Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Shades of Blood ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ch5 – Shades of Blood

Spike sat on Jade's favorite recliner, switching through channels with little interest as Jade lay on the floor of the large break room. Neither spoke, enjoying the rare silence as they secretly enjoyed each others company.

As if trying to escape boredom, Jade routinely threw a rubber ball in the air. Her complexion was unusually pale accompanied by lightly flushed cheeks. Jade was infected with a stomach virus that had been spreading around the building.

After her first successful mission, Jade had become quite busy. At times like these she did her best to pass the time with relaxation, though it was always destined to be interrupted. This time was no different.

Dimitri cleared his throat to make his presence known. He was fairly new and was constantly in charge of paperwork. It was highly known that he wanted to be an assassin, it being the main reason why he hung around that district. Dimitri had a large crush on Jade, annoying both Spike and Jade. He was short and lanky with brown hair and eyes.

He held a large stack of folders, as Spike and Jade stared at him with little interest. Dimitri froze in slight fear of the two, making him unable to speak. Spike rolled his eyes and continued to channel surf. Jade sighed loudly and spoke softly to the kid, as if trying not to scare him further.

"What’s up Dimitri?" Her voice broke his trance as he replied in a stuttered tone.

"I....I have a.....a big hit for you both."

Dimitri did his best to continue but it was as if his mouth was glued shut. Spike rose from his seat and snatched the stack from the kid's hands. While Spike busied himself by going through the folders, Dimitri gained the courage to speak.

"Um.....Jade. I was hoping, that maybe....if you’re not busy…Canyouhelpmewithmyshooting?"

Jade barely understood the end of his rushed question.

"I'm sorry Dimitri what was that last part?” Before Dimitri could reply, Spike did it for him.

"The kid wants to know if you could help him with his shooting." A bit taken back by his question, Jade spoke in a kind tone that was rarely used.

"Sure....when I can." Spike towered over Dimitri silently daring him to speak. He even smirked as the boy rushed away.

"Jesus Spike! Why do you always scare that poor kid? He was just being nice." Spike returned to his seat, placing the folders in his lap. Figuring a response wasn't coming Jade resumed throwing the ball in the air.

"He has an unhealthy obsession for you......I don't trust him."

Jade laughed lightly at his response. "Aww Spike it’s just a harmless crush. Thanks for your concern but I am 18. I think I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, sure you can Jade." His sarcastic tone halted Jade's laughter, all the while creating his own. Spike's laughter was halted as a rubber ball hit his head hard.

Spike wasn't given the time to retaliate as Jade sat on the arm of the chair. She intensely studied the folder and found fourteen targets. All were from various syndicates and all at the same location.

"This isn't a regular job is it?" She said while picking up one of the photos.

"It seems that four syndicate's have been making treaties. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but when they plot to take out other syndicate leaders...Anyway the people in charge of the operation are going to see this opera, and then head off to the deciding meeting. This is too big to handle ourselves...Which is why a man named Udai Taxim and Vicious are assisting."

Spike waited for her attitude that was sure to come. When Jade said nothing, Spike gave her a concerned look.

"You must be sick if you have nothing to say. Didn't you see Annie?" His words dripped with sarcasm, causing Jade to roll her ocean blue eyes.

"I saw her and she said that I should have bed rest for a week. Unfortunately that is never guaranteed in this business."

"Vicious probably wants us in his office for a briefing."

The two walked side by side to see Vicious, getting there within minutes. Vicious sat at his desk and a man that Jade would have guessed as Udai Taxim leaned against the wall. The part African Japanese man had quite the reputation for being cold and merciless. From what Jade heard, he was the best in the business, most likely because he felt no guilt at all. She was still trying to get the hang of that. Vicious was the first to speak. His voice was blank as he directed them to the blue prints of the opera house.

"This won't be a walk in the park. It must all be done simultaneously to avoid the others warning each other. The first are the Black hawks, all together there are five including the negotiator. He's quite paranoid so his men are armed to the teeth. Udai, you take them out on the top right balcony." Udai gave little indication that he was paying attention, let alone cared.

"I will take out Eagle Eye's four guys on the top left balcony." Vicious chose not to tell his info since it wasn't anyone's business.

"The next are the five from Hell's shadow and its sister syndicate, The Devil's Vixens. The man and woman in charge are known to be dating. They will be going together, along with their three bodyguards. Their seats are second row middle seats. You two will sit behind them and take them out. Both of you have to dress so you won’t stand out. The attack will start after the second act, and try to keep it silent. The less attention the better."

Vicious handed Spike two opera tickets along with two com links. Jade left first, not wanting to be there any longer. Spike followed, wanting to get ready quickly.

After waiting an hour and a half, Spike had grown irritated. His fist pounded harshly on Jade's bathroom door.

"Hurry your ass up! We only have thirty minutes to get there!"

While applying light eyeliner, she answered back equally annoyed.

"Dammit Spike! Meet me at the car. I'll be there in 4 minutes." Spike huffed but complied with her request.


Exactly four minutes later, Jade stood at the car facing a shocked Spike. Jade's rusty red locks where put up in a clip while loose curls cascaded down her back and encircled her face. The black dress she wore went down to middle of her calf and fit her curves nicely. The evening gown was backless with a slit to her upper thigh, as well as having the red engravings of a dragon with matching red shoes.

Spike was knocked back to reality as the passenger door slammed shut. With nothing else to say he drove off to the opera house. The ride was, as usual, silent though Jade quietly admired how Spike looked in his black tux.

They arrived just before the opera started, walking with their arms intertwined. The opera house was extravagant to say the least, with the lobby lined with gold and marble. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling illuminating the red velvet curtains nearby. They walked into the auditorium just as the band began to play. The lights overhead dimmed but gave Jade enough time to identify her target.

She was a regular blond bombshell with a green dress that was too short for Jade's taste. The man next to her was fairly handsome and was practically drooling all over the female. Two of the bodyguards sat at the girl’s side and one on the guys. The female was almost if not completely drunk and laughed hysterically at nothing in particular. The male was groping the girl every chance he got, not caring if anyone saw.

Spike took the seat behind the male and Jade the female. They kept their ear coms off till it was near the attack. Jade was partially interested in the play; however she found Spike more enticing. She spoke to him in a tone that was loud enough to hear over the band but not enough to alert the couple ahead.

"You never told me why you and Vicious are such good friends. It just doesn't make sense to me."

Spike looked more focused on the woman singing than her question alone.

"Why the sudden interest?" His face looked completely focused, but that didn't stop Jade from asking.

"I always wanted to know but we're always so surrounded by people that I never get a chance to ask. You two act like total opposites."

Spike smirked at her last comment, making Jade frown slightly.

"We may act differently, but in most ways we're identical. I remember our first mission together, we were cornered into an alley by almost 15 men...We fought back as if we rehearsed it, our performance was flawless. At that time we were killers without another thought...I guess we still are."

Jade listened carefully so not to miss a word. Spike continued to tell her of the past, and how he accidentally became a big part of the Syndicate. For the first time ever she didn't interrupt or even make a sarcastic comment. The first intermission came just as Spike finished. She went outside for a breath of fresh air, completely lost in thought.

It turned out that Spike and Vicious where just comrades, their lives depending on one another. That partnership somehow turned into friendship; however no one was willing to admit it. In the midst of all the death and destruction, they had come to the point where death ran through their veins. They had become a master at the art, where the only way you could tell them apart was by their love for death.

For Vicious, he adored it, loving the countless ways a person could die. Spike however, only caused death when need be. He didn't thirst for it like his counterpart. The thought that they where so much alike baffled Jade. She couldn't fathom that her close friend was like that monster. No matter how much she denied it, Jade knew deep down that Spike was right.

A large shiver ran down Jade's spine, alarming her how cold it was outside. Her slender arms instinctly went around her slender body.

"You'll catch a cold if you stay out here." Spike said as he draped his jacket over her shoulders. She smiled warmly but didn't turn to him. He soon placed his hand on the small of her back, slightly nudging her inside. She followed without complaint as they returned to their seats.

The second part of the play went on with no interruption, until the com links buzzed in their ears. Jade was hesitant to hear the communication, but never the less she pressed the button.

"Commence operation now. I repeat commence operation." Jade looked at Spike with a questionable look. He didn't return the look, but brought out his tranquilizer gun.

With deadly silence he shot a tranquilizer into the people who sat next to them. Jade went into her purse and put on a pair of leather gloves, as well as bringing out a semi large knife. Spike had already taken out the guard on the man's side by breaking his neck. Everyone was so drunk no one noticed. The look on Spike’s face was so cold that Jade barely recognized him.

She returned to the task at hand, calculating where the man's lungs where. Jade thrusted the knife hard enough it was sure to go through the chair. As it pierced the bodyguard's back he went to let out a scream, however his collapsed lung prevented him from doing so. He turned his head ever so slightly, only to feel the knife twist painfully in his back. Through all of this Jade kept her eyes closed, not wanting to see the man's distorted face.

Jade looked at Spike once more, hoping he would give her assurance. The hard expression still lingered on his face, giving a distinct impression of Vicious. She closed her eyes tightly, praying it was her eyes playing tricks. Not wanting to see if it was true, Jade moved to the female in front of her. She was already unconscious and wreaked on alcohol. She snored lightly and leaned on her dead body guard.

Regardless of the woman's record, Jade wanted to give her the luxury of dying in sleep. She took out a large needle filled with green liquid from her garter belt. The needle was filled with poison they used during lethal injection. It was to be used if you were captured by the enemy. Finding the woman's main artery was hard with little lighting. After a minute or two Jade injected the lethal liquid, killing her within minutes.

Nausea hit Jade like a ton of bricks, making her fight her reflex to throw up. The smell of blood however faint seeped through the expensive chair and her nostrils. Jade held the arm of her chair tightly, gasping for breath. A large hand rested on the back of Jade's slumped form. Jade's sickness did little to convince Vicious that she should stay behind.

Slowly Spike took the half filled needle from her gloved hands. As he wrapped Jade in his Jacket, he prepared the needle for injection in his left hand. He helped her up and walked towards the aisle. While passing the only living bodyguard, Spike inserted the rest of the poison in the man's jugular vein. Spike was so quick the man hadn't noticed, dying quickly.

He helped the very sick Jade out of the extravagant building. The cold air did her some good, easing her body. She leaned on Spike for support, while gripping her belly. After a couple of minutes Jade was well enough to stand on her own.

Moments later a horde of cars came rushing down the street toward the opera house. As is not to bring any attention to them Spike slowly nudged Jade into a side alley. Without warning Udai nearly crashed into the couple.

"So I take it someone phoned in for help."

Jade's comment was lost as over twenty men came rushing their way. No one had time to speak as the men rushed towards the three. Udai moved so quickly, Jade barely noticed him pull out an automatic from behind one of the dumpsters. She looked on as Udai fired on the crowd of men filled with civilians. Regardless who they were, if they were in the line of fire they fell. The screams of a little girl was drowned out by the familiar pop of guns. Blood danced in the air for the celebration of death.

As Udai continued to fire Jade pulled her 9mm from her purse. She held it as steady as she could, pushing it slightly against his temple. Udai stopped shooting as he felt the light pressure.

"That’s enough! You killed all the guards, there's no need for more bloodshed."

Jade's voice was slightly cracked and shaky. Udai stared at her, not used to being defied. She brought her gun down too soon as Udai brought his open palm to her face. Jade barely had enough time to dodge his hand by taking a step backwards.

Spike stood between the two trying to avoid a confrontation. He looked over his shoulder to find Jade furious and pale. Jade looked as if she wanted to kill but her sickness held her back. All three heard the police sirens closing in and were forced to put all differences aside as they headed down the dark alley.

Jade and Spike took the long way back to the car, hoping to look inconspicuous. Jade's breath was ragged and strained, making Spike look at her in worry. Relief struck them both as they got into the car. An awkward silence filled the car, but Spike was the first to break it.

"What happened out there?" His voice was concerned and slightly annoyed.

"It was the smell of that guy’s blood; I just couldn't stop the nausea."

He sighed loudly, rubbing his temples lightly. " know that's not what I mean."

She stared out of the window considering her answer, for what seemed like hours.

"Those civilians didn't have to die, and he acted like they were nothing. It doesn’t matter, let’s just go."

She dismissed the conversation by closing her eyes and drifting off into a light sleep. Spike still wanted to continue but thought better of it, and drove to the organization.

The ride was quite boring and the only sounds made were Jade's light snores. As they pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop, Spike nudged Jade slightly but she was too deep in sleep to wake. Spike got out of the car making his way to the passenger side and grumbled while effortlessly lifting her.

The walk to her room was uneventful, and he placed her lightly in her bed. He was about to leave when Jade's voice stopped him.

"You are like Vicious…cold with no conscience." Her voice was soft and scratchy. Spike's response was equally soft.

"I have to be... if I want keep my sanity."

A/N: Alright, there’s another chapter. Hope you liked it. Seriously people, we need reviews!!! No flames….but constructive criticism is welcomed. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! We feel so unloved….tell us anything. Do you like the way everyone is acting?? Are they to OOC?? Is the writing excellent, so-so, or does it suck?? Is the format ok?? Tell us in a review!!!! We’re so desperate!!!!