Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of the Syndicate ❯ Worth Waiting For ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8 – Worth Waiting For

Her conversation with Spike ran over constantly through Jade's mind. Some time had passed since then but the wound was still fresh in her heart. Confusion was the main feeling she felt in her soul. It was hard just to be around him. Jade did her best to keep her distance, for once in her life avoiding confrontation. Deep down she was mostly afraid of the answers Spike would give to her questions she so desperately wanted to ask. There were nights where she stood up restless, wanting so badly to talk to him.

Jade clutched the thick pillow in her arms while leaning against the wall. She had long since grown annoyed from her puzzled mind. She once again slumped back on the bed in hopelessness. Her eyes fell upon the red numbers of her alarm clock.

"5:50am." She groaned loudly making another attempt to sleep. It had been four days and the thoughts still plagued her mind. Her most trusted comrade, partner, and friend had lied to her face. She smirked at the thought of seeing Spike as her friend.

The sounds of footsteps closing in tore Jade from her thoughts. A light knock came to the door but Jade ignored it. Not wanting to be bothered by anyone she hit the pillow and evened her breathing. The door opened with a slight creek reminding Jade she had to fix that. The intruder cared little for Jade as her voice echoed through the room.

"Get up! I've got business to attend to!" Julia's voice was anything but friendly; all the while she roughly nudged Jade in the side. Jade showed response with an annoyed growl.

"Julia is it really that important, cause if you’re just going to a hotel I'm going back to sleep." Jade said as she brought her quilt tighter to her body. Jade was given no answer, she only felt Julia stare a hole through her body. Jade sluggishly turned to face Julia, who just stood there as if waiting for Jade to follow. Seeing Julia grasping a silver suitcase meant Syndicate business.

She rose out of bed and mumbled barely enough for Julia to hear.

"I'll be ready in ten." With that said Julia left to give her privacy.

She put her red hair in a low ponytail wrapping it in a black handkerchief, being in no mood to do her hair. She threw on a pair of dark blue jeans and black shirt. Jade grabbed her black duffle bag filled with various weapons. Normally she would just bring her gun, however Syndicate business presented more danger.

She met Julia at their usual unmarked car and hopped in. While tossing her bag in the back seat Julia gave directions. Jade drove off to their destination in the early morning night.

After a short time of driving they came to an average restaurant. Before leaving the car Jade strapped on her weapons, concealing them with a mid-length black leather jacket. With quick intake of breath both females exited the car.

For some reason Jade felt uneasy about the whole deal. Nothing was out of the ordinary yet her instincts were screaming that something wasn't right. Jade kept on guard as they entered the restaurant, seeing if anything was out of place.

She followed Julia closely wary of her surroundings. Both females walked to the rear of the restaurant coming across a group of men. About eight men filled the large booth and a large man stood at the front, probably the guard. As they approached the man allowed Julia to pass, however halting Jade in her steps.

"I go where she goes." Jade spoke to the man who seemed the leader.

He sat in the middle dressed in a suit while the other dressed more casually. He was fat for a man of his short stature and his hair looked greasy, being pulled back into a low ponytail. The leader nodded and the guard made an attempt to frisk her, much to Jade's dismay.

"Don't touch me." Her voice was stern, daring for the leader to call her bluff.

The large man smirked and reached for her small figure. Too quick for much to see she grabbed the guard’s wrist quickly, and with a swift flick Jade broke his bone. The large man grunted in pain and crumpled over, holding his broken appendage to his chest.

"Sweetheart, please have a seat. “The leader's voice caught her attention, pointing to the seat next to Julia.

"Sorry for my rudeness, lately everyone has been saying they're apart of the syndicate. Let’s just say I needed a little insurance." Jade ignored the rest of his babbling, paying more attention to her surroundings.

The rest of the meeting went on with no interruptions, however Jade kept up her guard. So focused on her surroundings Jade barely noticed the leader of the group speaking to her.

"Would you like breakfast?" Ready to refuse, her stomach growled loudly making the man smile.

Soon a plate of eggs and bacon was placed in front of her. Jade cared more about her need for food than the people around her, quickly devouring the breakfast. Shortly after, Jade placed the fork down on the table with a satisfying sigh.

The men around joked and laughed loudly, enjoying the business deal just made. That is until a small click was heard, halting all Jade's movements.

Adrenaline pumped through her as Jade grabbed Julia by the waist, pulling her to the ground. As if on cue bullets flew through the air, killing almost all the men around her. Their blood splashed across both women but neither cared at the moment. The rest of the men returned fire to the unknown gunman.

Making sure Julia was on the ground, Jade turned and fired killing three. She fearlessly stood and continued shooting, killing two more. Jade jumped for cover behind one of the numerous columns.

Not having time to reload, Jade threw a couple of cherry bombs in the direction of the attackers. Screams were heard and a man flew into one of the tables.

Smoke filled the air distorting Jade's vision slightly. To make matters worse dust flew into her eyes making it nearly impossible to see. Knowing she may regret it, Jade tossed a loaded gun to Julia.

Jade's lungs ached for clean air as she coughed in retaliation. Grabbing some random piece of debris Jade threw it to a nearby window. It shattered instantly creating some sort of ventilation in the dusty room. Just as that was done she felt a tremendous burning feeling in her shoulder.

Too distracted to pay attention to her wound, Jade threw a dagger in the direction of one of the gunmen. Relief hit her as she heard the lifeless body hit the ground.

As quickly as it had started it ended, leaving deafening silence in its wake. With dust still clouding her vision, she grabbed Julia's arm and ran out of the restaurant.

Julia tried to stop and catch her breath but was yanked by Jade.

"Stop they're all dead!" Her words didn't slow Jade down at all.

"They'll send more!" Jade continued with her pace not faltering in the least.

Jade quickly slid into the car with Julia following quietly. As Jade sped away, more cars showed up and surrounded the small restaurant. Luckily they weren't noticed.

While driving back Jade's vision blurred slightly from the recent blood loss. Cursing under her breath, Jade pressed the gas harder trying to get back to safety barely making it back before becoming light headed.

The car came to a stop with a slight screech, annoying the occupants. Jade collapsed into the seat, losing all strength. With her eyes closed she softly asked Julia a question.

"How bad is your wound?" Her breath turned slightly shallow while she spoke.

"It’s Just a skim on my lower calf, nothing serious. You’re losing a lot of blood. You need a doctor." The last part of her statement sounded urgent and panicked. With ragged breath and limp form Jade pleaded with Julia.

"You mind getting help fast. I'm starting to lose conscie..." Unable to finish Jade slipped into a wave of darkness.


Jade's eyes fluttered open scanning her surroundings. The familiar setting of the med ward came to sight, along with a good friend.

"Hi Annie. long have I been here?" Jade said to the friendly nurse beside her, noticing her clothes had changed. Jade sat in a hospital bed. Her long time friend gently caressed her cheek while answering softly.

"Oh. Honey, you've only been here for about three hours. Your clothes were too dirty to keep them on you. I had to toss them."

Jade relaxed slightly, enjoying her time of rest.

"How bad is the damage?" Jade said with a slight groan. Annie responded while holding her medical chart.

"Well, we had to do a blood transfusion. Even though the bullet took a nice chunk out, the main damage was it hitting an artery in your shoulder." Annie placed her hand on Jade's shoulder as if to comfort her. Annie's look however faltered at the sight of Jade getting up and leaving.

"You have to rest. Your body needs it." Spoke Annie trying to persuade the woman back to bed. Jade refused softly and grabbed the sweater on the nightstand.

"Annie I'll be fine. I've been through worse...Oh and by the way who brought me here?"

Annie sighed in defeat knowing she had lost the battle for Jade to rest. Her tone had a hint of disappointment but still had that brightness that Jade adored.

"Why honey don't you remember, Spike brought you in. He was a little worried since you lost so much blood...Be careful on that wound. If you stress it too much it will open up again.” Annie warned her slightly as Jade left the medical ward.

"Do you know where he is?” Jade said stopping in her tracks, not bothering to turn around. Annie spoke with her back facing Jade, tending to a patient.

"Well the last I heard he went to speak to Vicious. Vicious wants to talk to you about the recent events, and Julia's injury." Without another word said between the women, Jade left to see Vicious.

Walking through the halls gave time for Jade to wonder of her punishment. She speculated on weather he would punish physically or mentally, but concluded it would most likely be both. All thoughts stopped as she came to the familiar oak doors she loathed with all her heart.

Strangely one of the doors was cracked open, not enough to see anything but to hear his conversation. Usually, she wouldn't normally eavesdrop but the sounds of Spike and Vicious made her curious.

"What brought on this sudden change?" Jade instantly recognized the deep malicious tone belonging to Vicious. Her body went stiff at the comment Spike made.

"I want out Vicious. There's this girl...for once in my life I want to live, not for me but for her."

Vicious chuckled lightly at his friend’s comment.

"Spike Spiegel, brought out of the syndicate over a girl. She must be something. You know no one leaves the syndicate without leaving something behind."

Jade closed her eyes in sympathy for her friend, knowing the girl he was leaving for. She sat down by the door and continued to listen further.

"That’s why I want to know you have my back, let me go peacefully as your friend. This way I won’t have to kill anyone." Spike's tone didn't hold a hint of persuasion what so ever. Jade knew he would leave weather he got permission from Vicious or not.

"I'm not making any promises. Just make sure she’s worth it." Vicious said in a slight sorrowful tone, it never really was like him to be sentimental.

Hearing steps coming toward her caused Jade to rise from her sitting position. Spike exited barely noticing Jade, surprising her when she heard his voice.

"How's your arm?" Caught off guard at his comment, Jade mumbled a small fine and walked into Vicious' office.

Jade sat in the familiar chair across from Vicious. He was focused on the paperwork in his hands, barely giving her a glance.

"You are an assassin, in charge of the life of one person. How were you so careless she became injured?" Jade rolled her eyes caring little for her boss' anger.

"She's alive isn't she? It was only a small skim on her leg. Bullets were flying everywhere, it’s nearly impossible to ensure complete safety." Jade became slightly nervous when Vicious stood.

"It's your job to protect her, even if it’s with your own life!" Vicious rarely yelled at her, and when it did happen he was serious.

For once Jade swallowed her pride, clenching her hands while doing so.

"My apologies sir, it will never happen again." Vicious smirked devilishly at Jade's passiveness.

"This must be eating you alive. You must have something more important to do for you to submit so quickly."

Vicious rose and walked to Jade, not stopping until he stood right behind her sitting form. Vicious leaned over speaking softly into her ear.

"I prefer it better if you're feisty, it’s more fun and frankly it gets me excited. This time I'll let you off with no punishment, since you’re no fun. Don't get used to it." His breath tickled her neck, giving her the urge to throw up. Not wanting to say another thing to the repulsive man, she left his office.

After changing into some casual clothes, Jade headed out to a local blues bar. Her all black attire went well with her dark gray leather jacket. She kept her dark red locks loose, covering her face lightly as if trying to hide her identity.

The place was dimly lit by blue lights, which gave a sense of privacy. Live music was played and a woman sang of loss and love. Jade went straight to the bar wanting to forget her problems at the moment.

She slouched slightly on the stool, tightly gripping the rum and coke in her hands. Jade quickly drank the liquid, her body flinching while doing so.

"What are you doing? You hate the taste of rum, and you always say it brings out the worst in people." Spike said while ordering himself a drink.

Jade smirked at seeing the person she wanted to forget or at least hoped to. She didn't bother looking at him, knowing if she did so she would try to convince him to stay. His presence only made her stiff body rigid and awkward.

Her body shifted slightly showing how uncomfortable she really was. Spike took the hint and started the conversation.

"How are you feeling?" He said lightly touching her wound. Jade's was cold and slightly forced as she spoke.

"Same as the last time you asked me."

Spike took a quick shot and ordered another.

"You heard Vicious and I talking?" He said more like a statement than a question. Spike was only answered with a nod from his old trainee. Before taking another sip he spoke to her in a low voice.

"At least you can be nice to me before I leave. You know, really cherish the moment." He sarcastically said making Jade laugh lightly.

Jade sighed deeply knowing she would have to explain her actions.

"You're leaving. It’s know it’s not even important." Jade rose to leave only have Spike grab her forearm. Angry at his forcefulness, she pulled herself from his grasp and walked out of the club.

Jade's body shook with uncontrollable anger, more so at herself for being a coward. She was highly known for speaking her mind, yet with Spike it was different. She couldn't keep her emotions in check, which annoyed her further.

Arriving in her room, with a low grunt she collapsed on the bed. She dug her face deeply in the pillow to muffle her aggravated screams. Jade turned to get a breath of fresh air, only to see Spike sitting in the chair beside her. She would have killed to be anywhere else by now, but the fates weren't so kind.

"Why is everyone always in my room? I just want to be alone right now. Please leave." Her words were barely above a whisper making Spike strain to hear. He made no reaction to her words causing more irritation for the young woman.

"Leave me alone!" No movement came from the man like before only his words pierced her ears.

"Don't act like this Jade. What? Is it because I'm leaving with Julia, and not you? Do you really want me to stay?" His words were careless yet were contradicted by his tone.

Tension and silence hung in the air, making the occupants uneasy. Jade didn't want to speak to anyone at the moment, especially Spike. She rose from her bed and stood above him. Jade had had enough of this nonsense and she would make it known.

"I want you out! I don't need to explain a damn thing, now GET OUT!" Jade pointed to the door, causing Spike to rise, both standing less than three inches apart. They could feel the other's heat, as well as their emotions radiate off one another.

"Jade..." His warning tone was only greeted by her challenging figure, standing sternly against his body. Spike shifted slightly so that his back faced the exit, giving them enough standing room.

Jade could no longer control the anger inside her. She tightly held her fists at her sides hard enough to pierce the skin, causing small droplets of blood to trickle down her hand.

With all the strength she held within her, Jade pounded his chest with her fists. The only words that escaped her lips were "GET OUT!" No matter how hard she tried, Spike refused to budge. After what seemed like forever Jade's pounding stopped, leaving her fists to rest on his chest.

She struggled to catch her breath, as she whispered soft words into his left ear.

"It’s not fair." Spike knew what she meant but Jade explained it regardless.

"I've been dragged into this lifestyle, yet you can easily leave. You get to do what I've been dreaming of most of my life. I'm being left behind. What really gets me mad is that I…can't go with you."

Spike spoke softly in response to her story. "I know...I'm sorry"

There were few times where Jade and Spike were affectionate. They both hugged each other tightly, knowing this would be the last time they would get a chance. The hug was filled with passion, longing, as well as sorrow.

As Spike left Jade's room, her last words ran through his head over and over.

"Go move on and have a family. I don't want you to remember this place or me. Forget your horrible memories of death and destruction. As far as we are concerned this is all a nightmare, and you're finally waking up..."

A/N: Hope you liked that chapter. Don’t really have much to say about it. Tell us what you think. Please review!! No flames, but constructive criticism is welcomed.