack. “By why not just send a few dangers up there get them all that way?”
Barkis just gave him an angry glare telling him to be quiet. “Because, Why bother let others do it when you can have much more fun doing it yourself.” He said. “Honestly, can't you ever think of anything useful to say?”
“Oh, yeah sure, call me stupid whatever.” Barrack muttered under his breath.
“What are you muttering about?” his Master asked.
Barrack had to think fast. “Uh… Oh, I was just thinking about that Emily and her stinking family, Sir.” He said. “Why If I was out there, I'd give them WHA… and a HI-YA… and grind them to pieces.”
Barkis really thought Barrack being silly, but right now he had bigger fish to fry. “Even if they have their own Reliquary's, Mine is the ultimate one.” He thought to himself.
Because he sold his soul for his Reliquary, that meant he was much more power than us, because all we did to get our powers was mix up a few potions with a fragment of our flesh.
Well, okay… it was Elder Gutknecht who did it, but it still changed nothing. Lord Barkis was the stronger one.
“Well, time to go.” Said Barkis as he slipped on his coat. “Come Barrack, we have a date with destiny.” Then he transformed himself into a spinning tornado.
“What… Oh, no… Sir, wait. I'll get air sick.” Barrack cried. “I REALLY CAN'T SAND TORNADO'S!!” he tried to run but he got pulled right in.
“Oh, no… Whoa… Whoa… Whoa… Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, WHO-A-A-A-A-A-A-A!!!”
And the Tornado blasted up through the roof, and drilled it's way up to the land of the living. It tore through the town on it's way over the sea, and really made a mess of things.
Meanwhile, on the island
The Castle dungeon was really starting to get cramped. Victor's parents and a lot of other rich people were struggling just get comfortable.
Nell had it the hardest because, well… she was rather plump, thereby taking up more space than others. “Oh, William do something!” she bellowed.
William tried “Hey, move over will you?!”
“I'm in my territory!”
“Hey, watch it will you!”
William covered his eyes in disgrace. “Oh, I can't wait for this to be over.”
We were getting closer and closer to the mountain, but we decided that it was far too dark to do anything else. So we just decided to make camp where we were and wait for first light.
So using our Reliquaries, we conjured up a quite little camp, with two tents, and a roaring bonfire. Still, even though we had more light now, Victor was still a little edgy.
Victoria once heard from Victor's parents that he was so terrified of the dark that he nearly wet himself silly.
“Victor… calm down.” I said. “Don't be so afraid.”
“Afraid…?” Victor trembled. “Oh, I'm way beyond afraid. I am petrified. Absolutely frightened.” Then suddenly he jumped at the sight of a shadow… which turned out to be his own.
“Oh, Victor.” Emily said. “It's really not that bad. I spent years in the darkness. I grew used to it as if it were my home world.”
As Victor poked at the fire with a long stick. He really began to take his wife's word. “I remember, father used to tell me. “If you're afraid if something, you have to stand and face it.”
“But then again… he hardly ever followed his own advice, and still got scared at little things. Even mother must still scare him.”
As Victor began to go deeper into thought we all saw that he hadn't taken the Wooden stick out of the flames, and that the flames were slowly creeping up to his coat sleeve.
“Uh… Darling?” Emily said trying to show him what was happening, but victor was thinking too deeply to notice.
He was thinking about what it would be like to actually do something really, really brave. So brave that it might even make him the hero of the day.
“Victor… Victor, your coat.” Cried Victoria. By this time, the cuff on Victor's sleeve began to blaze and was slowly creeping up the rest of the way. Of course Victor couldn't feel the warmth or pain, so he still didn't notice.
“Yes. That's what I'll do.” He said bravely, he finally put the stick down, but still didn't notice he himself was on fire. “I promise you all, I will find a way to see us through this dark trouble. I will help us rescue my parents… I will do something brave!”
“VICTOR!!” I yelled, finally getting his attention, and then gestured to his arm. Victor slowly turned to face his sleeve.
“YAGH… AHH!!” he panicked and slammed his arm several times on the ground extinguishing the flames. “Oh-oh, my goodness.”
“Well… It's a start.” I said.
Later on, the others were asleep and I was keeping watch. Even though it was rather funny at times to see Victor panic like that, I did rather think he was being serious.
“You may be a timid young man Victor… but there is a way you can be brave and strong for us all. You just have to find it.”