Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Blue Eyed Hustle ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 6 – Blue Eyed Hustle

Another year passed in Jade's tragic life. She became quite skilled at her job, and soon became one of the most feared members of the syndicate. She had grown slightly, however she kept her hair the same length. Her ideals hadn't changed much, and she constantly dreaded a new job.

Vicious had an infatuation with Jade that only grew stronger with age. There were times when Jade looked for any hiding place to escape him. The training room was one of the more popular places to avoid his advances. Sometimes fate wasn't so kind and meeting Vicious was inevitable. Vicious took deep pleasure in her discomfort more so than he let on.

Jade's friendship with Spike grew slightly, yet it was always restricted by their past. They often confided in each other and trusted the others advice. Although they would never admit it to anyone, they cared deeply for each other.

Lately work had been more annoying for Jade and twice as stressful. Someone had the balls to place bounties on important members of the syndicate. The problem was finding out whom and to "handle" it.

Jade had been to many bounty hunters with insider information but came up with nothing. She walked to see if Spike had found anything new. The fates once more laughed at her as she bumped into the man she loathed the most. Vicious smirked and held on to her hips firmly. His words dripped with passion that made Jade's skin crawl.

"I have pressing business with you."

Jade tried to move past him or at least out of his arms. This only made his grip tighter, strong enough to leave a bruise behind. She gave no reaction, knowing it would disappoint him. She responded with a sly remark that would normally get her injured.

"I've got other things to do, so move."

She made another attempt to move once more but was again halted. This time it was more forceful and his tone held that deadliness he was famous for.

"Don't push your luck. I can only take so much from you." Jade got the message and stopped fighting his grasp, allowing him to speak.

"I'm putting you in charge of the safety of a business woman." His tone was serious allowing little room for argument. Jade however was not one to stand around and be ordered, especially by Vicious.

"That is not my job. Get one of your lackeys to do it." Vicious didn't take being denied well and this was no different.

"Your job is what I say it is. Now do it!" Vicious slightly yelled in her ear making her wince slightly.

His breathing shallowed slightly as he tried to control his anger. Jade was silent not wanting to anger him more. Vicious leaned down in her ear and whispered, tickling it slightly.

"She's waiting for you in the break room. Make sure that she doesn't die. She's very special to me. If harm comes to her, we will have a lot more fun than last time."

Jade violently pulled away and glared at Vicious with all the hatred she possessed. She took her time to the break room just wanting to annoy Vicious further.

Jade walked in to find a tall blonde woman watching T.V, in her recliner. She held an angered look toward the blonde bombshell and her intrusion. The blonde curiously looked at Jade and politely introduced herself.

"I'm Julia. Guess you're my new bodyguard. It’s nice to meet you."

Her fake politeness didn’t fool Jade the slightest. Jade returned the politeness, however the fakeness was more obvious to Julia.

"I'm Jade, and yes I'm your new bodyguard. It’s nice to meet you as well."

The room became awkwardly silent, making both occupants uncomfortable. Jade had had enough and went to leave the room pausing slightly saying a sarcastic remark.

"Call me if you leave, but other wise leave me alone."

Julia was stunned at Jade's boldness, however she was unable to respond since her protector had left the room.

Jade needed rest from the recent events and she fell into a slight slumber. She was enjoying her nap until her communicator rang loudly on her night table. With a loud groan, she lazily picked up the dreaded contraption. Jade wasn't exactly thrilled to see Julia's face.

"I'm going out. Don't keep me waiting."

Jade slowly grabbed her jacket and pistol, making her way to the spoiled queen.


Shopping with Julia was harder for Jade then she anticipated. Jade enjoyed shopping as much as the next person, but this was cruel and unusual torture. It started out fine, going to a market and checking out various knick-knacks. It wasn't until the fifth shoe store, that Jade wanted to commit suicide. Julia went to each shoe store picking out the shoes she liked, but didn't buy them.

They had walked for about four hours and Jade was exhausted, but Julia showed no sign's of fatigue. Jade did her best to keep her nerve. She wouldn't let Julia get the best of her. Her pride was on the line and Spike would never let her live it down. In retaliation, Jade put a little pep in her step and actually bought some clothes.

Occasionally, Julia would ask how the clothes looked on her. In Jade's opinion, almost all the clothes she picked out were slutty and desperate. Jade just said everything looked good on her, even exaggerating the most horrifying looking things. This was her form of punishment to Julia for waking her up.

All together it had been six hours of torture and Jade was developing a strange twitch. Then the conversation got slightly interesting.

"Vicious no doubt told you that I'm special to him. You’re probably wondering if we are involved?" Julia said while picking up a green tank top. For once, Jade answered truthfully.

"Well not really. What you and Vicious do is your business." Jade slowly went to a bench not so far away.

"We are together. He told me about your infatuation with him and I won’t tolerate it. Don't get any ideas about taking him away from me." Julia turned to Jade with her hands resting on her hips, looking at her with a death glare. Jade wasn't scared at all, in fact she found the whole situation kind of funny.

Instead of laughing Jade sent Julia the most sarcastic remark she could muster.

"I hate to disappoint you but I'm not plotting to steal Vicious. An infatuation with Vicious...are you kidding me?"

The look on Julia's face was one of disbelief. Jade tried once more to soothe Julia, although it sounded more of insult than she intended.

"Look you have nothing to worry about. I'm never going to be interested in Vicious."

Julia's expression didn't falter in the least. She left the store with Jade following lazily behind. The way back to the headquarters was uneventful and slightly boring.

Jade left Julia as soon as they arrived to see Vicious. Jade didn't bother to knock and barged into the office with little care. She was a little angry and it showed in her demeanor. Jade gritted her teeth as she spoke to keep her temper in check.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn’t spread rumors about us, it’s embarrassing. Besides, this isn't high school."

Vicious smirked at her anger and leaned into his leather chair.

"Just stating the facts. Why, don't like the attention?" Jade and Vicious both disregarded Spike sitting in the chair between them.

Jade refused to get angered further and just turned to leave, but not before clearly saying "Go fuck yourself."

She left a dumbfounded Spike who gave a soft "Bye Jade."

*********************************************************** *****

After a couple of months protecting Julia had gotten a little easier, although the places she went had grown more suspicious. Jade could care less where Julia was going as long as she was safe. It would be her ass if "harm came to her."

It had first started when Julia would wake her up, at all sorts of hours. Jade was beyond annoyed that she no longer only needed to protect Julia, but had become her personal chauffer. Jade was forced to bring her to various hotels and watch as she went in.

Jade wasn't stupid. She knew something wasn't right from the beginning. The fact that she had to wait in the car was enough to tell her that Julia was having an affair with someone in the syndicate. The poor guy probably didn't know about Vicious, since he kept all of his relationships low key.

Julia of course expected for Jade not to say a word. Julia was the one who gave out paychecks, including Jade's. The pay raises were nice and satisfying, but they meant nothing to Jade. She said nothing of Julia’s affair only because being deceitful to Vicious had its own rewards.

Jade was letting Julia dig her own grave and waiting for Vicious to find out. She knew Vicious would be beyond mad at her for not saying a thing, but that was the best part. Jade didn't ask Julia anything, and as long as she didn't get directly involved everything was fine. But Jade would never have such luck.

One night while bringing Julia back, they both ran into Vicious. Jade wasn't surprised to see him in the break room, no doubt waiting for the girls return. His tone was low, which was the only one he used when he was mad at Jade.

"I came back early from my mission and do you know what I found, or what I didn't find?"

Jade took this as the perfect time to make her exit. She tried to it make it away as smooth as possible. She wasn't that lucky, and she was halted by Vicious.

"Stay! Now Julia…where did you go?"

She moved uncomfortably under his gaze, however her voice was calm and collected.

"I was bored since you were gone, so Jade and I went to this blues club that she knows."

Jade even believed her blatant lie for a second, but Vicious needed more convincing.

"Jade which club did you two go to?"

Jade had to lie and quickly. Any stalling and Vicious would see right through her.

"You know that one on Third Street, ‘Blue number four’. They were having poetry night." Jade prayed that he would believe such a lame lie.

Vicious grabbed Julia's arm and pulled her to his room. As Jade went to leave she was once again stopped by Vicious.

"I want you to wait for me outside my door. We still need to talk." Jade followed his command wondering what he was planning.

Jade sat on the floor next to his door trying to get some sleep. Vicious and Julia had gone in the room only ten minutes ago. At first Jade only heard muffled noises. It wasn't until about twenty minutes later that she heard Julia's screams of passion. The sounds of their sex made Jade wish to be deaf. Julia's screams some what drowned out Vicious' grunts but not well enough. Jade nearly gagged when she heard them both reach their climax. She did her best to focus her mind on something else.

She was brought from her own thoughts when Vicious stood at the doorway, wrapped in a towel. Julia could be seen slumbering in his bed under a quilt. A fresh cigarette hung from his mouth as he leaned against the doorframe. His words were ones of satisfaction, at least for the moment.

"Did you enjoy that little performance? Does it make you jealous?" Vicious said smirking while doing so.

Jade was utterly disgusted with Vicious and Julia's display of affection.

"Not in the slightest. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed." She turned to leave until Vicious forcefully grabbed her forearm.

"Let that be the last time you lie to me. I expect that from Julia, not from you."

Jade pulled from his grasp and spoke angrily to him. "You’re wrong; you should expect that from me." Jade stomped off to her room away from the amused Vicious.

After that day, Jade lost the rest of the little respect she held for Julia. Julia walked around as if she had done nothing wrong. This time Jade refused to let what she did go. On one of Julia's cheap shopping sprees, Jade confronted her.

While Julia was looking at some pants, she heard Jade's angry tone from behind her.

"Whatever you do on your own time is your shit. You could fuck the dead for all I care. But don't ever get me involved in one of your lies, or I will make sure you pay."

Julia didn't take kindly to threats. She turned around and towered six inches over Jade, as if trying to intimidate her.

"What are you going to do? Don't forget that I pay you so know your place."

Jade nearly laughed in Julia's attempt to scare her.

"You can keep your dirty money! I'm sure that Vicious would find it interesting, what you have been doing at various hotels all hours of the night. You know your place!"

The people in the store all of a sudden found their argument interesting. That is until Jade let out a loud "Mind your own business!" Afterwards neither Jade nor Julia felt like shopping and returned back to the base. Both of the girls hadn't spoken for while, that is until Julia wanted to see her mystery man.

"We should make a truce. I won’t put you in my affairs and you won’t say a word." Julia's voice was pleading with Jade. With a loud sigh Jade agreed knowing it would eventually come back to haunt her.

"It’s my job to protect you." With that said, Jade brought her to one of the infamous hotels once more.

A/N: We realize that Julia was quite bitchy to Jade in this chapter. We’re really sorry about that but it’s extremely hard for us to write anything else because we hate her. You won’t have to put up with it for long since she’s only in the story for a couple of chapters. Just bare with us. We hope her attitude doesn’t turn you away from our story. Hope you enjoyed some part of that chapter and continue to read the rest of this story. Please review!!! No flames, but constructive criticism is welcomed.